Ponerology flyers / postcards


The Living Force
I made two different Ponerology themed illustrations which can be easily printed at home (two colours) either on regular 4"x6" / 10 x15 cm photo paper or postcard size for example.

They could also be printed using any online printing service without too much problem.
The files are in JPG,RGB, 300 DPI.
There might be a tonal shift in the red depending on your printer but it should look fine nonetheless.

Grab them if you want them (full size file below)

Alternative image site :

Let me know if you have troubles wih the files, comments and critics welcome of course ;)
wha... NICE! very cool, nice work tigersoap! gonna print a couple of these right now...

did you do the line-art as well?

and what typeface is that, if you don't mind my asking?
Very good indeed. Speaking of typefaces, I found this cool website with loads of creative fonts that you can download for free - MAC or PC:

Tigersoap said:
Yes, everything.
I did the typeface myself as well.
nice! then i say again and with more fervor - well done indeed!

erna, thanks for that link, there's a lot of good stuff up there...
These are really great! I like the simple, yet catchy design, and the fact that only two colors are used- making this quite suitable for a mass run of postcards, stickers, etc. Sounds like it's time for a meeting with my local copy machine and sticker distributor.

I used to print out http://www.sott.net/signs/images/posters/sott_words.jpg and put them four to a page, highlight the red letters, and then leave those in cafes, libraries, etc., but it seemed as though the page was too dense to hold one's interest. I saw people throwing them out on at least two occasions. Perhaps someone has ideas for a similar design that could be put on postcards to promote SOTT itself, that is similar in style to these? The other designs are beautiful, but not really suited for reasonably priced mass production.
D Rusak said:
Perhaps someone has ideas for a similar design that could be put on postcards to promote SOTT itself, that is similar in style to these? The other designs are beautiful, but not really suited for reasonably priced mass production.
I think they could be printed at full colour but you'd have to look around for professional printing services.

For example I checked with a printing company that does 5000 flyers / postcard size / full colour for a bit less than 200 Euros.
I am sure you can find a matching or better price in the US.

I did these illustrations keeping in mind that not everyone wants to use a professional printing service but they might also be used for a massive print out.
Really great graphics imo! You really have a talent for conveying "the message" via pictures :)
I removed this post because I now realize how It would seem very offensive to Tigersoap, I feel very embarrassed to have shown my total lack of external consideration here.
Fantastic work! I love the concepts - especially the little devil dude in the jar. :D
GRiM said:
added a little color
measuring lines - more scientific. :)
Hi Grim, I understand that my work may not be entirely to your liking (hence your changes) but please do try put yourself in my shoes : I've created these illustrations to be used as they are and I did not put them on the forum for people to each add their own versions.

Would you change for example someone's words in a poem posted here on the forum ? or edit an article to your liking ?
It's a bit lacking external consideration and respect for someone's work.

I would have preferred that you made your suggestions or criticism instead of changing things by yourself as I am open to modify or work on new things if they can have a better impact or convey the message better.

Tigersoap said:
GRiM said:
added a little color
measuring lines - more scientific. :)
Hi Grim, I understand that my work may not be entirely to your liking (hence your changes) but please do try put yourself in my shoes : I've created these illustrations to be used as they are and I did not put them on the forum for people to each add their own versions.

Would you change for example someone's words in a poem posted here on the forum ? or edit an article to your liking ?
It's a bit lacking external consideration and respect for someone's work.

I would have preferred that you made your suggestions or criticism instead of changing things by yourself as I am open to modify or work on new things if they can have a better impact or convey the message better.

I'm very sorry Tigersoap, I absolutely didn't mean any disrespect but I now clearly understand how It presented itself. I feel so embarrassed and arrogant. I don't understand how I would let that fairly obvious action (at least now!) slip me past. I am such a idiot sometimes, sorry again!
I want to apologize for my rudeness.
have been away for a week and just discovered this threat.
fwiw, pretty good job, Tigersoap!!
i`ve been thinking myself about how to visualize ponerology.
very inspiring!
Tigersoap said:
Let me know if you have troubles wih the files, comments and critics welcome of course ;)
Hi Tigersoap,

What do you know about the site hosting your images? I clicked on the microscope (great idea btw). When it opened in imagevu (?) there were thumbnails of youtube-type links along the top of the page to videos of, ahem, questionable male-female interaction.

You may want to host your images somewhere else?

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