Plants do use sounds to talk to each other


FOTCM Member
Hi guys,

I came across this article as I was doing my nightly round, and I found it rather fascinating.

A Tel Aviv University study shows that plants talk.

Scientists knew that plants communicate with each other when they are under stress, but what was not known before is that they do so with sounds, research from Tel Aviv University (TAU) in Israel reported this week.

"We finally proved that plants make sounds!" said Professor Lilach Hadany of TAU's Plant Sciences and Food Safety faculty, co-leader with Professor Yosi Yovel of the study, which was published in the journal Cell.

"Our findings suggest that the world around us is full of sounds coming from plants and that these sounds contain information, for example, about water shortages or injuries," he added.

It is known that plants can change their appearance, for example, by wilting or changing the color of their leaves, can secrete a more bitter taste to deter herbivores or increase the concentration of sugar in their nectar to attract pollinators, and even emit odors to communicate with family members to warn them that they are being attacked by insects. But this is the first time that sounds from stressed plants have been recorded and classified.

Noisy fields

The researchers revealed that the sound of the plants is like a clacking sound, and the volume is similar to that of human speech, but at high frequencies (20 to 150 kHz) that are beyond the hearing range of humans.

"We assume that in nature, sounds emitted by plants are detected by nearby creatures, such as bats, rodents, various insects and possibly also other plants that can hear the high frequencies and obtain relevant information," Hadany explained.

The authors of the study point out that humans can also use this information from plants with the right tools, such as sensors that translate to growers when plants need watering, for example.

They talk to each other so much that Hadany points out that "an idyllic field of flowers can be a pretty noisy place. It's just that we can't hear those sounds."

Different languages also

The research team recorded ultrasonic sounds emitted by tomato and tobacco plants that had been deprived of water or had suffered a stem cut.

"Unstressed plants emitted less than one sound per hour, on average, while stressed plants, both dehydrated and injured, emitted dozens of sounds every hour," Hadany reported.

Tomato plants, for example, made very little noise when watered, but over the next four or five days, the amount of sound increased as the plants dried out.

To further test their findings, the team also recorded other species that also emitted sounds, such as wheat, corn, Cabernet Sauvignon grapes and others. Thus, they concluded that plants not only 'talk' but have different 'languages'.

And if the plant world is this noisy, it means that the animal world hears it and reacts to the noises, since ultrasonic range sounds from 20 to 100 kHz can be detected from a distance of three to five meters (10 to 16 feet), indicating that many mammals and insects, such as mice and moths, with their high auditory sensitivity, are attentive to the language of plants.

TAU scientists noted that this finding could have potential for precision agriculture, aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change, which causes greater droughts threatening ecosystems.
Noisy fields

The researchers revealed that the sound of the plants is like a clacking sound, and the volume is similar to that of human speech, but at high frequencies (20 to 150 kHz) that are beyond the hearing range of humans.

"We assume that in nature, sounds emitted by plants are detected by nearby creatures, such as bats, rodents, various insects and possibly also other plants that can hear the high frequencies and obtain relevant information," Hadany explained.
Somebody made a device which translates a plant's electrical impulses into sound we can hear!

What exactly is being measured?

PlantWave measures microfluctuations in conductivity between two points on a plant. The amount of conductivity between these two points is largely related to how much water there is between them. That changes as plants photosynthesize and move chloroplasts around. The variation is graphed over time, which produces a wave. We take that wave and translate it into pitch. Then those pitch messages are routed to control instruments we designed. So, each note you hear is an expression of a change happening within the plant in the moment. The greater the distance between two adjacent notes, the greater change is happening within the plant.
Fascinating. I remember hearing about this study where plants could hear insects chewing and being able to defend themselves to some extent. Its kind of related, I think.

A quick google search turned this up

Plants, it seems, have an ear for danger. According to recent research, at least some of those seemingly inert organisms can tell when they're being eaten alive. They home in on the sound vibrations caused by munching insect mouths and respond accordingly±with a surge of chemical defense.

As Modern Farmer writes, "It’s a far more dynamic defense than scientists had realized: the plant is more aware of its surroundings and able to respond than expected."

Researchers recorded the noises of caterpillars eating leaves from Arabadopsis, a plant related to broccoli, kale and cabbage. (It goes by the common name thale cress.) Then, they played that horrifying noise back to other Arabadopsis plants. Plants exposed to those danger sounds produced significantly higher levels of defensive chemical compounds used to ward off insects than plants exposed to recordings of silence, the wind blowing or insect songs.
I came across this article as I was doing my nightly round, and I found it rather fascinating.
Fascinating indeed!

Makes me think about one of my little dogs, that I often see her looking intently at the ceiling or at a wall of the living room when there's nothing really there to see. I always thought that maybe she could 'see' something that we humans cannot see. But now that I think of it, maybe she's actually listening to something. My wife stores all her outdoor plants in the house for the winter, so we have plants all over the place. And since dog's can hear sounds up to between 47 and 65 kHz, maybe that's what she's doing. She's listening to plants talking to each other.:-D

Anyway, very interesting Alejo.
Unstressed plants emitted less than one sound per hour, on average, while stressed plants, both dehydrated and injured, emitted dozens of sounds every hour
Nowadays I take care of the garden and pots.

I have been learning and observing the cycles of each plant, I will not be able to avoid imagining the concert of sounds that the plants emit every time I go to the garden, and it is daily. 🤣
"Our findings suggest that the world around us is full of sounds coming from plants and that these sounds contain information"

Hi, questions arise, are we witnessing here an effect of the Wawe onto 2D beings ? What could be an hyperkinetic sensate or change in perception for a plant ? How would it manifest ?
Here's a quote that can bring a clue from this post :

Secrer History of The World, page 548, in this sentence :

"The placement of the sixth density level of Knowledge on the vertical axis as a “mirror image” of the placement of 2nd density as the realm of Nature".

Can we assume then that plants and vegetal beings at large are, in our reality, endowed with a sort of 6D knowledge ?

Since 20 years or so I live with plants, study them from all possible perspective 😊 and still discover something new about them everyday. They could teach us and I swear sometimes in the spring I can ear the tree buds' poping sound ! Like a gentle irregular crackling when the sun warms them up! 🌞
Can we assume then that plants and vegetal beings at large are, in our reality, endowed with a sort of 6D knowledge ?
I've just read this post in the "afterlife" thread and find it also relevant here, mainly the original bolded part :

Here are some interesting excerpts about Soul Groups taken from Testimony of Light: An Extraordinary Message of Life After Death by Helen Greaves:
And here is another one:

Since I left the earth life I have been taught by a Teacher with whom I am in contact, mentally and spiritually. He Himself is a part of the Group Soul in the Group toward which I am progressing and of which, although I was not entirely aware, I have been a member for many ages. This Teacher is a higher Disciple, a wise and advanced soul, and is able to impart knowledge and wisdom to souls in the Group. Here, progress, when made, is always rewarded with a service. In other words, as one advances to greater Light, so one is allowed to teach and guide others of the Group on a lesser path. The Group itself is made up of souls at all levels of consciousness, from the highest to the mediocre, but the Spirit of the Groups only advances Itself as the younger and less knowledgeable members make progress. It is a unified advance. No member of the Group can pass beyond the call and communication of other members. When the Group itself advances into the Divine Company, then there will be no “stragglers.” But, as I am instructed, such an experience is far beyond the Group consciousness at this stage.

Do plants have/belong to a group soul ? And if so, what would be their "level" ? In the sense mentioned here (session 25 Feb 2023) :

Q: (Joe) Can I ask a question, Laura?

(L) Yes.

(Joe) I think it was brought up on the forum. The Cs have said that all souls were already created from the beginning. But we have this idea that OPs and stuff can develop souls. So they are kind of mutually ... they are not compatible ideas, right? And the idea that OPs come back to the soul pool, and keep coming back and forth, so, what is the deal there? If all souls are already created, is there no progression from an OP point of view into... or is it a group soul type of thing?

A: No. A group soul can differentiate. Same "amount" of soul "stuff".

Q:(Joe) OK. So, it's just levels of souls, then, right?

A: Yes
Can we assume then that plants and vegetal beings at large are, in our reality, endowed with a sort of 6D knowledge ?
Remember, they're not 6D themselves, but 6D reflections. They're still learning the lessons they need to graduate to 2D (the animal kingdom).

Do plants have/belong to a group soul?
I think it's more that plants have a "Groot" soul.


Thank you, I'm here all week.

PS: Great article, Alejo!
J'adore mes plantes, je suis heureuse qu'elles me parlent et se parlent entre elles même si je ne les entends ni ne les comprends...
Quoique je suis très attentive à Elles, elles doivent le savoir... Pour ce dernier Noël, elles ont reçu trois cristaux de protection du Château de Laura pour elles dont deux qui sont dans leur eau de guérison agrémentée deux fois par semaine d'engrais biologique et un qui se trouve dans le pot de mon olivier sur mon balcon où elles se trouvent toutes réunies...
Elles et leurs cristaux sont dans mes prières chaque jour... Un vrai bonheur... Merci pour l'information...

I love my plants, I'm happy that they talk to me and to each other even if I don't hear or understand them...
Although I am very attentive to them, they must know it... For this last Christmas, they received three crystals of protection from Laura's Castle for them, two of which are in their healing water, enriched twice a week with fertilizer. organic and one that is in the pot of my olive tree on my balcony where they are all together...
They and their crystals are in my prayers every day... A real treat... Thanks for the information...
I have it at home and yes I don't regret buying it. The author M. Wohlleben, explains how forests works, how everything is interdependant, interconnected, how trees have memory, how they communicate, share nutrients etc. Reading that book fills you with awe.
I‘ve read years ago about some community in Italy called Damanhur and they created a device (haven’t found on which frequency it works) that „listens to the plants“:

THE MUSIC OF THE PLANTS - Damanhur Foundation

Since the 1970s, Damanhur has been exploring communication with the plant world. As a part of this research, Damanhur researchers have created an instrument capable of detecting electromagnetic variations from the surface of the plant leaves to the root system. Such variations are then translated into sound through a MIDI interface. They discovered that the pulse streams of each organism are unique, with each plant manifesting its own individual biological “signature sound”.


They posted a bunch of videos on how the plants „sound“, all sounding very New Agey and divine ;-D

On similar note ;-D :

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