PETER BOUDREAU aka “Ken Adachi” of


Padawan Learner
I'm new to the forums here and I'm not looking to offend any one.
I have in recent months recommitted to do the 'work' with my dear friend Fester (his user name in this forum). Through him I became aware of this fine example of intelligent minds coming together with the purpose of helping us grow, proceed, transcend or what ever you choose to call it.
While wandering around the web I found a website called Educate Yourself. Some of the links at the top of the page piqued my interest with my hobby of conspiracy theories and the debunking of them. At the URL _ I came across an article that troubled me greatly. Now please note I font place any stock in the writers words, but I don't know if he is merely ignorant or a form of attack. If he is the former then it's his problem, if he is the later, and he seems to be, I ask you all to be careful, particularly you Laura (if you see this post).
We as a community may and probably are on the radar of some less than reputable persons.

The article in question:
The Dark Side of Laura Knight Jadczyk &

[Editor's Note: This url was sent to me anonymously. I read of Laura Knight Jadczyk and her web site from the articles I posted at from Montalk between 2002 and 2004. I found Montalk's articles both interesting and compelling. They seemed to ring true. Montalk was associated with Laura's group when they lived in Florida and was crediting much of his info from their channelings. A few years ago, I got an e-mail form someone who told me about some very dark things concerning Laura and I started to wonder if all was well in Cassiopeia Land. That may have been the reason I stopped posting Montalk articles at my site. I can't recall exactly, but the info must have been sufficiently convincing that I thought it better not to promo the Laura material. This 2004 article seems to reinforce that view.

Anyone who's getting info through a Ouija. board is a dummy amd shouldn't be trusted. The other behavior outlined here seems to be typical of the cult mentality that often overtakes those who set themselves up as prophets of Dark Things to Come. The Doom & Gloom backdrop is really a big tipoff as far as I'm concerned. I was suckered into buying ZetaTalk and the 2003 Nibiru Death Planet Flyby scenario from 1995 right up to May 2003. It's fairly obvious now that the promotion of Doom & Gloom is a big part of the Illuminati's strategy to keep up locked down in fear. Sorcha Faal, Steve Quayle, the TV evangelists/ Armageddon /End Times crowd, etc-- Doom & Gloomers one and all.

Stewart Swerdlow said in his 2001 talk at the Bohdi Tree in Los Angeles that ALL channeled sources are controlled by the CIA and reptilians. This lady says the same thing. I don't know if that's true, but I do know that I have my discernment antennae mounted higher than ever. You should too...Ken]

By Colleen Johnston <>


Laura Knight Jadczyk - Grand Master Channel of the Cassiopaean Apocalypse

By Colleen Johnston © 2004

Authors note: I am an ex-cult member as well as one of the lead channels for a cult in which I was involved for about eight years. I was not the leader but was in what was called ‘The Triad’ (which was the group leader, another lead channel, and myself) within a similar group and feel fully qualified to speak out about the Cassiopaeans an the channelings of Laura Knight Jadczyk. I left the Council group in 1995 and have continuously researched similar groups. I can attest to the similarities and the betrayal by these group leaders, including the money scams the ‘Cassiopaeans’ and Laura Jadczyk perpetuates. It is similar to the group I was apart of because the ideologies are so similar. Even the catch phrase of ‘Knowledge Protects’ is similar to ‘Knowledge is Power’ that the guru I was involved with used. Because of my extensive knowledge into the trappings one gets into in such groups I see very similar’ revelations’ from the Council verses the Cassiopaeans. If I receive a response from the Jadczyk’s or other irate cult members I will also post them here. It’s time to expose these group leaders for exactly what they are – unscrupulous frauds with potential life threatening psychosis. This particular group is far from being a love and light - airy fairy type of ideology - they pose a real threat to people who are searching for something to explain odd events.~Colleen

The Web Weaved by the Master Channel on the Internet

My personal brush with Laura Knight Jadczyk was in 2001 while doing the radio show Nightsearch that aired on the Internet’s Nightsearch Paranormal Network (NSPN). I refused to have her on the Nightsearch show as a guest contrary to the pre arranged invite by ex-co-host Eddie Middleton. Middleton knowing my personal views and my very vocal stance on abusive cult agendas had the discernment of a rock to invite her on our show. I was angry and refused to propagate this insane woman’s confusing mixed bag of atrocious gloom and doom ideologies.

As far as the radio show that Mr. Middleton interviewed her on - to me it was obvious that she was making up details as she went along. I sat and listened to the whole interview and have it on CD as the Nightsearch Network was coming from my den. I have listened to it several times and can absolutely identify with her mind-controlled head-trip – she is a mirror image of my former guru as far as the paranoia and bad habits go.

I have been investigating her cult (as well as others) for a couple of years, and in very private communication with a few former members. Those members are going to remain anonymous in order to protect their identities. It takes a great deal of courage to come forward and to report such information.

According to her Laura, in 1994, after the Shoemaker-Levy comet slammed into Jupiter, Laura Knight Martin began to channel the Cassiopaeans via a trumped up version of an Ouija Board with fellow board experimenter Fred Ireland. The board used the same type of communication techniques as the original Ouija. In 1996 she divorced the father of her five children Lewis Martin claiming he was a reptilian zombie replacement sent to destroy her ability to evolve on her pathway with the Cassiopaeans.

In 1997 she met and married a man named Arkadiusz Jadczyk who is a theoretical physicist from Poland whom she met over the Internet. He seems to be a legitimate physicist but is enamored with the channelings. Laura and her husband Ark (they married in 1998), lead a few dedicated followers of the cult after the move to France and they all live on a small farm. It is unclear just how many members live on this farm to date.

Repeatedly, Laura has used typical brain washing and mind control tactics over her members with strategies listed below:

* Leadership comes in a pyramidal structure with all information coming from the top leadership (meaning Laura).
* Blends ideologies such as Christian, so called Divine mastering, etc., and other types of spiritualities, including a dangerous pro-apocalyptic agenda.
* Leaders uses hypnosis as a tool to further ‘Cassiopaean’ agenda by removing disembodied spirits from clients. (This was also done in the group I was in)
* Leader uses disaster scenarios via writings to keep and obtain membership.
* Claims exclusiveness of The Cassiopaean Experiment and a ‘you’ll miss the boat’ ideology if you do not become involved.
* Uses personal neediness, charisma to gain income and dedicated followers.
* Uses knowledge that comes from the exclusive channelings from Laura so called communications, as factual and other interpretations of channeled information are either ignored or not valid.
* Uses anger, humiliation on members when they ask questions she cannot answer.
* Uses outright lies to maintain belief structure and manipulates as well as twists what others Members say.
* Uses times-line events but quickly changes ‘channeled’ information to suit the situation as supposed ‘event’ nears.

Reality Roll Call

Former members that wish to remain anonymous, also claim they were scammed out of large sums of money when the Jadczyk’s suddenly uprooted the Perseus Foundation from New Port Richey, Florida and moved it to France leaving many a bewildered cult member feeling emotionally raped by their experience and financially taken advantage of.

The Jadczyk’s raised well over $100,000.00 to $150,000.00 from a bogus raffle to sell their home (AKA the Perseus Foundation) via PayPal then split with the money, leaving an unverified winner unknown to members but close to Laura. According to 2003 documents the home is still up for sale and a former devoted member lives there as caretaker showing the property. Laura is in legal trouble with fraud and embezzlement if she returns to the USA. Many members would sue her if they could get her back here.

As one member told me they began to wake up as soon as prediction dates that came from the Cassiopaean channelings came and went, and began to speculate that Laura was making things up via her channeling board just to keep the paranoia going and the money flowing. Laura was noticeably unable to follow her own set of lies and began to trap herself in them by getting dates confused and changing previous information.

Quantum Schools and Borrowed Tools

I have noted that although Laura is fairly intelligent, a majority of her info is a rip-off from other similar groups. On the Cassiopaean website (which is pretty slick looking) Laura has a newsletter called, ‘Signs of the Times’, filled with apocalyptic ‘what ifs’ which are ominous enough to influence an already depressed society and especially those who have anomalous trauma and are trying to find answers to unusual events. The Cassiopaean web site is full of articles and other threatening messages of the end are near. One of her many scams that she (via the Cassiopaeans) has answers to earthly ailments and needs humanities help via her PayPal donation to continue onward. She has actively solicited funds from her website. BEWARE if a raffle is launched – there are absolutely no winners and the scam has been used before. Below are some of the tools she’s I believe borrowed from others.

* Edgar Cacey – similar ‘sleeping prophet’ channeling ( which in my opinion may have been the ONLY legitimate channel).
* JJ Hurtak – ‘Academy of Future Sciences’ and the Quantum based ‘Academy of Light’ Teachings
* Christian prophecy – the book of Revelation
* Melchezadek Teachings from other gurus and books on the subject
* Edith Fore – spirit attachment and de-possessions (she calls them)

Her Quantum Future School (not unlike JJ Hurtak Academy of Future Sciences School but less technical) is a serious undertaking in which she claims “None of us are going to get out of here alive”. She seriously banks on people who are at the end of their own personal ropes, emotionally bankrupt and are looking for answers.

In the kingdom of cult-dom, leaders prey on the folks who are easily manipulated due to their depression or desperate situations. They give them hope and continue to rape trust from them, often badgering members to give all they have for the cause. The school appears to be nothing more than a pricey message board type set up with a list of rules that govern what can be talked about. On the site she notes that there are prerequisites and conditions for acceptance to the school.

Some of those are:

* A subscription to Casschat – a chatroom discussion headed by Laura or another designated member
* A person must put all their sacred beliefs aside.
* A person must have read all of the wave series and adventures series on Laura’s website
* Suggested (although not a requirement) buying and reading Laura’s books.
* A requirement of a person being monitored by the Admission Committee is a minimum of three months participation in the public Cassiopaea Forum, Casschat..

Rules of Engagement:

1. No insults and vulgar posts (which is reasonable)
2. Open Discussion of sharing the ‘free will’ Cassiopaean information (other discussion off topic or between individual people is discouraged and told to be done in private).
3. Discussion of topics related to the cosmos, sex, angels, demons, good verses evil, etc are posted (IF it follows her ‘Knowledge Protects’ policy and is based on the Cassiopaean Initiatory Teachings.
4. No post on belief systems outside of the Cassiopaean guidelines.
5. Postings are monitored and deleted if objectionable.
6. Disinformation Operatives (people who complain or object to Cassiopaean materials) are warned, then expelled from the school and banned from the list.

Laura also claims on her own website as a precursor to getting involved in her ‘school’ that a choice has to be made now, without question! That statement is enough to call her a dangerous threat to others.

According to an ex-member, Laura uses extreme mind control by plucking out the headlines from the unrest within the world news then 'channels’ disastrous information dealing with worst case scenarios of apocalyptic weather, the September 11,2001 tragedy, terrorism and plays upon the fears and hopes of her followers. This ex-member was chastised for bringing up a valid question in which Laura made an example of her by scorning her in front of others. This is typical of abusive tactics used to control others if they begin to think for themselves.

On her website at, she readily admits that people want to be stupid and deceived and kept from learning the truth. Perhaps this is a Freudian slip and that ‘truth’, depends on the truth of the giver. Laura has clearly (and repeatedly) demonstrated her inability to tell the truth and is mealy-mouthed about her own crooked and disturbing past, filled with child abuse and trauma according to several former members who knew about it. I would also recommend that one search her background too. There are several sites on the Internet which discuss the dangers she poses.

Trail of Lies - A Wake-up Call

In my personal observation and because of living in the midst of a cult in my own past for about eight years, I found her mental instability to be verging on paranoid psychosis; it manifested in a similar way with my past guru whereas people (or an unseen enemy) are out to 'get her' and to destroy her and the group members. She is as large of a threat, as was the Heavens Gate cult led by Marshall Applewhite, or David Koresh’s Branch Davidians and Jim Jones as leader of The Peoples Temple. I seriously believe she has suicidal, self-destructive tendencies, because of several previous attempts at suicide. She might in time – potentially create a fearful scenario for the cult members to join her in ascension by leaving their bodies.

Hopefully one day we’ll not read about the death of the Cassiopaean Experiment members. Her record of mental abuse, monetary infidelity, getting caught up in lies and general discord stand as a testament to just how dangerous she and her ideology can be.

According to some of the ex-cult members, Laura is very high strung, smokes and drinks while ‘channeling’. She then creates very frightful scenarios for her followers. Her website reeks of tales of disaster situations coming in the future. It is almost verbatim of some of the info given via channeling to the group I was involved with in which I have 12 volumes of the channelings BEFORE the entities allowed their true nature to become known.

Laura Jadczyk’s channelings are made up and falsely influenced by what she reads, which, again is exactly what my former guru did. There's a cookie cutter ideology being pushed as well as a pro agenda by these creatures. It’s possible that a dark entity attachment resides within her - who is indeed giving her information to pass on to followers to keep IT empowered.

She has recanted some of her earlier claims and now claims that the information is coming to her from the future Laura. The endless lies just keep getting bigger and the twists in this parody just keep getting more insane. Laura's saga isn’t over – her website is alive and well in France and she is gearing up the illusions of grandeur dealing with the Cassiopaean Experiment once more. Let's all watch what happens!

If you are an ex Cassiopaean follower, please email me below: I am interested in publishing your survival story in an upcoming book. All info will remain confidential as an alias can be substituted.

I also believe that dark alien forces are behind ALL groups who channel without exception. They can and will take over a person to bring about their own sordid agendas. I discuss this in great detail within my book ‘Surviving the Fall: A Journey within the UFO Cult Mindset’ to which in part this website is about. Email me if you'd like the book information.

Colleen Johnston

All rights reserved © MAAR - Malevolent Alien Abduction Research 2004 Disclaimer

ADMIN NOTE: changed subject header to reflect added content.
Re: Another angle of attack? We are not a cult.

Nothing new here to my eyes - this sort of angling has been going on for many years. If people feel compelled to distrust Laura and this site because of the kind of reasoning exemplified in this article, then that is their choice.
The allegations of fraud have been dealt with through attorneys many years ago from what I know, but is still doing the rounds on the net.
If you search the forum on "Vincent Bridges" you will find lots of info around this.
Re: Another angle of attack? We are not a cult.

Thank you Hithere. I will look him up.
I'm sure you can imagine how shocked and troubled I was by this article.
Re: Another angle of attack? We are not a cult.

Hi Infernal

As Hithere says this is nothing new. Ive just joined up to the Fourm and spent a bit of time investigating disinformation about Laura beforehand. It is very important to do your own extensive research and come to your own conclusions.

Why would someone go to so much trouble to discredit Laura and her work?

There lay the answer for me.

Also, after learning about how psychopaths operate it all stacked up.

Start reading! There are some links under Psychology regarding books to read.

Best wishes from French Marigold
Re: Another angle of attack? We are not a cult.

Hi Marigold. I did indeed do my research before joining the forums here. I joined only a few days ago. In that short time I have been utterly thrilled by the comments, replies and enlightened thoughts I have been freely exposed to.
I only felt a need to alert people to the danger our efforts my expose us to as a community. But I'm sure we are strong enough to continue our work.
Re: Another angle of attack? We are not a cult.

Hi Infernal,

I see that you have not yet introduced yourself here on the forum. We suggest that all new forum members tell us a little bit about themselves and how they found the forum in an introduction post in the Newbies section. Nothing personal needs to be said.

If you are unsure of what to write, take a look at other posts there to get an idea.

As others have said, this "cult" schtik is very old. A cult does not want people to think for themselves and makes it rather difficult to leave, and if someone does leave, they hound and torment them. One of the most important things Laura and Ark tell people is to think critically, think for themselves, do research and come to their own conclusions. Also, it is rather obvious that if someone doesn't like this forum, all they have to do is leave it, there is no one pressuring anyone to stay. So these two points are moot.

Have you read any of Laura's material? The Wave series has a whole lot of information in it and Laura pretty much puts herself on the line by telling people all about her and what she's done throughout her journey with the Cs. Plus, a whole lot of research she has done. So read these books, and others Laura has written, and decide for yourself. The only thing that will happen is you will be more knowledgeable about a who lot of subjects.
Re: Ken Adachi of

I searched the forum because I was pretty sure we had a thread about Ken Adachi and and we did, only it was in a private/mods only section. I guess it's time to bring that discussion out of the closet though I will do so only by quoting the informational posts and not by merging the entire exchange.

So, here's the opening post of that thread:

[quote author=RedFox[/quote]


Appears to be mostly a repost of maar's (Colleen Johnson) defamation, there is an email comment below the article from Joe to Ken (the site owner).

I did a quick search of the forum and there are a lot of links to different articles on on many topics (most are active links) I could go through and disable them all.


Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 3046
Costa Mesa, CA 92628

Contact person: Ken Adachi

Calling by telephone-

Voice Mail: (949) 544-1375

So should we give Ken his own section? Interestingly enough, googleing Colleen Johnson brings up the cass cult sites articles at position 2 :P
I added a live link to that section (using Colleen's name) to the post that brought the link up, so google bots may bump it to position 1. :rolleyes:
Re: Ken Adachi of

[quote author=RyanX]

There's a LOT of disinfo on I think it's worthwhile going through and deactivating all links to there.

I remember for awhile they used to promote Montalk and seemed to take an unbiased stance on Laura and her work. Now it looks like Ken has new orders.
Re: Ken Adachi of

[quote author=Laura]
May be same guy:
Re: Ken Adachi of

[quote author=Laura]
United States Leave Feedback | View Feedback (2)
Offer Used, mint hinged, and Mint stamps from U.S. and World Wide.
Want stamps printed between 1840 and present day from: United States, Germany,Japan,Imperial Japan, Russia,Armenia,Azerbaijan,Turkish Empire and Republic,British Empire,China, Manchukuo,Danzig,France,Spain,Italy,Ethiopia, and stamps featuring deer
Remarks If you're interrested in trading with me e-mail me as soon as possible at:
My mailing address is : Aamil Qureshi
P.O. Box 673
Wappingers Falls, N.Y., 12590

Re: Ken Adachi of

[quote author=Guardian]
Geezzz...just a quick search shows this guy is a real piece of work.



Barbara Hartwell

Legal Defense and Research Trust

PO Box 7487

Ocean Park, Maine





Note to the readers from Barbara Hartwell:

This report is lengthy. There are several important reasons for this. Firstly, it covers a lot of ground. I am addressing issues and events which for the most part span a time period from 1999 until the present, March 2005, though some of the events described may precede this timeline.

Secondly, my former website,, went off-line in August 2004. Since that time I have been working on other projects, leaving little time for publishing reports on the Internet. So I've only recently gotten around to addressing some of the political chicanery, skullduggery and criminal activities, which for my purposes (including in this case, my own defense) need to be exposed. For those interested, my new website, Hartwell Archives, will soon be on-line. (See URL above).

But the third and most compelling reason for the length of this report is that it is based on FACTS. I have enumerated many of these facts, often in numbered lists. The report also provides evidence (or directs the readers where to find it) to substantiate some of those facts, along with the testimony of reliable witnesses and trustworthy sources, most of whom are named. Such attention to detail takes up quite a bit of space. But the facts speak for themselves.

In my usual style (as those familiar with my writings will know) I've also used subject headings in BOLD ITALIC CAPS in the hope of making it easier for the readers to identify the various topics under discussion.

And although I often use sarcasm and humor to make my case, it will become clear that the subject matter and the characters featured here lend themselves to just such an approach. There are some very strange and whacked-out people in this world, involved in some very bizarre activities and operations. What is even stranger, most of them seem to be working for the U.S. Government !... as law enforcement personnel, intelligence operatives or, as some featured in this report, their stooges, dupes and minions.

Nonetheless, I'm sure that the more discerning readers won't let the satirical nature of my writing style overshadow the fact that that I am as serious as deadly sin (of which there is much elaborated on herein) about what is being reported here; as well as in my dedication to putting as many of these crooks and scamsters as possible out of business, once and for all.

All persons named in this report are referred to by their actual names and bear as precise a resemblance as I am capable of describing, to themselves. No names have been changed to cover up for the guilty, nor even to protect the innocent. This report is not about protection. It is about justice.


For those who enjoy "educating" themselves --at least about the latest escapades and schemes of some of the sleaziest con men, whackjobs and liars on the planet-- here's some exciting news!

Congratulations are in order to Ken Adachi, crackpot and willing stooge for the New World Order, who serves as PR man and apologist for ex-FBI agent and COINTELPRO Head Honcho Ted L. Gunderson and his entourage of dupes and flunkies. The ever-enterprising Mr. Adachi has now expanded his disinformation data base and shown himself to be quite the talent scout.

Apparently, Gunderson's handlers (the Dark Overlords who control Adachi through Gunderson) have become so desperate to discredit Barbara Hartwell (whom Adachi has been running his malicious smear campaign against since 2001) that he is now scraping the bottom of the barrel and has dredged up two (2) fabulous new "talents" to promote on his government-sponsored disinfo site, which he calls "Educate Yourself". (Better known among legitimate professionals as Indoctrinate Yourself.)

What's more, it's a real plus that Adachi's splendid new recruits have no need of indoctrination: They're already working 'round the clock to harass Barbara Hartwell, against whom they are each running their own malicious libel campaigns, just chock-full of outrageous lies. (How's that for a coincidence?)

Yes indeed, Adachi has gone slumming. If you thought Patriot Spy Ted Gunderson was bad news (or perhaps becoming an increasing liability where credibility is concerned) well, just take a look (though you might not want to look too long) at what Adachi has scraped from the bottom of the trash bin: Todd Brendan Fahey, "Friend of Liberty" and false "conservative patriot"; and cross-dressing conspiracy kook Tim White. (I do hope Adachi was wearing rubber gloves, or he'll surely contract one of those dreadful diseases.)


As will become quite clear as you read on, Adachi's new compatriots and partners-in-slime, Fahey and White, have much in common. Both are foul-mouthed users and promoters of pornography. Both have a long history of arrests on drug and/or alcohol related charges. Both are delusional wanna-bes who fancy themselves "players" among the International Intelligence/Law Enforcement Community and attendant Conspiracy Crowd. Both are pathological liars. Both engage in criminal stalking and harassment (on foot, in vehicles, by phone and in cyberspace). Both have been known to cook up some very nasty blackmail/extortion schemes. Both make a regular practice of theft of documents and sundry other items. Both labor under the burden of profound psychopathology, including paranoid fantasies (of the clinical sort) and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Both are sniveling little sissies and cowards who couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag if their lives depended on it. Lastly and certainly most relevant for the purposes of this report, both Fahey and White have targeted Barbara Hartwell and associated persons for libel, stalking and various forms of criminal harassment.


Let's start with Adachi's newest find, Todd Brendan Fahey. Drug-addicted boozehound, delusional whackjob and pathological liar who uses, sponsors and promotes pornographic filth, including on his website, Friends of Liberty. (Great choice, Adachi. Your credibility as an "educator" will certainly soar as a result of this judicious new alliance !)

One of Fahey's latest forays into the lurid underworld of his own psychotic fantasies has been to promote outrageous lies about a woman he is clearly obsessed with, namely Barbara Hartwell, claiming (among many other lies) a non-existent (except in his sick fantasies) sexual conquest, after his sleazy advances were repelled and he was thrown out of my home for drunk and disorderly conduct, when police answered a 911 call on July 4, 2004, to remove Fahey from my property.

And as several of my associates and legal advocates can testify (and eventually will, in a court of law) they have collected reams of evidence against Fahey, in the form of documentation:

Fahey's dissemination of libelous pornographic filth targeting Hartwell, all over the World Wide Web. A practice he has continued unabated from July 2004, right to the present time, March 2005. Since I have an absolute loathing of pornography in any form, I have refused to subject myself to seeing Fahey's filthy lies in print and refuse to read any such libelous postings myself. But they won't be lost, they are being collected as evidence by friends who've agreed to do so on my behalf.

I learned, much to my horror, that Fahey in fact had a history of promoting pornography on several websites, including Friends of Liberty. I personally had not seen such material, but then I wouldn't have been looking for it.

When I first heard of this abomination, back in May 2004 (roughly one month before the lying lunatic Fahey arrived at my home) I didn't want to believe it. Neither did my best friend and professional colleaugue ex-FBI agent Geral Sosbee, who also serves as a witness in certain aspects of my case against Fahey.

After a brief discussion, back in May 2004, Geral and I dismissed the warnings about pornographic content on Fahey's site, FoL, because at that time neither of us knew the REAL Todd Fahey. We were biased in his favor, as we still believed him to be credible, one of the good guys, which is why we both tried to help him when he got himself into deep trouble in several countries in Southeast Asia. First he was fired from his job at a university and was thrown out of South Korea; he only avoided official deportation by blackmailing a school official (about a sex scandal, naturally). And which he actually boasted about in a post on his site, FoL.

Finally, he was deported from Thailand in June 2004 after several arrests connected to drunken bar brawls, in all of which Fahey got his sorry ass kicked. Not surprising, since Fahey's idea of "self defense" is provoking a fight by throwing scalding coffee in someone's face, if he deems he has been verbally insulted. Typical coward's way, before the other guy even touches him or draws first blood.

My friend Geral also has a loathing of pornography, one of our many commonalities. And had I known then what I know now --that Todd Fahey is a porno-monger-- he would never have been allowed to set foot in my Christian home.

But, as the old saying goes, the devil's in the details. Here is an e-mail sent to me by Geral Sosbee, describing the notice he received on May 10, 2004, by a filter system, when he tried to access Fahey's Web site, Friends of Liberty:

"I am in the public library at Harlingen, Texas, where the site Friends of Liberty is blocked by Lightspeed Filter Systems for porno content. Geral"

No, at the time we really did not want to believe it. But as we later learned, there was indeed pornographic content on Fahey's site, Friends of Liberty. The filter system did not lie. But the same cannot be said for Todd Fahey. He lies...and lies..and lies...

Furthermore, in his massive dissemination of his false and libelous claims, bearing false witness against Barbara Hartwell, Fahey has contradicted himself on numerous occasions and continues to do so. It seems he just can't keep the various lies straight. I suppose it would be tough, especially given his penchant for living in a perpetual drunken and drug-induced stupor. And given those alcoholic blackouts (some of which I and my family witnessed ourselves) how could he possibly keep track of the various fabrications he promotes ?

Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing! So I guess I should just let Fahey speak for himself...and hang himself with his own lies. Same goes for his fellow crackpot and new comrade-in-arms in the war against Barbara Hartwell and associates, Ken Adachi.


Here is an e-mail exchange between Todd Fahey and Ken Adachi, posted on Adachi's site, Educate Yourself, in August 2004. The discussion begins with Fahey and Adachi celebrating the demise of, which went off-line at that time. And, as usual, engaging in false speculations as to the reasons my site was taken down. The discussion moves on to the typical public dissemination of lies about Barbara Hartwell.

[My comments, including those refuting the lies of Fahey and Adachi, are interspersed in the body of text, in brackets, preceded by my initials, BH.]

----- Original Message -----
From: Todd Fahey
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 8:28 PM
Subject: Wither ?

Wither ?

Blabs Hartwell's Web site is no more. Dunno the details, but am happy about this, as she resorted to sending YOUR (persons' names deleted) PERSONAL MAIL to her on her site. Which was an unscrupulous thing to do.
She's broke, desperate, given to the alcohol jones, and living in a house that is not owned by her, but by a "friend," who is a Bircher. She paid out $800 during my stay at her house to have one of her (5) five cats examined (it had drank anti-freeze, somewhere in the town, and the summer-renters of the house where B. Hartwell lives tracked her down, to tell her that they'd found her cat deeply sick, under their trailer). So, Blabs is broke, and maybe she can't afford to manage her own Web site.

I DOUBT this is the case, though, as the hosting service which held her stuff online is also, now, defunct (OFFLINE).


[BH: Yes, I certainly do have some comments. Factual comments, that is.

1) I have NOT ( never, at any time) received any "PERSONAL MAIL" from Ken Adachi. Nary a one. It is not possible to "post" something one has not received. Nor have I posted, at any time, "personal" e-mail from any of Adachi's cohorts. That also would be impossible, since I am not in contact with any of them, by e-mail or otherwise. If Fahey's alcohol-soaked brain were capable of more than just the minimal cognitive functions, he might realize that it was Adachi HIMSELF who posted the "personal mail".

2) What I actually posted on my site was not "personal mail" from Adachi (or anyone else) but rather an article refuting the latest lies about Barbara Hartwell --which Adachi had published on HIS site and exposing (once again) some of his fellow charlatans, Ted Gunderson, Pam Schuffert and Tim White for the liars they are.

And Fahey is the one guilty of being "unscrupulous" by making a regular practice of publishing personal (private) e-mail, NOT Barbara Hartwell. In fact, Fahey goes one better: He FORGES "private" e-mail (purported to be from various individuals). He cuts and pastes the time stamps and e-mail addresses, then publishes these bogus messages on various sites. Can't get any more unscrupulous than that.

3) My home is NOT (nor ever has been) "owned by a Bircher" (a member of the John Birch Society). My home belongs to me. Furthermore, I had never told Fahey any such thing. Like his numerous other lies, he either was deluded into this belief or, more likely, simply made it up.

4) I do NOT have (nor ever had) the "alcohol jones" Fahey refers to. Nor do I have any history of alcoholism. I have never been arrested on an alcohol-related charge. I have never been a patient in any alcohol rehab facility. As my friends and family (those who actually know me) can attest, I am a moderate user of alcohol who drinks wine (not the cheap rot-gut favored by Fahey) at the cocktail hour and with dinner. Unless it's a special occasion, I rarely have a glass before 18:00 hrs (5:00 PM). But then, Fahey has a habit of projecting all his own worst character flaws, delusions and nasty habits onto others, in this case Barbara Hartwell.

Fahey himself is a degenerate alcoholic who was forced, while still in his teens, to spend time in an outpatient rehab facility at his parents' insistence. I was told this, not only by Todd Fahey (as one of his many bitter grievances against his parents) but also by his mother, Darlene Fahey, with whom I had several phone conversations and e-mail exchanges, both before and after Fahey did his stint of freeloading and wreaking alcohol-induced havoc in my home. Fahey, in fact, has a long history of alcoholism (and related arrests) going back over twenty (20) years.

But as always, evidence speaks for itself.

Here is a letter from Todd Fahey's parents. I have removed the e-mail address, out of respect for their privacy. (Unlike Todd Fahey, I DO respect the privacy of others.) I believe them to be decent people and they don't deserve any more trouble caused for them, due to the unconscionable behavior of their son. I'm certain he has already caused them quite enough heartache and grief (as well as money, paying the freight every time he gets himself in trouble.)

Had Todd Fahey not spewed out so many lies and forced me to use it in my own defense, I would not have published this letter at all. But it does speak volumes and it does reveal the truth about Todd Fahey, and from the testimony of his own family, who know him and his history of alcohol-induced debacles far better than I ever will (or would want to).


Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2004 1:13 PM

Subject: Re:


Dan and I truly appreciate the assistance you offered to Todd and are very sorry he was a burden to you. Thank you for all you tried to do.

We understand he is in a mental hospital or a half-way house, not quite sure which and that he underwent a psych analysis but are not certain that it was very thorough. We do want to repay you for your inconvenience and the things you did for him. I know you do not have a bank account but would like to send you a cashier's check to help pay for the time he was there.

We do not know what will become of Todd. He has failed to make the best of some good opportunities and until he decides he wants to turn his life around, there is very little else anyone do for him. Best wishes and thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Please let us know what we can do to return the favor you extended to Todd.

Darlene and Dan


While at my home, Todd Fahey drank literally every last drop of alcohol to be found, raiding my kitchen shelves for bottles which had been sitting there since the previous Christmas (2003) brought by guests for the holidays. Since I rarely drink hard liquor, the bottles had sat there on the top shelf for months, gathering dust.

After I and my family refused to provide him with any more cheap red wine (of which he drank two bottles at a time on a daily basis) Fahey availed himself of the dusty bottles (rum, vodka, gin) and emptied them, one by one, all in the same afternoon! This was on July 4, 2004, before he was finally hauled off by the Old Orchard Beach Police.


Oh yes, I forgot. Fahey lied to the police too, spinning his usual tall tales. He even argued with the police when they told him he had to leave the property, by insisting that he could NOT be "legally" thrown out because my home was (according to Fahey's drunken ranting) "owned not by Barbara Hartwell but rather by a man named Jack Knowles". I never heard of "Jack Knowles" (if in fact he exists.) But I can assure anyone reading this that such a person does NOT own my home.

Furthermore, no matter who the legal owner (the person holding the property deed) of any home is, the legal resident holds all legal rights to a domicile and surrounding property. The police were well aware of this, despite Fahey's ploy to claim he had "legal rights" in someone else's home (mine) even after he had been told to leave, but refused to do so of his own volition.

And lastly, any business (legal or otherwise) connected to my home is NONE OF FAHEY'S BUSINESS. Nor anyone else's for that matter. Never was, never will be. Why he persists with this particular lie about the ownership of my home by a "member of the JBS" is beyond my comprehension. He has posted this lie many times and continues to do so. In any case, who does he think could possibly care ? What is this whackjob really trying to prove ?


5) My website was taken off-line by my decision and for my own reasons, which again, are none of Fahey's business. Nor Adachi's for that matter. But as will become clear, their idiotic speculations, respectively, have absolutely no basis in fact. (For more erroneous conjecture about Barbara Hartwell's website, including by Tim White, see the end of this report.)

And the server for my former website has NOT gone "OFF-LINE". It is NOT "defunct". The server (which happens to be in Canada) is still right there, where it has been for years. But aside from his primary modus operandi, fabricating lies, it's likely Fahey was just too soused to find it.


6) My cat, whose name was Hercules, DIED of the poisoning from antifreeze he ingested, a fact Fahey conveniently fails to mention. The veterinary bills, including the examination and tests at the emergency clinic, the euthanasia and the cremation, came to a total of $700.00, which, as I told Fahey, happened to be the last money I had. NOT $800.00, as Fahey claims, for a cat who was merely "deeply sick" (whatever he means by that.)

In any case, his "concern" only extended to the loss of money (mine, not his) and the effect on himself, not to the death of my beloved pet, Hercules. As Fahey made very clear, he doesn't like cats. After all, he couldn't spend them; couldn't drink them; couldn't exploit them. They served no purpose in Fahey's world of hedonistic, self-centered material gratification.

Fahey has quite a habit of pulling bogus names, dates and numerical figures out of thin air. Since he doesn't know the facts, he concocts statements which he presents AS IF they were facts. Same type of scheme being run by Ken Adachi and others of their ilk.

Fahey refers to Hercules as "it" (instead of "he") typical of someone with an intense dislike for animals and who has no respect or concern for life in any form (except perhaps for his fellow maggots). But from what I've witnessed firsthand, and based on my observations of his depraved lunacy, Fahey himself could more appropriately be referred to as "it".

I considered Hercules a member of my family. He was also a beloved friend, something I can't say for Fahey. And the surviving cats were very happy to be rid of Fahey, as they didn't like him at all. They often hissed at him and hid under the tables when he entered a room. Can't say I blame them. So in celebration of Fahey's departure we broke out the catnip, put on some of my favorite R&B gospel music (which Fahey also hated) and had ourselves a party !


But, before I forget to mention it, here's an idea that just might help anyone reading Fahey's long chain of ever-proliferating lies: Just insert the word NOT!...after any claim made by Fahey. That would seem the best way of arriving at the truth.

As one poster put it, addressing some of the lies being promoted by Fahey (about a different topic) on a site called Liberty Post:

"Since you're wrong about everything - including "the whereabouts of Barbara Hartwell" - I doubt your opinion counts for anything. I should imagine, the only reason you weren't deported from Korea was that no one wanted you back in America. "

Amen and amen! Good call. That's right, according to one of the many "facts" Fahey claimed to "know" Barbara Hartwell had lost her home (owned by a JBS member) in Maine (he got the name of the town wrong, too) and had "relocated to Brownsville Texas to share an apartment with one Geral Sosbee."...NOT!

It certainly warms my heart to know that there are plenty of discerning people out there who see Todd Fahey for the liar and degenerate whackjob he really is. It appears that Fahey has now been banned from Liberty Post, as well. For his continuing libelous obscenities, what else ? Though, as usual, he has accused yet another moderator of "censorship".]


----- Original Message -----
From: Todd Fahey
To: Editor
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 3:45 AM
Subject: Re: Wither ?


I'll "share notes" with you (regarding Barbara Hartwell), if you'll reciprocate.

I lived with the lady and know a LOT about her.


[BH: Fahey's "notes" which he has volunteered to "share" with Ken Adachi, have one very serious defect:

They are all lies.

Lies fabricated by Fahey for the purpose of getting his revenge on Barbara Hartwell for rejecting his "romantic" and sexual advances; throwing him out of my home and exposing him (in a pre-emptive strike, in my own defense) for the lunatic and liar he is.

As for the "LOT" Fahey claims to "know", I can guarantee that NONE of it bears any resemblance to the truth, nor to reality. As Fahey has proven by his many lies, which have already been refuted by a number of credible witnesses, he knows JACK (and I don't mean the dubious character "Jack Knowles". ) It's high time for Fahey to get over his obsession with Barbara Hartwell and move on. Pick another target, one with DUMB -jezebel- or WILLING VICTIM stenciled on her forehead.]


From: Editor
To: Todd Fahey
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: Wither ?

Hi Todd,

Sure. I haven't lived with her (Praise the Lord), but I have lots of her stuff gathered over the years from the internet.

What did you want to cover about her?

Regards, Ken

[BH: Well, one accurate statement, among many of his usual falsehoods: Adachi has NOT lived with me. Nor has he ever met me. Nor does he know me. Nor does he know anything about me, my background or my professional credentials, at least nothing that is real or true...Nor about any other area of my life or personal history. Which makes it all the more dreadfully presumptuous, intrusive and unscrupulous for him to make and publish his many false claims, what he THINKS he knows about Barbara Hartwell.

And I must wonder at hearing Adachi "Praising the Lord" since he is anything but a Christian. In fact, he hangs out with a gaggle of loud-mouthed bogus "Christians", individuals such as Pam Schuffert, Ted Gunderson and Tim White (all of whom are featured on his site) each and every one of whom has made a mission of bearing false witness, especially about their primary target, Barbara Hartwell. Frankly, I can't imagine a more ungodly group of people.]

From: Todd Fahey
To: Editor
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 12:22 AM
Subject: Re: Wither ?

Howdy, Ken,

Well, she sure as hell brought up your name a lot, during my 18-day stay at the house that's been loaned to her by a member of the John Birch Society (she doesn't own the house in Maine). Sez you're CIA (but, then, she says almost everyone is CIA, doesn't she?).

She didn't really describe you, physically, but, to the best of my memory, I think she said that you and she met once or possibly several times.

She was filled with venom about you, for some reason. (Not that that would be any surprise to you).

Am swamped at-present (will be free tomorrow), with teaching duties in South Korea (yes, I made it out of that mad-hatter's house and out of Amerika). Will correspond very soon, regarding my ideas about Blabs.


P.S.: Any new news about the state of her Web site? I just know it's kaput; haven't inquired as to its status, or of the Webmaster of ISP.


[BH: Once again, I'll number my comments, the easier to refute Fahey's numerous lies.

1) Fahey arrived at my home on the afternoon of June 14, 2004. He was thrown out on the afternoon of July 4, 2004. So, let us count the days...that makes twenty (20) days in all, nearly THREE (3) WEEKS. NOT EIGHTEEN (18) DAYS, as Fahey claims. He returned to stalk me on July 6 and was removed once again by the police. Which make the total of days in which Fahey was still lurking around my home and harassing me TWENTY- TWO (22) days in all.

But Fahey's various claims regarding the length of his stay; as well as the dates of his arrival and departure, as usual, contradict themselves. In one post on a site called Liberty Forum (posted in July, 2004) Fahey insisted that he had been at my home ONLY THIRTEEN (13) days, NOT the three weeks he was actually here, as correctly stated in my first article, Report on Todd Brendan Fahey. NOT the "18 days" he later claims in his e-mail to Adachi.

He also repeatedly claimed that he had NOT been thrown out on July 4. Several of my neighbors, who witnessed the drunken scene Fahey made in the backyard and in the street, on the afternoon of July 4, Independence Day, have a different story to tell. The TRUE story, that is. So do two of my relatives and, let us not forget the police --who hauled the drunken lunatic Fahey away in their cruiser.

What's more, I have all the evidence to substantiate the facts and the truth. I have witnesses (including my family members and the police). I have copies of the police reports, dated July 4 and July 6. I have a letter from the Police Chief of Old Orchard Beach, and from one of the detectives who investigated Fahey's criminal harassment by phone and stalking (on July 6) after he was ejected on July 4. And I have the original receipts for Fahey's plane flight, hotel room in New York City, and AMTRAK train ticket (which he left scattered around my house) all of which confirm the ACTUAL date of his arrival, June 14, 2004.

Fahey is lying, as usual. But since his intent is to deceive everyone willing to listen, it would certainly behoove him to at least get his own LIES straight and be consistent in those lies, because contradicting himself in his various lies does nothing to enhance his credibility. Add to this the fact that Fahey lacks ANY evidence; has NO witnesses for his many false claims. Thus, he has no way of corroborating his claims or establishing them as factual. That is because, of course, they are NOT.


2) I never "brought up" Ken Adachi's name. I merely (on one occasion) showed Fahey a copy of my article in response to Adachi's latest libelous tirade against Barbara Hartwell, which was written while Fahey was at my home. (And I should add, at one of the rare moments when I had access to my own computer, which Fahey had comandeered for his own use, and which he tampered with, causing it to go haywire.)

When Fahey asked, Who is Ken Adachi ? I replied that he is "just a little stooge" for Ted Gunderson et al. That was the end of the conversation. Finis. I don't make a practice of wasting my time talking about crackpots like Adachi.

Anything I have to say is put into a public report (like this one) for the purpose of refuting Adachi's many lies with the truth and the facts. And considering that Adachi makes a regular practice of writing and publishing libelous articles --as well as e-mail messages from his cohorts and readers of his site, about Barbara Hartwell, my occasional reports refuting the lies are vastly outnumbered. Who could find the time? Or for that matter, want to waste the time addressing each and every lie, in each and every libelous commentary ? I'm only one person, but there are many (too many) Adachis out there. So it is my policy to just ignore most of Adachi's attacks, wait awhile (sometimes months or even years) and strike back in one comprehensive fact-filled report. Just like this one.

For Fahey to claim that I said Adachi is "CIA", only shows his profound ignorance (as well as his penchant for lying under any and all circumstances). Adachi himself should know that I have never labeled him CIA, though I am sure he was eager to believe anything and everything said by Fahey, especially if he thought it would enhance his status among the government disinfo crowd (all of whom are CIA wannabe-bes, though they pretend to despise the Agency) he hangs with.

I challenge anyone to go through anything I've ever written about Adachi. NEVER ONCE have I claimed Ken Adachi to be CIA. That notion is as ludicrous as saying that Todd Fahey is CIA. Though I'll admit that few CIA operatives, among the many I've known, happen to be the sharpest tools in the shed, nonetheless Fahey and Adachi are both too stupid (and delusional) by far to be CIA material, under any set of criteria.

True, recruitment standards have plummeted over the years but still, neither of these clowns could come even close in making the cut. Which, I might add, could easily explain why these CIA wanna-bes (and others like them, such as Tim White and Brenda Negri) are being exploited by others with bona fide intelligence backgrounds. Also the reason they are green with envy of anyone who actually DID work for CIA. The malice they hold in their hearts comes out in the form of their vicious and libelous attacks against Barbara Hartwell, always, always insisting that "Hartwell is CIA!"

And though I'm very tired of saying it, I'll say it again for the record:

I do NOT work for CIA. I do NOT take pride in having worked for them. Nor am I ashamed of it, since I had little choice in the matter, as a child, coming from a multi-generational Military Intel/OSS/CIA family; and since I got out by fighting my way out and have suffered the consequences ever since --being harassed and persecuted by anyone and everyone who has something to lose if I expose what I know.

In fact, I left the Criminally Insane Agency in the dust, OVER TEN (10) YEARS AGO. I have never gone back. I have refused all bribes to go back. I have refused all pay-offs in the form of hush money to keep silent about what I know. I am not "under mind control" by CIA. Any programming by them is long gone, thanks to the Grace of God. (Divine Intervention is something these folks obviously don't believe in. Why would they ? They're on the wrong side, being used as tools of the devil.)

This gaggle of government dupes (including Adachi) hate me, seemingly only because I DID work for CIA at one time, and survived to expose their black ops, something none of them has ever done, nor could have done. They did not (and still don't) have direct access to any such information. The only "information" they have access to is DISINFORMATION, that being furnished by disinfo agents like Ted Gunderson.

3) Furthermore, regarding Fahey's claim that "she says almost everyone is CIA"....NOT!

For anyone who'd like evidence of that, just go to the archives on my site (or anywhere else my work is published) and check it out for yourself. Rarely have I claimed that individuals are CIA. As for the names I have given as being CIA, as always, I have evidence to substantiate these claims.

And just for good measure, I should add that labeling someone as an "operative", which I have occasionally done(but never in reference to Adachi) does NOT mean they are necessarily CIA. Operatives could be working for any number of organizations, governmental or non-governmental. But then, Fahey and Adachi just love to engage in erroneous conjecture --pole-vaulting to unsubstantiated conclusions, or twisting information to misrepresent the facts-- that is, anything they believe they can use to further their libel campaigns against Barbara Hartwell and other legitimate persons whom they believe threaten their agenda and that of those exploiting and controlling them. They're a pair of loud-mouthed dupes, little more.


Fahey and Adachi are missing a few vital components in their attempts to discredit Barbara Hartwell: Firstly, they don't bother furnishing evidence. Not surprising, since THERE IS NONE for any of their libelous allegations. Nor do they concern themselves with facts. It's much more convenient for them to just fabricate some lies and flood the market, hoping the readers will believe these lies, that is, if they are repeated often enough. It's a typical disinformation strategy, though I must say, in their amateurish mode, neither of them are any good at it. I guess they can only rely on the ignorance and naivete of most of their reading audience, and hope for the best.


"No man has a good enough memory to make a successful liar." That's Abraham Lincoln's take on it and I couldn't agree more.

4) Fahey's "memory" even at it's "best" leaves much to be desired. In fact, I have never had the displeasure of meeting Ken Adachi. Nor did I ever tell Fahey I had met him.

Furthermore, I don't have any idea what Adachi looks like, nor had I given it any thought. Though, now that I think of it, I might imagine him as a sort of Japanese version of Toad Bogus Faggy (a description which speaks for itself) who tries to make up for his lack of integrity, brains, guts and muscle with pseudo-intellectual drivel and macho bravado).

Nor, considering the fact that I have never seen Adachi, did I ever give any "description" of him to his-fellow liar, Toad Faggy. As always, Fahey fabricates whatever he thinks will fly, on the spur of the moment, in hopes of deceiving anyone he thinks he can exploit to further his own unscrupulous ends.

In this case, trashing Barbara Hartwell, and trying to paint me as a liar by telling his OWN falsehoods to a person of Adachi's ilk, who would (and did; and regularly does) jump at any chance to call Hartwell a liar; or for that matter, publish as many lies about me as possible, the more outlandish the better.

5) And lastly, the "venom" Fahey refers to, regarding Hartwell's attitude to Adachi (which opinion he could only have formed from reading my commentary on Adachi) is in fact not "venom" but rather RIGHTEOUS OUTRAGE at the lies being promoted by Adachi. Anyone would be outraged at the malicious lies promoted by Ken Adachi. I know several persons who feel exactly the same way, including Stew Webb and Geral Sosbee, whom Adachi and his cohorts have repeatedly lied about, slandered and libeled.]


Adachi to Fahey:

Hello Todd,

Hartwell's slam pieces about me usually referred to me as an insignificant nobody who, essentially, didn't have the 'RIGHT' to comment about her or her outrageous slanders towards Ted Guderson and Brice Taylor, etc. According to her, I wasn't worthy of such comment because I wasn't within the circle of "professionals", such as herself, which she oddly considered to be the appropriate category in characterizing the 'work' of a CIA mind controlled slave.

Setting aside for the moment her pathological slanderings against Ted and other effective NWO opponents that she was programmed to attack, she routinely revealed the depth of her psychosis by ballyhooing her 'professional' accreditation in practically every diatribe she ever wrote. She wanted the whole world to know -ad nausea- how highly 'educated' she was, in order to claim a position of authority for the crap she was writing.

She had the temerity to boast that she has a "doctorate" when in fact she obtained a worthless piece of paper from a diploma mill for what amounted to a few weeks of 'lessons' via correspondence. I seriously doubt that the woman ever spent a day of her life in a college classroom. If she HAD earned an advanced degree in the conventional manner, I'm quite sure we would heard about it until the cows came home. Anyone, by the way, can obtain a 'doctorate' of divinity for roughly $100 and a stamp. I have the catalog here in my files for the Universal Church of Love & Light (or something close to that) of which I suspect she is an 'alumni'.

Nothing is more boring to me than the subject of Barbara Hartwell, but her contemptible behavior in repeatedly slandering Ted Gunderson over the internet, like that of her CIA cohorts, Stew Webb and Linda Newkirk, is going to be exposed and countered by this 'nobody' until Barbara Hartwell is widely recognized by the internet world for the utter fraud and CIA disinfo puppet that she is.

Regards, Ken


[BH: As usual, Adachi knows NOT whereof he speaks. And I do have to wonder: If this pompous ass and purveyor of pulp fiction finds the subject of Barbara Hartwell so very "boring", why not move on to some more interesting topic...or target ?

Why has Adachi continued so obsessively with his libel campaign for over three (3) years in his attempts to discredit and demonize me? Why are his epithets (for example, "The Crimson Viper" and "vicious CIA disinformation agent") fairly oozing with lurid and scandalous melodrama? Why all the sensationalism in his tirades of invective against Barbara Hartwell?

Out of all his mindless drivel, in this latest spiteful missive to his new pal Todd Fahey, there is certainly one thing I can't argue with: Adachi is a "nobody". He's an ignoramus; a hanger-on; a dilettante; a camp follower; the amateur's amateur. And he proves it repeatedly by spewing out gobbeldygook about topics and people he knows absolutely nothing about, foremost among them, his primary target, the boring Barbara Hartwell.

But if you're asking yourself what Adachi's shtick is, wonder no more. Just take a look at the plethora of Mickey Mouse Metaphysics; New-Age-Secular-Humanist-Pop-Psychology; Born-Again Buffoonery and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories being promoted on his site, with which he claims to be "educating" the readers, and decide for yourself.

Also take note of the charlatans and mountebanks (some of whom are also criminals and felons) he promotes. Adachi doesn't know anything from his own experience. He was never involved in anything he writes about, most notably the CIA.

He calls Hartwell a "CIA puppet" or "CIA mind-controlled slave". But it's very clear from his writings that Adachi knows nothing about any sort of CIA operations, including what he harps on the most: MK Ultra and related mind control projects. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

If you don't believe me, just ask anyone else who has actually been involved in CIA operations. Better yet, I only wish you could see (and hear) some of the other bona fide former (or current) intelligence operatives as they peruse Adachi's hilarious material. They're falling off their chairs, shedding tears of mirth, hooting with laughter! I myself have laughed until I cried. Laughter is certainly good for the soul. Great entertainment, I'll give Adachi that much.


Adachi continues with his outrageous lies by stating, AS IF IT WERE A FACT, that Barbara Hartwell "in fact...obtained a worthless piece of paper from a diploma mill for what amounted to a few weeks of 'lessons' via correspondence."

A doctorate degree from a "diploma mill" ?...NOT!

I wonder what Adachi's "source" is for this latest "fact"...probably one of the same sources which have furnished him with his other "facts" about Barbara Hartwell. His misguided attempts to impugn my legitimate credentials (just as he often does my sanity) are just par for the course in Adachi's relentless libel campaign.

But here are some FACTS to set Adachi --and his bogus "sources"-- straight:

1) I have never had dealings with, nor am I "an alumni" (correct word, in the singular, would be "alumnus"; "alumni" is the plural form. Adachi reveals his own lack of education, here) of any "diploma mill". Including "the Universal Church of Love and Light". In fact, I have never even heard of this so-called "church". It sure sounds typical, though, of something Adachi would have in his files. (Just in case he runs out of material to educate people about the New Age "spirituality" touted on his site; or in case they get bored with the Born Again Buffoonery.)

2) I received my doctorate degree (Doctorate of Divinity) from a legitimate and reputable seminary school, after years of study; and was later ordained in the Universalist Church, with which I am no longer affiliated and haven't been for a long time.

3) I have never "boasted" about holding such a degree; that is clearly only Adachi's incorrect (as usual) perception. By the same token, I no longer use the title, Reverend Doctor, as I see no purpose in doing so, since it bears no relevance to my work in exposing government corruption. In any case, all such titles come from man-made religious institutions, not from God. Something Adachi and his cohorts wouldn't begin to understand.

I merely mentioned my seminary degree (and level of education) in a response to one of Adachi's fellow crackpots, Fundamentalist fanatic and fear-monger, Pam Schuffert, who falsely claimed that I had "denied Christ" (among many other falsehoods she spread about me, as well as my family and friends); and who had the incredible audacity (if Adachi wants to talk about "temerity", here's a REAL case of it!) to publicly admonish me, suggesting I needed to "get a Bible" (as if I had never read or studied one, or did not own one).

So, I told Schuffert off, just as she richly deserved, to refute her lies with the facts....just the usual when dealing with these tiresome, self-important and meddlesome buffoons, who all seem to bring a great deal of trouble on themselves because they have never learned to respect the privacy or personal boundaries of others; nor to mind their own business. Nor to limit themselves to speaking about what they KNOW, rather than that which is based on erroneous supposition and unsubstantiated conjecture. Or for that matter, their obvious envy and malice.

But so what ? Where does Adachi get off spreading lies about "diploma mills" and bogus seminary degrees? Who the hell does he think he is ? The Religion Police ? I can only surmise that his total lack of evidence for his many false claims about Barbara Hartwell (and others) doesn't concern him. Same obviously goes for his chums, Schuffert, White, Negri, Fahey et al. Who needs facts or for that matter, evidence? Why bother? Easier (cost-effective too !) for these whackjobs to concoct outrageous lies...then publish them all over the World Wide Web.


Yet another example of Adachi's malicious lies: Adachi has repeatedly referred to Stew Webb as a "mental patient". Another fabrication by Ted Gunderson, also being promoted by Gunderson's other minions, Brenda Negri and Tim White (both of whom are certifiably insane and have ACTUALLY been institutionalized as "mental patients") which Adachi dutifully parrots, while having absolutely NO EVIDENCE to substantiate such character defamation and for impugning Webb's sanity.

Just as he has no evidence that Webb or Hartwell are "CIA mind controlled slaves"...deployed for the sole purpose of spreading disinformation about Ted L. Gunderson.

What the profoundly ignorant and deluded Adachi fails to see (and refuses to even consider) is this:

Ted Gunderson plotted to set up Stew Webb for numerous false arrests, just as he has done to other legitimate whistle-blowers. At least those who had hard evidence about some of the criminal operations being run by Gunderson and his black ops cronies.


Add to this the fact that Gunderson actually tried to engineer the murder of Stew Webb by sending a SWAT team (on a false charge) to raid a place in the state of Nevada, where Stew was staying. A SWAT team, throwing grenades through the windows and brandishing assault weapons!

The trailer home, owned by a friend of Stew's, was completely demolished by the unwarranted assault, when the concussion grenades blew out all the doors and windows. The owner's dog was also seriously injured.

As for the bogus criminal charges brought against Stew Webb ? They were dropped, completely dismissed. It never even reached a court of law. Why not ? For LACK OF EVIDENCE.

After being interrogated for five (5) hours by police detectives, the cops left and apologized to Stew Webb for the raid on his friend's trailer home. The detectives later told Webb that they knew Gunderson to be lying.

Ted Gunderson later used convicted felon (convicted for murder) Tom Gaule to bring more false charges against Stew Webb. Gunderson falsely accused Webb of "robbery", which under statutes in the state of Nevada, is a form of "assault".

Due to this false charge, Stew was forced, for a period of one and a half years, to report weekly to the Las Vegas Police Dept. But the prosecutor dropped the charges two (2) weeks before the court date. Why ? Because Gunderson's sidekick, murderer Tom Gaule, had made FALSE CHARGES. Once again, THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE against Stew Webb.

But who is going to compensate Stew Webb for these outrageous injustices ? No amount of money could make up for the false arrests, SWAT raids and other relentless political persecution directed against Stew Webb, these many years.

If you wonder why Stew Webb is filing Grand Jury demands for investigation of various criminals connected to the Bush Crime Family (including Ted Gunderson) or why he is filing civil lawsuits against these criminals, here is one reason: He wants justice. For that matter, so do I. No surprise here, since I've been targeted for persecution by the same set of government-sponsored criminals.

But here's another serious question: Why wasn't Ted Gunderson himself arrested for bringing these false charges against Stew Webb? Sending a SWAT team with guns and grenades against an innocent man...which nearly cost him his life...and would have, had Gunderson's plot succeeded.

Stew has documents as evidence of the outrageous SWAT raid. A newspaper reporter in Las Vegas, was in fact a witness. Just as Stew has evidence of many other crimes committed by Ted Gunderson.

But what evidence does Gunderson have that Stew Webb is a "mental patient"? Or for that matter, an "FBI informant" ? Or that Webb committed ANY crime against Gunderson or anyone else ? Why have we never seen any such evidence for the never-ending libel against Stew Webb, displayed on Adachi's website ?

By now the answer should be crystal clear: Gunderson and Adachi HAVE NO EVIDENCE because the allegations against Stew Webb are false, every last one of them.


But perhaps the most relevant question, for the purposes of this report: Why does Ken Adachi swallow all Gunderson's outrageous and unsubstantiated allegations against Stew Webb, Barbara Hartwell and others, hook, line and sinker ?

That's not hard to figure out: It's because Ken Adachi is a dupe, pure and simple. He's apparently not capable of thinking for himself, critically or analytically; or of exercising any form of cognitive discernment, spiritual or otherwise.

Squawk !... Adachi simply parrots the outlandish falsehoods he hears and publishes them as libel against Stew Webb, Barbara Hartwell and others, as he is directed to do, whenever he is directed to do so.

Adachi want a cracker ? Somebody ought to shove one into the orifice of his perpetually open beak, it might be useful in quieting his obnoxious and scandalous squawking: Barbara Hartwell, CIA disinfo!... Squawk!... Stew Webb, mental patient!...Squawk!....Barbara Hartwell, CIA disinfo!...Squawk!... Stew Webb, mental patient!.......enough already. Put up (some hard evidence, that is) or shut up.

For those who want the truth, here's the deal: Adachi simply repeats (ad infinitum, ad nauseum) the disinformation and lies he is fed by professional disinfo agents and spin doctors like Ted Gunderson. Worse, he makes his pronouncements about people he has never met and DOES NOT KNOW (such as Barbara Hartwell , Geral Sosbee and Stew Webb) AS IF they were statements of fact. He presents no concrete evidence for his allegations, nor has he EVER furnished supporting documentation to back his claims.

Adachi's idea of "evidence" goes something like this:

"According to So-and-So...(fill in the blank, just name any of Adachi's dubious sources) Barbara Hartwell is still a CIA asset who has never gotten out of the CIA's nefarious web or off the payroll".

That's right, Adachi relies only on third-party hearsay, something not admissable as evidence in any court of law. But Adachi needn't concern himself with the court system. His only forum is the Internet, a free-for-all to indulge himself in his libel extravanzas. Anything goes.

It would seem the major difference between Todd Fahey and Ken Adachi is that Fahey fabricates most of his own lies; whereas Adachi publishes the lies he has been fed by others (including in one such case, Fahey himself).

Ken Adachi runs smear campaigns. He makes his living LYING TO THE PUBLIC, all the while posing as an "educator". Odd, for someone who is himself uneducated in any field, discipline or profession.

Adachi targets for his smear campaigns anyone (including Barbara Hartwell) whom his overlords point the finger at. He targets whom he is directed to target. He's a flunky, a lackey, a toady, a minion, a step'n'fetch-it.

Adachi wants to talk about being a "slave" or "puppet" ? As many will agree, he needs to do some serious soul searching, maybe take a look in the mirror, look closer to home.

The primary purpose (though naturally he fails to say so in his mission statement) of Adachi's website, Educate Yourself, is to demonize and discredit legitimate persons who are exposing the truth about government-sponsored criminals and political corruption. The rest (all the New Age nonsense, metaphysical mumbo-jumbo, etc. etc.) is just window dressing.


Adachi uses character assassination against anyone who has refused to toe the New Age/NWO party-line. Against anyone who has dared to call the credentials and legitimacy of his master, Ted L. Gunderson, into question. And especially against those who have the evidence to support their allegations of criminal activities.

How about making a nomination for the Patron Saint of Political Corruption ? If there were such a title, I've no doubt Ted L. Gunderson would be the primary candidate. And win the privilege, hands down, to be canonized as such.

Be that as it may, there's no doubt that the Adachi-Gunderson alliance is a master-slave relationship. One in which the slave is always the last to know.

If using this government-duped crackpot (and others like him) as an "educator" in an attempt to discredit legitimate survivors of black operations and whistle-blowers is the best they can do, then their day of reckoning will soon be at hand. The sooner the better, as far as I am concerned. And I can't cite a more salient example of a "mind-controlled slave" or "puppet" than Ken Adachi.


In fact, I had never heard of this buffoon Ken Adachi or his moronic website until...Lo and Behold!...

Adachi came out of the woodwork in March 2001 (conveniently) only a few months after I had broken off my professional relationship with Ted Gunderson. I had also made a public statement about Gunderson for the record, at which time Adachi's libel campaign against Barbara Hartwell made its debut on Educate Yourself, a directive issued by none other than Ted L. Gunderson.

In fact, the first of many articles libeling Barbara Hartwell was written (or dictated to Adachi) by Ted Gunderson himself. (I do know that Ted Gunderson does not know how to type. All his reports and letters are handwritten and given to others to transpose. I know this because I've typed up a few myself, in the days when I was working with Gunderson. I still have some of the handwritten notes.)

Adachi wrote the preface, "Note from the Editor" in which the first of Adachi's lies about Barbara Hartwell appeared for public consumption.


Gunderson's report was titled, A Response to Barbara Hartwell. But oddly enough, most of the report had nothing to do with Barbara Hartwell. Instead, Gunderson's "intelligence report" and "analysis" was used to take pot shots at a number of other people, including Stew Webb; Art Bell (who at the time was suing Ted for slandering him as a "child abuser" on a radio program, but later received an out-of-court settlement); Kurt Billings; Robert Ghostwolf; Kate Dixon; Debbie Nathan; Mike Ruppert....and anyone else Gunderson saw fit to target as being allegedly complicit in what he claimed was an organized, collaborative "smear campaign" against him.

But the fact of the matter is that at the time (March 2001) I was only acquainted with two (2) of the people on Gunderson's target list, those being Mike Ruppert and Kurt Billings. There was no connection between Ruppert and Billings, they didn't know each other. And (perhaps ironically) I only got to know Stew Webb because I decided to contact him after I read Gunderson's allegations against him.

What's more, I had not engaged in any "smearing" of Ted Gunderson and certainly not in connection with any of the people named in the report. And I know for a fact that Mike Ruppert had not done so, though he later denounced Gunderson, with good reason, after finding his name listed among Gunderon's targets in his Response to Barbara Hartwell. And naturally, Ken Adachi wasted no time in starting one of his smear campaigns on Educate Yourself, against Mike Ruppert. Which, by the way, has continued apace, ever since.

As for others named in Gunderson's report (most of whom, to this day, I don't know) I never saw any evidence, after the fact, that any of them had "collaborated" as co-conspirators in a smear campaign against Ted Gunderson.

As for myself (the purported "subject" of Ted's report) all I had done was give my own public statements in a report about why I had broken off my association with Gunderson. And those statements were mild, considering what by then I had learned about some of the criminal operations and coverups engineered by Ted Gunderson.

I didn't expose most of that until years later. And when I did (2003, 2004) it got me banned from several radio programs and networks, including Genesis Comunications Network, all being run by Gunderson's fellow "patriots" and right-wing politcal cronies.


One of these Gunderson cronies, "patriot" and grandstanding talk show host, Alex Jones, pulled the plug on me, yanking me off the air in the middle of Jeremy Floyd 's show, The Floyd Report. Jeremy Floyd actually quit his job at GCN, on principle, for Jones's and others unconscionable selective censorship and banning of Barbara Hartwell from the network.

But why was I yanked off the air by Gunderson crony, Alex Jones? Because I began to elaborate on Gunderson's involvement (along with former senator John DeCamp) in Operation Brownstone, a child sex-slavery/pornography network (also connected to CIA Finders) for the purpose of targeting and blackmailing child-abusers, mostly government officials who were pedophiles. These scandals were also connected to The Franklin Coverup, a book written by John DeCamp, who used Gunderson as an investigator on the case.

In truth, The Franklin Coverup (and related child-sex-abuse enterprises) were a coverup of a coverup, being run by none other than Gunderson and DeCamp, the very "former" government officials claiming to be "exposing" these atrocities against children.

In fact, in a personal face-to-face conversation between myself and Ted Gunderson at his son's home in New Jersey, in November 1999, Gunderson admitted to me that DeCamp had been INVOLVED in molesting children. This was only after I had told Gunderson I already knew about it from another source. I did not reveal the source (and won't, not publicly, as I'm sure no one would believe me).

Stew Webb has testified that Gunderson (after having a few drinks) admitted to him, while he was living in Ted's home, that what G.H.W. Bush holds over his head (blackmail of a sort) is child abuse. A woman named Arlene Olsen also testified of being sexually abused by Gunderson in 1974 (in connection with a satanic ceremony) when she was 14 yrs old, a time when Gunderson was still in the FBI. This woman, now 45 years old, went into hiding, since she says the FBI is looking for her to kill her because she can testify against Ted Gunderson. Certainly many other such witnesses have turned up dead, murdered under very suspicious circumstances. Crimes which have never been solved.

I personally have no information (nor hard evidence) that Ted Gunderson himself was a child molester, nor had he ever admitted such a thing to me. But the fact remains that Gunderson's ADMISSION of DeCamp's complicity in sexual abuse of children is what counts. He tried to make excuses for DeCamp, claiming that DeCamp had "done a lot of good for the children" by coming forward and exposing the operation. But Gunderson's sorry excuse was not good enough for me, not by a long shot. I told Ted that. I also told him that DeCamp belongs in jail for his crimes, along with all the other child abusers, and that if he were to continue being an apologist for child abusers, I could not in good conscience continue my professional association with him. That was th
Re: Ken Adachi of

[quote author=Guardian]
A VERY interesting blog that's been removed, but is still available in google's cache.

“General Jeremiah” update: just WHOIS “Ken Adachi” – Peter Boudreau?

Posted by labvirus on February 17, 2011
Is the “United Galactic Federation” a false-flag Annunaki Psyop?

Watch all nine parts of this interview, it’s quite enlightening.

Absolutely no similarities to the plotlines in “V” – nope.

I love it. Not to gloat or anything, but I long ago called Bulls**t on this one “general Jeremiah” from the “united galactic federation” on the premise that all of the photos of an alleged planet “Balqui”, which Don Nicoloff has posted on his website and which he claims to have received from “Jeremiah”, are plagiarized photos from art photographers and stock photo sites – all of very earthly locations. Now we hear more confirmation my thesis is correct. According to Thomas the “galactic federation” is a fraudulent creation of the annunaki (velon) no dissimilar to the plot we see in “V”. Additionally he asserts that the 5000-year old sumerian clay tablets being deciphered by Zacharia Sitchin were planted as a fake story to paint the annunaki as being our creators. Apparently after monitoring humans for centuries and being able to paint a strong picture of their behavior these critters time-traveled back 5000 years and planted these clay tablets with the sole intent of their turning up now – as they were only discovered a few years ago. [snip]

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From: “Xena Carpenter”

i’ll pray that “assterhoid” lands on his apartment like a wicked witch… one less new ager out there spewing fantasy crap…

— On Wed, 2/16/11, Tim White wrote:

From: Tim White
Subject: MORE “General Jeremiah” GUFFAWS…PETER BOUDREAU aka “Ken Adachi” really IS FROM “PLANET BALQUI”
General Jeremiah’s E-mail to Dr A. True Ott re. The Dome of Rock Event on Jan. 28, 2011 (Feb. 13, 2011)



From: Xena Carpenter
Subject: “Ken Adachi” ?…NO–it’s PETER BOUDREAU
Date: Thursday, January 29, 2009, 11:21 AM
REPORT FOR (949) 726-5098
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Address:3046 PO BOX COSTA MESA, CA 92628
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Peter Boudreau
PHONE: (949) 726-5098

From: Tim White
Received: Saturday, August 29, 2009, 8:48 PM



As singles are turning to online dating services to avoid Valentine’s Day blues, a new type of religious dating service brings multi-faith and spirituality-based singles together.

Cupid’s holiday provides a spike in user activity, according to spokesmen for both, a secular service, and, a faith-based service.

In contrast to secular sites, asks a long series of detailed spiritually-related questions in its version of love potion number 9. Sujay Jhaveri, president of, said other sites generally shoot past religious quesitons.

On, one of the largest services, religion is just one feather on Cupid’s arrow. When completing a profile, a new user answers the question, “Is religion is part of your life,” followed by an optional essay.

Marcia Gallicchio, a spokeswoman for, admitted that someone who subscribes to her site may also subscribe to a religious dating service.

“Some people who are members of our Jewish group could be members of,” she said.

Jhaveri said is different from religious sites because it emphasizes the importance of every faith, and also because users of the site look at religion as part of larger “value-based” personality.

Another site, tries to cater to people who follow Eastern religions, or who follow many faiths.

“Someone could be Jewish and be interested in yoga,” said Peter Boudreau, the founder of, who was raised Catholic but spent a number of years in a Buddhist monastery and practices yoga regularly.

So far, the most popular religious dating sites have been Christian or Jewish, and cater to people with the specific goal of finding someone of their same faith.

Denise Sullivan, 40, met her husband Greg in 1997 on, the religious partner of For Sullivan, Christianity was the single most important characteristic she was looking for.

“My faith is is the most central core of who I am,” she said. “Take me as I am or you don’t get me.”

Jhaveri said any faith-based dating website provides a safe community for those whose religious beliefs would be marginalized otherwise.

But Sullivan said people can misrepresent themselves even on religious sites.

“If you pay more attention to people you meet online using your head instead of your heart you’ll realize someone is an idiot,” she said.
# posted by Andrew Bossone @ 1:48 AM 0 comments
Troubled Times: Peter BoudreauPeter Boudreau. We have provided a service for those of you interested in joining or starting a group to survive the coming earth changes. … -Cached – Similar
Articles by Andrew Bossone: Chicago Articles by Andrew Bossone

“Someone could be Jewish and be interested in yoga,” said Peter Boudreau, the founder of, who was raised Catholic but spent a number of ……/chicago-articles-by-andrew-bossone.html – Cached – Similar

— On Sat, 8/29/09, Tim Whitewrote:
From: Tim White
Received: Saturday, August 29, 2009, 9:35 PM

This is Google’s cache of It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on 7 Jun 2009 11:12:00 GMT. The current page could have changed in the meantime. Learn more
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Peter Boudreau

We have provided a service for those of you interested in joining or starting a group to survive the coming earth changes. Being in a group rather than by yourself or with only your immediate family will be tremendously beneficial both before and after the earth changes. Please consider the following:
# In a large group, there will be enough people so that even if a few are injured, there will be enough uninjured to carry out the necessary tasks (food production, etc.), until the injured have recovered.
# A large group will not be as vulnerable to raiders as a small group would be.
# Larger groups, using their money collectively, will be able to build a more desirable living structure, and prepare more sufficiently than smaller groups who have less funding available.
# Larger numbers of people provide greater support psychologically and emotionally, which will be essential to prevent depression in the aftertime.
# Large groups, with more people at their disposal, will be able to re-build themselves in the aftertime more quickly than small groups working with fewer people.
# A large group will be able to form some sort of actual “community” in the aftertime, as opposed to a smaller group or family who will be relatively alone.

If you’re interested in joining a community, or are at least seriously considering it, you may wish to take advantage of our free survival group formation service. We’ll help you find a group of like-minded people to fit your needs. Once you’ve formed a group or joined a pre-formed one, we’ll give you some suggested guidelines and help your group get started with their preparation.”
Offered by Peter.

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The 12th Planet

Copyright 1997-99 Educate-Yourself, (cont.)
This material is a work in progress and is incomplete. It may be copied, reproduced, and distributed in any manner provided that 1) It is not edited or abridged in any way; 2) That credit is given to the author, Ken Adachi; and 3) It is not sold for profit.

The 12Th Planet

21 years ago, Zecharia Sitchin (linguistic scholar & historian of ancient Hebrew, Sumerian, Akkadian, and other early Mesopotamian civilizations) published The 12Th Planet (1976) which discusses the periodic return to our solar system of a large, red planet called Nibiru by ancient Sumerian historians (and Marduk by the Babylonians). Nibiru was home to a race of war-prone hominids referred to in ancient texts by either their earlier Sumerian name of Anunnaki or their later Hebrew name of Nefilim (the word Nefilim is mentioned repeatedly in the Bible). The Anunnaki are described as handsome, well developed human look-a-likes who are physically larger than humans; averaging 10-15 feet tall. While the rank and file astronauts who first came to Earth were called Anunnaki by Sumerian historians, the ruling royalty were always referred to as gods. The Anunnaki were technologically capable of interplanetary space travel when they first arrived on Earth about 450,00 years ago.
Nibiru was called the 12th Planet by the ancients because it is a member of our solar system (ancients included the Moon and Sun as planets). However, unlike the other planets in our solar system, which are in a singular orbit around the sun, Nibiru is in a binary orbit (Z) between two suns: our sun and another cold {unlit} sun far out in our galaxy.

Nibiru returns to our solar system approximately every 3,600 years. Nibiru is sometimes referred to as the red comet or red star in some ancient texts (and the 19th century channeled work, the Oahspe). Sitchin explains in his book that the 3,600 year periodic cycle of Nibiru is called a Shar or Sar by Sumerian historians. While a single shar occupies a time span of a little more than 3,600 years on Earth, it is equivalent to one year on the planet Nibiru. All told, ancient Sumerian clay tablets and cylinder seals record a total period of occupation/visitation by the Anunnaki of over 124 Shars. Sitchin provides compelling historical evidence that the Anunnaki actively participated in the affairs of mankind up to the final destruction of the great city of Sumer in Mesopotamia, about 2,000BC. The Anunnaki’s original objective in coming to Earth was to mine for Gold; an element they atomically dispersed in their atmosphere in order to prevent core-produced heat from dissipating excessively into space. Since 99% of Nibiru’s orbital cycle is too far from our sun to benefit from its heat, it has to retain its internally generated heat in order to survive The Anunnaki first extracted gold from the waters of the Persian Gulf area, but later switched to land mining in South Africa and other locations due to greater abundance of gold ore.

Zetas report that the Anunnaki have access to a plant (or tree), native to Nibiru, that prevents normal aging and bodily deterioration. Sumerian texts referred to it as the Tree of Life. Later, the Bible referred to it as Knowledge of The Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden story. Only Anunnaki royalty had privileged access to the Tree of Life (sometimes called Ambrosiac in Sumerian texts). They absorbed this substance into their bodies by taking baths soaked with this life extending plant. This special bath water was the origin of the story of The Fountain of Youth (Z). Apparently, Anunnaki royalty enjoyed extremely long lives. Sitchin’s research reveals that some members of the highest echelons of the royal pantheon participated intermittently throughout the entire 446,000 years of the Anunnaki’s occupation of Earth.

Exodus and The 12th Planet

The last time the 12th Planet passed by the Earth was during the time of the Exodus from Egypt. In fact, the upheavals, cataclysms, and fear generated by the near passage of the 12th Planet allowed the Israeli slaves the opportunity to escape from the grip of Pharoah’s troops-who had become completely overwhelmed by panic and confusion (Z). A red dust (iron oxide), along with larger chunks of debris. traveling in the tailing wake of the fast moving 12th Planet (as with other comets), rains down onto the Earth’s atmosphere during a close passage. This red dust landing in water accounted for the Biblical account of the rivers running red with blood. The Bible also refers to fierce lighting storms and the red particle debris “reddening the face”of men. Electrical/magnetic storms of an intensity which only occurs during a close passage of the 12th Planet reacts with carbon materials thrown into the atmosphere by volcanic action. This produces a type of sticky carbohydrate substance in the atmosphere (Z). In some areas, this substance precipitates to the ground and is available as food if collected in the early, pre-dawn hours. When the substance falls on water, it appears whittish in color. Called Ambrosia in ancient texts (Greek), or Manna, this carbohydrate material is the biblical reference to milk and honey (“Unto a land flowing with milk and honey”. Exodus 33:3)

Return of The 12th Planet

The Zetas predict that the 12th Planet will pass closest between the Earth and the Sun in late Spring or early Summer of 2003, probably May or June. At that time, the earth, being completely overwhelmed by the gravitational influence of the 12th Planet, will stop rotating completely for 3 days or so. There are numerous historical references to 3 days of darkness (non-rotation) cited in the Bible, Hopi Legends, Mayan Epics, etc. and well referenced by Sitchin in the books of his Earth Chronicals.

Geophysical Effects of the 12th Planet
The 12th Planet is 4 times larger and 23 times more dense than Earth (Z). The Biblical narration of 7 years of plagues, crop failures, increased earthquakes/ volcanic eruptions, and other phenomena that preceded the Exodus was caused by the magnetic & gravitational effects of the approaching 12th Planet on the Earth’s molten iron core (which behaves exactly like a giant bar magnet running from the North to the South Pole). The growing disruptions in our present day weather patterns, increased earthquake/ volcanic activity, the gradual slowing of the Earth’s rotation, reports of magnetic deviations, new manifestations of DNA mutation (deformed frogs & fish, recent births of albino buffalo calves{predicted by Hopi Prophecies}, emerging viruses and bacteria, etc.), and other anomalies are being precipitated by unique and unrecognized forms of energy being released from the core of the Earth due to the approach of the 12th Planet.

Copyright Educate-Yourself, Inc. 1997, 1998, 1999
For more information, contact:

Ken Adachi@

PO Box 3046
Costa Mesa, CA 92628
949-726-5098 voice mail
E-Mail: Educate-Yourself

My questions to “General Jeremiah” and Don Nicoloff « LABVIRUS.COM
13 Feb 2011 … My questions to “General Jeremiah” and Don Nicoloff … spacecraft and are unafraid to cut into broadcasts of Don Nicoloff and Ken Adachi, ……/my-questions-to-general-jeremiah-and-don-nicoloff/ – Cached
Don Nicoloff – Email, Address, Phone numbers, everything …

Don Nicoloff Debuts Spectacular Never-Before-Seen Galactic Photos The Most Amazing Group of Photos Ever Presented to the Public. From Ken Adachi …

Extraterrestrial Contact ~ Don Nicoloff’s 50 Minute On-Air …

7 Jun 2009 … Don Nicoloff’s Video and audio of the 50 minute call-in from General Jeremiah …. Wynn Free, Ken Adachi, and Donald Newsom, to name a few. ……/unitedgalacticfederationcontact07jun09.shtml – Cached
TIA-MYSOA: July 2009

The so-called, “Planet Balqui” photographs, which Ken Adachi, and Don Nicoloff from BBS Radio claimed were taken on another planet, were stolen from …

General Jeremiah’s E-mail to Dr A. True Ott re. The Dome of Rock Event on Jan. 28, 2011

From Ken Adachi, Editor

February 9, 2011

General Jeremiah’s E-mail to Dr A. True Ott re. The Dome of Rock Event on Jan. 28, 2011 (Feb. 13, 2011)

I did a radio show with Don Nicoloff and ZS Livingstone on Feb. 2, 2011,

in which Don Nicoloff explained the events that transpired above the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem on Jan. 28, 2011. After talking with Dr. A. True on Feb. 9, 2011 by phone, I found out that General Jeremiah of the United Galactic Federation, had sent an e-mail to Dr. Ott on either Jan. 31, 2011 or Feb. 1 explaining the events that took place over the Dome on Jan. 28.

Dr. Ott did not immediately publish General Jeremiah’s note on his web site when received. Instead, he sent it around to a few individuals including Israeli/Canadian writer Barry Chamish. Barry replied to the e-mail sent to him by True Ott with some additional comments of his own and additional info from a Hebrew newspaper in Israel which covered the Jan. 28 Dome event. True Ott copied and pasted General Jeremiah’s text from Barry’s reply e-mail and posted that text to his web site. Dr. Ott posted the General Jeremiah text on his web site for the first time on Feb. 8, 2011

In reading the text posted to True Ott’s web site, General Jeremiah had noticed that some ADDITIONAL words were INSERTED into his original text explaining the Jan. 28 event. He contacted True Ott and asked him about the inserted words. Dr. Ott was not aware that these words were inserted into the general’s text, but he posted an explanation to his readers as soon as he found out about the surreptitious insertions.

I re-posted below the entire e-mail text sent by General Jeremiah to Dr. A. True Ott AND the additional words which were INSERTED, by unknown agents, into the general’s explanation. The inserted words are shown in RED.

You will notice that the INSERTED words change the political implications of what General Jeremiah is relaying in his e-mail to True Ott by assigning GUILT and PARTICIPATION to parties who were NOT mentioned at all by General Jeremiah.

The inserting of words such as the Islamic Brotherhood or the Vatican serves the propaganda/disinformation agenda of hidden interlopers. I intend to explore this issue more with Don Nicoloff and Dr. Ott and see if we can determine when the text was altered and if possible, by whom.

[The text seen below was obtained from Dr. Ott's web site. It includes the original text which General Jeremiah had sent to True Ott on Jan. 29, 2011 plus the inserted words which were contained in the e-mail reply that Dr. Ott had received back from Barry Chamish. The short note seen immediately below was written by Dr. A. True Ott. ]

The alterations/additions are shown in red.

The question is, can intelligence agencies alter e-mail texts after being sent to a specific address?? I don’t know if this is even possible – but it seems somebody wants to implicate “The Islamic Brotherhood” and/or the Vatican.


This is in response to the video.

I took it upon myself to accomplish something that should have been done a long time ago. I had hoped that it would not get captured on film, but as you can see it was filmed. I had forewarned two Israel government officials whom I trust, so they could be prepared in case we failed. There has been a mini doomsday devise (nuclear) planted under the edifice that houses the dome. It had been placed there about 15 years ago by radical Moslem/Vatican forces in the event that Israel ever decided to claim the territory and take it away from the Moslem powers.

It was a suicide bomb that would have destroyed most of Jerusalem and the surrounding country. It should have been disarmed several years ago, but no one ventured to do it. Several of my crews had volunteered to do the dirty work, but it was quite risky, even with our advanced electronic equipment. I decided to do it myself with the help of David, my copilot and no other crew members, at his insistence. If the bomb had exploded we would have been history, but we trained on the equipment for several weeks to make sure we knew the correct procedures, which were many.

I kept all other craft away, except for some back up drone crafts, which were the red lights that were seen. I will not explain their purpose for reasons of security. As we disarmed the bomb electronically, the flash of light that was seen was the frying of the firing mechanism and the arcing of electrical panels. I got out of there in a hurry and put the “pedal to the metal.” We were several thousand miles away in seconds. I think David and I were both sweating profusely. Our squadron was waiting at a rendezvous point, and we proceeded to the Alliance, which as you know, is in orbit around a neutral planet. We had a celebration with all of our crews upon arrival!!!

Israeli forces then immediately stormed the Dome and captured the device. There was no resistance. It was “hushed up” to prevent another war, especially with the CFR induced tensions in Cairo happening simultaneously as this event. You are the only one I have confided in on this matter. I surely do not want to start a Middle Eastern war, only to help prevent it. I will probably tell Don today.

A few weeks ago, 23 of my crews and I disarmed 23 suitcase nukes that were hidden in this country in various locations. Unfortunately we had to eliminate over 100 people (mostly members of the Islamic Brotherhood and rogue CIA) in the operation. They had planned to explode them remotely, all at the same time to coincide with the Egyptian protests happening now. They were much simpler to defuse.

We captured the devices and transported them to an uninhabited planet and hid them. We did not want to risk the handling of the nuclear material, and the contamination. I advised the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs after we had finished our task. They were extremely grateful. They were shocked to learn that all of the perpetrators we eliminated were Israeli Mossad agents posing as Islamic Brotherhood. They sent in Delta Force to clean up the mess.

There were no bodies, only dust, and few articles of clothing and weapons left, and the electronic equipment and communication devices that they left in the locations. I am sure there are some very angry illuminati devils, that are fuming over the disruption of their plans. Our next move needs to target some of them, personally. I am still praying about how to handle that problem. The Elders left it to my discretion. I had never intended to get this involved in the affairs of the planet, but I cannot sit by and watch the destruction of our nation and planet. I warned Mr. Obama, a few days after he took office, that we would not tolerate the destruction of this Republic. He has refused to listen.

This information is for your discretion. My life is already in jeopardy, so “que sera, sera.” My security team caught two more assassins with sniper rifles, in the woods behind my house last week. Fortunately they no longer exist. I am sure there will be other attempts, as there will be on you as well. I looked at the bullet scar on the oak tree in my back yard just yesterday. That happened last winter. I had bent over to pick up a leaf rake, just as they fired. The bullet missed my head probably by only six inches. Karen was beside me. I knocked her to the ground and fell on top of her.

My security team had observed the late model Cadillac go down the road in front of my house, but had no reason to suspect it. They abruptly stopped past my house and took the shot when they saw us in the back yard. The security craft guarding me immediately melted that car into a block of molten steel with the men inside. I personally transported it to the White House the next morning, and dropped it on the front steps. I am sure it cracked the steps and sidewalk. I had taped a note addressed to Mr. Obama to it saying. “Nice try. Next time it could happen to your car.” There was no response.

That is my story. There will probably be more. Got to get some sleep. I got home early tonight. It has been a busy day. God Bless. Keep in touch.”

[end of altered e-mail text]

You will notice that the above explanation from General Jeremiah of the Jan. 28 Dome event matches the verbal explanation given by Don Nicoloff during our Feb. 2 radio show. You will also note that the words seen in RED were NOT part of Don Nicoloff’s Feb. 2 explanation.

Here is a summary of the disinformation which the interloper(s) had inserted into General Jeremiah’s text:

1. It was a “mini” nuke (General Jeremiah confined in a separate conversation that the device was much larger than a mini nuke)

2. The “Vatican” was involved (not true)

3. The General’s ship Alliance went into orbit around a “neutral planet” (this is not what was reported to Dr. Ott)

4. “CFR induced tensions in Cairo” (General Jeremiah did not mention the CFR, or the Council on Foreign Relations)

5. General Jeremiah did not say “ only to help prevent it.” when he referred to averting war in the Middle East.

6. General Jeremiah did not say: “mostly members of the Islamic Brotherhood and rogue CIA) “when he referred to the 100+ Israeli Mossad agents resposible for the 23 nukes he had seized.

7. General Jeremiah did not include the phrase “to coincide with the Egyptian protests happening now” when he said that the nukes were intended to be exploded simultaneously.

8. General Jeremiah did not say that the 100 + Mossad agents were ” posing as Islamic Brotherhood“.

9. General Jeremiah did not say that angry Illuminati devils were fuming ” over the disruption of their plans“. He merely said they were fuming.

10. He did not say that his next move was to target some of them ” personally“.

11. General Jeremiah told True Ott that the insertion of the phrase “as there will be on you as well.“, when the general referred to ‘other attempts’ in his original e-mail, may in fact be a threat against Dr. Ott.

12. Finally, General Jeremiah did not add the word “personally” when describing how he had transported the melted assassin’s car to the front steps of the Whie House.

It may seem like a trivial matter that I took the time to emphasize the words which were inserted into General Jeremiah’s e-mail text, but I thought that it’s a good idea to isolate and categorize them since they reveal the dinformation or deception intentions of the interlopers who added these words. We might assume that wherever these same words or phases are used to describe behind-the-scenes intrigue surrounding the events that occured in Egypt in the past two weeks, that the same spin artists may be at work.

OR the deception could run even deeper. It’s possible that the insertions were intended to be noticed and then used as a gimmick to get you to back track and assign guilt to a targeted individual.

Stay tuned.

Ken Adachi

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One Response to ““General Jeremiah” update: just WHOIS “Ken Adachi” – Peter Boudreau?”

labvirus said
February 20, 2011 at 7:20 pm

October 17, 2009
Every Silver Lining Has A Black Cloud
Filed under: colloidal silver,genocide — jenniferlake @ 7:46 pm
Tags: American patriots, bird flu, colloidal silver, educate-yourself, H1N1, influenza, nwo, pandemic, swine flu, Zionism
There is no longer any doubt in my mind that Colloidal Silver ingestion is an insidious plot against American patriots who are being set up to die: and by their own hands! Use of pandemic fear and the many fakeries of ‘alternative health’ which front for large multi-national corporate interests are actively engaged in the illusion of ‘health freedom’ to peddle this poison to the ‘informed’. Nano-silver is probably on its way to be restricted shortly as an environmental hazard for very good reasons. Should such (EPA) restrictions or bans on metal-colloid pesticides become law, only the colloidal silver peddlars will lose –you, on the other hand, can still make it at home if you choose. It’s so cheap once you get started, the bottles to store it in are far more expensive than the liquid, BUT the direction of research on people intentionally drinking CS is so alarming you may decide to stop immediately and get on a detox/anabolic/probiotic regimen to protect having a future life. If you’re a young man, drinking colloidal silver may impair your ability to have healthy children, or any children.
If you drink colloidal silver, please read this:
After writing an initial article on colloidal silver, I met with a barrage of biting retorts here at this blog. It piqued my curiosity. The editor of “Educate Yourself” website, Ken Adachi, launched an attack not only on me but on Dr. Joseph Mercola ( suggesting that Dr. Mercola was ignorantly uninformed for warning his readers that CS could provoke “a severe cytokine storm”. Adachi takes credit for a retraction of that statement by Dr. Mercola –a situation of even greater concern and curiosity. The “cytokine storm”, which is an overreaction of the inflammatory response of the immune system is considered the cause of death in the 1918 Spanish Flu of the “healthy adult” population between 20-40. Mr. Adachi did not simply sqeal like a man getting his pockets picked. He invented an accusation that I’m a “pharmaceutical shill”, that Dr. Mercola is uninformed and under his influence, and that numerous “followers” of his loyally littered my blog with propaganda, to the point of opening false email accounts in my name. I figure I must be ‘over the target’, and that was the first salvo.
But if YOU don’t DIE, then WE can’t have a PANDEMIC, eh?
Since the time of publishing my ‘Colloidal Silver’ article here on the blog and the subsequent reaction, I’ve been following the trail of some of the CS peddlars. The corridors advance down paperless pathways to areas of ‘guilt by association’, and the implications are potentially enormous and dangerous to follow but more than that, the layers of deception are preventively daunting and confusing as is ever the case. Such is the war upon you. “All war is deception” –Sun Tzu.
Excerpts from the link above, regarding ingested colloidal silver:
..”silver nanoparticles can make adhesive interactions with cellular membranes and produce highly reactive and toxic radicals like reactive oxygen species which will cause inflammation and destroy cells like mitochondria..”
..”Silver affects denitrification bacteria such strongly that, in reality, disrupts the bacterium driven environmental denitrification processes..” [necessary in balancing microbial mitigation of the ecosystem; no real ecologist could support silver microbecides in the environment, and no real doctor/healer or health authority could support it in You beyond a critical life-saving measure]
..[nanosilver] can enter through the blood-brain barrier and accumulate in large motorneurones in the brain stem and spinal cord, neurons in cerebellar nuclei and glia…it is now known that the biological half-life of silver in the CNS is longer than in other organs..”
“It is known and acknowledged that long-term use of colloidal silver or silver salts..deposit metallic silver under the skin and abdominal viscera…manic depressive psychosis will develop at about the same time if not a short time after cutaneous argyria has been diagnosed. It leads to a ruptured aortic aneurysm and finally death.”
..”It shows toxic effects on human-friendly microbes..[in the environment]. These organisms deliver many crucial nutrients which are most essential in soil formation..”
For more of my research on colloidal silver, read ‘Colloidal Silver’ and ‘Imposters and Hell-hounds’ (right margin ‘quick links’) and as to where this is going…read The Debt-For-Nature Scheme.
Comments (15)
September 11, 2009
Imposters and Hell-hounds
Filed under: colloidal silver,Psychological War — jenniferlake @ 6:02 am
Tags: colloidal silver, educate-yourself, Ken Adachi
A rash of posters, one who is using my name with this email(, are spamming this blog with verbatim text from the “Educate Yourself” website in response to an article I wrote and posted here called “Colloidal Silver”. They seem a little pissed, like the editor of the website, Ken Adachi whose words they are pasting. Anyone using the above email is doing so to defame me, my opinions, the quality of the research, or just for personal attack. This is not my email.
and it’s happening because I dared to question the safety of ingesting colloidal silver and publishing the results…
Addendum: I won’t be approving comments here on the subject of ingesting colloidal metals. Period. There are plenty of discussions elsewhere on the web, pro and con, however I will continue to address the matter as it pertains to biophysics experimentation, nanotechnology and environmental pollution. The majority source of documentation that I’ve been able to find in support of “safe limits” for silver are govt/industry studies prepared for occupational exposures seeking human tolerance levels. This, of course, carries enormous legal obligations and repercussions to industries that expose workers to hazardous materials on the job. Personally I don’t take any such studies as “health advice”. These studies were made not for ‘health’ but for ‘liability’.
Colloid metals are among the ‘special substances’ of interest to the medical Manhattan Project scientists who created the field of Health Physics to study “human damage by population surveys”. It was the objective of these scientists to determine safe limits for toxic exposures, which is a euphemism for symptomless or sub-clinical illness that would serve govt/industrial purposes for a given length of time. In a document I referred to in an earlier article from the which no longer seems to have a working link , though here it is,( –meeting to organize a Health Physics and Safety program, Jan. 29, 1947– an objective of the study program is spelled out: …”actual determination of the toxicity of a substance must be made, measuring how poisonous it is, both in acute and chronic exposures. The amounts administered are decreased until asymptomatic levels are found…” This defines the purpose of human toxicology reports as I see it. Current studies addressing the intake of silver solutions are admittedly lacking adequate data.
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August 17, 2009
Colloidal Silver
Filed under: colloidal silver,genocide,Human Experimentation,influenza — jenniferlake @ 6:00 am
Tags: bird flu, colloidal silver, Eugenics, genocide, Human Experimentation, nanotechnology, pandemic, swine flu

“We shall have a World Government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent”
–James Paul Warburg, banker

What do the Weaponized Bird Flu Hoaxers all seem to have in common? –they want you to take colloidal silver; buy it from them, drink it, wash with it, put it in the atomizer and breathe it in…..

The poisoning ‘risks’ are easily knowable, but what about other purposes? The only biological use for silver (Ag) is as a drug. It is neither an essential nutrient nor trace mineral. It’s a heavy metal, a known toxin, and “the exact mechanism of Ag toxicity is unclear”. It is common to find ‘dose’ recommendations on product sales websites equivalent to 10 to 30 ppm. At this dilution, a silver solution is conductive for electro-chemical applications. Is it odd, d’ya think, that the people promoting the pandemic and selling colloidal silver are also trying to warn you about ‘frequency weapons’? Colloidal metals are ‘nano-particles’, ultramicroscopic, and their purveyors wish you to know that this is what makes them effective. Effective to do what?

According to, “This advanced molecular technology allows us to engineer Microbecide with higher stability and create a molecular bond that makes the silver ions more bioavailable, dramatically increasing their antimicrobial action…(Uptake): the organism is attracted to the organic acid base [citric acid component] of Microbecide as a carbon or food source, taking up the silver ions. Silver ions readily bind with electron donor groups (enzymes) blocking the cell respiration pathway and interfering with components of the microbial transport system. Silver ions disrupt the metabolic and/or structural proteins on the organism’s cell membrane causing lysing (bursting of the cell wall). Silver ions denature the cells DNA or RNA halting metabolic and reproductive functions.” This product claims to be “effective even against resistant strains of microbes.” Microbecide was not designed to be ingested, however, “In the case of young children’s toys or equipment, it is recommended that Microbecide be applied before and after each use.”…..”safe, nontoxic,…to people, plants, and animals.”

We are 90 percent microbes. Killing them is killing ourselves.

“Argyria” (pictured) is just one effect…..

The FDA has a clear position on colloidal silver:

“Colloidal silver products can have serious side effects”…”there is no scientific evidence to support their safety or effectiveness”….”manufacturers of dietary supplements, unlike manufacturers of drugs, do not have to prove their products safety and effectiveness to the FDA before it is marketed…The FDA issued a ruling in 1999 that no products containing colloidal silver are generally recognized as safe and effective.”

“Animal studies have shown that silver builds up in the tissues of the body…side effects from using colloidal silver products may include neurologic problems (such as seizures), kidney damage, stomach distress, headache, fatigue and skin irritation.”
How did colloidal silver ever gain a classification as a “dietary supplement”? The wikipedia says that “dietary minerals are the chemical elements required by living organisms…The term ‘mineral’ is archaic since the intent of the definition is to describe ions, not chemical compounds or actual minerals.”

There is NO nutritional need for silver, although many, many websites make the claim that there is, such as this one:
which claims…” silver is also a nutrient that the body needs for healthy growth and repair”. This website also says that “individual needs will vary…” and goes on to recommend a dosage protocol:
“Start on 15ml under the tongue….3-4 days, then increase to 15ml morning and night for 30 days…this will give a general cleansing to the system. After this a maintenance dose of 10ml daily.”

And here’s a catch, “do not start this program if you do not intend to drink a minimum of one to two litres of water a day…”. In order to appear scientific, this webpage cites a study from a toxicology report which is citing another toxicology report summary out of context, conducted by one Dr. Altman who writes: (3) “Furthermore, upon terminating CS intake, it appears that as much as half the silver residing in body tissue will be purged through urine and feces (but more through feces as time goes on) in less than a month. Even this relatively short residence time could be reduced substantially if several litres of water were consumed daily.”

‘Altered-states’ does give a paragraph for “Side Effects”:
“Some people may feel achy, sluggish or may experience headaches the first few days after beginning Colloidal Silver. Do not worry, this is a normal ‘healing crisis’. When the body sloughs off a great many toxins at once, the elementary organs can become overloaded. Simply drinking lots of extra water [and laying down] should lessen the symptoms dramatically.”

Does this sound “safe” to you? Does it sound “non-toxic”?

Information on metal toxicity states: “Virtually all metals are toxic if they are ingested in large enough quantities…Metals previously unrecognized as hazards or at lower concentrations than previously recognized as harmful, and unrecognized accidents continue to be described….biological effects of exposure..are difficult to assess, as individuals differ in their response to similar exposure. Metals generally produce their toxicity by forming complexes (called ‘ligands’) with organic compounds. The modified molecules lose their ability to function properly, which leads to the malfunction or death of the affected cells. Metals commonly bind to biological compounds containing oxygen, sulphur, and nitrogen, which may inactivate certain enzyme systems or affect protein structure. In addition to this, light toxic metals may compete with or replace similar metals, for example lithium competes with the similar metal sodium. In acute poisoning, large excesses of metal ions can cause disruption of membrane and mitochondrial function and the generation of free radicals. Due to this, generalized clinical effects, including weakness and malaise, feature in most cases.”

The makers of “MesoSilver” ( want you to think that “silver particles are non-toxic to humans” and that you will be “Feeling Worse Before Feeling Better” –what they call a ‘Herxheimer reaction‘– and that their superior product is “true silver colloid…not silver ions” because “Many products are advertised as being colloidal silver, but in fact are mostly ionic silver solutions”.

The reference site given above contains the information that “microminerals contribute to good health if they originate from an organic source because they have essentially been processed. Plants take up minerals from the ground, digest them, making them ionic so that when consumed by humans, assimilation into the body occurs much more easily, and toxicity by accumulation does not occur. However, microminerals from inorganic sources, such as heavy metals can not be used by the body as they tend to build up in the tissues.”

The wikipedia entry for colloidal silver claims “a colloid is technically defined as particles which remain suspended without forming an ionic, or dissolved, solution. The broader commercial definition of ‘colloidal silver’ includes products that contain various concentrations of ionic silver, silver colloids, ionic silver compounds or silver proteins in purified water..typically manufactured using electrolysis (in concentrations of 30ppm or less) whereas concentrations of 50ppm or more are usually silver compounds that have been bound with a protein.”

Guess what, it’s still a heavy metal and it’s still a poison.

The same entry from the wiki notes an interesting use of silver in horticulture; “Silver in ionic solutions like silver thiosulfate and silver nitrate (not suspended elemental silver) has been shown to be an ethylene inhibitor by competing with ethylene for binding sites by the plant receptors…. Since ethylene is also involved in the ‘sexing’ of plants, this property of blocking ethylene synthesis is also used for forcing male flowers on female plants. As a result, the use of ionic silver solutions has become popular in cannabis cultivation.”

In addition, wiki includes, “In 2002, the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) found that there were no legitimate medical uses for colloidal silver and no evidence to support its marketing claims. Given the associated safety risks, the TGA concluded that “efforts should be made to curb the illegal activity availability of colloidal silver products, which is a significant public health issue.”

And, the last, unanswerable question remains about the electronic properties of absorbed silver. Silver-ion selective electrode technology is used in electro-chemical sensors and computer-based instrumentation. At this website a formula for electrode solution is determined by “serial dilutions of the 1000ppm standard solution” citing those (implied) dilutions at 10 to 30ppm, then mixed with a buffer. 10-30ppm are precisely the ‘dose’ recommendations for ingestion. Is this seriously dangerous?

In another silver ion applications search, I came across this:, from the University of Arizona, apparently a leader in colloidal metals research:
“Electrodeposition of a noble metal such as silver will produce localized persitant but reversible changes to materials parameters and these changes can be used to control system behavior.”

…but they’re not talking about “cells that burst”, of course, are they?

Food storage material silver nanoparticles interfere with DNA replication fidelity and bind with DNA

Wenjuan Yang et al 2009 Nanotechnology 20 085102 (7pp) doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/20/8/085102
Abstract. Nanosilver is increasingly used in the food industry and biomedical applications. A lot of studies have been done to investigate the potential toxicity of nanosilver. But information on whether or how nanosilver particles bring changes in genetic materials remains scant. In this study, the replication fidelity of the rpsL gene was quantified when nanosilver particles were present in polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) or cell cultures of E. coli transformed with the wild-type rpsL gene. Three types of nanosilver (silver nanopowder, SN; silver–copper nanopowder, SCN; and colloidal silver, CS) were tested. The results showed that the replication fidelity of the rpsL gene was differentially compromised by all three kinds of nanosilver particle compared with that without nanosilver. This assay could be expanded and applied to any other materials to preliminarily assess their potential long-term toxicity as a food additive or biomedical reagent. Moreover, we found that nanosilver materials bind with genomic DNA under atomic force microscopy, and this might be an explanation for the compromised DNA replication fidelity.

ADDENDUM 10/11/09
After posting ‘Colloidal Silver’, a barrage of flak came my way which I wrote about in the post “Imposters and Hell-hounds” (see Quick links, blog index). I’m pursuing this subject further and the people behind the people…so far, very intriguing. Researchers of ‘NWO’ will recognize “paid opposition” –there’s a lot of money here with ‘alternative’ health (not necessarily ‘natural’ health as they would like you to believe) fronting international business consortiums who are controlling world conservation areas and implementing “debt-for-nature” schemes of the World Bank,
In the meantime, the article below is an example of what happens, as is my response post. In the deception of the ‘natural’ label which is used to promote things like colloidal metals, remember what Einstein said, “atomic energy is natural, harnessing the power of nature..”
September 7, 2009
Colloidal Silver & Swine Flu: Dr. Mercola’s Tacit Retreat (& A Short Tutorial) by Ken Adachi (Sep. 7, 2009)
On Sep. 4, I posted a Letter to the Editor from Ed responding to his inquiry about an unusual and alarming statement made by Dr Joseph Mercola concerning colloidal silver in an article Dr. Mercola posted to his web site dated Sep. 1, 2009 1 titled “Warning: Swine Flu Shot Linked to Killer Nerve Disease.” In that article, Dr Mercola said that:
“there may be significant problems in using it [colloidla silver] for swine flu” and that”in many healthy individuals it is likely to elicit a severe cytokine storm reaction. This is basically a severe allergic inflammatory reaction that can occur in your lungs, and could be fatal. “
That’s a very serious statement to make if it were true, but if it were not true, then it would be a highly erroneous and reckless thing to say, as it plays directly into the hands of the current crop of colloidal silver debunkers (aka pharmaceutical shills) who are flooding the internet with wholesale hokum about the many “dangers” and “toxicities” associated with colloidal silver. One such pharmaceutical shill is someone who calls herself Jennifer Lake of Her August 17, 2009 blog posting is a virtual tour de force of condemnatory statements that would scare off even the most commited supporters of Nature-based medicine–if her statements were true–but since her highly deceptive rant is riddled with FALSEHOODS and contrived “scientific studies” paid for by the hidden hand of Big Pharma, it stands to reason that a physician, like Dr Joseph Mercola, who postures himself as a champion of natural medicne, needs to
exercise far greater caution in making such alarmist statements about a subject of which he is obviously uninformed.
And since I came upon Jennifer Lake’s blog as a result of a Google search linking to Dr Mercola’s site, somehow I’m wondering if maybe Jennifer herself wasn’t the advisory source of the “new” information which caused Dr Mercola to “change his mind” about colloidal silver in his first posted version of that article? Oh, yes, I forget to mention that the Sep. 7, 2009 version of the “Warning: Swine Flu Shot Linked to Killer Nerve Disease.” article was changed from the Sep. 4 version that Ed referred to in his letter to me. The Sep. 7 version had now deleted all references to the “severe cytokine storm reaction” that colloidal silver was “likely” to elicit (see below)….[continues article]
Another warning from Dr. Mercola
Look at the technology of metal “nano bar codes” (Nanoplex Technologies Inc) in the food chain In addition to that, I’ve been reading up on nanocomposite ‘edible’ plastics and micro-silica (self-assembling polymer) additives — sounds like the ingredients of semiconductors being passed in food!
Before you consider any advice from the “Educate Yourself” website, be apprised that Mr. Ken Adachi is pushing the idea that “negative aliens” from outer space are behind the New World Order. He has “Insights on Zeta Reticulans” to help you sort out the good aliens from the bad ones so that you’ll know who your enemies are when the galactic space war comes to your hometown.
This is not unlike many colloidal marketers who advertize that their silver products target only the bad bacteria, which makes about as much sense as bullets that kill only bad guys and pass through the good guys without harm.
Mr. Adachi has been required to remove his health claims about CS from his website, and he has apparently also removed ready-to-use CS products, but, although no longer engaging in direct marketing, “for a donation” equivalent to the purchase price and shipping cost, he offers a “premium gift” of a CS home generator:
[Educate Yourself webpage below]

We are not engaged in commerce.
To Obtain Premium Gifts
1. Within the USA
Send a donation as a US postal money order within the USA.
Leave all spaces BLANK on the U.S. postal money order you send as a donation. Do not write my name, your name, or any other information on the postal money order and leave the stub attached. Make a copy of the entire money order and keep it in a safe place. I immediately mark the amount of the donation as well as the premium gift items requested on your envelope when I first open the mail, so you can be sure that I have a record of the amount you sent. For your protection, I never enter names, addresses, E-mail addresses or telephone numbers into my computer. I only write your contact information on your envelope itself and nowhere else. As a backup, you can always stick a Post It note on the postal money order (or paper clip a piece of paper) with the your name, address, date, and amount sent as a secondary paper trail, but leave the money order itself BLANK. I am no longer in the banking business and now use U.S. postal money orders as a safe way to pay bills, etc. I hope you can understand.
It’s a good idea to wrap your money order in a single layer of aluminum foil to make it invisible to X-ray machines or human eyes and place inside a folded sheet of paper, which can be your itemized list for premium gifts or the body of our e-mail exchange, etc. If you feel comfortable about it, include a phone number. If there’s a problem, it’s much faster to just call you on the phone rather than go through the e-mail rigamaroll. .
Failure to follow these instructions will result in the return of your donation for correction.
Mail to:
K. Adachi
PO Box 3046
Costa Mesa, CA 92628
2. From Outside the USA
For orders outside of the USA, send me an e-mail with your request and I can provide information for making donations.
Itemize Your E-mail Order
When you send me your e-mail to confrim postage, list the items you desire in a numbered sequence-listing the specific name of the desired item, the suggested donation, and the subtotal for the entire order . E.g.
1. Deluxe Colloidal Sivler generator with AC adapter..$155
2. Orgone Protector pendant ..$75, etc
Subtotal of $230 + shipping
Tell me what state you live in and the ZIP code or what country you live in so I can calculate the postage. Outside the USA, I just need to know the name of the country.
Delivery Time
If I have the item on the shelf and ready to go, I can usually send within a few days of receipt. Please note that I mark the date on all mail when I pick it up from the post office. The “delivery clock” starts for me from the pick up date, not from the date that you sent the mail. On average, it takes 4-7 days for First Class mail to be delivered to my post office box from within the USA, and a little longer for overseas mail, unless it was sent by Express or Priority delivery.
If I have to construct the item from scratch, please allow at least 3-6 weeks on average to fill your request, but sometimes it takes longer due to the quantity of orders coming in for handmade items and the quantity of hand made items requested within that order…
Re: Ken Adachi of

Guardian said:
OK...this guy is an idiot. The fusker turned up tax audit paperwork on his server :lol:


I've saved copies of all 11 pages. I'm just coping everything for now and we can figure out what's useful later, but it does appear his real name is "Peter Boudreau" and he appears to go to great lengths to try and remove (unsuccessfully) any website that contains his real name.

Here's all his real contact info according to the tax audit office

Re: Ken Adachi of

[quote author=Adaryn]
What is this "Trish has a wish aka ouija-board-is-evil" doing on Laura's FB friends' list??

_ phone changed that all are acting strange, like cult members. Educate yourself is an excellent website. Ken Adachi simply said he was watching....the article can be found here also....with added info. _
Re: Ken Adachi of

Guardian said:
Here he's "Robert Boudreau" This man has more names than any drag queen I know :rolleyes:


Copyright Robert Boudreau 1997
For more information, contact:

Educate-Yourself, Inc.
PO Box 3046
Costa Mesa, CA 92628
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