Poll: If you could get one public figure to read Ponerology...

A couple more political figures come to mind for the Ponerology book (besides Carter): Mamoud Armadinejad and George Galloway.
anart said:
Some of the things they do might be good - and that is certainly preferable to what others do - but, still - this is planet earth. He's in that position because someone higher up thinks it's a good idea for now. Yes, I realize I'm a bit of a cynic when it comes to such things.
I agree with anart on this. I'm not saying that what Chavez is doing is not good. But every time I read about anything good some politician does, no matter what country he/she is in, or who they are; I keep hearing this saying in the back of my mind:

"If it seems to good to be true, then it probably is."

I just can't help but think that each and every one of these politicians are playing their part that has been given to them by the PTB. Chavez may be doing all that he can for his people now, and he may be doing it with the best intentions. But when he is needed by the PTB, it will be to do what they say, or be made an example of.
Bono. If we can get this guy to understand that world poverty and ponerology are tied together.
Domivir said: Bono ...

bono is or was barroso's (the EU kommissar) toyboy, probably the 'bottom' in a very abusive relationship. to see them together on TV is to see as much. IMHO bono is in dire need of understanding some far simpler and personal realities of the painful kind than ponerology.

my answer to the poll ? none of them (Matthew 7:6).
Limp Bizkit, no doubt ;)

Even if only because of those particular lyrics (but not only those lyrics..Read "Home sweet home"..others as well)

From "Take a look around"
Does anybody really know the secret
Or the combination for this life and where they keep it?
It's kinda sad when you don't know the meanin'
But everything happens for a reason (everything happens for a reason).
I don't even know what I should say,
'Cause I'm an idiot, a loser, microphone abuser.
I analyze every second I exist,
Beating up my mind every second with my fists..."
They rock. :cool:
Steven Colbert, simply because on his show it would get some press. AND the invite to the author, that would really put it out there.

Hmmmmm....Wonder if we could get a copy of Ponerology to Steven Colbert?
Just saw Ben Affleck on Bill Mahr. He's pretty clued in for being immersed in the MSM, and held his own quite well with the other talking heads. He also has a long track record for supporting social issues.

Contact information:

Ben Affleck
c/o Live Planet
2644 30th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Phone: (310) 664-2400
Fax: (310) 664-2401

He seems like a pretty bright guy. I think he would get it right off, especially if he read it in conjunction with The Sociopath Next Door. He's close to Hillary Clinton though. Don't know how that would play out. Still, it would be worth a try.

I'd choose a singer known to promote a positive message, philanthropy, and "in" with those that have the "hands" to get the message out in a more powerful way. I think Bono of U2 would be great for such a great STO'ic effort. Anyone else agree? disagree?

[edit: I should have read all the other posts prior to posting......]
Yup, I just saw that Bill Mahr show too. First time I've watched Bill Mahr in years. The only thing I could think is; "They don't get it!" They're placating people into thinking they are getting to the truth when in fact they still don't see the elephant in the living room. OK, the US foriegn policy is causing resentment, but WHO is determining that policy and why. The US government has been hijacked. No one can talk about the real issues because the media is controled. I agree with Laura 1000% We HAVE to take back the media! I feel more frustration watching people who think they are getting at the truth than those who download FOX NEWS as thier blue pill for the day. They only cause people to sleep more soundly, dreaming they are awake.
genero81 said:
Yup, I just saw that Bill Mahr show too. First time I've watched Bill Mahr in years. The only thing I could think is; "They don't get it!" They're placating people into thinking they are getting to the truth when in fact they still don't see the elephant in the living room. OK, the US foriegn policy is causing resentment, but WHO is determining that policy and why. The US government has been hijacked. No one can talk about the real issues because the media is controled. I agree with Laura 1000% We HAVE to take back the media! I feel more frustration watching people who think they are getting at the truth than those who download FOX NEWS as thier blue pill for the day. They only cause people to sleep more soundly, dreaming they are awake.
Yeah, for sure. It frustrates me too, because he won't (can't? doesn't dare??) take that next step where all the the barbs are then woven into a real conclusion. A culmination of a reasoning process. It's like the kvetching is enough to blow off steam but, let's not really think about what we are making fun of.

You can see Bill pulling the people back who could really say something, like when George Carlin was on, or Sean Penn. Or not really going after the people he should, like Ashcroft. He cuts in with a joke or a really shallow remark. Still, there are the glints of awareness that come along, and we have to try to take advantage of them.

Speaking of:

Sean Penn
c/o ID Public Relations
8409 Santa Monica Blvd.
West Hollywood, CA 90069

Phone: (323) 822-4800
Fax: (323) 822-4880


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