Photos and videos of our amazing 2D residents

Le Saiga, (en russe, « saïga » signifie « antilope ») est un animal atypique et très peu connu. Certainement même que vous ne l'aviez jamais vu avant ça... Originaire d'Eurasie, le saïga est un animal bien adapté à la rude vie dans les steppes sèches à semi-arides d'Asie centrale où il joue un rôle écologique majeur (espèce parapluie) notamment par son impact sur la végétation de son biotope. On le trouve aujourd'hui en Mongolie, en Russie et au Kazakhstan. Elle est la seule antilope eurasiatique et est en voie d'extinction... Pavel Sorokin

The Saiga, (in Russian, "saiga" means "antelope") is an atypical and very little known animal. Certainly you had never seen it before... Originally from Eurasia, the saiga is an animal well adapted to the harsh life in the dry to semi-arid steppes of Central Asia where it plays a major ecological role. (umbrella species) in particular by its impact on the vegetation of its biotope. It is found today in Mongolia, Russia and Kazakhstan. It is the only Eurasian antelope and is on the verge of extinction... Pavel Sorokin

Le Muscardin volant est une chauve-souris qui vit du Sri Lanka à la Chine. Ce chiroptère asiatique nocturne est d'un roux très vif, elle est aussi appelée "chauve-souris de feu" et on comprend pourquoi

The flying dormice is a bat that lives from Sri Lanka to China. 🦇 This nocturnal Asian chiroptera is very bright red, it is also called "fire bat" and we understand why

Le Muscardin volant est une chauve-souris qui vit du Sri Lanka à la Chine. Ce chiroptère asiatique nocturne est d'un roux très vif, elle est aussi appelée "chauve-souris de feu" et on comprend pourquoi

The flying dormice is a bat that lives from Sri Lanka to China. 🦇 This nocturnal Asian chiroptera is very bright red, it is also called "fire bat" and we understand why

Bats are so cute and sweet. One day I took one in my hands, he was in a window at one hotel I was working. Everyone was scared but not me. So I took it in my hands and the little bat was such a soft little thing and at the same time I felt his fragility. This bat you put on pictures is amazingly beautiful.
Le Grandgousier-pélican affichant son énorme bouche en forme de pélican avant de dégonfler. C'est un animal très peu connu car vivant des les zones abyssales. Le Grandgousier-pélican est de couleur olive ou noir. Il possède un corps d’anguille, surmonté d’une tête volumineuse. La bouche, qui représente un quart de la longueur du corps, forme comme une poche dans la partie inférieure, à l'image du bec des pélicans, d'où son nom. Un organe lumineux est situé à l'extrémité de la queue. Il brille d'un rouge ou d'un rose impressionnant. Cet organe est utilisé comme leurre. La lumière rose ainsi que les flash rouges lui permettent d'attirer ses proies.

The Greater Pelican displaying its enormous pelican-shaped mouth before deflating.
It is a very little known animal because it lives in the abyssal zones.
The Grandgousier-pelican is olive or black in color. It has an eel-like body, surmounted by a bulky head. The mouth, which represents a quarter of the length of the body, forms like a pocket in the lower part, like the beak of pelicans, hence its name.
A luminous organ is located at the end of the tail. It shines an impressive red or pink. This organ is used as a decoy.
The pink light as well as the red flashes allow it to attract its prey.

Le Grandgousier-pélican affichant son énorme bouche en forme de pélican avant de dégonfler. C'est un animal très peu connu car vivant des les zones abyssales. Le Grandgousier-pélican est de couleur olive ou noir. Il possède un corps d’anguille, surmonté d’une tête volumineuse. La bouche, qui représente un quart de la longueur du corps, forme comme une poche dans la partie inférieure, à l'image du bec des pélicans, d'où son nom. Un organe lumineux est situé à l'extrémité de la queue. Il brille d'un rouge ou d'un rose impressionnant. Cet organe est utilisé comme leurre. La lumière rose ainsi que les flash rouges lui permettent d'attirer ses proies.

The Greater Pelican displaying its enormous pelican-shaped mouth before deflating.
It is a very little known animal because it lives in the abyssal zones.
The Grandgousier-pelican is olive or black in color. It has an eel-like body, surmounted by a bulky head. The mouth, which represents a quarter of the length of the body, forms like a pocket in the lower part, like the beak of pelicans, hence its name.
A luminous organ is located at the end of the tail. It shines an impressive red or pink. This organ is used as a decoy.
The pink light as well as the red flashes allow it to attract its prey.

La nature est stupéfiante.
Nature is amazing.
Le Grandgousier-pélican affichant son énorme bouche en forme de pélican avant de dégonfler. C'est un animal très peu connu car vivant des les zones abyssales. Le Grandgousier-pélican est de couleur olive ou noir. Il possède un corps d’anguille, surmonté d’une tête volumineuse. La bouche, qui représente un quart de la longueur du corps, forme comme une poche dans la partie inférieure, à l'image du bec des pélicans, d'où son nom. Un organe lumineux est situé à l'extrémité de la queue. Il brille d'un rouge ou d'un rose impressionnant. Cet organe est utilisé comme leurre. La lumière rose ainsi que les flash rouges lui permettent d'attirer ses proies.

The Greater Pelican displaying its enormous pelican-shaped mouth before deflating.
It is a very little known animal because it lives in the abyssal zones.
The Grandgousier-pelican is olive or black in color. It has an eel-like body, surmounted by a bulky head. The mouth, which represents a quarter of the length of the body, forms like a pocket in the lower part, like the beak of pelicans, hence its name.
A luminous organ is located at the end of the tail. It shines an impressive red or pink. This organ is used as a decoy.
The pink light as well as the red flashes allow it to attract its prey.

So, apparently this strange species is called Pelican eel, Eurypharynx pelecanoides. I only searched for it, because it looked almost like a CGI animated bubble...:lol: However, the animal does indeed exist

First direct observation of hunting pelican eel reveals a bizarre fish with an inflatable head.

Rare video shows deep-sea eel expanding its unusual jaws to capture prey

4 Oct 2018

What would you get if you crossed a pelican with an eel? Probably something close to the aptly named pelican eel (Eurypharynx pelecanoides), a bizarre-looking fish with a slender body and a head that inflates like a balloon.

Because the pelican eel prefers to live between 500 and 3000 meters below the surface of tropical and temperate seas, it is seldom seen or photographed by humans. This makes it difficult to study the eel's behavior to look for clues as to why it evolved such a strange head.

Now, researchers have made what they believe to be the first direct observation of a pelican eel hunting for prey and captured the behavior on video. Researchers piloted a submarine to a depth of 1000 meters in the Atlantic Ocean, about 1500 kilometers off the coast of Portugal near a constellation of islands known as the Azores.

The team spotted the eel not only inflating its head to form a pouch for catching prey, but also actively hunting and swimming after smaller fish. Previous research had hypothesized that the eels inflated their heads to lure their prey or to create a large hole into which food could fall out of the water column, but these studies relied on evidence from the stomach contents of dead eels. The new video evidence suggests the eels take a much more active role in finding food: exploring their surroundings, stalking prey, and inflating their heads to maximize the probability of engulfing them.

Earlier this month, another team of researchers caught a pelican eel on camera with an unmanned submarine off the coast of Hawaii. But that video shows only the inflation and deflation of the eel's head, not its hunting behavior.

The scientists hope to record more footage of the pelican eel and other unstudied deep-sea creatures to better understand the evolutionary history of their freaky features, and how they use these unusual adaptations to survive the harsh environments deep beneath the surface.



Télé-Cigognes Sarralbe

1 h ·
Météo Cigognes. 5°
vient d'arriver et il va demander à Mélodie
la permission de couver.
Puis, il retourne les œufs et s'installe en n'oubliant pas la "danse des œufs"

Et tout cela à l'aide de son bec.

Maurice 🤠 has just arrived and he's going to ask Mélodie 🎶 for permission to brood.
Then, he turns the eggs over and settles down, not forgetting the "egg dance" 😁
And all this with the help of its beak.
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