Plague a growing but overlooked threat


The Living Force
Saw this article on the Yahoo main page, - along side a new ufo sighting (is on Sott page) video here- _ Having read - where a link to black death and comet activity was hypothesised, perhaps the increasing numbers of plague cases is further evidence of the truth of that link?... others - like Bramley in "The Gods of Eden" have suggested a link between ET activity and historical plague cases, hence seeing sudden MSM reporting of UFO's is interesting...
reuters said:
LONDON (Reuters) - Plague, the disease that devastated medieval Europe, is re-emerging worldwide and poses a growing but overlooked threat, researchers warned on Tuesday.

While it has only killed some 100 to 200 people annually over the past 20 years, plague has appeared in new countries in recent decades and is now shifting into Africa, Michael Begon, an ecologist at the University of Liverpool and colleagues said.

A bacterium known as Yersinia pestis causes bubonic plague, known in medieval times as the Black Death when it was spread by infected fleas, and the more dangerous pneumonic plague, spread from one person to another through coughing or sneezing.

"Although the number of human cases of plague is relatively low, it would be a mistake to overlook its threat to humanity, because of the disease's inherent communicability, rapid spread, rapid clinical course, and high mortality if left untreated," they wrote in the journal Public Library of Science journal PloS Medicine.

Rodents carry plague, which is virtually impossible to wipe out and moves through the animal world as a constant threat to humans, Begon said. Both forms can kill within days if not treated with antibiotics.

"You can't realistically get rid of all the rodents in the world," he said in a telephone interview. "Plague appears to be on the increase, and for the first time there have been major outbreaks in Africa."

Globally the World Health Organization reports about 1,000 to 3,000 plague cases each year, with most in the last five years occurring in Madagascar, Tanzania, Mozambique, Malawi, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The United States sees about 10 to 20 cases each year.

More worrying are outbreaks seem on the rise after years of relative inactivity in the 20th century, Begon said. The most recent large pneumonic outbreak comprised hundreds of suspected cases in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2006.

Bubonic plague, called the Black Death because of black bumps that sometimes develop on victims' bodies, causes severe vomiting and high fever. Victims of pneumonic plague have similar symptoms but not the black bumps.

Begon and his colleagues called for more research into better ways to prevent plague from striking areas where people lack access to life-saving drugs and to defend against the disease if used as a weapon.

"We should not overlook the fact that plague has been weaponized throughout history, from catapulting corpses over city walls, to dropping infected fleas from airplanes, to refined modern aerosol formulation," the researchers wrote. (Reporting by Michael Kahn; Editing by Maggie Fox and Ibon Villelabeitia)
Bio-fear seems to a big media "talking point" today. Reuters carried another "plague" fear story today about gay sex spreading MRSA. This resistant staph bacteria can also be spread by shaking hands with a journalist, but that wasn't mentioned.

I get the feeling that we are not to be so concerned with an actual plague as we are to be paralyzed with fear over the possibility of one. This gives TPTB lots of leeway in implementing their agendas, without the necessity of mass body disposal. Don't forget that when the black plague had its run, there were no antibiotics and public sanitation sanitation was primitive. Bramley's medieval "grim reapers" had it a lot easier back then. These days ignorance is the plague bringers best ally.

The little weaponised antibiotic resistant bacteria are plugging right along in the nursing homes and hospitals, eliminating the old and infirm who bleed the national coffers dry of medical entitlement money that could go to the MIC. I think that "they" do not actually want something that is going to eliminate the strong backs of the working classes, so the cannon fodder and labor force will probably fare better than the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. Of course, if you live in a crowded 3rd world country rich with natural resources, you might expect to be exposed to some of the more exotic products from the biowarfare labs. Those are herds that will have to be thinned.

The nanoparticle silver sols from American Biotech Labs have already proven that they kill yersinia pestis, the pathogenic bacteria responsible for black plague, with a nutritional supplement found in health food and vitamin shops all over the country. This simple supplement also kills every other pathogenic bacteria that it has ever been tested against, hundreds of them, including the resistant staph and strep variants. A scientific study is now in peer review detailing the rather remarkable results that were obtained in several in vivo studies with most of the known H5N1 virus variants. But do we hear of this in the news? No, we do not. Will we hear about it in the MSM when the study is published in a few months? Most certainly not.

Garish headlines ramping up the fear of disease are common daily "news" now. There is a reason for this. It is called social engineering. We get the H5N1 body count daily from around the world. It is still not anywhere near the death rate from properly prescribed prescription drugs In an article in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association), December, 2000, Barbara Starfield estimated that there were 106,000 deaths annually caused by properly administered antibiotics. Bird flu has a way to go to match that.... yet it is trumpeted from the front pages as if were cutting down the masses in wide swathes. I would wager that falls from ladders took more lives than bird flu in 2007.

Some knowledge of our options will go a long way toward alleviating the anxieties fostered in the media. Google nanoparticle silver for some very important knowledge... it protects.
it almost sounds to me as if the reuters article is damage control sparked by reinforcing the long held belief rats and fleas cause plague not comets .
Which reminds me ,when I read the sott article I was wondering if all those long barrows
people built in the past were meant as bio-shelters for comet impact!
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