Poll: If you could get one public figure to read Ponerology...

Approaching Infinity

FOTCM Member
If you could get one celebrity/public figure to read ponerology, who would it be?

I'd choose the Dixie Chicks, I think. ;)
After giving it some thought, I came to the conclusion that there is no celebrity/public figure that I could get to read ponerology, that could actually make a difference or change anything. Sounds bleak, but that's how I see it at the moment. Perhaps one day there might be somebody famous that I would recommend to read ponerology who could use that knowledge to do something positive. OSIT
No one said that it had to make a difference. Thinking about that just makes one anticipate. Tsk tsk.

Your sig gives me my choice: the Wachowski Bros.
Oprah - no question - simply because one mention by Oprah and Ponerology would be in the hands of millions of people within the week. Her word is gospel to her viewers; seriously, they don't call her the most powerful woman in Hollywood (America) for no reason. That would be great.

(of course I'm totally going for the 'lemming effect' - not for any deep, truly artistic interpretation that might result)

Oprah's the one. Here ya go:
http://www.oprah.com/email/reach/email_reach_fromu.jhtml ;)

(or..... Hugo Chavez.....Cindy Sheehan.....Keith Olbermann? Enough cojones to make it interesting)


Even my best friends They don't know That my job is Turning lead into gold - Van Morrison
beau said:
No one said that it had to make a difference. Thinking about that just makes one anticipate. Tsk tsk.
Thanks Beau. And just when I thought I had thought it through!!! Okay got to get a "bigger hammer" and start again.
Cate Blanchet

- to read in the same fashion like Galadrijel's lines on the history of middle earth at the opening of the LOTR
I still get the chills down my spine when I hear her:
' The world is changing... I feel it in the water... I feel it in my bones '
How about having Jimmy Carter on the Oprah show and promoting the book. Although, I'm not sure if the people that help her make decisions would allow the cover to be shown on PTB TV.
Bill Hicks, if he was still alive would have been awesome, but I'd have to say Maynard James Keenan (singer of rock band Tool), my reason is at least it's one way to get the truth out to the younger people.
I vote for the Wachowski brothers too, trusting first, that they will get it, and second, that they can create an illustration of it that can speak to lots of people.

For personal reasons, to Gael García Bernal, so we become "co-linear" :P :cool2:
OCKHAM said:
How about having Jimmy Carter on the Oprah show and promoting the book. Although, I'm not sure if the people that help her make decisions would allow the cover to be shown on PTB TV.
How about Lobaczewski interviewed live via satellite on Oprah? :D
OCKHAM said:
How about having Jimmy Carter on the Oprah show and promoting the book. Although, I'm not sure if the people that help her make decisions would allow the cover to be shown on PTB TV.
I was wondering if Jimmy Carter ever got his free copy? :D

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