It's time for an update. After about three and a half weeks of strict carb limitation (20g daily max), plenty of fats and meat, no sweet stuff whatsoever, no protein restriction, the fatigue disappeared virtually overnight around the 21 December! Just like flicking a switch. I haven't needed to rest during the day, and I've been sleeping better too. Quite amazing! I don't think this newly energized state is going to lead to a relapse, and all being well I will be starting a phased return to work on Monday 9 January. I have to visit my doctor to get him to sign a 'fit for work' note - as if the doc knows my body better than I do! - and I haven't decided yet whether to tell him about the diet, or just to say that the condition cleared up of its own accord. My impression of my doctor is that his attitude is: I'm the doctor and you're the patient and I'll do the diagnosing here.