The Living Force
Richard said:...
I'd like to suggest that perhaps Prof. Muller is a completely honest man interpreting data available to him as best he can. It's entirely possible that in the first instance when he denied climate change he was looking at figures completely different to those that made him change his mind later. To make an about turn like that would also suggest honesty. "Facts before opinion"
Who's best interests are served by denying climate change? I may be looking at this too simply but it makes sense that the people who stand to gain most by denying man-made climate change are the people who benefit most from practices that pollute the atmostphere and oceans and rape the lands. In other words the energy companies, industrialists, politicians who need business to carry on 'as usual' - ie the PTB. It would be their knee-jerk reaction and Prof. Muller would now be on their hit lists whereas before he would have been their darling.
I would think there's a good chance that Prof. Muller relies mostly on data at hand to reach his conclusions, in which case I feel sorry for him when he discovers data pointing to solar and other influences. He'll have to retract for a second time.
Perhaps someone knows him better?
The idea that human activity is responsible for the climate change we are experiencing is simply not sustained by the evidence. Global warming is recognized by this forum as a hoax. Now, think about who benefits in having human activity to blame for climate change. Well, an entire side economy was created through concepts like cap and trade as was a perfect way of making society think something helpful was being done for the environment. By focussing on a man made crisis, TPTB keep people's awareness away from the cyclical cataclysms and impending ice age (every ice age is preceded by a brief warming period, followed by rapid cooling) so the slaves continue to work away at their dreams of someday winning a lottery or becoming the next Donald Trump - the American dream requires sleep.