Poll: If you could get one public figure to read Ponerology...

Robert Fisk at The Independent. Lately with his last few pieces, I read them and think 'he's almost there', just needs Ponerology to join the dots.
Probably not my first choice but definitely Ray Kurzweil. He's an inventor, a futurist, and is working on things like Artificial Intelligence and many other future technologies, and is a pretty "big deal" in the computer science and music fields. Anyway, my thought here is - if he can see what makes us different from psychopaths, that it's not just a superficial "program", then he might decide against toying around with creating artificial intelligences until he can find a way to give them empathy. Otherwise he's creating mechanical psychopaths, and even though he means well and will program them to be nice, it'll be nothing but a program. And a hallmark of AI is that it can question and change its own programming - and unless it has empathy, which comes from a higher level than simply its computer code to "behave", we'll be in real trouble. "3 laws safe" by a**! I'm sure he has seen "I Robot" and what happens when robots have no other reason to be "good" other than "laws" that are programmed into them. It's the exact same thing that happens to psychopaths who were brought up by parents who are not psychopaths, and taught good morals and to be "good". It just doesn't work out, at all.

Though apparently one robot in the movie had empathy that came from above and beyond his programming. But anyway, Terminator is also a good example of psycho machines. And even in Terminator II he was programmed to protect the boy so playing a "good" role, and yet he almost killed a guy and the boy screamed NO and he couldn't explain to him why killing is "wrong". So yeah, we have biological psychopaths to deal with, we don't need Matrix-like machines crawling around and "surprising" everybody that they don't know what "empathy" is (surprising their naive/ignorant creators more than anyone else), and that their programming somehow didn't work to keep them under control.
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
Probably not my first choice but definitely Ray Kurzweil.
Wasn't he a fictional character from the X-Files as well?
Daniel Schneider, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Children and Families of US Dept HHS or his administrative assistant:)
Linda McQuaig

Linda McQuaig is a prominent, award-winning Canadian journalist, sadly less well known in the US because she writes about her own country. She was a national reporter for the Toronto Globe and Mail before joining the Toronto Star where she now covers Canadian politics with her trademark combination of solid research, keen analysis, irreverence and passion. She's easy to read, never boring, and fearless. The National Post called her "Canada's Michael Moore."

McQuaig is also a prolific author with a well-deserved reputation for taking on the establishment. In her previous seven books, she challenged Canada's deficit reduction scheme to gut essential social services. She explained how the rich used the country's tax system for greater riches the way it happened in the US since Ronald Reagan, then exploded under George Bush. She exposed the fraud of "free trade" empowering giant corporations over sovereign states while exploiting working people everywhere.

She also showed how successive Canadian governments waged war on equality since the 1980s, and in her last book before her newest one she took aim at why the US invaded and occupied Iraq. It's catchy title is "It's the Crude, Dude: war, big oil, and the fight for the planet." It's no secret America's wars in the Middle East and Central Asia are to control what Franklin Roosevelt's State Department in 1945 called a "stupendous source of strategic power, and one of the greatest material prizes in world history - the huge amount of Middle East oil alone and veto power over how it's disbursed and to whom.

"Holding the Bully's Coat - Canada and the US Empire"is her eighth book. She writes about a country slightly larger than the US in geographic size with around one-tenth the population and one-twelfth the GDP. It also shares the world's longest relatively open, undefended border extending 3145 miles. In her book, McQuaig explains how corporate-Canada, its elitist "comprador class," the Department of National Defense (DND), and mainstream commentators want Canada to be Washington's subservient junior partner. The result is Ottawa abandoned its traditional role in peacekeeping, supporting internationalism, as a fair-minded mediator and conciliator, and it's continuing downhill from there.
The rest of the review is here:


Heck, I'll spring for her copy!

I'd choose prime minister of Quebec: Jean Charest.

He is not hopeless, I believe...
I would say Fred Burks. (He made the 'Needtoknow' website, and is former interpreter for a few presidents)
I just watched this video - again - and it seems that George Carlin sees some of the machinations, but he isn't hitting on the root of the cause. Maybe the book would help him see more clearly?

Heh, easy said... methinks Carlin is a very reasonable idea. The problem is when one really tries to locate him, the troubles begin. I searched on him. he is somewhere in NY metro area, no mail, no tel, no address, his forum inactive, reaching him through artistic agents - i wouldn't dare trying it. Thoughts?
It doesn't look like Carlin has his own myspace page, but I thought it funny enough to mention that his most popular fan page has "Impeach Bush / 9.11 Truth" as his top friend.
Has anybody mentioned Rabbi Moshe Arye Friedman ? He is (formerly ?) of Neturei Karta, one of those who went to Teheran to that conference and caused the "international community" to mutter some hateful rants in the MSM for that.

Check _http://www.muslimmarkt.de/interview/2007/rosenzweig.htm (German) to see to what degree they are hounding the man and his family.

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