Poll: If you could get one public figure to read Ponerology...

well, Carlin is unavailable for contact!

But there is Paul Krassner!

Don Imus labeled him “one of the comic geniuses of the 20th century.” And, According to the Los Angeles Reader, “Krassner delivers 90 minutes of the funniest, most intelligent social and political commentary in town.”
On the other hand, a couple of FBI agents went to one of his performances and stated in their report, “He purported to be humorous about government policies.” His FBI files indicate that after Life magazine published a favorable profile of him, the FBI sent a poison-pen letter to the editor, complaining: “To classify Krassner as a social rebel is far too cute. He’s a nut, a raving, unconfined nut.”

“The FBI was right,” says George Carlin. “This man is dangerous - and funny; and necessary.”

ABC newscaster Harry Reasoner wrote in his memoirs, “Krassner not only attacks establishment values; he attacks decency in general.” So Krassner named his one-person show Attacking Decency in General, receiving awards from the L.A. Weekly and DramaLogue. He is the only person in the world ever to win awards from both Playboy (for satire) and the Feminist Party Media Workshop (for journalism). When People magazine called Krassner “Father of the underground press,” he immediately demanded a paternity test. Actually, he had published The Realist magazine from 1958 to 1974. He reincarnated it as a newsletter in 1985. “The taboos may have changed,” he wrote, “but irreverence is still our only sacred cow.”

The final issue was published in Spring 2001.His style of personal journalism constantly blurred the line between observer and participant. He interviewed a doctor who performed abortions when it was illegal; Krassner then ran an underground abortion referral service. He covered the antiwar movement; then co-founded the Yippies with Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin. He published material on the psychedelic revolution; then took LSD with Tim Leary, Ram Dass and Ken Kesey, later accompanying Groucho Marx on his first acid trip. He edited Lenny Bruce’s autobiography, How to Talk Dirty and Influence People, and with Lenny’s encouragement, became a stand-up comic himself, opening at the Village Gate in New York in 1961. Ten years later--five years after Lenny’s death--Groucho said, “I predict that in time Paul Krassner will wind up as the only live Lenny Bruce.” He was nominated for a 2005 Grammy Award in the Album Notes category for his 5,000-word essay accompanying a 6-CD package, Lenny Bruce: Let the Buyer Beware.Krassner rarely works the comedy-club circuit, preferring to perform on campuses, at theaters and in art galleries.

His reviews have been highly complimentary. The New York Times: “He is an expert at ferreting out hypocrisy and absurdism from the more solemn crannies of American culture.” The Los Angeles Times: “He has the uncanny ability to alter your perceptions permanently.” The San Francisco Examiner: “Krassner is absolutely compelling. He has lived on the edge so long he gets his mail delivered there.”
Can somebody locate him, i can't find even the city he resides in!

What do you think about Will Durst???
I'd like to suggest Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming.

Dr Yang has been writing, teaching and publishing on Chinese Qigong and related subjects for 25 years or more.

I am reading his 'The Root of Chinese Qigong' as a result of a couple of recommendations here on the forum. Qigong bears many parallels with fourth way work; controlling the emotional mind and developing the 'wisdom mind' is an important part of Qi cultivation. I get the impression that Dr Yang is a little idealistic about the possibilities for humans; he does not seem to be clearly aware of psychological deviants, psychopaths, etc, although he does hint at this knowledge in a few places. I think that a reading of Political Ponerology would bring a new light to bear on his work.

Hie website: _http://www.ymaa.com/
You forgot Adam Curtis!
At least he might produce a 4 hour documentary.
And indeed, Ophra Winfrey being convinced of ponerology would be the thrill of it all!
Then again, would she survive spreading this message in her shows??
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