Problem solved!

Is it a rhetorical question?

Please provide a link and some salient points regarding the actual article. An interesting magazine cover is attention getting...but what's inside is what counts.

Sure, a large asteroid (or asteroids) would be cause for change. Solving the problem of the human condition? Unlikely, unless humans get wise as to why they themselves have allowed the PTB to rule over them in the past, today...and possibly after the PTB crawl out of their underground bunkers after a cyclical cataclysm to once again confuse, hoodwink and exploit any survivors up top.

The visual does not solve the problem...or at the very least, give members of this forum answers as to what the magazine author actually implies. Does the article lean towards in "we're doomed, so just give up on trying to solve the problem and foment paralyzing fear?" Does it lean towards taking the focus off manufactured and/or day to day activities here on the BBM, and perhaps claim that there are psychopathic leaders who have vectored past and present civilizations? Or is it just another "let the all-knowing, wise government/military/industrial leaders solve this dilemma, Hollywood style" while they take "control" of the situation to make humankind more "safe." Inquiring minds would like to know.

Edited for style
NormaRegula said:
Please provide a link and some salient points regarding the actual article. An interesting magazine cover is attention getting...but what's inside is what counts.
I don't think there will be any salient 'points' in the article. The Onion Magazine is based on satire.

Edit: I'm not sure if there's even an article on the topic. It's more of statement of our situation, I think.
LOL! Oh, first The Onion foolery. And it's in the Tickle Me section. I was wandering around the forum before I had my coffee. (Yeah, right, that's no excuse.) Should have looked at the top more closely. Dear me, too busy looking at the asteroid.

It's too bad there's no would be even more interesting. Sometimes The Onion comes closer to the truth. :-)
NormaRegula said:
LOL! Oh, first The Onion foolery. And it's in the Tickle Me section. I was wandering around the forum before I had my coffee. (Yeah, right, that's no excuse.) Should have looked at the top more closely. Dear me, too busy looking at the asteroid.

It's too bad there's no would be even more interesting. Sometimes The Onion comes closer to the truth. :-)
Someone really got me good once with one of the Onion's faux news video commentaries. God bless - sometimes you just have to laugh at it all.
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