I too feel Bush was "Smirking"...which from my perspective is something he usually does. It's become his trademark! To the Psychopath, Nothing is serious, Everything is a Joke. Let the Fun and Games begin. Iraq is just a playground. Iran is just a playground. Georgia is just a playground. Afghanistan is just a playground. Hell, the WORLD is just a playground. Killing and Torture doesn't mean anything does it?? People are just play pawns in my toy box.
That's Bush's Attitude.
Whenever I see him casually talk or give speeches, I get the feeling of a Junior High kid who can barely contain himself from busting out loud laughing over the most recent prank he has pulled. He often has that "wise guy" look on his face of...'I just pulled a "fast one" and got away with it (snicker)...I secretly legislated away over the weekend more of your stupid constitutional rights and increased my Personal Power as a Dictator-President. Whataya gonna do 'bout it Huh'? (more Sinister Snickering).
I was in a book store a while back and casually flipping through a biography about Bush ( I don't remember the author or the book title, sorry) where the author sited how childish Bush behaved sometimes and gave as an example how he would lock out Carl Rove from rooms where important meetings were to be conducted. Bush would laugh hilariously thinking it was the funniest thing, as Rove was pounding on the door pleading to be let in. If I recall, it had something to do with Rove being maybe a little late and Bush would just lock him out and Laugh. Maybe someone on the site has read this book and knows the passage I'm trying to recall?
So Bush is a PSYCHOPATHIC BAFFOON. I think that's an established fact by now.