Patient zero
Prof. Dr. Mila Alečković, in her book "Black Psychiatry and Black Diagnoses", expertly analyzes the mental profile of Aleksandar Vučić
Anal-fixated narcissistic psychopath
The psychological immaturity of the patient Aleksandar Vučić is evident at every step, and the cause of the perversion is certainly a deep-seated non-acceptance of one side of his personality, or some part of his lived experience, or some moment in his biography. Vučić enjoys the game of omnipotence, or the game of life and death of other people, which is characteristic of necrophilic profiles. He reveals the profile of a slobbering and cowardly psychological mental sadist dressed in the design of an "Oxford tardy student" in expensive suits or adolescent tracksuits, with an artificial, forced and spasmodic smile on his face, significant practiced monotonous pauses in an extremely sticky and repetitive over-smoothing, cuddly and drawn-out speech full of artificial sighs, in a tone of voice that wants to feign spontaneity, but is insecure, unconvincing and betrays self-doubt, with glasses that he constantly touches, and with a significant gesture of his hand he raises it up, or looks "professorically" above their lenses, in order to address someone with punishing words that he may have heard in childhood or in his former political party ("Hey, you little...!") and in order to fill the obvious intellectual and cognitive void with gestures and movements.
Mila Aleckovic
Let's be clear. The current President of Serbia is an unimportant figure for our humanities profession, because he is not Nikola Tesla, nor Hemingway, nor Emile Zola, nor Beethoven. But for our profession, the Serbian people are important, who are connected by a cause-and-effect relationship with the mental state of the president of their country. Since we are familiar with the phenomenon of so-called symbiotic madness in our profession, as well as the phenomenon of psychological-pathological infection with mental viruses that are much more dangerous and faster than any other viruses in the ecosystem, my deontological obligation was to shed light on this phenomenon.
I would also like to say, right at the beginning, that this expert review respects the institution of the President of Serbia, which should absolutely and always be protected from the outbreak of a potential mental illness in its holder. Since the beginning of time, this has been taken into account in one way or another, and fallen examples of the human race on various spiritual or secular thrones have been treated in a way that was dictated by the salvation of the community or people they eventually ruled or wanted to rule.
Seeing helplessness all around me, I have therefore nevertheless subordinated one section of my book, which deals with much more general and significant phenomena, to a moral duty, giving, and exclusively on the basis of visible, auditory and other empirical behavioral evidence, a picture of the mental state of today's, still current president of Serbia, whom I consider, for the deepest professional reasons, a patient, probably an unhappy patient. But, in weighing the weight, individual significance or the weight of history, the misfortune of the Serbian people and all the peoples and citizens of the present Republic of Serbia under a president of such a mental profile outweighed. That is why I decided to explain in detail the psychological state of the current president of Serbia, precisely what no one in my profession in Serbia wanted to do.
The first part of the text presents the verbal behavior of the president, or rather his various statements, and the second part provides a diagnostic explanation. In describing the actions of this person, we will call him "the president", while in the diagnostic analysis the term "patient" must be used.
Let us recall these historic sentences by the President of Serbia, in the midst of a major psychiatric operation throughout the world in 2020. Here is just a sample of statements by a man at the top of Serbian government, as well as quotes from his statements from the press, which he himself controlled for the most part:.
Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić rejected the proposal of the Alliance for Serbia to allow pensioners to walk from 6 to 7 p.m. and told the elderly not to leave their homes under any circumstances. "If you listen to such proposals, a completely new cemetery on Bežanijska kosa, Lešće, Novo groblje, or Centralno groblje will not be enough for us. All cemeteries will be small to accommodate all of us if you listen to other people's proposals, I ask you to listen to your country," the Serbian President said at the Štark Arena. He announced that the provision on walking pets will soon be repealed. "I know how many people were angry that we let citizens walk their dogs, and it will be repealed, and not because I don't like dogs, my daughter has a dog, walk him at five in the morning and at three in the afternoon and that's enough, human lives are more important," Vučić said. He said that most people from various parties, and primarily from his Serbian Progressive Party, called him about accommodation at the Fair, asking whether it had to be that way and whether a better solution could be found, and that he told everyone that the Fair was the best solution. "We will all have to go to the Fair, in fact I certainly won't because I will be a more difficult case due to cardiovascular problems and high blood pressure, but everyone will have to go to the Fair if they have the virus. I have heard stories about the camps, as if no one served in the army, I had beds like that in Sarajevo," said Vučić. He pointed out that he was glad that citizens were scared and that "he will have to come up with something even worse than the Fair". He added that the idea was to accommodate the sick in the Student City, but that it would be very complicated "if someone dies on the fourth floor because then disinfection would take half a day", and that all this is easier at the Fair. "Someone needs to spend 14 to 21 days here, and I don't care if they're not comfortable, we're fighting for people's lives, and if someone thinks they're going to put on makeup or brush their teeth four times a day, they won't, they'll wash them once a day," the president added. Answering questions from reporters after visiting volunteers at the Štark Arena, Vučić added that there are enough tests for the coronavirus, but that the question is how many they will do per day.
In the coming days, due to the larger number of tests, he expects, as he said, "a significantly larger number of registered patients." The world news agency Reuters reports that the two countries offered by the authorities in those countries for testing Chinese untested vaccines on humans were Pakistan and the Republic of Serbia.
Diagnostic insight
In psychopathology, it is known that diagnoses of affective psychoses most often do not cause illness in parallel with a group of character disorders, although emotions are an integral part of character. But affective psychoses, as disorders primarily of emotions (the paranoia group, the schizophrenia group, and the bipolar disease group that includes both sexes, mania, and depression), are diseases in whose clinical picture the patient's sense of guilt plays a significant role.
A mentally ill person is guilty either of others or of himself because he leads a false life, to which the onset of a state of acute psychosis always, in some immanent way, warns him. The so-called "acute psychotic episode" is a kind of "warning" to a person that everything in his life was wrong and that either a complete restructuring of the personality follows, or he remains in a chronic psychotic illness for the rest of his mental life. Where there is hope for healing, it is precisely with emotions and with the provoking of a feeling of guilt (this was done centuries ago by sincere priests, asking the possessed and deluded person for confession and repentance), without which there is no healing. If a mentally ill person, in therapeutic work during treatment, manages to feel the guilt in his own suffering and the lie in which he lives, that is, if psychotherapy manages to arouse in him a feeling of existential guilt, the prognosis for the possibility that the personality will be restored, that is, restructured and begin to live a different life after great suffering, certainly exists and over time the outcome can be very good. However, if there is no feeling of guilt and it is not possible to induce it during therapy, the cause of this failure may be an aggressive and poorly formed personality character from early childhood. This is exactly what we call a stunted or non-existent "Super-Ego", or in Serbian, the "Over-I", which is the moral instance of conscience within us. By the sixth or seventh year of life, it is either formed well or poorly, or it is created, or it is not created at all.
Bad parenting, inconsistency, over-indulgence, or over-cruelty in childhood, along with inappropriate genetics, will prevent the child from developing the moral side of their personality that we call conscience. Such a child, and later an adult, will most likely remain without empathy for others, insensitive, selfish and cruel, often anal-structured, with psychopathic or sadistic personality traits that can develop into a complete psychopathic character, i.e. to encompass the character of the whole person.
A psychopathic personality does not feel guilty when he harms other people, and often takes pride in the crime or violence he has committed. A psychopath moves along a continuum from a cunning person who in the first phase seduces with kindness and pretending to be affectionate, and in the second phase destroys his victim, to an open rapist or a cold-blooded, premeditated, conscious murderer. If the intelligence of such a person is not very low, such a personality moves towards professions in which he can oppress other people and show force over them. They are humble towards those they perceive as socially more important and "higher" than themselves, and cruel towards those they perceive as weaker and socially lower. For such a person, every power game, especially a political game, is pleasurable and is an end in itself. Psychopathic characters, on the one hand, display great violence, and on the other, they are extremely timid, fickle, and cowardly. Their power is violent, but it is essentially completely fictitious. They are consumed by their own narcissism and often resort to an extremely bad, sick, and unsuccessful personality defense mechanism known as "identification with the aggressor."
The personality of Aleksandar Vučić, the current President of Serbia, fits perfectly into this clinical picture. However, in his profile, in addition to the basic psychopathic structure, there are, which is not often the case with this type of structure, certain affective pathological traits. Affective traits are reflected in the omissions and slips of the tongue, the real cause of which is actually them. When A. Vučić utters the sentence on "Pink Television" in Belgrade: "Our gold reserves are the largest in history, 38.5 million tons", he would probably, while thinking, if there was cognitive involvement, "process" the wrong information and realize that he said nonsense
However, in a patient who, in addition to manipulativeness, also possesses affective schizophrenic traits combined with narcissism and histrionics, when speech becomes an end in itself and delusional, precisely such slips of the tongue occur. The slip that Aleksandar Vučić utters is the loss of logic in the disturbed consciousness of the "Hubris syndrome" who, in the rapture of grandeur, can no longer measure either his actions or his words. With the feeling of fictitious power, logical ability declines; it does not disappear completely, but rather retreats, overpowered by sick personality traits. Although he was neither a psychiatrist nor a psychologist, the Russian logician, writer and political analyst Aleksandar Zinoviev described this condition excellently in the following words: with the growth of political power and position, among officials and in their speeches, the degree of coherence and logic progressively declines.
Psychopathic trait
Aleksandar Vučić has not lost logic in the intellectual sense of the word, but it has been suppressed due to an inflated Ego that no longer measures and controls itself, both in speech and behavior. This delirious feeling of fictitious power is in rare cases added to the manipulative psychopathic clinical picture, all of which greatly complicates the diagnosis of AV
Na često pitanje koje neuko postavljaju novinari: da li je pacijent lud ili kriminalan, odgovor nije lak jer je reč o složenoj i kombinovanoj kliničkoj slici. Psihopatska crta je dominantna, ali povremeno postoji i upliv afektivnih shizofrenih i paranoidnih emocija. Međutim, na slično pitanje, takođe novinara: Da li je slučaj za zatvor ili za bolnicu, da li A.Vučić ne zna šta radi ili sve radi smišljeno, pripremljeno i izračunato, odgovor svakako ide u prilog svesnosti. On je potpuno svestan svoje manipulacije koja je premeditirana, osmišljena, pripremljena i izračunata, uprkos činjenici da se u govor povremeno upliću megalomanske tvrdnje i hvalisanja. Osećaj svemoći koji ga je preplavio u potpunosti je spojiv sa svesnom manipulativnošću i proračunatošću i zato u njegovom slučaju nije reč o dominantnoj afektivnoj psihozi, već o dominantnom psihopatskom profilu sa primesama SCH (shizofrenih) i paranoidnih emocija. Ove poslednje izvedene su empirijski iz njegove javno iskazane želje da sve kontroliše i sve priskuškuje, da se meša u svaku aktivnost koja nije ni u kakvoj vezi sa njegovom funkcijom, kao i iz empirijski proverljivog verbalnog ponašanja, tj. njegovih frekventnih izjava da „strani špijuni haraju Srbijom" : „To nikad tako nije bilo, rekord smo postigli, takav broj špijuna nije zabeležen od drugog svetskog rata, očigledno da su mnogi spremali svašta... Direktno su nas strane službe uništile"...
Ovde je važno istaći da ovo govori čovek čija je vlast gotovo sve strateške grane Srbije predala stranim ekonomskim interesima, čije se sednice odvijaju u prisustvu stranih ambasadora i agentura u zemlji u kojoj više nema gotovo nijedne strateške nacionalne tajne, pa je nepoznato šta je uopšte još ostalo da se „špijunira". Zatim, ovakav raskorak stvarnosti i zastarelog propagandnog „drug Berija-drug Staljin rečnika" Aleksandra Vučića koji naciji saopštava da u Srbiji ima „špijuna", rezultat je ne samo shizofrenog i paranoidnog stanja vođenih psihopatskom manipulativnom strategijom, već i određene doze infantilnosti osobe koja nije dorasla funkciji koju treba da obavlja.
Patološki fenomen
U daljoj analizi dijagnoze Aleksandra Vučića, na osnovu podataka o jednom neuobičajenom predsednikovom seksualnom angažmanu na polu-javnom prostoru u noćnom Beogradu iz doba njegovog mladog angažovanja i učestvovanja u „srpskoj radikalnoj stranci", a upravo na osnovu svedočenja članova te stranke, jer drugačije za taj inače potpuno lični i privatni podatak ne bismo ni saznali, aktivna ili pasivna homoseksualnost i sklonost transrodnim partnerima najverovatnije nisu isključene.
Ako je ovaj podatak iznet u javnost od strane njegovih bivših partijskih i drugih drugova validan, a moguća je verovatnoća da jeste, privatni život osobe Aleksandar Vučić ne bi uopšte bio ni važan, ni interesantan da ne postoji takođe vrlo verovatna pretpostavka da je reč o sklonosti koja može biti udružena sa sadomazohističkom strukturom ličnosti. Ova veza nađena je u nauci kao empirijska činjenica.
Sadomazohistička strukturacija ličnosti predsednika Srbije (koju u svom psihijatrijski neukom, ali pravno vrsnom uvidu pominje, odnosno zaključuje, govoreći o predsedniku Srbije, čak i akademik Kosta Čavoški) postaje izvesna na osnovu ponašanja A.V., odnosno vidljiva je potpuno jasna identifikacija A.V. sa agresorom i želja da se bude surov, verovatno posle mazohističkog trpljenja iz prošlosti, što čini jedinstven patološki fenomen. To postaje jasno ako se objektivno analiziraju govor i postupci date osobe, a postaje važno za srpski narod upravo zato jer se sadistička strana patologije ove ličnosti sada ne odliva na seksualne partnere, na biološku porodicu ili na političku porodicu, već se odliva na čitavu srpsku naciju i građane. To je isti onaj psihološki, socijalni, politički, pravni i ustavni argument koji profesiju psihologa i psihijatara obavezuje da patološke profile ljudi na javnim funkcijama, budući da oni tada zadovoljavaju definiciju pojma „pacijent", javno dijagnostifikuju i objavljuju. Struka je u obavezi da to uradi.
Psihološka nezrelost pacijenta A.V. je očita na svakom koraku, a u uzroku perverzije je svakako dubinsko neprihvatanje jedne strane svoje ličnosti, ili nekog dela proživljenog iskustva, ili nekog momenta u biografiji.
Ponovimo ovde, radi analize, još jednom, izjave A.V. tokom Kovid operacije koje su prenosile novine u Srbiji: "Ukoliko poslušate takve predloge neće nam biti dovoljno kompletno novo groblje na Bežanijskoj kosi, Lešće, Novo groblje, ni Centralno groblje. Sva groblja će biti mala da prime sve nas ako slušate tudje predloge, ja vas molim da slušate svoju državu", rekao je predsednik Srbije u Štark Areni...." „On je dodao da je bila ideja da se smeštaju oboleli u Studentski grad, ali da bi bilo jako komplikovano "ako neko umre na četvrtom spratu jer bi onda dezinfekcija trajala pola dana, a na sajmu je sve to lakše...."
Ovaj citat preuzet je (kao što se vidi iznad) u originalu i on svedoči o nekrofilskim verbalnim izjavama i postupcima A.V. („Sva groblja će biti mala."..) Analiza pokazuje da je smrt omiljena reč ili pomisao nekrofilskog profila, tako da A.V. očigledno nimalo ne drži do protokola javnog zdravlja u kome je nedozvoljeno izazivanje panike i moguć je jedino rečnik hipoteza tipa „Ako bi se desio neki tragičan slučaj...". Međutim, A.V. nema psihološko odlaganje u svom podsvesnom zadovoljstvu i zato ne može verbalno da „odloži", sakrije ili ublaži ono što ga čini libidinozno srećnim i ispunjava njegov patološki fantazam, nego se pravolinijski prazni u nekrofilskoj verbalnoj jubilaciji: „ako neko umre na četvrtom spratu....."
Kukavički sadista
Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić odbacio je predlog Saveza za Srbiju da se penzionerima dozvoli šetnja od 18 do 19 časova i poručio najstarijima da nipošto ne izlaze iz svojih domova... "Neko treba tu da provede 14 do 21 dan, a što mu nije komforno to me ne interesuje, mi se borimo za živote ljudi, a ako neko misli kako će da se šminka ili pere zube četiri puta dnevno, neće, praće ih jednom dnevno", dodao je predsednik.
Ovaj poslednji lažno medicinski, a u stvari politički čin zabrane izlaska penzionerima u jeku Kovid operacije socijalnog inženjeringa u Srbiji, znak političke korektnosti datog trenutka kod svih političara u svetu koji su za besmislenu Kovid pentagonsku operaciju pripremanja ljudi na zatvaranja, odnosno na nadolazeće i planirane ratove, svakodnevno umiranje i totalnu kontrolu uzeli ogroman novac, bio je očekivan, ali ono što nije bilo očekivano, ili barem nije bilo nužno, jeste omnipotentni i sadistički odgovor pacijenta A.V. na pitanje jedne novinarke. Iako je u ovom slučaju bila reč o novinarki režimske televizije, ona je ipak uspela da postavi razumsko pitanje o tome kako će se u totalnom „zatvaranju" populacije, ljudi snalaziti u obavezi da odu do radnji i nabave namirnice, odnosno da se prehrane. Odgovor koji je tada javno dao A.V. („Ne znam, razmisliću, videću...", „to me ne interesuje..."), uz naglašenu megalomansku crtu „Ja-Mene", „Mene-Ja", ili „Srbija i Ja", svedoči o ličnosti koja je izgubila svaki reper normalnog odnosa prema ljudskim bićima i doživljava ih kao ništavne dehumanizovane stvari na kojima se iskaljuje fantazam nepostojeće infantilne omnipotencije i moći.
U tom istom pravcu, A.V. prema pisanju novinske agencije Rojters stavlja na raspolaganje celu srpsku populaciju, odnosno sve građane Srbije kao „kobaj" , odnosno zamorčiće za treću fazu testiranjea novih kineskih vakcina, koja se, u nauci, obavlja još uvek na glodarima. A.V. u tom trenutku nema nikakvu drugu moć nad ljudima osim oružane sile, ali uživa u igri svemoći, odnosno u igri života i smrti drugih ljudi, što je karakteristično za nekrofilske profile.
Isto tako, na osnovu njegovog verbalnog ponašanja može se zaključiti da on dobro podnosi raport (a možda i nalazi zadovoljstvo u njemu) o krvavim zločinima koje svojim saradnicima (moguće kriminalcima) iz senke, kako se pretpostavlja naređuje, loše glumeći da o njima ništa ne zna. Kroz svoje nedovoljno uvežbano ponašanje „odlučnog momka" A.V. zapravo odaje profil potuljenog i kukavičkog psihološkog mentalnog sadiste preobučenog u dizajn „oksfordskog zakasnelog studenta" u skupim odelima, ili adolescentskim trenerkama, sa veštačkim, usiljenim i grčevitim osmehom na licu, značajnim izvežbanim monotonim pauzama u izuzetno lepljivom i repetitivnom prenemažućem, maznom i otegnutom govoru punom veštačkih uzdaha, u tonalitetu glasa koji želi da glumi spontanost, ali je nesiguran, neubedljiv i odaje nepoverenje samom sebi, sa naočarima koje stalno dodiruje, te značajnim potezom ruke podiže uvis, ili „profesorski" gleda iznad njihovih stakala, kako bi nekom uputio kaznene reči koje je možda slušao u detinjstvu ili u svojoj bivšoj političkoj partiji („Ej ti mali...!") i kako bi gestovima i pokretima popunio očiglednu intelektualnu i kognitivnu prazninu.
Ima se takođe utisak da osoba smatra velikom prednošću svoju fizičku visinu, te je vidljivo da se neprirodno izdiže pored ljudi koji su od njega niži rastom. Ovo ukazuje na površnost karaktera, veštački naduvan, ali nedozreli Ego i odsustvo svake dublje strukturiranosti ličnosti.
U vreme operacije „Kovid 19" novine uređivane od novinarskih službenika i zavisnika od samog pacijenta Aleksandra Vučića nadalje su ovako izveštavale. Istakao je da mu je drago što su se građani uplašili i da "će morati da smisli nešto još gore od Sajma".
A.V. i ovde, ponovo u pulziji smrti verbalno uživa u strahu drugih ljudi koji je u stvari, samo loše prikriven i nesublimiran, neobrađen sopstveni strah, karakterističan za jako surove ljude, koji nisu u kategoriji maloumnih, nego su ipak dostigli inteligenciju nešto višu od proseka.
Kognitivni faktor A.V., sudeći po postupcima, nije previsok, ali nije ni nizak, a manipulativna lukavost popunjava nedostatak duhovne dimenzije i inteligencije, odsustvo kreativnosti i odsustvo mudrosti. Analni karakter koji, psihoanalitičkim rečnikom rečeno, voli da se isprobava u fantazmatskom osećanju stvorenom u ranom detinjstvu anusnom igrom „otvaram-zatvaram, osuđujem-oslobađam, puštam u parlament-ne puštam, dam-ne dam" , potpuno je jasan. U istom registru razaralačkog nagona nalazi se i zastrašivanje žrtava :...drago mi je što su se gradjani uplašili...
U prilog analne dinamike „zatvaranja i otvaranja", govori takođe ponašanje A.V. prema nevinom novinaru Milovanu Brkiću, mnogo starijem od njega, prema kome ne pokazuje nikakvu empatiju niti samilost, već demonstrira potajno likovanje prilikom ispoljavanja moći, zatvaranja i tamničenja, kao i svih drugih ljudi koje nije uspeo da privoli da mu se dive. Svaki tiranin koji ima inteligenciju višu od proseka, u potaji prezire osobe koje mu se dive, ali njihovu likvidaciju čuva za završni obračun sa samim sobom, dok ličnosti koje su nezavisne, integrisane, hrabre i kritične, ne može da pridobije i plaši ih se. Ovaj strah izvrće se u veliku okrutnost i osvetoljubivost, kako bi prikrio slabost i sam sebe podneo.
Psihološki incest
Takođe je uočljivo da pacijent A.V. neprestano operiše u terminologiji „Ja-Mene, Mene-Ja", „Srbija i Ja", „Moja porodica", „Moj Danilo" i pored njegove visoke funkcije predsednika jedne države, koju, iako je studirao pravne nauke, zbog nagomilanih pulzija instance „Ida" i neobrađenih nagona u suštini slabo strukturirane ličnosti, sa naduvanim, lažnim Egom, i nepostojećim Super-Egom, ne može da razume.
On ne razume kategoriju „zajedničkog mi" u realnom životu i sve što čini, čini samo zbog „Ja". On emotivno ne razlikuje državu od svoje najuže porodice o kojoj priča u trenucima kada treba da priča o državnim problemima i nije u mogućnosti da se decentrira u odnosu na ljude koji su izvan njegovog porodičnog i rođačkog psihološkog incesta. Vršenje vlasti on shvata isključivo kao želju da se na silu dopadne svima, upravo potkrepljujući to prenaglašenim negiranjem da mu dopadanje nije važno, kao proizvodnju intriga, manipulacija i pretnji, kao potkupljivanje i ucenjivanje ljudi oko sebe, kao robno-novčanu razmenu, što sve svedoči o nedostatku bilo kakve transcendencije, idejne dubine, ili mudrosti u kliničkom profilu date osobe.
Kao dodatak pacijentove psihološke fiksiranosti za „analni stupanj razvoja" mogu se navesti sva zapažanja i sve dokazane činjenice u problematici raspolaganja državnim novcem, otimanjem , pohlepom, ili krađama, kako samog pacijenta, tako i korumpirane proračunatosti ili „simbiotičkog ludila", ili učenja po modelu njegovog najbližeg okruženja. Novac je ultima ratio ovakvih osoba, a svi drugi ljudi i svi događaji na tom putu pohlepe, doživljeni su kao puko sredstvo.
The cruelty of not only the AV patient, but also of all his helpers, identified in the further sequence with the aggressor, testifies to a "borderline" alliance of associated utilitarian psychopathic characters who enjoy disproportionate threats and intimidation of the population. The syndrome of rabidity is particularly pronounced in the character of the helper, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, a person who admires the intellectual achievement of her superior ("How much more literate is He, in fact, than all of us!"), or in the character of the Balkan Fauci, the second-rate epidemiologist Predrag Kon, an irreplaceable mercenary of the pharmaco-lobby, although without any scientific opus, nor any serious scientific discovery or achievement. But, without the initial pathology and diagnosis of the one they perceive as their boss, their sycophantic, subordinate, or arrogant, sadistic characters could not come to the fore.
Patient AV, judging by his actions, in addition to schizophrenic and paranoid traits, has an undeniably psychopathic-narcissistic profile, megalomaniacal and histrionic, projected into a "phantasy of grandeur" and Hubris syndrome, cruel and humble at the same time, anally fixated and with very well-founded assumptions of the structure of mental necrophilia.
Based on behavioral evidence, or actions, the patient as such is incapable of leading any community, company, or state positively, or without destruction, and is incapable of any purposeful social action, empathy, or understanding towards people that is not exclusively of a utilitarian nature, since his internal psychopathological destruction does not allow him to do so.
Despite this, due to the conclusion that, in addition to the influence of pathological affects, the main and underlying basis of the diagnosis is still an instrumental psychopathic profile without remorse and pity, the AV patient must be considered conscious and responsible in his speeches and actions.
Despite the political damage, destruction, and chaos in the work he does, in all his actions, the AV patient must be considered fully conscious and psychologically responsible.
Lawyers, prosecutors, criminologists, and future judges should draw their own conclusions from this tomorrow and act accordingly.
Analysis of a tyrannical society
Professor Dr. Mila Alečković is one of the most educated Serbian women in the world and one of the best health anthropologists in the region and Europe, with an enormous erudition in psychology, neuropsychiatry, history, political theories and philosophy. She is the author of numerous books in several languages, and in addition to the topics of psychopathology and creativity, Mila Alečković has been writing for years against the misuse of psychological and psychiatric knowledge about the human soul.
In the new book "Black Psychiatry and Black Diagnoses", all possible operations of social engineering and death psychiatry that are used today by globalists and Malthusians are decorticated. In the book, Mila Alečković masterfully analyzes tyrannical societies governed by the death drive, as well as the psychopathological diagnoses of political actors. It would seem that by reading this brilliant book you become immune to all possible manipulations and fear programs. Or, as the author herself says: "The love and creativity that I carry within me helped me decipher everything that black psychiatry does in its desire to enslave your mind or to destroy you as a human being. We who fight against it win, because we treat the soul not as black, but as white, because in us the life drive has defeated the death drive" - states the text of the French publisher KPS (books against the system) "Black Psychiatry and Black Diagnoses".