Predictions and Prophecies

March, Spiritual Balance, Karma & New Attempt against Trump.​

Psychic Andreas published other set of predictions for 2025

December 27, 2024

Andreas mentions that he sees numbers that he considers to be a date and these are 25 03 25 which reduced to one digit gives 8 in numerology this number is associated with abundance (success, material reward, power, perseverance, karma and spiritual balance) he says that good things can happen, it is like a magic day.
The number 8 represents everything that’s out of this world and has a deep inclination for spirituality within it. Ruled by the most ruthless planet, Saturn, this number is more prone to harsh situations than other numbers. Also known as the planet of karmic matter, Saturn will give you all the fortune and wealth if you deserve it. But it can also bestow upon you hardships.
Number 8 in numerology
In a spiritual sense, the number 8 is all about giving back. It realizes that its successes are not its alone and will intentionally recognize and appreciate any help it has received. It balances achievement with gratitude, which can then be rebalanced with more achievement -- it's a cycle of success that the 8 is continuously manifesting.

In some Tarot decks the card 8 can be Justice and in others it can be strength. When it is justice it is interpreted that justice will come, everything is possible and everything will happen when the time is right.

March 2025 could be a very interesting month​
Q: (Gaby) Well, I have a question about the lunar cycle. Is the next major lunar standstill on March 22, 2025 when we could potentially channel some positive energies through gravitational forces?

A: Yes!

Q: (L) So we should make a plan for the lunar standstill in March. Keep that in mind, everybody! Okay.

Continuing with the visions the psychic mentions that also in March a natural disaster will occur in Asia that will cause loss of life and property (last time he mentioned Thailand). In the first days of President Trump's term he is going to suffer one more attempt, fortunately they will not be able to achieve their goal.

By the way, Joni Patry also predicted that a new attempt against Trump is possible. This taking into consideration the presence of Rahu and Saturn in Pisces which would happen from March 29, 2025 (I wonder if it is a coincidence that Saturn appears over Trump on the cover of The Economist)​
There could be another attempt on Trump's life and this one would happen in April. Between March 29 and May 29 Rahu and Saturn will meet in Pisces and this happened when JFK was assassinated and Trump should be very careful.

In Mexico organized crime violence grows and will paint the country red during President Claudia Sheinbaum's term, due to this the government imposes a curfew. A former president of the United States dies. At night an earthquake shakes Bolivia M5.8 or M6.0 Turkey is again shaken by a strong earthquake M7+ as in past years. In the first days of 2025 Jamaica is shaken by a M6 earthquake.​
Andreas mentions that he sees numbers that he considers to be a date and these are 25 03 25 which reduced to one digit gives 8 in numerology this number is associated with abundance (success, material reward, power, perseverance, karma and spiritual balance) he says that good things can happen, it is like a magic day.
Triple Bad Day for the psychos?
Q: (Pierre) I had an analogy about that... Like when you throw a rock in the pond, if there are islands in the pond, the frequency or information doesn't spread as harmoniously as compared to when the pond is with no islands. I have another question. It's a Watson moment, before they say that... Years ago, you referred to a triple bad day for the Rockefellers. In light of the recent revelation about pandemics and the real plague, that for those like the Rockefellers it will be a triple bad day: health-wise (real plague), finance-wise (real crisis), and social-wise (because they'll be hunted by the people when they finally figure out what is being done to them). Is it the meaning of Triple Bad Day?

A: Close. But, not only. Frequency mismatch will lead to many "smashing" events.

Q: (L) In other words, the frequency, the cosmic ray environment, or the frequency of the planet and our area of space-time is changing and they'll have like soul smashing events because they no longer fit?

A: Close.

Q: (Joe) Could that also mean that some particularly nasty people will attract smashing from space rocks?

A: Also possible!

Triple Bad Day & Jubilee Year​

Triple Bad Day for the psychos?

It could be a start. As Gaby mentioned in the last session on March 22, 2025 "we could potentially channel some positive energies". Andreas mentioned in other videos this possibility but it is biased for a few days due to the vision he had, for him it is the 25th

It is possible that the negative energies (chaos or smashing events) that other groups (of nasty people) may invoke may be counteracted by the positive energies that another group may invoke, thus creating a balance.

On October 22, 2022 Saint Pierre asked about the percentage of knowledge that the group had compared to 4D and the Cs answered that 63% Laura mentioned something very important, that working in a group, what one does not see or think, another in the group can see or think.​
(Pierre) As a group today, what percentage of knowledge do we hold compared to the average entry-level 4D entity?

(L) The average entry-level 4D entity? [laughter]

(Pierre) It's specific! [laughter]

A: 63 percent.

Q: (L) And that's as a group.

(Pierre) And it's not bad! Do you remember you asked years ago what knowledge do you hold compared to the illuminati. And it was 2 percent.

(L) Yeah, but that was individual - I wasn't asking for the group.

(Pierre) Yeah, but I'm pleased with this answer.

(L) Obviously, working as a group is highly desirable. What one doesn't see, the other one sees. What one doesn't think of, the other one thinks of.

I think that with the next major lunar standstill we can also gather information and the point of view of Psychics, seers and others and maybe we can get something in support of the effort to channel positive energies.

If we take the example of reducing the date 03, 22, 25 to one digit we get 5. In numerology 5 is associated with creativity, balance, rationality, purity and Holiness.

Easter rituals will be celebrated from Sunday, April 13 to Saturday, April 19, 2025, i.e. 22 days after the lunar standstill.

According to the Gemini AI overview​
The Romans celebrated processions in honor of the god Bacchus, which was similar to Easter today. Bacchus, also known as Dionysus, was sacrificed by the Titans, but was resurrected to return to the divine world.​

I mention the above because the elite have their rituals. The Catholic Church performed a ritual at Christmas that is attracting attention. 2025 is a Holy Year, is a Jubilee year and, for that reason, Pope Francis had specified that only the Holy Doors will be opened in the four Papal Basilicas in Rome and a fifth, a symbolic door inside the Roman prison of Rebibbia, "to offer prisoners a concrete sign of closeness". Something that had never been done before.

On September 23, 2023 the Cassiopaea entity called herself Jubilee and told us to expect more "terrorization" after confirming the use of energy beam weapons by the US Government. Jubilee also told us about the agreements between the military and aliens and that these aliens did not comply with the agreement, which seems to be evidently happening in New Jersey.​
(Joe) So is it true to say that this was like a "aliens" plan to have these drones or craft fly around and then the military, the government, deep state, whatever, decided to put theirs up when they realized it was happening to muddy the waters? Is that a reasonable...?

A: Close

Jubilee also said that the orbs observed are actually 4D probes capable of reading minds and controlling humans which brings us back to the last session. The military/System beast has also acquired this capability through vaccination. This was said in the last December session:​
Q: (L) What are the alien drones or probes up to?

A: Psychic reading and influencing of selected populations.
(seek10) Can we ask why New Jersey is the spot?

A: Heavily programmed population there.
(Joe) Well, 3D drones. Also, so in that context then, do humans, the government, deep state, whatever, do they have drone technology that is pretty far beyond what most of us here and the average person is aware of?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Pretty fancy stuff. So is the government using their drones to send signals to people and...?

A: Yes and those who have been vaccinated have transmitters and receivers.

Going back to the last Vatican ritual, one of the doors that was opened in the Vatican was St. Peter's Door which curiously had been sealed with a wall of bricks until last December 2, when they were taken down to prepare it as part of the "Rite of Recognition". The Jubilee has its origins in Judaism and is related to the year of grace of the Lord, as expressed in the Book of Isaiah 61 which speaks of the good news of salvation for Zion.

During the opening ceremony of one of the gates, people think they hear a cry for help.

Spooky/thrilling times indeed.​
More from the Austrian clairvoyant Egon Fischer - he seems to be expecting something like STO first contact in the next few years. This is a translation of only the parts with the more important predictions:

What does the future hold? Collapse - free energy - first contact?
The year 2025 will be decisive for the future. When will there be free energy? Will first contact with extraterrestrials take place in 2025? A brief look beyond the horizon.


2025 - the beginning of the visible collapse
Everything points to 2025 being the year when the collapse of the systems will become apparent to many people, and not just those who inform themselves via alternative media. (...)

The question that arises today is: Are we ready for the (slow) collapse of our world today? The COVID period has shaken many people up, but many have slipped deep into a phase of fear and repression.

When I look at the upcoming energetic situation, I no longer ask myself whether we or how many are ready for the collapse. It will simply happen because the time is ripe.

First contact has been decided upon

Recently, unidentified drones have appeared over important places and buildings. Many people are wondering whether these are possibly flying devices from extraterrestrials.

The topic of extraterrestrials will occupy us massively in the coming years. In this context, the question is often discussed: When will there be first contact? First contact means that aliens officially appear or governments officially admit that aliens and UFOs exist.

First contact will have massive consequences in all areas of life in the following years and decades, because it will allow advanced technologies to be officially used. There will be free energy, science will experience a paradigm shift, medicine will change fundamentally and many history books will have to be rewritten.

About 5 to 8 years ago, I was informed from the spiritual world that it had been decided at a higher level that first contact would NOT happen in the next few years. The effects would have been too catastrophic at that time. Allegedly there were very heated discussions at a higher level about when first contact should take place. In the end, the decision was made to postpone it.

About 3 months ago I was informed from the spiritual world that it had been decided at a higher level that first contact would take place in the next few years. I have not been given an exact date.

As already mentioned, first contact will totally change our world. In a certain sense, first contact must take place if we humans are to develop massively. But since there are forces that would rather have a slave race, first contact is being hindered and fought against. But if first contact has been decided at a higher level, then it will happen.
Psychic Andreas published in recent days the visions he has had during December, some may be of general interest.

December 10, 2024
U.S.-Mexico trade relations break down, Trump closes border. Earthquake in Canada M6+ no material losses. Helicopter or plane crashes in Brazil during Carnival week. Alleged appearance of extraterrestrial beings, an event generated to distract/entertain people. Giant being is captured or photographed in the seas of Oceania.

Article: Quebec and Ontario residents shaken by 4.1-magnitude earthquake​

According to Natural Resources Canada, more than 1,400 people have sent in reports of varying degrees of shaking––some coming from as far as the Georgian Bay region, and Brampton and Caledonia areas in Ontario.

There were also reports coming from Montreal and Quebec City, Que., with accounts showing the clusters around Petawawa and Ottawa, Ont., were the most likely folks to feel it, according to Earthquakes Canada.

No damage was reported and none is expected with this earthquake.

Not sure if that qualifies as Andreas prediction but it is quite rare to have earthquakes in Canada. But not impossible!
Or could there be another one in another area? Maybe!
Not sure if that qualifies as Andreas prediction but it is quite rare to have earthquakes in Canada. But not impossible!
Or could there be another one in another area? Maybe!

The seer predicted M6 and the area where this M4.1 occurred -57 km NNW of Saint-Boniface- does not usually have earthquakes larger than M4.6

It would be truly surprising if an M6+ earthquake occurred on the east coast of Canada.​
chrome_screenshot_29 dic. 2024 9_30_31 p. m. CST.png

I think the event remains a possibility in the future.
Jubilee also said that the orbs observed are actually 4D probes capable of reading minds and controlling humans which brings us back to the last session. The military/System beast has also acquired this capability through vaccination. This was said in the last December session:
Is 'controlling' the same action for you as 'influencing'?

Laura said:
Q: (L) What are the alien drones or probes up to?
A: Psychic reading and influencing of selected populations.

Is 'controlling' the same action for you as 'influencing'?


No. Control exists when you have the ability to make decisions over another entity and influence exists when you have the ability to add information to another entity in order to direct its decision towards your objective.

There seems to be a very thin separation between the two concepts. One leaves you no room for participation while the other gives you participation within certain parameters.
Now, in the context of what I have written this is what Jubilee said in response to Laura's question:
Q: (L) And when you say a 4D probe, obviously this is something that is beyond what we can think of as a probe. Are these probes able to read minds or to control human behavior?

A: Yes

So aliens not only have the ability to control us, but also to influence us by making us believe that it is our own free will. The difference one can make is in how aware one is of the aliens capabilities, which is why there is a selected population more prone to be controlled or influenced. IMO​
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