
Is anyone aware of the cassiopaeans being asked about the book 'bringers of the dawn' ?

Thank you.

Hi @Wavehello, I see you joined us a few years ago. It would be great if you could introduce yourself over in the Newbies section- nothing too personal, just a bit about yourself and how you found us.
A warm :welcome: here!

With regards to searching, there is also this website below created by one of our members with all of the Cs sessions. I find it much easier to search it than the forum’s inbuilt search function. You can try the terms ‘Bringers’ or ‘Marciniak’ & it will pull up all the relevant transcripts.

Added: There is also some further information about Bringers of the Dawn on Cass Wiki (which can be downloaded as a PDF here):
Cass Wiki said:
Bringers of the Dawn
Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians, by Barbara Marciniak, is a channeled material that Cassiopaeans had suggested for reading in a number of early channeling sessions with Laura Knight-Jadczyk.
Channeled by Marciniak, the Pleiadians present themselves as a group entity from the far future. The book is addressed as a wake-up call to supposed ”wanderers”, or ”system busters” who have incarnated on Earth at this time to assist with the events of the Wave. The book is engaging, but according to the FotCM’s take on the matter, it is a mixed source with genuine higher density information blended with the Marciniak’s preconceptions and a heavy dose of ”you create your own reality”. The term ”Lizzie” was first introduced in this book as a name for the 4th density STS overlords keeping the humanity captive.

The book agrees in many key points with Cassiopaeans and Ra, and it is a good read if one does not take everything too literally. Marciniak’s later work is in the FotCM’s view rather more STS-influenced and ritualistic, thus Bringers of the Dawn remains her best work.
The Cassiopaeans have said that Ra and the Pleiadians are their ”colleagues”, occupying a some- what different point of focus in sixth density but with access to essentially the same understandings. Differences in the channel and audience can account for many differences of focus and tone.
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