Plotting the Wave

I´ve been working to figure out how to draw a 3D wave and take a clear picture of the path, using a software and marking the stars mentioned as reference by de C´s... it just wont work, clearly this is not a simply wave, it should be a complicate form of wave (takeing in count that is spiral or cyclical). The best I did was the marking of the stars in 3D as seen in the image attached. The stars marked were:

Alnilam (Middle star in orion´s belt)
Arcturus (refering to arcturas work)
Pleiades (from pleiadeans work)
Shedir (Cassiopaea)
Denebola (closest star from leo, according to the constelation. The other version is that the closest star we need to use is wolf359, but im not sure about that, if someone has an idea of wichone to use please comment)

Going back to the trancripts, the c´s said that with distance and eta will work to locate the crest of the wave, so I just throw all the dificulties and simplify the work by messuring the distance between stars (using celestia) and divide it for the years between contact, something like this:

Stars Diference Distance between stars Year
Orion - Arcturus 2 years 1999.44826 ly 1982 - 1984
Arcturus - Pleiades 4 years 408.4 ly 1984 - 1988
Pleiades - Shedir 6 years 279.45 ly 1988 - 1994
Shedir - Denebola 17 years 241.8 ly 1994 - 2011 aprox
(contact for Leoians are not confirmed but I speculate from the last session 23-feb-11 that they are almost in leo)

Q: (L) Hello. Who do we have with us this evening?

A: Soinorqa

Q: (L) And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea/Leo.

So, in any case if Denebola or Wolf359 is the last stop for C´s / L´s before our solar system, I assume the wave will arrive middle 2014, as they suggest in 2009 -2010 sessions:

Session Date: June 9th 2009

Q: (Ar***) Are they talking about in the next 20 years?

A: Less.

Q: (Ar**) Oh god... (Alenl) In the next year?

A: Five.

Q: (Ar**) So what's going to happen in the next five years that's going to be worse?

A: Wait and see!

Session Date: June 20th 2009

A: 5 more years! 2 go! 0 new year!

Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Poinonia

Q: (L) And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea

Q: (L) Is there any particular reason you made the announcement about 5 years to go?

A: Just reminding you.

Q: (L) You normally have never been date-specific.

A: This is not "day" specific but close enough for horseshoes.

Q: (Joe) A lot of the New Agers are gonna be disappointed in 2012.

A: 2012 is a distraction. We have repeatedly talked about the open nature of the future. It is always open until the probabilities begin to collapse, such as now. But macro-collapses take some "time".

Q: (L) So you're saying that there is a macro-collapse that has already begun?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is that possible? (Ark) Umm, well, yes.

A: Wait and see!


Session Date: July 6th 2010

Q: (L) So you say "that would be telling", yet you have told us that somewhere maybe in June or July of 2014 will be Year 0 of a new era. So, are we to assume that something is going to intervene that will stop the leak and sort things out on this planet?

A: Oh indeed.

Q: (L) Umm... Is this something that we're going to consider to be beneficial? {laughter}

A: It's like having a baby: blood, water, pain, but joy when it is over.

Q: (Andromeda) How long will it take to be over? (Burma Jones) Yeah, how long is the labor? (L) Some people die in childbirth, ya know!

A: Not if they are utilizing knowledge.

So I will assume that the next:

Denebola - Sun 3 years 35.878 ly 2011 - 2014 aprox (looks in graphic that it fits and follow the natural flow of the wave)
Wolf - Sun 3 years 7.78 ly 2011 - 2014 aprox

In resume, I include an attachment that shows 2 graphics for this numbers, showing the distance between stars vs year of contact, 2 graph is distance between each star - sun vs year of contact.

I will appreciate any comment


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Hi All,

I have been following this thread from its beginnings because it's a very interesting topic and I wanted to be among those first in line to receive the results, if there were any. So far no luck. I haven't attempted any contribution up till now due to total lack of knowledge in any of the adjacent areas of expertise. And now I'm not going to either.

Still, there are some related points that I do grasp a little. They have to do with the timing of the events under consideration. Consider the following:

- take 9-11-2001 as the shaping of ground zero - allready worldwide accepted as 'the start of something big'

- take some date in 2014 as the shaping of time zero - some sort of provisional culmination point

- remember the I Ching outcome for 2011 (see Laura's SotT editorial 1-10-2011) and notice the coming of comet Elenin this year (SotT article 2-15-2011)

- add the timetables of the biblebook of Revelation into the mix.

The outcome (as I see it) would be that 'ground zero' started a collective collapse of some wavefunctions which then amounts now to the start of the first 3 1/2 year period of tribulation in the current year - which in itself is to end in the aforementioned culmination point 'time zero' somewhere in 2014. All tentative, of course.

Following the scenarios of Revelation a bit further we have to realise that the end of the first period of tribulation ushers in a sort of respite or temporary halt to all developments, which are supposed to continue with a second 3 1/2 year period of even greater tribulation at some later date.

The respite section of events (of unknown duration) is considered by the rapture-people to be the moment of their hauling away - whether into salvation or otherwise... It could also be the 'moment' (prolonged period) of the Wave hitting our solar system and earth, with all that would imply.

Personally, I don't think the Wave will be hitting us in 2014 but rather at the end of the second period of tribulation - whenever that might be. Considering the rather slow arrival of the C's in or near the Leo constellation one wonders if the rest of the projected trajectory will be finished any time soon thereafter. But you never know for certain...

As for the role and influence of awareness and/or consciousness (in collective as well as individual and/or important small groups sense), there seems to be a direct correlation of that with the quality of the experiences of all those involved in these developments - simply because those states influence our acts, our prospects and our strives. Very little can be said about that in general terms at this moment - we'll just have to wait and see how things will play out.

I'm really looking foreward to any comments anyone might have...
DreamGod said:
I´ve been working to figure out how to draw a 3D wave and take a clear picture of the path, using a software and marking the stars mentioned as reference by de C´s... it just wont work, clearly this is not a simply wave, it should be a complicate form of wave (takeing in count that is spiral or cyclical). The best I did was the marking of the stars in 3D as seen in the image attached. The stars marked were:

Alnilam (Middle star in orion´s belt)
Arcturus (refering to arcturas work)
Pleiades (from pleiadeans work)
Shedir (Cassiopaea)
Denebola (closest star from leo, according to the constelation. The other version is that the closest star we need to use is wolf359, but im not sure about that, if someone has an idea of wichone to use please comment)

This is a really cool experiment!

The thing is. . , which star we choose is super-important, since the stars which make up these constellations are going to be completely different distances from the Earth. So which do we pick to perform measurements upon?

Well. . , as I understood things, the C's transmit through places where stars have gone through some kind of big transformation which frees up a lot of energy. I'd have to look it up, but I believe it might have had to do with stars which had exploded, gone nova or similar.

So that gives a starting point.

Though. . , I'm not sure, but I also seem to recall that some of those stars haven't blown up yet in our timeline.

If that's the case, (I'm again going on my memory of transcripts) then that adds to the complexity somewhat!
I had an observation when reading a link from: this thread:

oldy said:
If you're interested in such systems (which, in theory, may quite possibly exist somewhere in the Universe), you may want to check up the phrases "time travel" and "computation". Here's a very nice source of material on the subject:

I noticed something interesting in the above link:

Another approach to time travel asks why it isn't observed routinely. There is no intrinsic time direction in Newton's mechanics nor in the differential equations of the new physics. The future determines the past just as fully as the past determines the future. Why, then, can our past selves leave messages for our future, but seemingly absolutely never the other way around? This question has not been definitively answered. Attempted explanations involve "boundary conditions", the initial values of physical quantities at the edges of space and time, which the differential equations of physical law then fill out. The universe must be somehow very different at one end than the other, and this difference orients the arrow of time. Most common is the thermodynamic explanation, which talks about the state of disorder or "entropy" of matter and energy. The universe started in a very rare, highly ordered state, and is running down into increasingly common states of disorder. Though this explains why a ship can't run its engines by separating water into steam and ice, it does not explain why one can't send today's lottery numbers into yesterday by expending a few megawatt hours of energy.

One explanation which does was offered by John Wheeler and Richard Feynman in 1945. They noted that Maxwell's equations, the first "modern" physical theory, give two solutions for the effect of accelerating an electric charge. One, called the retarded wave, follows the acceleration and describes an electromagnetic disturbance diverging outward at the speed of light--the radio waves which link our civilization. The other, called the advanced wave, is for a similar disturbance that precedes the acceleration and converges on it (or, in another way of looking at it, diverges backwards in time). This latter wave is never seen. Wheeler and Feynman's analysis assumes that the advanced wave is, in fact, produced, and expands outwards into the past. There, eventually, it encounters a condition, perhaps the extreme density of the big bang at the beginning of the universe, that reflects it, producing a retarded wave exactly out of phase, that retraces its spacetime and exactly cancels it out. The retarded wave from an accelerated charge is not cancelled in an analogous manner, because there is no reflector in the future of the universe to reverse it--perhaps because the universe is "open", and expands forever. If this is a correct explanation, it might be possible to send signals backward in time by means of a kind a reflector that acts like the big bang--maybe a black hole.

Such a reflector would reverse and return a retarded wave, cancelling and thus apparently preventing it. If the reflector were installed one light year away from a light source aimed at it, it would suppress light from the source one year before installation. Similarly the suppression would go away one year before the reflector was removed. Messages could be sent a year into the past simply by moving the reflector in and out of the beam. Recently John Cramer devised an interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, called the transactional model, that uses this approach to explain every interaction. Transmission of a photon from one place to another actually involves two signals, one moving forward in time, the other backward, a "handshake", between the two locations. In Cramer's model a time communicator could be built that works much like the Wheeler-Feynman type, but using a wave absorber to prevent a transaction, rather than a reflector to cancel it.

And I remembered the C's saying that they use Cassiopaea's radio source as a transmission of sorts:

Q: (L) And where are you from?
A: We transmit via the radio source in Cassiopaea.

I think there's a longer explanation in another session but I couldn't find it at the moment. Anyway, I looked up the distance from us to Cassiopaea:


The nearest start is Achird, and it is 19.42 lightyears away from Earth. The C's transmissions started in 1994 and 2014 is seemingly when the Wave may be coming. The C's mentioned we would merge with them at that time (temporarily), so if the transmissions are somehow related to the time of the merge, perhaps it's not a coincidence that the Wave is 20 years after the beginning of the transmissions, and the nearest star in Cassiopaea region is about 20 light years away? Although the actual radio source in Cassiopaea used for the transmissions is probably not that star but something much farther away, so this may very well just be a coincidence.

I think you can find the longer version over here: in a short thread about an article of Ark on related subjects. For convenience I'll quote the passage:

Session March 01, 1997
Q: (T) You had a question about transmitting from Cassiopaea, Arkadiusz. What was the question? (A) I think the question was, why do they need a particular place in the universe to transmit from?
A: We transmit "through" the opening that is presented in the locator you represent as Cassiopaea, due to the strong radio pulses align from Cassiopaea, due to pulsar from neutron star 300 light years behind it, as seen from your locator. [Planchette spirals briefly] This facilitates a clear channel transmission from 6th density to 3rd density.
Q: (A) I would like to know how long it takes for the transmission to come from Cassiopaea to Earth.
A: "Zero" time.
Q: (A) 'Zero time...' They transmit, using what? Electromagnetics, gravity, or what?
A: Both. They are interconnected, or you could say "unified".

Maybe these threads could be merged?

There is also another thread with a related subject that might farther enlighten you. Have a look here:

**EDIT** Corrected spelling of Ark's name.
Ivecky said:
I know I'm a newbie and I'm still making my way through the materials and please excuse me but isn't plotting a point or a time separate/away from us a 3D concept? Is it a reference for our benefit?

After trying to see things from a different perspective away from the limits of time and space I've thought about the possibilities of how the “Wave” would arrive and an idea that came to me is: if we exist in a fractal holographic universe and are “jumping around” with only the perception of linear progression through time, then isn't it possible that the “wave” is a section of this holographic fractal (intersecting a realm border?) and we as consciousness units are moving towards it?

I've also considered that the “Wave” might be coming from without, but is it also possible that it's coming from within? If we consider that this sphere which we reside is a combination of many diverse and different waveforms, and awareness existing as a particular waveform can be increased in individuals. Then, this in turn adds to the waveform of awareness of a group thus increasing its energy and anchoring that particular frequency within the reality. Maybe which is why the C's say “The key is awareness” and why the time-frame is also variable because it relies on the awareness of individuals and groups to get to a particular level.

Hi Ivecky,

I believe what you mention is similar to that of simpler understanding that i have. Based on the all ever popular game series 'Final Fantasy', there is this clock running throughout the game during game-play. But it does not affect the play itself but just acts as time. To progress through is based on the events in the game and that 'Time' is not the same for everyone clearing a certain event within the game.

So to my understanding it sort of corresponds to what we are experiencing right now. Certain events have to happen to progress through this Grand Cycle. The consciousness of everyone on this Blue Marble, the energy interaction from various sources must happen in order to push forward this cosmic event. And if someone does not do a certain thing/stuff (predestine) which contributes to this energy interaction. This energy contribution will be pass on to the next person who FRV is close to this contribution. 'Time' does not affect this cosmic event and neither is a certain event. Only the energy of equal importance has to be released/reached. Example a certain quake has to happen on this date, and place. But it doesn't, instead a series of quakes happen else where. In which the amount of energy released is almost the same for both events.

I hope i did not confuse anyone on this.
I find this topic very interesting and I think about it a lot. I agree that in the plotting the wave's arrival, it's not so important that we know when it happens. Perhaps the Cassiopaeans are giving us an exercise in 4th density math. You guys have done a lot of work here and it's really incredible. I'd like to share my thoughts.

I went out for a smoke, and sometimes I'll pose a question to myself, be silent and wait for a spontaneous answer. I have these mental conversations often enough to know they are useful. It interrupts me mid-thought sometimes too. It's just probably how I experience my inner dialogue, and it doesn't sound the same written down, it's much more fluid than Q&A. This time it went something like this:

When will the Wave arrive?
- In tandem with the human experiential cycle.
When using the hints, numbers and locator points, what do they
- Correlate to.
So the numbers are
- Not as important as the correlation.
To what?
- Colour.
Then I pictured a rainbow and thought of how colours have a numerical equivalent in wavelength.

When thinking of a cyclical, spiral-type of path the wave takes, it could connect some of the locators even given vast distances on all axes. I think a missing piece here is the measurement of space between the successive loops going up (or down) the z-axis? I'm not sure that the concept of phi, 1.61803..., takes into account 3 dimensions (or does it?). Do you think we can assume a constant speed for the wave, given the correct locator sequence on a spiral path using phi? Perhaps a more elliptical path may ensue as light bends near the extreme gravity of a star (unstable gravity waves, meaning more that the orbit/speed fluctuates depending on other masses, than being unstable as such?). And this bending of light, along with heat, being the method of determining the distance based on red/blue shift, wouldn't each locator correspond to a distinct colour, if not a more distinct number??

I don't really have a solid theory what this could mean yet, I need to think it thru some more. I'd like to hear all of your thoughts. I'm looking to see if we can somehow use colour to measure the orbital spiral wavelength (for lack of a better word) - the hopefully somewhat consistent z-axis distance between successive loops. I know this is just my second post, and I apologise if this is somewhat disjointed, but I did want to give my input. Maybe I gave more questions than answers.

On the other hand, maybe we just don't have the tools in this density to work this out for certain, and the exercise in imaginative thinking is what's important. I've wondered if there might be a crop circle that we could use as a tool to better comprehend all this.
I was wondering whether the newly discovered supernova in Leo could be pertinent to this discussion.
It might help facilitate the C's transmissions from there. See:
I think it has something to do with it, I would like to see C´s comments about it in next session (whenever is going to be).
Aside from super novas in the Cassiopaean/Wave travels, does NASA have any idea of the Wave's existence utilizing 3D equipment? Does anything detect impinging 4D energy, that is, the outer band of the Wave(s) that have produced visual phenomena such as the Saladin incident. Was there a corresponding energetic anomaly in 3D which was observed by someone in a space observing capacity?
ziggystarlust said:
Aside from super novas in the Cassiopaean/Wave travels, does NASA have any idea of the Wave's existence utilizing 3D equipment? Does anything detect impinging 4D energy, that is, the outer band of the Wave(s) that have produced visual phenomena such as the Saladin incident. Was there a corresponding energetic anomaly in 3D which was observed by someone in a space observing capacity?
Hi ziggystarlust,
There is a small part of the session on 9 April 2011 (,22855.0.html) relevant here:
A: What do you think about the ”new” explosion 3 to 4 billion light years away? They think, that is.

{Here it seems the Cs are referring to recent news of an explosion that is going on in the center of a small galaxy said to be 3.8 billion light-years away. See:
“Astronomers say they have never seen anything this bright, long-lasting and variable before. Usually gamma-ray bursts mark the end of a massive star and emission from these events never lasts more than a few hours. But radiation from the blast continues to brighten and fade from the location a week after the explosion.”
And: “Rather than the short-lived gamma-ray bursts typically associated with the death of a massive star -- most last no more than a few hours -- this explosion continues more than a week later to emanate pulses of high-energy cosmic radiation for an effect that's brighter, longer lasting, and more variable than scientists have ever seen.”}

Q: (L) Are you saying that it’s not as far away as they’re saying it is?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What is it representing? What is it doing?

A: The wave has begun in earnest!

Q: (L) What do you mean?

A: Energy is pouring into your universe from higher densities.
If you're interested in doing some research about this you might start with both quoted sources and take it from there. ;)
Palinurus said:
ziggystarlust said:
Aside from super novas in the Cassiopaean/Wave travels, does NASA have any idea of the Wave's existence utilizing 3D equipment? Does anything detect impinging 4D energy, that is, the outer band of the Wave(s) that have produced visual phenomena such as the Saladin incident. Was there a corresponding energetic anomaly in 3D which was observed by someone in a space observing capacity?
Hi ziggystarlust,
There is a small part of the session on 9 April 2011 (,22855.0.html) relevant here:
A: What do you think about the ”new” explosion 3 to 4 billion light years away? They think, that is.

{Here it seems the Cs are referring to recent news of an explosion that is going on in the center of a small galaxy said to be 3.8 billion light-years away. See:
“Astronomers say they have never seen anything this bright, long-lasting and variable before. Usually gamma-ray bursts mark the end of a massive star and emission from these events never lasts more than a few hours. But radiation from the blast continues to brighten and fade from the location a week after the explosion.”
And: “Rather than the short-lived gamma-ray bursts typically associated with the death of a massive star -- most last no more than a few hours -- this explosion continues more than a week later to emanate pulses of high-energy cosmic radiation for an effect that's brighter, longer lasting, and more variable than scientists have ever seen.”}

Q: (L) Are you saying that it’s not as far away as they’re saying it is?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What is it representing? What is it doing?

A: The wave has begun in earnest!

Q: (L) What do you mean?

A: Energy is pouring into your universe from higher densities.
If you're interested in doing some research about this you might start with both quoted sources and take it from there. ;)

Thanx, and I do peruse around the net for all kinds of information. I have not found any evidence or "leaks" from NASA or elsewhere of anything that is freaking them out right now. The question I raised was about measurable scientific anomalies HERE on earth, say from the statosphere inward. But will keep eyes and ears open for something that may indicate a measurable phenomna from the in pouring of enegies.
ziggystarlust said:
Aside from super novas in the Cassiopaean/Wave travels, does NASA have any idea of the Wave's existence utilizing 3D equipment? Does anything detect impinging 4D energy, that is, the outer band of the Wave(s) that have produced visual phenomena such as the Saladin incident. Was there a corresponding energetic anomaly in 3D which was observed by someone in a space observing capacity?

ziggystarlust said:
Thanx, and I do peruse around the net for all kinds of information. I have not found any evidence or "leaks" from NASA or elsewhere of anything that is freaking them out right now. The question I raised was about measurable scientific anomalies HERE on earth, say from the statosphere inward. But will keep eyes and ears open for something that may indicate a measurable phenomna from the in pouring of enegies.

I’ve encountered no information that NASA knows about The Wave per se or is trying to detect it, but there is this satellite out there attempting to detect gravity waves:

I’m not exactly sure of NASA’s involvement. This blog here says that NASA has withdrawn from a parallel project, LISA:

Is this kind of thing you are talking about ziggy?
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