Pomegranate for Heart Health and more - Clears Clogged arteries!

The cheapest I've found in France was 4.37€ for 1L, at my organic store. They also sell this particular brand online for 4.87€/L:
For Germany, check this (5€/L): 2 x 5 Liter Bio Granatapfel Direktsaft (Muttersaft), naturtrüb und ungefiltert, Bio Granatapfelsaft in der Box: Amazon.de: Lebensmittel & Getränke
Oh wow, thank you so much. That matches the price offered by Bolthouse Farms.
Dear Forum, my husband is young (35) and already taking blood pressure pills. Nevertheless his blood pressure is still quite high, 150/90 on average. He has been drinking the juice for a week in addition to the pills. His blood pressure has been around 139/80 since then.
he is overjoyed and I will inform the forum about the further course and our experiences with longer intake. Thanks to you, because without this information I would never have bought pomegranate juice.

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Dear Forum, my husband is young (35) and already taking blood pressure pills. Nevertheless his blood pressure is still quite high, 150/90 on average. He has been drinking the juice for a week in addition to the pills. His blood pressure has been around 139/80 since then.
he is overjoyed and I will inform the forum about the further course and our experiences with longer intake. Thanks to you, because without this information I would never have bought pomegranate juice.

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I don't know if you mean he is taking the juice along with his blood pressure pills or not, but it reminded me to mention that pomegranate extract also comes in pill form:

We are using both the juice and the pills. AND taking the pycnogenol, too.
Thank you all very much and thank you Laura. Pycnogenol was a good lead. I didn't know that. And I'm very grateful because I had a thrombosis after hormones. So this is great information at just the right time. Thank you, Laura. My husband takes high blood pressure medication Ramipril 5 and 100 ml pomegranate juice in the morning and 100 ml in the evening. He will now supplement with 100 mg Pycnogenol per day and we will continue to report if the blood pressure drops. He can also observe it well, from the outside, as he also has edema and haemorrhoids. We report. Thank you and love greetings from Germany.
Thank you all very much and thank you Laura. Pycnogenol was a good lead. I didn't know that. And I'm very grateful because I had a thrombosis after hormones. So this is great information at just the right time. Thank you, Laura. My husband takes high blood pressure medication Ramipril 5 and 100 ml pomegranate juice in the morning and 100 ml in the evening. He will now supplement with 100 mg Pycnogenol per day and we will continue to report if the blood pressure drops. He can also observe it well, from the outside, as he also has edema and haemorrhoids. We report. Thank you and love greetings from Germany.

You may both want to try FAR InfraRed sauna blanket therapy. You can find them on amazon. 44 C for one hour every other day. REALLY does help with edema and any kind of blood vessel problems.
A few years ago now I had a Cardiac catheterization to check my heart due to some symptoms. My heart ended up looking decent, but two areas or arteries had 20% blockage. I had read about pomegranate juice being good for stopping and trying to resolve any further percentage of blockage and have been using it. Thank you for the research articles and additional information and supplement thoughts. Figure I'll get on a permanent protocal with the juice, Pycnogenol and pom. extract supplement.
Thank you for the link to the pill form Laura, just ordered some from a different supplier here in the US and will start taking them when they arrive. Started taking the Pycnogenol as well, would love to get off the BP meds. Will update as I go along with this protocol. I find that most natural supplements take some time to show benefits. When the BP starts to go down I will consult my doctor about tapering off the BP med (maybe half the dose and then quit) as long as all goes well.
What's the best way to tell if you have clogged arteries, and would benefit from it?

As far as I know the only reliable way to tell is what Mike did: heart catheterization and an angiogram or something like that.

Otherwise, I guess one can just assume that about everybody gets some blockage buildup over time, so just take pomegranate juice as a corrective/preventative on a regular basis. If 8 oz per day clears more or less serious blockages, maybe 4 oz a day would be okay for a person who doesn't have any serious issues. But that would be on an ongoing basis. Just pick pomegranate juice for your breakfast instead of orange!
I used to drink pomegranate products, but I can taste the yeast and mold that seems to be in every batch and it gives me brain fog. That suggests to me that in my case it may be a bad idea. Maybe the supply just isn't very good where I live.

Where I live it's rare to open up a pomegranate and not find parts inside converted to brown slime. I've given up on them entirely.
You may both want to try FAR InfraRed sauna blanket therapy. You can find them on amazon. 44 C for one hour every other day. REALLY does help with edema and any kind of blood vessel problems.
You may both want to try FAR InfraRed sauna blanket therapy. You can find them on amazon. 44 C for one hour every other day. REALLY does help with edema and any kind of blood vessel problems.
You may both want to try FAR InfraRed sauna blanket therapy. You can find them on amazon. 44 C for one hour every other day. REALLY does help with edema and any kind of blood vessel problems.
You may both want to try FAR InfraRed sauna blanket therapy. You can find them on amazon. 44 C for one hour every other day. REALLY does help with edema and any kind of blood vessel problems.
Hello, Laura. Thanks for the advice about the sauna. Are there positive effects because of the heat from the sauna or because of the light from infrared? I don't have that much money right now. Would the sauna then be a possibility or better my infrared lamp?
I read an article the other day that said drinking pomegranate juice can clear clogged arteries. That started me looking for confirmation of that. The following is what I found, and it appears to be true!

Effects of consumption of pomegranate juice on carotid intima-media thickness in men and women at moderate risk for coronary heart disease. - PubMed - NCBI

The effects of pomegranate juice consumption on blood pressure and cardiovascular health. - PubMed - NCBI





And there's more, it seems.

1. Antioxidants

Pomegranates have been eaten throughout history for their health benefits. Nowadays, the juice of this fruit is a popular part of healthy diets.
Pomegranate seeds get their vibrant red hue from polyphenols. These chemicals are powerful antioxidants.

Pomegranate juice contains higher levels of antioxidants than most other fruit juices. It also has three times more antioxidants than red wine and green tea. The antioxidants in pomegranate juice can help remove free radicals, protect cells from damage, and reduce inflammation.

2. Vitamin C
The juice of a single pomegranate has more than 40 percent of your daily requirement of vitamin C. Vitamin C can be broken down when pasteurized, so opt for homemade or fresh pomegranate juice to get the most of the nutrient.

3. Cancer prevention
Pomegranate juice recently made a splash when researchers found that it may help stop the growth of prostate cancer cells. Despite multiple studies on the effects of the juice on prostate cancer, results are still preliminary.

While there haven't been long-term studies with humans that prove that pomegranate juice prevents cancer or reduces the risk, adding it to your diet certainly can't hurt. There have been encouraging results in studies so far, and bigger studies are now being done.

4. Alzheimer's disease protection
The antioxidants in the juice and their high concentration are believed to stall the progress of Alzheimer disease and protect memory.

5. Digestion
Pomegranate juice can reduce inflammation in the gut and improve digestion. It may be beneficial for people with Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and other inflammatory bowel diseases.

While there are conflicting beliefs and research on whether pomegranate juice helps or worsens diarrhea, most doctors recommend avoiding it until you are feeling better and your symptoms have subsided.

6. Anti-inflammatory
Pomegranate juice is a powerful anti-inflammatory because of its high concentration of antioxidants. It can help reduce inflammation throughout the body and prevent oxidative stress and damage.

7. Arthritis
Flavonols in pomegranate juice may help block the inflammation that contributes to osteoarthritis and cartilage damage. The juice is currently being studied for its potential effects on osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other types of arthritis and joint inflammation.

8. Heart disease
Pomegranate juice is in the running as the most heart-healthy juice. It appears to protect the heart and arteries.

Small studies have shown that the juice improves blood flow and keeps the arteries from becoming stiff and thick. It may also slow the growth of plaque and buildup of cholesterol in the arteries. But pomegranate may react negatively with blood pressure and cholesterol medications like statins.

Be sure to talk with your doctor before indulging in the juice or taking a pomegranate extract supplement.

9. Blood pressure
Drinking pomegranate juice daily may also help lower systolic blood pressure. A comprehensive review of randomized controlled trials stated that it would be beneficial for heart health to include pomegranate juice daily.

10. Antiviral
Between the vitamin C and other immune-boosting nutrients like vitamin E, pomegranate juice can prevent illness and fight off infection. Pomegranates have also been shown to be antibacterial and antiviral in lab tests. They are being studied for their effects on common infections and viruses.

11. Vitamin-rich
In addition to vitamin C and vitamin E, pomegranate juice is a good source of folate, potassium, and vitamin K.

Whether you decide to add pomegranate to your daily diet or just sip on it every now and then, check the label to ensure that it is 100 percent pure pomegranate juice, without added sugar. Or, juice it fresh.

12. Memory
Drinking 8 ounces of pomegranate juice a daily may improve learning and memory, according to a recent study.

13. Sexual performance and fertility
Pomegranate juice's concentration of antioxidants and ability to impact oxidative stress make it a potential fertility aid. Oxidative stress has been shown to cause sperm dysfunction and decrease fertility in women.

The juice has also been shown to help reduce oxidative stress in the placenta. But researchers don't yet know the exact benefits this may provide. Drinking pomegranate juice can also increase testosterone levels in men and women, one of the main hormones behind sex drive.

14. Endurance and sports performance
Move over, tart cherry and beet juice. Pomegranate juice may be the new sport performance enhancer. The juice may help reduce soreness and improve strength recovery. It also decreases oxidative damage caused by exercise.

15. Diabetes
Pomegranate was traditionally used as a remedy for diabetes in the Middle East and India. While much is still unknown about the effects of pomegranate on diabetes, it may help decrease insulin resistance and lower blood sugar.

See also: Most Juice Is Bad for You ... Except This One!

Dear members. We have found out the following. But this does not have to be valid for everyone. The experiment has been going on for a good year now.
My husband takes blood pressure tablets (dose 5) and a small glass of pomegranate juice in the morning and evening.
When he is physically active, this, together with the juice, leads to a strong reduction in blood pressure with an average value of 135/85.
However, if he does not exercise, the bets remain high/bad in spite of the juice.
So we think that pomegranate works very well when people are active. Because of a knee operation he could hardly move for 2 months and the high blood pressure did not improve despite the juice. He did not take any medication that could have triggered this. As soon as he started moving again, his values went down again. Maybe it's only like that with my husband. For him, the formula is: 200 ml of pomegranate juice in the morning and evening plus exercise is good blood pressure. He can now reduce his tablets to 2.5.
Thank you for having the forum. I read every day.

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I know that with things made in China you have to be careful, but I can attest to the quality of the following product and others that I buy from the same brand as astragalus or artemisia (with many quality seals and organic product). By the way I buy the pomegranate skin extract (my kinesiology test gave me that the skin extract was better). Although the fruit extract is also available.
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