Et tu, Elon?
Zecharia Sitchin claims that the future can be predicted by understanding the history of Earth. Will TPTB try to manipulate and take advantage of Trump's weaknesses to create this character that is the front face of the Beast system?
This isn't a problem Trump got himself into, is it?
Seer Andreas mentioned in a live video that within President Trump's Administration there i a spy of sorts, a traitor. A traitor to the American people, because he will even reveal US secrets. Assuming this is possible, who would be the traitor? (It seems that reality is now a mixture of a James Bond movie and the X-Files)
Well, Trump made up his cabinet with technocrats who have openly expressed the technological takeover of U.S. politics and society on the one hand and on the other hand by Zionists who seek Israeli supremacy or MIGA. To his most loyal supporters, Trump did this as a strategy to expose them in order to achieve what they call "draining the swamp." What happens if the strategy fails?
David Icke is one of the people who criticize this Technocracy, the Beast system.
Who could be the traitor? Vance, Musk, Zuckerberg, Thiel, Andreessen, Sacks, Bezos, Gates?
Let's talk about Elon Musk
Laura makes HERE an analysis of Elon's personality. In a nutshell, probably:
●He is apparently someone who can't tolerate a lot of stress.
● He uses ketamine in small doses to treat his depression/anxiety. Basically, ketamine helps to dissociate from reality,
● He is a narcissist type Peter Pan - someone who never wants to grow up
●He does appear to be a weak human who imagines himself to be a lion.
In fact I think he has Super Hero Syndrome, a sort of Tony Stark/Iron Man. It is said that he appeared in the Iron Man 2 (2010) movie to help define Tony Stark's personality and show that the line between fiction and reality can be blurred. The movie also helped Elon position himself to the world as a technology guru. If we asked people to name a Silicon Valley icon they would undoubtedly mention Musk or Gates.
●He shows an excessive egotism that induces him to misjudge and terrorize others who do not think like him. This egotism "always goes hand in hand with a disguised attitude, i.e., wearing a mask."
I think this disguised attitude is part of his superhero syndrome, his Tony Stark (tough guy, womanizer, visionary), his Iron Man (superhero, saviour). People started to feed Musk's alter ego and MAGA needs its heroes.
I agree that Elon probably has 'daddy issues'. He probably has insecurity about his masculinity and goes overboard to display that he is a 'tough guy' too. Laura
In the past Andreas told us that he saw Elon being used by the government.
This gentleman who wants to steal the lithium in the north of Mexico knows things... something strong is coming with him. They are cheating him, the government encourages him to do whatever he wants, but when the time comes they will tell him no, no, no. I cannot say poor Elon Musk... because he is not poor, they are using him...He's being used.
KJS and Karol123 share with us what the clairvoyant Krzysztof Jackowski recently said about Elon Musk
The information that someone is behind Elon corroborates with the session about Elon that remote viewers from Future Forecasting Group did. Elon has insider knowledge about trends that will be imposed and plays a role in them, albeit with very limited autonomy.
...there are "Goliaths" behind Elon; he has very limited autonomy. He is used to influencing Trump and Trump remains "safe" so long as he stays with Musk in the same camp
Elon Musk plays the role of a positive agent for Trump. Musk will make sure that Trump does not unleash a storm about the plague. As long as Musk is with Trump, Trump is safe.
So Krzysztof Jackowski tells us that Elon is playing his role as long as Trump does not leave the fold and Andreas as well as the Polish clairvoyant tells us that Musk knows that something very strong is coming and will play an important role but limited, controlled.
Narcissists can be very good parents to small children who worship them - it's a symbiotic dance made in heaven. But lord help the child the day they stop hero-worshiping the parent and turn their gaze to admire something or someone else. Laura
What will happen when President Trump tells him "no, no, no". When Trump gets out of the fold. When the symbiosis breaks down. What does a teenager do when reprimanded by the parent.
Children tend to idealize parents, that is, they see them as "the best parents in the world", they look up to them, they want to be like them, they think their parents have and can have everything; they perceive them as powerful and are the greatest and most relevant people in their lives.
When adolescence begins, this whole edifice of perceptions and feelings breaks down.
The adolescent is conflictive because he suffers: he gets depressed because he is losing what was most valuable to him up to that moment; he gets angry because he realizes that he is still dependent and cannot tolerate it; he defies the adult, acts big and smart because he cannot stand the feeling that he is just growing up and does not yet have the knowledge and freedom he would like. Why do teenagers reject their parents?
What will Elon Musk do when the great pressure of the Deep State, the irresistible force, falls on his shoulders? Is Elon our traitor?
“Et tu, Elon?”