Photos and videos of our amazing 2D residents

Au Brésil, ce chien a été grièvement blessé par balle lors d'un cambriolage et a dû subir 3 opérations chirurgicales ! Lors de sa sortie, il a eu droit à une haie d’honneur du personnel soignant de l’hôpital !

In Brazil, this dog was seriously injured by a bullet during a burglary and had to undergo 3 surgeries! When he left, he was treated to a hedge of honor from the hospital nursing staff!

Tombé du toit, Tintin l’écureuil est sauvé par Mike, et depuis…Alors qu'il est encore bébé, Tintin tombe du toit de Mike apparemment sans gravité. Malheureusement, son état se dégrade rapidement et les vétérinaires le sauvent in-extremis d'un arrêt cardiaque. Récupéré par son sauveteur à sa sortie de soins, chouchouté par la chatte de la maison, il refuse dès lors de quitter son foyer d'adoption. Encore aujourd'hui, il est effrayé par le monde extérieur et n'accepte de sortir que s'il est tenu en laisse.

Falling from the roof, Tintin the squirrel is saved by Mike, and since...
While still a baby, Tintin falls off Mike's roof seemingly without gravity. Unfortunately, his condition deteriorates rapidly and the veterinarians save him in extremis from cardiac arrest. Picked up by his rescuer on leaving care, pampered by the house cat, he refuses to leave his adopted home. Even today, he is frightened by the outside world and only agrees to go out if he is on a leash.

Hundreds of Golden Retrievers were brought to their ancestral homeland in the Scottish highlands this week, in what was reportedly the largest — and undoubtedly the most adorable — gathering of the breed in history.

Goldens from as far away as Australia, Japan, and North America, along with more local pups from across Europe and the United Kingdom, made the pilgrimage with their owners to the ruins of Guisachan House in Glen Affric, where 155 years ago the first puppies were born and bred by the aristocrat Sir Dudley Marjoribanks (Lord Tweedmouth).

Speakers gave talks, dogs performed tricks, but the highlight of the week was a mile-long procession of Goldens on Thursday led by a bagpipe-playing Scotsman, which culminated in a piped rendition of The Proclaimers song “500 Miles.”

A vast horde of goldens sat around panting on the manor’s front yard as their owners snapped pictures of what was surely, for a brief few minutes, the eighth wonder of the world.

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