An alignment of interest …
This has a great deal to do with Nemesis’ possible position in the solar system. The problem with that is that we do not where it is … exactly. But is that right or do we have an idea where it is. Well, the C’s gave us an approximation in the past. But I think that there is more that we can observe right now.
Let us look to the Sun for some answers. Is it now odd that the face that shows to us is fairly inactive. Yes, there have been some sunspots and flares, but they seem to be subdued by some unknown force. Now the opposing side is throwing things in all directions, and we should note that. Recently there were a couple of explosions that were so big that they wrapped around the sun to give us a glancing blow.
What kind of force could be out there that would draw in energy from the sun, from the far side! It would take a great negative attraction to create this kind of situation, possibly like Nemesis. We have an idea of what effects Nemesis can do, but we are way underestimating this. The effect of Nemesis will be beyond anyone’s conceivability.
But that is not what I am writing about today. Right now, with this possible outside influence of Nemesis, we are in an alignment of interest. Saturn, with its beautiful rings, is aligning with our world and the sun … right now.
We are the blue and Saturn is the yellow one. Note Uranus’ location in this picture. We are not aligned in this image, but we will get another chance as it changes this perspective in the future. It was noted that Nemesis was in the vicinity of Neptune at one time. Also to note that our alignment with Jupiter is real close.
This eighth month of this year we will be in the shadow of two of our largest planets in this solar system. And to some level I believe that we are also approximately in-line with Nemesis, if I am reading the Sun even partially correctly. This next month could present an element of conductivity between us and these outer planets. This may have something to do with the leveling of society and the beginning of this event. Keep an eye on satellites as they will be the first to be affected. The electrical effects of this could be really exciting. Wasn’t there an item about August being more turbulent.
Now next year the alignments look even more ominous with alignments between us, Jupiter and Neptune plus the Sun. This is the plot of this same day, in 2022.
Our future in this reality ought to be an interesting show. I’ll bring the popcorn, Haiku …