Plants do use sounds to talk to each other

Hi, questions arise, are we witnessing here an effect of the Wawe onto 2D beings ? What could be an hyperkinetic sensate or change in perception for a plant ? How would it manifest ?
I don't know, I am not sure if it is related to that at all, I get the senes that this is something that has always been, we simply didn't know and never bothered to look.

But I remember it was mentioned once that the way we discovered medicinal plants was because the "plants told people" what they were good for, and it makes a lot of sense considering this.. it's more than talking to your plants, it's communicating with the plant, a two way conversation.

Which leads me to wonder if it is something that can be developed by practice of if it is something that some people are genetically born capable of doing. And that extends the possibilities to other paranormal abilities, clairvoyance, and seeing ghosts and so on... it's extending our perceptive senses to frequencies that extend past the human machine.

Really interesting stuff.

I will admit that I spent a bit of time looking at my plants at home last night, wondering what they might be saying about me or living with me.
Fascinating thread! I am reminded of a book I read long ago: "The Intention Experiment" by Lynne McTaggart. The book includes a chapter dedicated to an experiment that started out as an impromptu act on the part of a noted polygraph expert with his home plants. While working at home in the 60's, Cleve Backster, was about to water his plants and decided in the moment to hook them up to his polygraph machine to see if he could measure the length of time it would take for the water to travel from the roots to the leaves. At that time, the machine used was able to record any surge of emotion in human subjects and he wondered if the machine would register a point of resistance in the plant once the water hit a certain point. Something other than what he expected occurred and he likened it to what happened with a typical human response. This prompted him to go further and after a few experiments he ended up realizing that he had to make an "immediate and genuine threat" to to the plant in order to stimulate a potential reaction. So, his initial thought was to try burning a leaf. What happened was the very moment of this thought...there was a huge spike on the machine! The plant immediately put up an alarm with only his thought of burning it....the plant seemed to have read his thoughts!

This, of course, began years of more experimenting in different ways. One day, Backster was boiling water to make coffee and began to pour the extra boiled water down the drain. The plants in the room registered an intense reaction as he did this. He decided to take samples from the drain to examine. Did the bacteria from the drain emit some kind of Mayday signal before they died that the other plants picked up on? Backster spent the next 30 years continuing with these types of experiments and endured ridicule from the scientific community although the paranormal group took interest.

Some conclusions include: plants became attuned to their main caregivers and their comings and goings, the plants also seemed to be aware of a pet dog who was often in the room. Other findings included awareness by just thought experiment in yogurt (welcoming new bacteria), eggs, human cells and semen, etc. At one point, a favorite plant belonging to Backster, reacted strongly to a friend and collegue who was a plant lover and believer in the interrelation between all of life. The man sent out the thought of burning the leaf with acid and it immediately reacted strongly. However, as the thoughts were repeated with no action, the plant soon registered no reaction. The theory, if I remember correctly, was that the plant also was aware of whether there was a true or artificial intent or in other words, the plant perhaps had a learning curve.

The entire book is interesting, in that many cutting edge experiments, even though older at this point, are discussed which demonstrates the affect of thoughts on everything else.
I must have about 15 or more plants in my apartment. I only have east facing windows, so twice a year I move the plants around, so the sun will not be so strong on some of their more delicate leaves.

I remember reading somewhere reading about an experiment where someone talked to their plants. To some of the selected plants the told them they loved them. To others, they said nothing. And to the third group they actually said things like "I hate you" or "You are ugly". l don't remember when exatly or where I read this, but it made an impact on me. And it also affected the plants negatively....especially the one's who were told that they were ugly or hated. So, I began (and still start my day) greeting my plants by touching them and telling each one that I love them, that they are beautiful, and they are important to me.

I continue to this day by this morning "greeting" to all the plants. And, additionally, I also touch each of my crystals at the beginning of my day, and tell them that they are loved and thank them for all that they do. A few of my older plants have names because they have been with me for years.

There have been a few times I've been in a hurry and not greeted my plant and crystal beings, and find myself later in the day talking to them.

I am sure it would absolutely sound silly to some people. I don't tell this to anyone. But since it has become my morning routine, I find that I actually enjoy the process of waking up and greeting the rest of the "life" in my home.
I continue to this day by this morning "greeting" to all the plants. And, additionally, I also touch each of my crystals at the beginning of my day, and tell them that they are loved and thank them for all that they do. A few of my older plants have names because they have been with me for years.
I have never done it but, might be worth the effort.

It also makes me wonder about my dog, the article mentions how other animals might be able to listen to the plants, and whenever my dog has an upset stomach, he goes and eats grass... but not ever grass is "fit" and some green leaves.. and I do wonder if some of it might be smell, which sure.. but now I am thinking that he might be able to pick up the sound of the plant that will do the trick to alleviate his stomach issues.

Just speculating of course.
he goes and eats grass... but not ever grass is "fit" and some green leaves.
In Europe, there's a particular type of "grass" that dogs like to eat as you mentioned, in english it's called : dog grass, quackgrass.
Generally, gardners "hate" it so much !! Because it's a real tenacious plant, never tired to coming back. :lol:
From here in french, more details :

"Rich in silica, potassium and other minerals, quackgrass has always found uses in natural medicine. An active principle, triticine, as well as a sugar, mannitol, is found in the rhizomes. these are used in decoction or infusion as a diuretic, for urinary problems, against rheumatism, gout, cystitis, etc.

Dogs, cats and wild animals eat the foliage to aid digestion or when they feel sick in order to make themselves vomit. A few kilograms of quackgrass rhizomes in the horse's diet would give him a shiny coat.

During World War I in times of famine, wheatgrass bread was popular in southern Germany. The seeds as well as the rhizomes were used to produce a nutritious flour which replaced wheat as well as other grains. ( I've read somewhere else that it was also used by romans' army in harsh supply conditions... )

Dried rhizomes can be used to make brushes. A substance that kills slugs has been identified in the roots."

My speculation... is that maybe animals and plants can communicate in some way, by sounds and/or thoughts, don't the C's told us telepathy is common among animal realm...?
Which leads me to wonder if it is something that can be developed by practice of if it is something that some people are genetically born capable of doing. And that extends the possibilities to other paranormal abilities, clairvoyance, and seeing ghosts and so on... it's extending our perceptive senses to frequencies that extend past the human machine.

Basically anything one souled human can do, every others souled humans could do it also, cause we came all from the same essence. We forgot a good practice that our ancestors used a lot, sitting somewhere and do nothing, not even thinking for hours, kind of meditate without intend to. When you look without looking then you will see, when you hear without hearing you will listen. Even if peoples have some abilities cause of their genetics, as we understand the epigenetics rules you have to use your genetics talents to develop them, so obviously those peoples spend a lot of time in gazing at plants.

Paul Coelho in The Alchemist had a sentence that resume it pretty accuretaly :

"You don't have to understand the desert, all you have to do is contemplate a single grain of sand and you will see in it all the marvels of creation"
But I remember it was mentioned once that the way we discovered medicinal plants was because the "plants told people" what they were good for, and it makes a lot of sense considering this.. it's more than talking to your plants, it's communicating with the plant, a two way conversation.

Which leads me to wonder if it is something that can be developed by practice of if it is something that some people are genetically born capable of doing.
They call it Ikaros or Icaro in South America which they say the plant communicates to the shaman through songs.

I found this article the internet saying

Icaros are often used in shamanism to connect with the spirit world. They are often played during ceremonies to bring about a state of meditation. The sounds that the icaros make can be soothing and calming, and they can help you connect with the spirit world. They can also help you commune with nature, and they are often used to summon spiritual helpers.
Ikaros act upon certain energy centers through sound vibrations to regulate the organic functions of the body.

It makes me also think of grounding if they are related. 🤔🤔
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