Professor criticized for course denying climate change

Richard said:
I'd like to suggest that perhaps Prof. Muller is a completely honest man interpreting data available to him as best he can. It's entirely possible that in the first instance when he denied climate change he was looking at figures completely different to those that made him change his mind later. To make an about turn like that would also suggest honesty. "Facts before opinion"

Who's best interests are served by denying climate change? I may be looking at this too simply but it makes sense that the people who stand to gain most by denying man-made climate change are the people who benefit most from practices that pollute the atmostphere and oceans and rape the lands. In other words the energy companies, industrialists, politicians who need business to carry on 'as usual' - ie the PTB. It would be their knee-jerk reaction and Prof. Muller would now be on their hit lists whereas before he would have been their darling.

I would think there's a good chance that Prof. Muller relies mostly on data at hand to reach his conclusions, in which case I feel sorry for him when he discovers data pointing to solar and other influences. He'll have to retract for a second time.

Perhaps someone knows him better?

The idea that human activity is responsible for the climate change we are experiencing is simply not sustained by the evidence. Global warming is recognized by this forum as a hoax. Now, think about who benefits in having human activity to blame for climate change. Well, an entire side economy was created through concepts like cap and trade as was a perfect way of making society think something helpful was being done for the environment. By focussing on a man made crisis, TPTB keep people's awareness away from the cyclical cataclysms and impending ice age (every ice age is preceded by a brief warming period, followed by rapid cooling) so the slaves continue to work away at their dreams of someday winning a lottery or becoming the next Donald Trump - the American dream requires sleep.

Gonzo said:
The idea that human activity is responsible for the climate change we are experiencing is simply not sustained by the evidence. Global warming is recognized by this forum as a hoax. Now, think about who benefits in having human activity to blame for climate change. Well, an entire side economy was created through concepts like cap and trade as was a perfect way of making society think something helpful was being done for the environment. By focussing on a man made crisis, TPTB keep people's awareness away from the cyclical cataclysms and impending ice age (every ice age is preceded by a brief warming period, followed by rapid cooling) so the slaves continue to work away at their dreams of someday winning a lottery or becoming the next Donald Trump - the American dream requires sleep.


Hi Gonzo...yes, agreed. The point of my post was simply to point out that even though the Professor is wrong in his conclusions, that of itself doesn't make him dishonest.
Richard said:
Hi Gonzo...yes, agreed. The point of my post was simply to point out that even though the Professor is wrong in his conclusions, that of itself doesn't make him dishonest.

He may be honest I don't know, but from what I read in this thread he's a usefull idiot IMO.
Richard said:
Hi Gonzo...yes, agreed. The point of my post was simply to point out that even though the Professor is wrong in his conclusions, that of itself doesn't make him dishonest.
Perhaps if you think of it in terms of the road to hell being paved with good intentions, it will make a bit more sense. Most people do things that cause harm without intending to. When we begin to take responsibility for our actions and see the unintended harm that results from such intentions, it can be quite painful.

One good question to keep in mind in these situations as much as possible is 'who benefits'? You may also want to consider looking more deeply into what Prof. Muller represents to you. What is it about him that it 'likes' or that you feel points to some ideal about yourself?
Just a Theory:

Maybe TPTB are using Dr. Muller now as a highly credentialed tool to discredit and eliminate pesky opposing information before it takes hold...and that was the plan all along.

It would follow that his former opinion was underwritten and promoted to tease out all alternate theorists that responded positively to his global warming criticisms by incorporating his findings into their work. Now that TPTB know the players, it is like Lucy and the football (Peanuts comics). They make him yank his former analysis and opinions and reverse his position. His “honesty” and “reputation” now back a popular lie leaving unsuspecting alternate theorists with big new negatives publicly––virtually eliminating them as viable positions because they are based on "so-called" faulty numbers. Dr. Muller may have been unsuspectingly bought and paid for way, way back, as well as the strategy (with or without his consent). It could be that this follows typical form: TPTB maneuvers are done in pieces over time so that they are not obvious or suspected until the final outcome is revealed.

I would like to think that Dr. Muller is unattached to the strategies and is an upright and honest scientist calling it as he sees it. But that doesn’t seem to fit with his suspicion and position (he created a whole project to confront the numbers) to then come to the conclusion that he (validated by the project) was 100% wrong and the numbers were 100% right. It makes more sense that they used him somehow as a pawn to ultimately validate suspected cooked data. The other question is what do the TPTB and the Koch Brothers get out of this...there must be at least one more maneuver in the works. One possibility is that with the latest reversal by Muller, it casts shadow on his other research, namely the cycles, ice age and the companion sun, etc. - the real target? Multiple birds for one stone?

Just a theory and probably flawed, I wasn’t there and I don’t really know.

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