It would appear be so, although comets would not be able to explain, I think, a Cambrian explosion of the many different species "evolving" as if they had come custom made. Such an event may connect with the influence of other densities, although rarely observed there are glitches in our reality. The title of the book you wrote was Earth Changes and the Human-cosmic Connections and it is very meaningful, but I am wondering if one could consider the order of the words differently and read them as The Human-cosmic Connection and Earth Changes, or should we rather say The Cosmic-human connection and Earth Changes.Actually, after perusing this topic for a while, I've come to the idea that cometary events might well be the greatest modulator of life on Earth in general, and the rise and fall of civilizations in particular.
Below there are a couple of excerpts that helped me to think about the topic of cyclical comet cludters, and after that I will return one more time to a few calculations, as I was trying to find patterns in the flux of comets; not that I succeeded, but I tried.
Session 22 January 2000
01-22-2000 Ark, Laura, Frank Q: Hello. A: Hello. Q: And who do we have with us this evening? A: Anoova. Q: And where do you transmit through? A: Cassiopaea. Q: As you know, the morning after the last session, I woke up in extreme pain. It took several weeks to get this under...
And before that:(L) Now, there is a lot of talk about the imminent stockmarket crash, so I put up the financial info on the site without any specific advice. Could you comment on this potential for a major crash or depression happening this year?
A: Is there not always an "imminent" crash/depression?
Q: Of course there is! It's like the Weekly World News predicting the imminent End of the World about once a month. Eventually, they will be right! (A) Maybe not. (L) Well, another thing that was brought up in our discussion with this new gal in the mail group was that nothing of any importance of significance would happen in terms of transition on the earth for at least another thousand years or so. She was saying that we would slowly transform for the next thousand years, and there would be no cataclysms or earth changes. I am wondering if this is a new option that has come up because of changes in consciousness?
A: It may be. But remember, the "future" is merely a matter of which reality one experiences in real time, so called. It is merely which of those that exist shall the menu selectors elect?
Session 23 March 1996
March 23rd, 1996 Laura, Frank, V [The very beginning of the second side of the tape has a noise anomaly as follows; it starts out sounding like the taped voices are soft, far away and coming from the bottom of a well. This clears up; the voices are clearer and nearer. Then, they sound far...
After reading your article and discovering the list of comets with a long or even very long period, what on the Wiki they call near-parabolic comets with periods ranging from a 1000 years up to millions of years. I tried to order some of them in groups according to the duration of their periods.A: Now, for the remainder of this session, we wish to address the so called earth changes for your benefit, as you are stuck here. Those present need to be equi... [Sound anomaly on tape begins here, on second side.] ...pped to stop buying into popular deceptions once and for all! Reread Bramley.
Q: (L) Funny I took him off the shelf today... (V) What's Bramley about? (L) Well, hold on. Do you want me to read it right now?
A: No.
Q: (L) Ok, address the subject.
A: All such changes are caused by three things and three things only! 1) Human endeavors. 2) Cosmic objects falling upon or too near earth. 3) Planetary orbital aberrations.
Q: (L) All right, carry on.
A: Don't believe any of the nonsense you hear from other sources. It is designed to facilitate mass programming and deception.
Q: (L) Ok, okay.
A: Just as your bible says; "You will know not the day, nor the hour." This means there is no warning. None. No clue. No prophecy. And these events... [anomaly starts again here, briefly.] are of the "past" as well. [and ends here.]
Q: (V) What events of the past, as well?
A: Cosmic and "man made" cataclysms.
Q: (L) Well, since you put 'man-made' at the top of the list, am I to infer that perhaps some of the activities of the consortium, the secret government, are going to precipitate some of these events?
A: No.
Q: (L) Yes. Okay, is there any more that you want to say on this? Go ahead, you have the floor. Please.
A: Ask away.
Q: (L) Well, you've said that there's a comet cluster that's coming this way. Is that still correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is this body that has been called Hale-Bopp, is this that comet cluster?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is this comet cluster that's coming, and you've indicated that it could arrive anywhere between 18 years, something like that, is that correct?
A: Maybe.
Q: (L) Now, is this something that can be seen from a great way off?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is this something that's going to impact our particular immediate location, and appear suddenly, as this comet that has flown overhead just did? Nobody saw it until a very short time ago, and all of a sudden everybody sees it?
A: The cluster is a symptom, not the focus.
Q: (V) What is the focus?
A: Wave, remember, is "realm border" crossing... what does this imply? Consult your knowledge base for Latin roots and proceed.
Q: (L) So, the Latin root of realm is regimen, which means a domain or rulership or a system for the improvement of health. Does this mean that, and as I assume we are now moving into the STO realm, now, out of the STS realm?
A: Partly.
Q: (L) And also, can I infer from this, that the comet cluster exists in the other realm?
A: Partly.
Q: (L)Well, previously, you had said that the comet cluster would come before the realm border. Which indicated that the comet...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well, how can something so... you said it appears to be one single large body, and that our government knows that it's on it's way, and that apparently somebody has spotted it. Which direction is it coming from?
A: Direction?
Q: (L) Well, the comet cluster. That comet cluster, is, I am assuming, a real body, in third density experience, right? A part of a real cluster of bodies in third density experience. Is that correct?
A: Cluster can approach from all directions.
Q: (L) So, can I infer from what has been said, that we are going to move into this comet cluster, as into a realm?
A: Border changes rules.
Q: (L) But if we run into the comet cluster before we cross the border, then, I mean, I would understand if we were going into the realm border first...
A: Part in part out.
Q: (L) OK, is this so-called HAARP project instrumental in any of these realm border changes, these realm changes?
A: All is interconnected, as usual.
Below is what I found using an interval of 200 years from 1000 and up to periods of 5000 years. The left column gives the range of the period of the comets in years, and the right side gives the number of discovered comets so far with periods within the given range.
1000-1200 10
1200-1400 7
1400-1600 5
1600-1800 10
1800-2000 14
2000-2200 7
2200-2400 11
2400-2600 9
2600-2800 6
2800-3000 3
3000-3200 2
3200-3400 7
3400-3600 5
3600-3800 2
3800-4000 9
4000-4200 4
4200-4400 2
4400-4600 2
4600-4800 1
4800-5000 2
If one considers that the window of reliable and comprehensive observation of comets is maybe a 20, 30, 50, 100, or 150 years one could extrapolate from the samples. If we say the window is 100 years, and there is equal distribution within the field, which is probably not the case, but if we pretend, then 100year/1000 years-100 years/1200 year is 10 % to 8.33 %. If there are 10 comets in this interval so far, then we should be able to find another about 90-130 comets in total with a period of a 1000 to 1200 years. The longer the period we consider, the smaller the presently discovered sample is relative to the length of the period. For example, if we look at the period from 3800-4000, then we find 9 comets, but our window of observation is just the same 100 years, so really we have only sampled 100/4000 of the period or about 2.5 % which is not much, but if we dare to think we have hit the average frequency then we should be able to find about 350 comets with periods of 3800-4000 years.
Zooming in on comets with periods from 3000-4000 years there was this distribution. What I have done is making the window 100 years long instead of 200 years.
3000-3100 0
3100-3200 2
3200-3300 4
3300-3400 3
3400-3500 0
3500-3600 5
3600-3700 2
3700-3800 0
3800-3900 7
3900-4000 2
4000-4100 2
4100-4200 2
One possibility is that just like there are meteor streams there are also comet streams, and not only the 3600 year cycle. In a meteor streams there are also the early birds followed by the peak shower. A similar pattern may play out with the comet clusters. A question is of course if there have been early birds from the 3600 year cycle and which ones, would any the ones we find in the Wiki list be among them? Or should we look into a more professional and updated list? On this page there should be a list of more than 3000 comets if one is able to configure ones system to make the program work. I couldn't do that yet, but the link is here, if anyone would like to try: Ephemerides
Another possibility is that the 3600 year cluster, if it can come from all directions, as it is said in the transcript could be the result of cosmic pulse or at least a pulse in the solar system, just like the beat of a heart. that affects the whole system. If this is the case, then trying to find patterns in the periods of discovered comets could be a waste of time. It is also possible there is a combination of different patterns like in large waves arising from constructive interference.
In the table of discovered long term comets, one will find periods like 3403179.42 years. I have not read the papers, but I would think an accuracy of a millions year long period down to the last week give and take four days is exaggerated. Indeed one could possibly question the accuracy of periods for comets that move into areas of the solar system that are little known and poorly understood, because if the distance from the Sun to Pluto varies between approximately 30-50 AU or astronomical units, each of which is 1.495978707×10^11 m. and the average distance of long term comets in the 3600 year range is around 230-250 AU on average, then these comets with orbits that are near-parabolic with eccentricities near one, move far, far beyond the orbit of Pluto. The times for the orbits would probably only be accurate if there are no major centers of gravity outside the known outer planets.
After getting this far, I found some papers that deal with the concept of comet clusters, also called comet showers, perhaps a play on meteor showers. There were also articles on mass extinctions, the role of massive stars, small stars and giant molecular clouds. I ordered them by year; it was a bit tedious, but in the process it was like opening a window to the far out areas of the Solar system from where the future comes, a bit frightening, but also grand.
Title: Comet showers and the steady-state infall of comets from the Oort cloud
Authors: Hills, J. G.
Journal: Astronomical Journal, vol. 86, Nov. 1981, p. 1730-1740.
1981AJ.....86.1730H Page 1730
Davis, M., Hut, P. & Muller, R. Extinction of species by periodic comet showers.Nature 308, 715–717 (1984) doi:10.1038/308715a0
Whitmire, D., Matese, J. Periodic comet showers and planet X. Nature 313, 36–38 (1985) doi:10.1038/313036a0
Author(s): Morris, D.E.; Muller, R.A.
1985 Author(s): Morris, D.E. Muller, R.A
Kerr, Richard A. "Periodic extinctions and impacts challenged; critics are attacking the evidence that comet showers have caused periodic extinctions." Science, vol. 227, 1985, p. 1451+. Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine, Accessed 4 Dec. 2019.
1985BAAS...17Q.690H Page 690
Authors: Hut, P. & Weissman, P. R.
Journal: Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 17, p.690
Bibliographic Code: 1985BAAS...17Q.690H
Mass extinctions, crater ages and comet showers.
The authors review the underlying evidence upon which the claims of periodicity of mass extinctions and crater ages have been based and compare in detail the observed geologic record of impact events on the Earth with the paleontologic record of mass extinctions. The conclusion is that there...
Shoemaker, Eugene M.; Wolfe, Ruth F.
Icarus Volume 65, Issue 1, January 1986, Pages 1-12
Tidal gravitational forces: The infall of “new” comets and comet showers
Author links open overlay panel D.E.MorrisR.A.Muller
Hut, P., Alvarez, W., Elder, W. et al. Comet showers as a cause of mass extinctions. Nature 329, 118–126 (1987) doi:10.1038/329118a0
Icarus Volume 70, Issue 2, May 1987, Pages 269-288
The frequency and intensity of comet showers from the Oort cloud
Author links open overlay panelJuliaHeisler∗∗∗ScottTremaine∗∗∗†1CharlesAlcock∗∗∗1
M. E. Bailey, D. A. Wilkinson, A. W. Wolfendale, Can episodic comet showers explain the 30-Myr cyclicity in the terrestrial record?, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 227, Issue 4, August 1987, Pages 863–885, Can episodic comet showers explain the 30-Myr cyclicity in the terrestrial record?
1988Obs...108....1S Page 1
Title: Structure of Oort's comet cloud inferred from terrestrial impact craters
Authors: Stothers, R. B.
Journal: The Observatory, vol. 108, p. 1-9 (1988)
Bibliographic Code: 1988Obs...108....1S
1991LPICo.765..199S Page 199
Authors: Shoemaker, E. M.
Journal: Abstracts for the International Conference on Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 1991. Held June 24-28, 1991, in Flagstaff, AZ. Sponsored by Barringer Crater Company, the Lunar and Planetary Institute, Lowell Observatory, Meteor Crater Enterprises, Inc., NASA, the Northern Arizona University, and the U. S. Geological Survey. LPI Contribution 765, published by the Lunar and Planetary Institute, 3303 Nasa Road 1, Houston, TX 77058, 1991, p.199
Bibliographic Code: 1991LPICo.765..199S
Fernández, J. (1992). Comet Showers. Symposium - International Astronomical Union, 152, 239-254. doi:10.1017/S0074180900091233 Found on Comet Showers | Symposium - International Astronomical Union | Cambridge Core which besides an abstract lists a bibliography
Icarus Volume 116, Issue 2, August 1995, Pages 255-268
Periodic Modulation of the Oort Cloud Comet Flux by the Adiabatically Changing Galactic Tide
Author links John J.Matese Patrick G.Whitman Kimmo A.Innanen Mauri J.Valtonen
Geochemical Evidence for a Comet Shower in the Late Eocene
K. A. Farley*, A. Montanari, E. M. Shoemaker†, C. S. Shoemaker
Science 22 May 1998:
Vol. 280, Issue 5367, pp. 1250-1253
DOI: 10.1126/science.280.5367.1250
Matese J.J., Whitman P.G., Whitmire D.P. (1998) Oort Cloud Comet Perihelion Asymmetries: Galactic Tide, Shower or Observational Bias?. In: Yabushita S., Henrard J. (eds) Dynamics of Comets and Asteroids and Their Role in Earth History. Springer, Dordrecht
DOI Oort Cloud Comet Perihelion Asymmetries: Galactic Tide, Shower or Observational Bias?
Periodic Comet Showers, Mass Extinctions, and the Galaxy
Geologic data on mass extinctions of life and evidence of large impacts on the Earth are thus far consistent with a quasi-periodic modulation of the flux of Oort cloud comets. Impacts of large comets and asteroids are capable of causing mass extinction of species, and the records of large impact...
Rampino, M. R.; Stothers, R. B.
Publication: Catastrophic Events and Mass Extinctions: Impacts and Beyond, p. 175
Pub Date: January 2000 Bibcode: 2000cem..conf..175R
2002ESASP.500..445M Page 445
Authors: Mazeeva, O. A. & Emel'Yanenko, V. V.
Journal: In: Proceedings of Asteroids, Comets, Meteors - ACM 2002. International Conference, 29 July - 2 August 2002, Berlin, Germany. Ed. Barbara Warmbein. ESA SP-500. Noordwijk, Netherlands: ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-810-7, 2002, p. 445 - 448
Bibliographic Code: 2002ESASP.500..445M
SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Title: Oort Cloud Formation and Dynamics
Authors: Dones, L., Weissman, P. R., Levison, H. F., & Duncan, M. J.
Journal: Star Formation in the Interstellar Medium: In Honor of David Hollenbach, Chris McKee and Frank Shu, ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 323. Edited by D. Johnstone, F.C. Adams, D.N.C. Lin, D.A. Neufeld, and E.C. Ostriker. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2004., p.371
Bibliographic Code: 2004ASPC..323..371D
The Role of Giant Molecular Clouds in the Evolution of the Oort Comet Cloud - Solar System Research
We estimated the gravitational influence of giant molecular clouds passing near the Solar system on the orbital evolution of Oort cloud comets. We performed a comparative analysis of the accuracies of the following two methods of allowance for the perturbations from giant molecular clouds: the...
Solar System Research, 2004, Volume 38, Number 4, Page 325
O. A. Mazeeva
Assessing the Threat of Oort Cloud Comet Showers
A field star passes within 5,000 AU of the solar system once every 100 Myrs on average. During these extremely close stellar passages large numbers of Oort Cloud orbits are modified, which drastically increases the flux of long-period comets entering the inner solar system for 2-3 Myrs. We model...
Pub Date: May 2008 Assessing the Threat of Oort Cloud Comet Showers
Kaib, Nathan A.; Quinn, T.
Icarus Volume 214, Issue 1, July 2011, Pages 334-347
The key role of massive stars in Oort cloud comet dynamics
The effects of a sample of 1300 individual stellar encounters spanning a wide range of parameter values (mass, velocity and encounter distance) are in…
Author links open overlay panel M.Foucharda Ch.Froeschléb H.Rickmancd G.B.Valsecchie
From the abstract:
The effects of a sample of 1300 individual stellar encounters spanning a wide range of parameter values (mass, velocity and encounter distance) are investigated. Power law fits for the number of injected comets demonstrate the long range effect of massive stars, whereas light stars affect comets mainly along their tracks. Similarly, we show that the efficiency of a star to fill the phase space region of the Oort cloud where the Galactic tides are able to inject comets into the observable region – the so-called “tidally active zone” (TAZ) – is also strongly dependent on the stellar mass.
The role of large and small cometary showers in the changes of living conditions on the Earth
1. The supremum of astrophysical problems in modern astronomy. With the introduction into service in 1974, of the largest at that time, six-meter telescope BTA at Zelenchukskaya Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) - Department of Extragalactic Research and relativistic astrophysics was established...
Churyumov, K. I.; Steklov, A. F.; Vidmachenko, A. P.; Dashkiev, G. N.; Stepahno, I. V.; Steklov, E. A.; Slipchenko, A. S.; Romaniuk, Ya. O.
Materials of the International scientific-practical conference devoted to the 100th anniversary of astrophysicist I.S. Shklovskii "The problems of modern astronomy and method of its teaching." 6-8 October 2016 Glukhiv, Ukraine. - Sumy, LLC "Publishing house" Eldorado", 2016. - 128 p.
The Late Eocene Earth: Hothouse, Icehouse, and Impacts
Edited by Christian Koeberl, Alessandro Montanari
(Found on Google books)
See also
Relating this list of papers to the calculations of the distribution of the frequencies of discovered long period comets, I return to the impression that there ought to be more than one comet shower. What is it that has made the 3600 year cycle special? And coming from all sides? But perhaps there is no need to brood over the question too hard because: A: The cluster is a symptom, not the focus.