The Living Force
Le Saiga, (en russe, « saïga » signifie « antilope ») est un animal atypique et très peu connu. Certainement même que vous ne l'aviez jamais vu avant ça... Originaire d'Eurasie, le saïga est un animal bien adapté à la rude vie dans les steppes sèches à semi-arides d'Asie centrale où il joue un rôle écologique majeur (espèce parapluie) notamment par son impact sur la végétation de son biotope. On le trouve aujourd'hui en Mongolie, en Russie et au Kazakhstan. Elle est la seule antilope eurasiatique et est en voie d'extinction... Pavel Sorokin
The Saiga, (in Russian, "saiga" means "antelope") is an atypical and very little known animal. Certainly you had never seen it before... Originally from Eurasia, the saiga is an animal well adapted to the harsh life in the dry to semi-arid steppes of Central Asia where it plays a major ecological role. (umbrella species) in particular by its impact on the vegetation of its biotope. It is found today in Mongolia, Russia and Kazakhstan. It is the only Eurasian antelope and is on the verge of extinction... Pavel Sorokin
The Saiga, (in Russian, "saiga" means "antelope") is an atypical and very little known animal. Certainly you had never seen it before... Originally from Eurasia, the saiga is an animal well adapted to the harsh life in the dry to semi-arid steppes of Central Asia where it plays a major ecological role. (umbrella species) in particular by its impact on the vegetation of its biotope. It is found today in Mongolia, Russia and Kazakhstan. It is the only Eurasian antelope and is on the verge of extinction... Pavel Sorokin