Q: (L) At one point we were told that time was an illusion that came into being at the "time" of the "Fall" in Eden, and this was said in such a way that I inferred that there were other illusions put into place at that time...
A: Time is an illusion that works for you because of your altered DNA state.
Q: (L) Regarding the "Fall" in Eden and the loss of the Edenic state, how long ago did that happen?
A: 309000 years ago approx.
Q: (L) What was the situation... what happened... what was the state of mankind?
A: Loss of faith caused knowledge and physical restrictions by outside forces.
Q: (L) What is it that causes us to only be able to perceive time in a sequential way?
A: DNA restructuring, as in the handiwork of our friends, STS 4th density.
Q: (L) Is there any possibility of regaining or restructuring this DNA?
A: Was there, will be again.
Q: (L) We know that you have said that time is an illusion in 3rd density reality - that it is the 3rd density illusion - and it is involved with our DNA, which determines how we perceive it. So, it is an illusion. Yet, somehow, this illusion converts at some point into a solid reality via some mode or operation. I would like to know, at what point it converts and how?
A: You are off base. Who said it converts?
Q: (L) Well, we perceive a damn solid reality! There is STUFF that if you kick it, it hurts!
A: That perception is part of the illusion.
Q: (L) But, that is obviously not the TOTAL illusion. What else is a part of this illusion? If our perception is part, then there must also be something there to be perceived, correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay, what is it that we are perceiving?
A: That which you are programmed to perceive.
Q: (L) Is not this perception, these things we perceive as outside ourselves, are they not substance of some sort? Are they not there in some form, even if we perceive them the way we do?
A: Of course, but what does this have to do with "time?"
Q: (L) I am getting to that! We perceive a world "out there." Trees, cars, trucks, houses, bricks, boards, blocks, people, dogs etc etc etc.
A: You left out backyard barbecues!
Q: [laughter] (L) Very funny! We perceive things out there. Of what are they composed?
A: Matter.
Q: (L) Of what is matter composed?
A: Atomic structure.
Q: (L) Of what are atoms composed?
A: Thoughts.
Q: (L) Whose thoughts?
A: Yours.
Q: (L) Everything?
A: Everything.
Q: (L) If I perceive something, and everything I perceive is composed of my thoughts, and V_ is perceiving, is everything her thoughts?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What is the difference between her thoughts and my thoughts?
A: Thoughts are what binds you. You see, it is merely a program that you perceive a difference.
Q: (L) Where does the program come from?
A: Where do your programs come from? We are asking about the programs in your computer.
Q: (L) In my computer? Different places. I get them and load them in. Are programs made - do they exist like 'thought centers' - and do we just load them in ourselves?
A: Why have you forgotten? 309,000...
Q: (L) Oh. You are talking about the "takeover" by 4th density STS. But, still, the point I am trying to get to is - yes we have DNA - but you can't reprogram DNA if there is not DNA there to begin with. If there is not something to load the program into. What is the substance of this reality that we exist in?
A: You just answered. You can't load it into something if there isn't something there to begin with. Your previous DNA structure.
Q: (L) Where did the previous DNA structure come from?
A: The previous program.
Q: (L) Okay, the STO program of human beings in the Edenic state before the takeover by the Lizzies. What I want to know is: what is this process whereby thought becomes manifest as matter?
A: Bilaterally.
Q: (L) What do you mean by "bilaterally?"
A: Dual emergence.
Q: (L) Emergence into what and what?
A: Not "into what and what," but rather, "from what and to what." The beginning emerges from the end, and vice versa.
Q: (L) And what is the beginning and what is the end?
A: Union with the One. 7th density, i.e.: all that is, and is not.
Q: (L) I think you know where I am trying to go with this and I wish you would help me out just a little...
A: We are.
Q: . (A) What is the function of DNA, other than coding protein production?
A: Conductor of electricity.
Q: (L) Is that the only other function?
A: Well, as you know, electrical energy can have nearly endless applications. Examples... radio waves, neurotransceiver for thought pattern programs facilitated through electromagnetic wave transmission, etc. Method used for creation and maintenance of program illusions, such as the perception of linear time as reality.
Q: (A) Which part of a human extends into 4th density?
A: That which is effected by pituitary gland.
Q: (L) And what is that?
A: Psychic.
Q: (A) Are there some particular DNA sequences that facilitate transmission between densities?
A: Addition of strands.
Q: (L) How do you get added strands?
A: You don't get, you receive.
Q: (L) Where are they received from?
A: Interaction with upcoming wave, if vibration is aligned.
Q: (L) How do you know if this is happening?
A: Psychophysiological changes manifest.
Q: (A) Is DNA acting as a superconductor?
A: Yes!!! Variably.
Q: (A) When you speak of an upcoming wave, it is a wave of what?
A: Think of it as a wave of reflection from the beginning and end point.
Q: (A) But what vibrates? Energy? Aether?
A: Energy and aether are directly symbiotic.
Q: (A) And when it vibrates, then in which dimension?
A: The density 3 and 4 at transition junction.
Q: (A) If not in linear time, then in what?
A: Cyclical "time."
Q: (A) What measures the distance between one crest and another?
A: Ending/beginning of cycle.
Q: (L) Okay. Time is an illusion. Wonderful! Let's work with this allusion. Let us say that the ground is 7th density. How would we picture time in relation to this ground?
A: As the soil.
Q: (L) How do created beings get painted into this picture?
A: Time is your illusion.
Q: (L) Yet, on one other occasion, you said that time does exist at other densities, only that it is "selective," you can pick the time. Is that correct?
A: If you want to call it time, but it would not be the same, would it?
Q: (A) Is time multidimensional? If so, is it three-dimensional?
A: Not correct concept. Time is not a dimension. This is very complex from your standpoint, but let us just say that time is "selective," or "variable."
Q: (L) You said that time was 'selective and variable.' What, exactly, does this mean?
A: By "Selective", we mean simply to think of time as if it were like your jukebox. There are many selections there, you may play them as you choose. But you need not play them sequentially, unless that is all you know. The selections are always there, are they not?
Q: (L) Well, that is crazy! You can't just go around having things happening in random order?!
A: Random is in the eyes of the perceiver. All is eternal, time is selective. We can see the entire jukebox menu selection at all "times."
Q: (L) Alright, then. I think that from a previous session we were told that the number of universes was not countable. Is that correct?
A: Infinite, maybe, but more to the point: variable and selective.
Q: (T)Explain variable and selective, please?
A: For those who know how, universes can be created at will in order to transmodify reality merge.
Q: (L) What is a reality merge?
A: What does it sound like?
Q: (T) Merging of realities from one universe into another? A creating of a new reality which is then merged with the old to create a new universe.
A: Close.
Q: (L) Next question: if there were a sufficient number of people who were working on learning how to create an alternate reality or universe, would it seem to them that there was no real "shift" between the former one and the new one, except an internal shift of thought?
A: That is one possibility.
Q: (L) If we decided that we wanted a different world, could we, as even a small group, create that kind of world and have it seem that we hadn't...
A: We have told you thus.