Pete Peterson - Project Camelot

Laura said:
Elizabeth said:
I learned after the Peterson interview that the "rat fish" oil he refers to is Skate Liver Oil. I was able to find it at

Doesn't look much different from cod liver oil.

I think he told that this oil is a strong bacteria killer and it could be used in swimming pools intead of the toxic chlorine that kills people.
and he also said when you put a drop on let's say a stone outside, the drop would not evaporate for a very long period of time (I think 100 years).
Yup, found the following at "Ashtar Command" not sure I`m buying it, but if anyone tries this stuff let us know the results ok.

"The natural aging process also contributes to this calcification process of the pineal gland, to the point where a white dot can be observed when a brain scan is performed on a patient.

Recently, new information has come to light that a few new products are available that can assist in decalcifying the pineal gland and can actually reverse this process. Author, speaker and mystic, David Wilcock, for one, has researched the pineal gland extensively and he has uncovered some important new information regarding substances that can unlock the calcification process.

Speaking with a Dr. Pete Peterson, a government insider and whistleblower in an interview with Project Camelot, he revealed that oil from the rat fish, or skate fish species prevents both tooth decay and can also work to decalcifiy the pineal gland, mainly due to a substance called, "Activator X."

Upon further investigation, David Wilcock revealed he had uncovered a product that he personally tested and recommends. It is called skate liver oil and is available in a product called, BLUE ICE™ Fermented Skate Liver Oil Non- Gelatin Capsules (capsules) that contain the Activatior X substance."

Meager1 said:
Yup, found the following at "Ashtar Command" not sure I`m buying it, but if anyone tries this stuff let us know the results ok.

I don't know anything concrete about rat fish oil yet, but with Pete Peterson, David Wilcock, and Ashtar Command as references... I guess I will remain skeptical until I see evidence otherwise.
Laura said:
Elizabeth said:
I learned after the Peterson interview that the "rat fish" oil he refers to is Skate Liver Oil. I was able to find it at

Doesn't look much different from cod liver oil.

I think you're right - not much different from CLO. I tried a bottle of skate oil (caps) from greenpastures and I still use the fermented CLO. The "Activator X" referred to by Meager1 sounds much like Weston Prices XFactor that he claimed was supplied by good butter oil from grass-fed cows. The claim is that taking butter oil with the CLO adds much to the positive health benefits (as observed by Price). I think ghee from grass-fed cows will do the same. Greenpastures also sells the butter oil.
Shijing said:
Meager1 said:
Yup, found the following at "Ashtar Command" not sure I`m buying it, but if anyone tries this stuff let us know the results ok.

I don't know anything concrete about rat fish oil yet, but with Pete Peterson, David Wilcock, and Ashtar Command as references... I guess I will remain skeptical until I see evidence otherwise.

This was my thought, too.
Did anyone else catch his comment about meat being toxic to our bodies, steak in particular?

According to Peterson, the adrenalin causes a certain chemical surge to enter the muscle tissues at the moment of death which makes only the 'innerds' safe to eat. He also claims that as the reason why wild animals like lion and tigers etc don't eat the meat of a kill, just the guts so to speak. Whatever!

I enjoy my organically bred steak medium-rare with lots of pepper sauce and cannot say it has done me any harm. Maybe he should mention the effects and chemicals that are put into the rest of the ingredients of , say a hamburger as it is processed. Doesn't seem to mention the chemicals and hormones that are deliberately fed to mass produced meat either.

Basically I thought it was a show and tell on Pete Peterson. How smart, wealthy and influencial he is but no real facts behind any of his claims. On many issues he is secretive and evasive. If he was supposed to blow the whistle on anything, I must have missed it. :rolleyes:

Just my 2c worth on the video 'disclosure',
The interview started out somewhat promising, but quickly became uninteresting for me. My summation is that the interview was mainly about collapse survivalism, with David Wilcock on the side trying to change the subject to good aliens, and interjecting that he thinks we'll go through a period of upheaval and then be OK on the other side, with negativity purged, in a golden age. Same old.
Well, you have to wonder why someone who brags about the fact that they were such an awesome terrorist that they were promoted to anti-terrorist to stay a step ahead of the opposition..and who invented and sold mind control techniques to the highest bidder, ( tape 3 ) would suddenly become a "humanitarian" and seek to help anyone, but themselves?

Or why, they would suddenly change hats and be "assisting" Joe Public, when it might only in fact be a way of helping to further the effects of those "technologies" already sold to highest bidder?

But then, maybe I`m just to suspicious, or paranoid and don`t really understand the "intent" of the guy in question? People can change.. right?
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