As a follow up to @Keit ’s extensive post, I would like to add (in my admittedly far less articulate fashion) that, having followed Sheik Imran Hosein’s podcast for some time now, that his Islamic eschatology puts Gog and Magog as the west. Stemming from the schism which created the Catholic Church in the west vs the Orthodox Church in the east, the western church (and Protestantism) ultimately bringing about settler colonialism, and ultimately the DC political machine and Hollywood, along with its gender bending, child trafficking, complete STS taking over of our society. Ultimately this will lead to the final conflict and appearance of Dajjal (Antichrist).
Just thought I’d throw that into the conversation.
Thanks @Keit for the profound research and summary on the topic
Couple of days ago stumbled upon the speech of former Chabad leader. That is basically Protocols of the elders of Zion - but in local scale-Russia wise. And unfortunately analyzing every verse, imo, that plan is being realized
The original text of Menachem M. Schneerson's speech is given (1994), in which he broadcasts in some detail and openly about how they plan to destroy hundreds of millions of people and make a nest for themselves in Russia – a new "Great Khazaria"...
The plan of the Jews and Israel against the Russians, Ukraine and Russia.
The war in Ukraine was started and is being waged by the United States and Israel on the instructions and plans of the rabbis, as well as in fulfillment of the plans of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers against the Russians and Slavs in general. The Jewish plan is known in Russia, because the war in Chechnya also took place in accordance with this plan.
In 1992, the Chabad sect recognized M.M. Schneerson as Moshiach, the messenger of God on Earth. The speech of the Jewish rabbi, the leader of the Chabad sect, Schneerson, was made in 1994. The official publication of the text in the newspaper "Slavyanin", N-4(32), 2001, Volgograd. After the publication in Russia, the Jews filed an application with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and tried to condemn the editor of the newspaper V.F. Popov for anti-Semitism (Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The court considered, heard witnesses and specialists – Russian scientists, academician Y.K. Begunov and Doctor of Law O.G. Korotaev spoke. The court denied the accusation, and the text of Schneerson's speech was recognized as true. Schneerson publicly announced the plans of the Jews against the Slavs and Russians.
1. Our special tactics of fighting the red-Browns (and all Slavs are red–browns), is Secret Knowledge. We will direct the main edge of the struggle against the Slavs, except for the renegades who have intermarried with the Jews with the same interests. However, these "related" we then, after using them for our own purposes, will withdraw from our society. Slavs, and among them Russians, are the most rebellious people in the world. He is rebellious because of the nature of his mental and mental abilities, laid down by many generations of ancestors, genes that cannot be altered. A Slav, a Russian, can be destroyed, but can never be conquered. That is why this seed is subject to elimination, and at first – a sharp reduction in its number.
2. Our methods of struggle will not be military at all, but ideological and economic with the use of power structures equipped with the most modern types of weapons to physically suppress the rioters with even greater brutality than was done in October 1993 when the White House was shot. First of all, we will divide all Slavic people (300 million of them, half of them Russians) into small, weakened countries with broken ties. Here we will use our old method: divide and conquer. We will try to pit these countries against each other. To drag them into internecine wars with the aim of mutual destruction.
A Ukrainian will think that he is fighting against an expansionist Russia, fighting for his independence, will think that he has finally found his freedom, while he completely becomes dependent on us. The Russians will think the same, as if they are defending their national interests, returning the lands "illegally" taken from them, and so on. We will do all this under the pretext of different sovereignties, the struggle for our national ideals. At that time, we will not allow any of the parties to self-determine on the basis of national values and traditions.
In this war of fools, the Slavic cattle will weaken themselves and strengthen us, the main conductors of the troubles, allegedly standing aside and not only not participating in the bloody events, but also not interfering in them. Moreover, we will completely protect ourselves. In the minds of the profane Slavs (the uninitiated), we will lay down such stereotypes of thinking, in which the most terrible word will be "anti-Semite". The word "Jew" will be pronounced in a whisper. With several trials (like the trial of the anti–Semite Ostashvili with his subsequent destruction) and other methods (radio, television - frightening films, like the revenge of the Israeli Mossad superintelligence for the murder of Jews), we will intimidate the cattle so much that not a single hair will fall from the head of any Jew while the Slavs will be shot in packs, destroyed thousands – on the borders where Jews do not serve, in peacekeeping forces, terrorism, contract and criminal murders.
3. The stupid Slavic ethnic group does not understand that the most terrible fascists are those who never speak about it out loud anywhere, but organize everything allegedly according to the most democratic norms (like the presidential elections in March). On the contrary, we will make the very word "fascist" abusive. This label will be feared by everyone on whom we hang it. We know very well that nationalism strengthens a nation, makes it strong. The slogan of "internationalism" is outdated and no longer works as before, we will replace it with "universal values", which is the same thing. We will not allow any nationalism to rise, and we will destroy those nationalist movements that seek to bring the people out from under our dictate with fire and sword, as is done in Georgia, Armenia, Serbia. But we will ensure the full prosperity of our nationalism – Zionism, or rather: Jewish fascism, which in its secrecy and power is superfascism. It is not for nothing that the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution in 1975 in which it defined Zionism as the most notorious "form of racism and racial discrimination", but because of our victorious march on the whole planet, it canceled this decision in 1992. We have made this international body the weapon of our aspirations to seize power over "all kingdoms and peoples."
4. We will deprive a large population of Slavs of the national elite, which determines the development of events, the progress of the country, and, ultimately, the entire course of history. To do this, we will lower their educational level – in the next 5 years we will close half of their institutes, and in the other half we will study. Let's let in more Armenians, Chechens, Gypsies and the like. We will strive to ensure that the governments of Slavic countries have as few representatives of indigenous peoples as possible, who will be replaced by our Jewish elite. In the mass media – on radio, television, print, in art, literature, theater, cinema, we will gradually displace national cadres, replacing them with our own or, in extreme cases, cosmopolitan ones.
The humanization of education will be carried out, as a result of which the subjects structuring the thinking of the left and right hemispheres of the brain will be reduced and destroyed:
a) language and literature,
6) physics and mathematics.
There is nothing to say about history. We will give the cattle our own view of history, where we will show that the entire human evolution was moving towards the recognition of the God-chosen nation of Jews as rulers over the whole world. Instead of national values, we will give you the patriotism of a balalaika and drunken tears. And here our goal is to replace the red-brown elite with ours.
We will not allow the development of science in these countries. And the core of scientists (the Academy of Sciences) will consist of our people. We will not allow any high technologies, which will lead to the complete decline of industry, which we will narrow down to the production of basic necessities for a limited contingent of slaves who extract raw materials for us. There are many engineers, skilled workers, and teachers among the townspeople. We will create such conditions for their survival (without a job, high rent, utility bills, travel) that they will run themselves, as Russians are now fleeing from the CIS countries, to remote villages in the north, where it will seem easier for them to live, which in fact will also be a fraud.
Spread out the youth – and you will defeat the nation! That's our motto. We will deprive your society of youth by corrupting it with sex, rock, violence, alcohol, smoking, drugs, that is, we will deprive your society of the future. We will hit the family, destroying it, reduce childbearing. Hitler was a stupid boy. He acted directly, openly. And I had to do an incredibly big job – burn millions, shoot, bury, and the like. He left bloody footprints. We are acting more cunningly: we will not have traces.
To reduce childbearing by at least half is to destroy 2-3 million Russians a year without any physical costs. No need for stoves, cartridges, graves. And there are no traces. Not born. There are no guilty parties either. We will create better living conditions for criminals than for working cattle, we will release criminals from prisons so that there will be more murders, robberies, instability. The amnesty will apply only to thieves and murderers, in short, all except those convicted under the article for "inciting ethnic hatred", which now replaces the law on anti-Semitism. Let's sow fear among the people. Fear for a life that will cost nothing, fear for a workplace that can be taken away every minute, fear for the future of your… We will rule by fear.
5. These ambitious tasks will be implemented in several stages. Already, 85% of the shelf of the Arctic Ocean has turned out (wide circles of the population are not aware of this yet) in our hands, thanks to the confusing and not explained to the people agreements concluded under Gorbachev and Yeltsin. One and a half million Armenians already live in the lands of southern Russia – this is our outpost. At first, to deceive, we will declare an Armenian Republic in the Kuban, then, having expelled the Cossacks, we will transform it into Khazaria – Israel. It will help us that the Cossacks are constantly drunk, love power and are ready to fight with each other on this basis. However, there is another structured organization – the Orthodox clergy. We will send our Jewish representatives there as priests, who, according to the Talmud, are allowed to outwardly perform the rituals of other religions, while preserving their faith in Judaism in their soul. We'll bribe the rest. And those who will not give in – we will destroy. Russian russians no longer have more or less organized structures, and the cattle are not able to unite and create them, because the Russian cattle have already drunk and degraded and are not capable of structuring.
We will drive all the ‘highlander’ nationalities to where they should be – high in the mountains. At the same time, we will cut off the Russians from the East with the help of the Great Arc. The confederation of free peoples "Itil-Ural" will be created, cutting off the Urals and Siberia from Central Russia (Komi, Komi-Permian Republic, Udmurtia, Great Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and the Republic of Volga Germans created by secret agreement with Germany). Then the arc will pass down through Kalmykia, Dagestan, Azerbaijan, and will close with Turkey. And beyond the Urals, everything is simpler: sovereign, allegedly liberated from the Russian yoke of Sakha, Chukotka, Buryatia… We will create such an unbearable situation there that the national minorities themselves will ask the "Western society" to protect them from the bloody Russian colonialists.
If in the last century the USA bought Alaska from Russia, then in the XXI century Siberia will buy it completely. Which will include the Siberian territories between the Yenisei in the west, the Arctic Ocean in the north, the Pacific Ocean in the east and the border of China, Mongolia and North Korea in the south. These lands are twice as large as the territory of the United States itself. An acre of land will be bought at a price of $ 1,000, but for the whole of Siberia you will have to pay $ 3 trillion over 20 years. Annual payments will amount to $ 200 billion, half of which will be spent on purchases of goods in the United States. Siberians will not go anywhere because they will have to submit to some foreign influence, and the United States looks nicer than its Asian neighbors. After all, Vladivostok is closer to Los Angeles than to Moscow…
6. To carry out all these important events for us, we will give the Slavic cattle a monarchy under the guise of "democratic transformations". To everyone – a puppet president. And more glitter, noise, pomp! Monarchism is good because it directs all the energy of the masses to the whistle. It distracts from our secret active work on structuring the population according to the pattern we need. The president is a screen, it seems, elected by the people (and we will fake electoral procedures so that everything seems legitimate), because of which we will manage all the necessary processes. The President will be given unlimited powers. By reshuffling the personnel in the highest positions of power structures, he will put our people at their head. The army, the Interior Ministry, the FSB and all kinds of special forces will be directly subordinate to the president. And that means us. We will only have strings in our hands going to the president's hands. And we will pull these strings as it is necessary to realize the grandiose plan of subjugating all tribes and kingdoms, subjugating them to our super-people, chosen by the God of Israel.
7. But the main thing is money. They do everything. They are the power. They are power. Whoever has money has weapons. Ultra-modern. He has a mercenary army. Money owns the media, fooling billions of human cattle. They bribe the people we need. They remove the disobedient. They bomb resisting fans – Iraqis, Serbs, in the future – Russians. Everything is decided by capital and the seizure of power. We have been practicing over the accumulation of capital and the seizure of power for more than three millennia, and no one can compare with us in this matter. You don't have your own money. The authorities, too. You don't have them, and you won't have them! We won't let you! We hate you immensely! This hatred gives you the strength to smile sweetly in your face, to get into your confidence and guide you, showing "care" for you and your children, future grandchildren and great-grandchildren who will not actually appear. You are doomed. And until you understand this simple truth, while you are twitching, until then you will be beaten more than you should. If you are obedient, you will be left with 65-70 million units, otherwise - 40-45. The main thing now is for us to hold on for at least another 2-3 years. And then there will be no problems for us here in this country. We will create such protective means that none of you will move. Everything that will be known to us is controlled and secretly controlled. And no one can stop us!
What we will do
1. The world's reserves of industrial raw materials are being depleted, and by the beginning of the next millennium, "Western society" will not be able to maintain its current level of consumption without feeding from new sources – colonial donor countries. Therefore, our aspirations are now directed at Russia with two goals: first, the elimination of the most powerful and independent empire occupying one sixth of the earth. The second is the acquisition of its riches, which account for 60-70% of all world reserves of raw materials and 75-80% of the world's open oil and gas reserves, concentrated in Siberia and on the shelf of the Arctic Ocean.
2. The planet is experiencing intense climate warming. The desert is moving north at a speed of 10 km per year, the dehydration of the earth is 25 m per year. Even now, the ancient centers of the world – Athens, Rome and, most importantly, Jerusalem (Israel) fall into the zone of artificial irrigation only. In 20-30 years it will be necessary to think about the resettlement of huge masses of civilized peoples north of their current residence. By that time, in the Kuban, in the Rostov region, in Ukraine there will be an amazing subtropical climate, and in the Chernozem region and in the north of Ukraine – the climate of today's Pre-Caucasus. If we recall the history, we must admit that these lands are the ancestral lands of the ancient Jewish Khazaria, that is, Israel, captured by Kievan Rus in the tenth century. Slavs are temporary guests here and are subject to eviction.
We will return this territory and create a Great Khazaria – a Jewish state on these fertile lands, just as Israel was created 50 years ago, pushing the Palestinians. Part of the Israelis will move here, and we will expel the Slavic cattle far to the north, beyond Moscow. There will be a small northern territory – a reservation with a compact population, a reservation similar to the Indians in America."
And yet based on what you just shared, it looks that you didn't understand any of it. For some weird reason you maybe saw it as a confirmation of what you are thinking. But then my goal was not to convince you. And yet something should be said, in order for others not to see silence as an agreement.
As for the supposed talk by Rabbi from Lubavitch, it would be really good if you would do a bit of research by yourself and make sure that the information is reliable, instead of immediately sharing it. After all, critical thinking is our most precious commodity, or so it should be.
Some personal experience with Chabad movement helps as well, of course, but not necessary. But it does help knowing that Rabbi from Lubavitch would never say something like this. Sure, there are plenty of Jews who view goim as lesser beings, but the nonsense you shared has all the marks of being written by a white supremacist. Or someone else, for whatever purpose.
But I guess that's my personal opinion, so let's concentrate on facts. Also because it seems that the "factual delivery" and exact dates in the beginning of the text you shared was what convinced you that it is supposedly real. Or you use it as an argument to show that it is real.
And so the text says:
In 1992, the Chabad sect recognized M.M. Schneerson as Moshiach, the messenger of God on Earth. The speech of the Jewish rabbi, the leader of the Chabad sect, Schneerson, was made in 1994.
And here what we find on wiki about Rabbi from Lubavitch:
I actually remember this very period and the events described, because I was in Chabad school at the time. I didn't come form the religious house, in fact we had no idea what Jewish religion is, my grandfather was even in the Communist party, but that's how I ended up in Chabad school, because it was free for "olim hadashim" (new immigrants who came to Israel).
Being close to 90 years old, on the 27th of Adar 1 5552 (March 2, 1992), while standing in his father-in-law's grave tent, he suffered a stroke. He suffered from paralysis of the right side of his body and the ability to speak was taken away from him. About eight months after the event, he began to occasionally go out into the public, sitting on a special balcony that was built next to his room, on the west side of the large Beit Midrash.
When he appeared to the audience, the followers began to sing in front of him "Long live our Lord, our teacher and our Lord, the Messiah King forever and ever", and many times he encouraged the singing with head movements. This response became a polemical claim among his followers. The Messianic current sees this as a change in his position and a public confirmation of the publication of the belief that he is the Messiah. According to them, this is the Rebbe's 'last Mishnah', therefore they advertise that he is the Messiah - even after his death. In contrast, the members of the moderate stream claim that this should not be seen as a change in his principled position. According to them, it is unlikely that it was precisely during his illness that he decided to start declaring that he was the Messiah after years of refraining from doing so, and therefore the encouragement of singing must be explained in other ways, such as the desire to encourage the spirit of the followers in this difficult time, or that he joined the singing as a prayer and an expression of a wish only.
his passing In early March 1994, two years after he became ill, he fell into a coma for about three months, and was hospitalized at the Beth Israel Medical Center until his death. During this period, most of his followers refused to deal publicly with the possibility of his death[92]. On Shabbat night, the third night of Tammuz 5744 (June 12, 1994) after midnight, he passed away[93].
Obviously it was a very long time ago, but since it was such a big deal for Chabad movement, I do remember seeing footage of the huge crowd singing Messiah, Messiah, and him nodding. But that's not the point.
The point is that he couldn't give the talk in question in 1994. He hasn't spoken in public since his stroke.
And yet based on what you just shared, it looks that you didn't understand any of it. For some weird reason you maybe saw it as a confirmation of what you are thinking. But then my goal was not to convince you. And yet something should be said, in order for others not to see silence as an agreement.
As for the supposed talk by Rabbi from Lubavitch, it would be really good if you would do a bit of research by yourself and make sure that the information is reliable, instead of immediately sharing it. After all, critical thinking is our most precious commodity, or so it should be.
Some personal experience with Chabad movement helps as well, of course, but not necessary. But it does help knowing that Rabbi from Lubavitch would never say something like this. Sure, there are plenty of Jews who view goim as lesser beings, but the nonsense you shared has all the marks of being written by a white supremacist. Or someone else, for whatever purpose.
But I guess that's my personal opinion, so let's concentrate on facts. Also because it seems that the "factual delivery" and exact dates in the beginning of the text you shared was what convinced you that it is supposedly real. Or you use it as an argument to show that it is real.
And so the text says:
And here what we find on wiki about Rabbi from Lubavitch:
I actually remember this very period and the events described, because I was in Chabad school at the time. I didn't come form the religious house, in fact we had no idea what Jewish religion is, my grandfather was even in the Communist party, but that's how I ended up in Chabad school, because it was free for "olim hadashim" (new immigrants who came to Israel).
Obviously it was a very long time ago, but since it was such a big deal for Chabad movement, I do remember seeing footage of the huge crowd singing Messiah, Messiah, and him nodding. But that's not the point.
The point is that he couldn't give the talk in question in 1994. He hasn't spoken in public since his stroke.
Dear Keit,
I am not in any way implying that your experience reflect the attitude of the whole majority of Khabad followers, ordinary people. It is just the way the heads/elite of it think and plan. If i may say so, we are both renegades of the system. And it is great, imo
I came across this recently while scrolling through the website What Really Happened. It parallels Douglas Reeds Controversy of Zion. I’m surprised it’s still viewable considering the content. Osit
It is indeed great to always strive to see beyond the lies and learn how to recognize them. As for the PTB, they may plan as they like. The reality may other plans as well
Right on the topic and which @Keit also mentioned (by the way - the speech of Schneerson was not officially undermined/disregarded in any way (there is also a version that he send the text to the above mentioned Volgograd newspaper back then). It is clear that there are conflicts between the branches of Judaism.
Here are excerpts from the article of known traditional rabbi, where he explains how Chabad basically came to power at the end of USSR, now in Russia and Ukraine. Shows link to american Dem party etc.
Rabbi Hodos: The criminal sect Chabad rules Russia.
The parasitic system of Zionism
"If these materials were printed by a Ukrainian, German, Russian or Lithuanian, there would surely be a storm of international protests and accusations of Judophobia. Any non-Jew who comes forward to expose Chabad will be branded with the title of an anti-Semite. My position is unique. I am the chairman of the Jewish religious community..."
The Chabad sect originated in the XVIII century at the junction of the borders of three Slavic states – Russia, Ukraine and Belarus – in the town of Lyubavichi (at that time the territory of Ukraine, and now the Smolensk region of Russia). Chabad is the only movement in Judaism with a mandatory leader–Fuhrer headed by the Lubavitcher Rebbe. For 200 years or seven generations, this title was inherited. The sect arose, according to its ideologists, in response to the persecution by Bogdan Khmelnitsky, accompanied by the death of thousands of Jews. Orthodoxy – the spiritual foundation of Bogdan Khmelnitsky – is regarded as the worst enemy, and the attitude to it is appropriate.
In the early 30s, Joseph Stalin, who at one time studied at the Tiflis Theological Seminary and, consequently, was well versed in the history of religion, Chabad, led by the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, was expelled from the USSR as a fascist sect. At the same time, traditional Judaism continued to exist on Soviet territory.
Since the 40s, the headquarters of Chabad-Lubavitch has been located in Brooklyn, New York. From 1950 to 1994, the sect was led by the seventh, last, Lubavitcher Rebbe, and during this period Chabad became a powerful political, financial and economic empire, whose goal is worldwide expansion.
The uninitiated often confuse Chabad with Hasidim in general (orthodox Jews). Representatives of the Lubavitch clan unreasonably, but deliberately identify themselves with the whole movement in Judaism (Hasidism). In fact, there are a number of influential trends in Hasidism, and very numerous ones: Carlingstone, Bratslav, Satmar, etc. Hasidim, who not only have nothing to do with Chabad, but often are at enmity with him. However, it was Chabad that entered the USSR during Gorbachev's perestroika and crushed the religious and other spheres of activity of local Jews and not only them…
How did the Chabad people get behind the "iron curtain" of the Soviet Union, which was still unaware of the impending collapse?
Liberalization, democratization and other "zations" made it possible for the emissaries of the Lubavitcher Rebbe to infiltrate all the major cities of the USSR, regardless of the laws that then existed regulating religious life. This happened through joint ventures that arose at that time, like mushrooms after rain, where they played the roles of numerous employees, experts and consultants. The epicenters of the movement were Moscow and Dnepropetrovsk.
by June 1991, after the All-Union meeting of the Chabad movement in the Moscow Cosmos hotel, I was already familiar with the entire Chabad elite who worked in the USSR. It was during this meeting that I received an invitation to visit the Lubavitcher Rebbe at his residence in New York. Besides me, five other heads of communities of the largest Soviet cities were going on this trip.
But the August 1991 coup broke out. Moisha Moskovich, unlike many, met the news of this with absolute coolness and told me in broken Russian: "The Rebbe told everyone to stay put." And two days later, on August 22, I watched with amazement on television how during the work of the Extraordinary Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR, held by Boris Yeltsin, the head of Chabad in Russia Berl Lazar and his comrades proudly marched into the hall in black hats and frock coats.
And, apparently, the August results prompted Chabad to an unprecedented "culturological" action for the Soviet Union: a pogrom in the State Library named after him. Lenin. On September 7, 1991, Moscow and then All-Union television reported that the library building named after Lenin was captured by a group of people calling themselves Hasidim and demanding the issuance of the so-called "collection of the Lubavitcher Rebbe", accusing the library of "theft". A policeman was beaten, who was taken away by an ambulance, dozens of other Chabad men were smashing furniture and equipment at that time.
Such actions gave an opportunity to a number of media outlets to make the following statements: "Hasidim are a religious sect within Judaism. The most important principle in the ideology of Hasidism is the principle of terror – the physical destruction of apostates of Judaism and the most dangerous, according to their estimates, Gentiles ..." ("Russian Bulletin", article "Hasidim – sword over Jewry").
By the way, in a few years a landmark photo will appear on the cover of the Chabad magazine "Lehaim": the Minister of Culture of Russia E. Sidorov passes a book from the library to them. Lenin to the Vice-President of the USA A. Gore, about whom in 1991 in New York at the residence of the Lubavitcher Rebbe I was not without pride informed as a man of Chabad.
The pogrom in the library has fully justified itself. In early October 1991, a delegation headed by Berl Lazar, consisting of six heads of the largest communities of the USSR (including myself) flew to New York. My month–long stay in Brooklyn is a separate topic for a large serious study, as many questions – unanswered to this day – were generated by this trip. In particular, it turned out to be the first and last of its kind when the heads of the largest "Soviet" communities visited the headquarters of Chabad. Apparently, then it was connected with the predicted collapse of the USSR. Given the state of a huge country on the eve of the impending collapse, there was an urgent need for targeted instruction and metered information. In addition, it was necessary to convince the American public that Chabad had already captured the largest cities of the USSR.
The tasks that the Lubavitcher Rebbe set for each of us were clearly formulated:
Chabad on the territory of the USSR is obliged to dominate in all spheres of Jewish life. To do this, it is necessary to use all the Jewish potential that can be mobilized in other countries through the channels of Chabad.
Chabad is obliged to initiate the activation of Jewish life in communities, to contribute in every possible way to the creation of local Jewish capital and at this historical stage to penetrate as much as possible into the political institutions of the country (future countries), including using the covert seizure of the media for this purpose.
As you know, in the political establishment of the former USSR, pure-blooded Jews were not favored. But, being a half-breed, having the Slavic nationality of the second parent in the passport, it was possible to advance very high. In the current situation, the defining task for Chabad was to "grab" the half-breeds working in the structures of real power, that is, to lure and make their ardent supporters, in every possible way contributing to their promotion. At the same time, the Chabad people were even ready to sacrifice their ideological and fascist dogmas and close their eyes to the insufficient "purity" of blood and the primordial nature of the reproductive organs.
With non–Jews (Goyim), the issue was solved simply - with money.
a year later, in New York, I read from the Rebbe that "in these days, when all the kingdoms of the world are rebelling against each other, we must know and believe that the war between the kingdoms of the peoples of the world will not affect, God forbid, the Jews. On the contrary, all the events that are taking place will only benefit the Jewish people." And this is printed in the booklet "Era of the Messiah" ("Era of the Messiah") with a touching toast: "Long live the Rebbe – our teacher and mentor! The King-Messiah – forever and ever!", which in German would sound like "Heil!", "Heil!", "Heil!".
In the literature of Chabad, Dnepropetrovsk is widely designated as the birthplace of the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe and as the cradle of the decisive and final onset of the "Era of the Mashiach".
Therefore, it was to this city that the "best of the best", the most worthy of the followers of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Sh. Kamenetsky. Since then, all the significant politicians of independent Ukraine, the "nestlings of Dnepropetrov-Kamenetsky nest", have certainly been filtered and processed by Chabad according to schemes that do not necessarily repeat the Kharkiv one, but no less effective. With the filing of Chabad, the "newest" history is being written before our eyes: there was a pre-Petrine era, there was a post-Petrine era, which was replaced by the Dnepropetrovsk era (read, Kamenetsky).
Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut in 1998, being a fellow party member of Bill Clinton, was one of the few Democrats who zealously advocated his impeachment. After all, with Clinton's resignation, Vice President Albert Gore would automatically become President of the United States. As you remember, the Chabad man…
And in the article of ‘father’ Men, "The Stone that the builders rejected..." it says: "The Pharisees were overwhelmed with clan swagger, the confidence that only they were handed the keys of truth… Their psychology turned out to be extremely tenacious. It was she who inspired the fury of persecutors and religious wars..., manifested in... the blindness of fanatics, ... put blinders on a person, justified persecution and murder… The free spirit and the word are more dangerous for them (the Pharisees) than any weapon."
"The principle of fighting "with someone else's hands", "straddling" natural development" – these are the main Pharisaic methods, A. Shabanov asserts in the "Spiritual Struggle".
Over all these years, Chabad has implemented plans for the development of Jewish organizations. By 1997, there were a great many of them in Ukraine, constantly changing, smoothly flowing into each other. For example, in the beginning – the "Gates of Mercy", three months later it is already the "World Jewish Network of Help and Consolation", three months later – the "World Jewish Organization of Help and Assistance" (and, all with their own emblems and banners). In 1997, the All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress (VEK) was created in the image and likeness of the Russian one, which was loudly trumpeted by the Chabad press. It was headed by a former Kharkiv citizen, and now an Israeli citizen Vadim Rabinovich. He is an adviser to the President of Ukraine, he is the head of the Ukraine-Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry, he is the owner of a number of Ukrainian mass media ... (the list goes on).
Back in 1991, when I was in New York, I was really amazed by the ritual of the Lubavitcher Rebbe blessing his followers. Every Sunday, a crowd of thousands lined up in Brooklyn in anticipation of the ceremony, which the Rebbe carried out with the help of ... a brand-new dollar bill. So he handed out tens of thousands of dollars during the day, on which the portrait of the US president overlapped with his photo.
In Judaism, as in any other religion, nothing like this exists. As I was explained, this ritual was introduced by the Rebbe since 1986 (such a strange coincidence with the date of the Chernobyl tragedy). It was a visible apotheosis of the worship of the Golden Calf, symbolizing, in the view of Chabad, the Era of the Messiah. But few people think that an era of retribution should come after this. Carefully read the Torah, the book of books of the Jewish people, which in the form of the Old Testament became part of Christianity.
Strangely(?) enough Hodos finishes his article with two quotes:
In New York in 2005, Putin and Medvedev's personal rabbi Berl Lazar noticed: "Russia has known many revolutions, but the most peaceful, the quietest and the most effective is the revolution which was created by the messengers of Chabad. Despite the difficult conditions, the often hostile attitude of others, "deaf" by their dedication and devotion to the teachings of the Rebbe (Menachem Mendel Schneerson), lit a spark of Jewish life in tens of thousands of hearts."
Putin and Medvedev's personal rabbi Shlomo Dovber Pinchos Lazar: - "The president is a Jew without authority. Putin and Medvedev are members of the Chabad Society. And I am its leader."
This is CHUTZPA: The “good and bad Jews” technology has worked for us for thousands of years. At a time when one of ours leads a certain force, another of our fellow tribesmen must verbally speak out categorically against the first, and shout more and louder than anyone else, in order to immediately become the leader of the protest. Stupid goyim will immediately forget all their anti-Semitic prejudices, believing in the reality of such a theatrical conflict, and will ultimately choose one of the two SIDES, which are controlled by us from one center. The further development of this situation according to the principle “two goyim fight - the Jews win” into the stage of an armed and profitable conflict is just a matter of technique.
Thanks @Keit for the profound research and summary on the topic
Couple of days ago stumbled upon the speech of former Chabad leader. That is basically Protocols of the elders of Zion - but in local scale-Russia wise. And unfortunately analyzing every verse, imo, that plan is being realized
The original text of Menachem M. Schneerson's speech is given (1994), in which he broadcasts in some detail and openly about how they plan to destroy hundreds of millions of people and make a nest for themselves in Russia – a new "Great Khazaria"...
The plan of the Jews and Israel against the Russians, Ukraine and Russia.
The war in Ukraine was started and is being waged by the United States and Israel on the instructions and plans of the rabbis, as well as in fulfillment of the plans of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers against the Russians and Slavs in general. The Jewish plan is known in Russia, because the war in Chechnya also took place in accordance with this plan.
In 1992, the Chabad sect recognized M.M. Schneerson as Moshiach, the messenger of God on Earth. The speech of the Jewish rabbi, the leader of the Chabad sect, Schneerson, was made in 1994. The official publication of the text in the newspaper "Slavyanin", N-4(32), 2001, Volgograd. After the publication in Russia, the Jews filed an application with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and tried to condemn the editor of the newspaper V.F. Popov for anti-Semitism (Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The court considered, heard witnesses and specialists – Russian scientists, academician Y.K. Begunov and Doctor of Law O.G. Korotaev spoke. The court denied the accusation, and the text of Schneerson's speech was recognized as true. Schneerson publicly announced the plans of the Jews against the Slavs and Russians.
1. Our special tactics of fighting the red-Browns (and all Slavs are red–browns), is Secret Knowledge. We will direct the main edge of the struggle against the Slavs, except for the renegades who have intermarried with the Jews with the same interests. However, these "related" we then, after using them for our own purposes, will withdraw from our society. Slavs, and among them Russians, are the most rebellious people in the world. He is rebellious because of the nature of his mental and mental abilities, laid down by many generations of ancestors, genes that cannot be altered. A Slav, a Russian, can be destroyed, but can never be conquered. That is why this seed is subject to elimination, and at first – a sharp reduction in its number.
2. Our methods of struggle will not be military at all, but ideological and economic with the use of power structures equipped with the most modern types of weapons to physically suppress the rioters with even greater brutality than was done in October 1993 when the White House was shot. First of all, we will divide all Slavic people (300 million of them, half of them Russians) into small, weakened countries with broken ties. Here we will use our old method: divide and conquer. We will try to pit these countries against each other. To drag them into internecine wars with the aim of mutual destruction.
A Ukrainian will think that he is fighting against an expansionist Russia, fighting for his independence, will think that he has finally found his freedom, while he completely becomes dependent on us. The Russians will think the same, as if they are defending their national interests, returning the lands "illegally" taken from them, and so on. We will do all this under the pretext of different sovereignties, the struggle for our national ideals. At that time, we will not allow any of the parties to self-determine on the basis of national values and traditions.
In this war of fools, the Slavic cattle will weaken themselves and strengthen us, the main conductors of the troubles, allegedly standing aside and not only not participating in the bloody events, but also not interfering in them. Moreover, we will completely protect ourselves. In the minds of the profane Slavs (the uninitiated), we will lay down such stereotypes of thinking, in which the most terrible word will be "anti-Semite". The word "Jew" will be pronounced in a whisper. With several trials (like the trial of the anti–Semite Ostashvili with his subsequent destruction) and other methods (radio, television - frightening films, like the revenge of the Israeli Mossad superintelligence for the murder of Jews), we will intimidate the cattle so much that not a single hair will fall from the head of any Jew while the Slavs will be shot in packs, destroyed thousands – on the borders where Jews do not serve, in peacekeeping forces, terrorism, contract and criminal murders.
3. The stupid Slavic ethnic group does not understand that the most terrible fascists are those who never speak about it out loud anywhere, but organize everything allegedly according to the most democratic norms (like the presidential elections in March). On the contrary, we will make the very word "fascist" abusive. This label will be feared by everyone on whom we hang it. We know very well that nationalism strengthens a nation, makes it strong. The slogan of "internationalism" is outdated and no longer works as before, we will replace it with "universal values", which is the same thing. We will not allow any nationalism to rise, and we will destroy those nationalist movements that seek to bring the people out from under our dictate with fire and sword, as is done in Georgia, Armenia, Serbia. But we will ensure the full prosperity of our nationalism – Zionism, or rather: Jewish fascism, which in its secrecy and power is superfascism. It is not for nothing that the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution in 1975 in which it defined Zionism as the most notorious "form of racism and racial discrimination", but because of our victorious march on the whole planet, it canceled this decision in 1992. We have made this international body the weapon of our aspirations to seize power over "all kingdoms and peoples."
4. We will deprive a large population of Slavs of the national elite, which determines the development of events, the progress of the country, and, ultimately, the entire course of history. To do this, we will lower their educational level – in the next 5 years we will close half of their institutes, and in the other half we will study. Let's let in more Armenians, Chechens, Gypsies and the like. We will strive to ensure that the governments of Slavic countries have as few representatives of indigenous peoples as possible, who will be replaced by our Jewish elite. In the mass media – on radio, television, print, in art, literature, theater, cinema, we will gradually displace national cadres, replacing them with our own or, in extreme cases, cosmopolitan ones.
The humanization of education will be carried out, as a result of which the subjects structuring the thinking of the left and right hemispheres of the brain will be reduced and destroyed:
a) language and literature,
6) physics and mathematics.
There is nothing to say about history. We will give the cattle our own view of history, where we will show that the entire human evolution was moving towards the recognition of the God-chosen nation of Jews as rulers over the whole world. Instead of national values, we will give you the patriotism of a balalaika and drunken tears. And here our goal is to replace the red-brown elite with ours.
We will not allow the development of science in these countries. And the core of scientists (the Academy of Sciences) will consist of our people. We will not allow any high technologies, which will lead to the complete decline of industry, which we will narrow down to the production of basic necessities for a limited contingent of slaves who extract raw materials for us. There are many engineers, skilled workers, and teachers among the townspeople. We will create such conditions for their survival (without a job, high rent, utility bills, travel) that they will run themselves, as Russians are now fleeing from the CIS countries, to remote villages in the north, where it will seem easier for them to live, which in fact will also be a fraud.
Spread out the youth – and you will defeat the nation! That's our motto. We will deprive your society of youth by corrupting it with sex, rock, violence, alcohol, smoking, drugs, that is, we will deprive your society of the future. We will hit the family, destroying it, reduce childbearing. Hitler was a stupid boy. He acted directly, openly. And I had to do an incredibly big job – burn millions, shoot, bury, and the like. He left bloody footprints. We are acting more cunningly: we will not have traces.
To reduce childbearing by at least half is to destroy 2-3 million Russians a year without any physical costs. No need for stoves, cartridges, graves. And there are no traces. Not born. There are no guilty parties either. We will create better living conditions for criminals than for working cattle, we will release criminals from prisons so that there will be more murders, robberies, instability. The amnesty will apply only to thieves and murderers, in short, all except those convicted under the article for "inciting ethnic hatred", which now replaces the law on anti-Semitism. Let's sow fear among the people. Fear for a life that will cost nothing, fear for a workplace that can be taken away every minute, fear for the future of your… We will rule by fear.
5. These ambitious tasks will be implemented in several stages. Already, 85% of the shelf of the Arctic Ocean has turned out (wide circles of the population are not aware of this yet) in our hands, thanks to the confusing and not explained to the people agreements concluded under Gorbachev and Yeltsin. One and a half million Armenians already live in the lands of southern Russia – this is our outpost. At first, to deceive, we will declare an Armenian Republic in the Kuban, then, having expelled the Cossacks, we will transform it into Khazaria – Israel. It will help us that the Cossacks are constantly drunk, love power and are ready to fight with each other on this basis. However, there is another structured organization – the Orthodox clergy. We will send our Jewish representatives there as priests, who, according to the Talmud, are allowed to outwardly perform the rituals of other religions, while preserving their faith in Judaism in their soul. We'll bribe the rest. And those who will not give in – we will destroy. Russian russians no longer have more or less organized structures, and the cattle are not able to unite and create them, because the Russian cattle have already drunk and degraded and are not capable of structuring.
We will drive all the ‘highlander’ nationalities to where they should be – high in the mountains. At the same time, we will cut off the Russians from the East with the help of the Great Arc. The confederation of free peoples "Itil-Ural" will be created, cutting off the Urals and Siberia from Central Russia (Komi, Komi-Permian Republic, Udmurtia, Great Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and the Republic of Volga Germans created by secret agreement with Germany). Then the arc will pass down through Kalmykia, Dagestan, Azerbaijan, and will close with Turkey. And beyond the Urals, everything is simpler: sovereign, allegedly liberated from the Russian yoke of Sakha, Chukotka, Buryatia… We will create such an unbearable situation there that the national minorities themselves will ask the "Western society" to protect them from the bloody Russian colonialists.
If in the last century the USA bought Alaska from Russia, then in the XXI century Siberia will buy it completely. Which will include the Siberian territories between the Yenisei in the west, the Arctic Ocean in the north, the Pacific Ocean in the east and the border of China, Mongolia and North Korea in the south. These lands are twice as large as the territory of the United States itself. An acre of land will be bought at a price of $ 1,000, but for the whole of Siberia you will have to pay $ 3 trillion over 20 years. Annual payments will amount to $ 200 billion, half of which will be spent on purchases of goods in the United States. Siberians will not go anywhere because they will have to submit to some foreign influence, and the United States looks nicer than its Asian neighbors. After all, Vladivostok is closer to Los Angeles than to Moscow…
6. To carry out all these important events for us, we will give the Slavic cattle a monarchy under the guise of "democratic transformations". To everyone – a puppet president. And more glitter, noise, pomp! Monarchism is good because it directs all the energy of the masses to the whistle. It distracts from our secret active work on structuring the population according to the pattern we need. The president is a screen, it seems, elected by the people (and we will fake electoral procedures so that everything seems legitimate), because of which we will manage all the necessary processes. The President will be given unlimited powers. By reshuffling the personnel in the highest positions of power structures, he will put our people at their head. The army, the Interior Ministry, the FSB and all kinds of special forces will be directly subordinate to the president. And that means us. We will only have strings in our hands going to the president's hands. And we will pull these strings as it is necessary to realize the grandiose plan of subjugating all tribes and kingdoms, subjugating them to our super-people, chosen by the God of Israel.
7. But the main thing is money. They do everything. They are the power. They are power. Whoever has money has weapons. Ultra-modern. He has a mercenary army. Money owns the media, fooling billions of human cattle. They bribe the people we need. They remove the disobedient. They bomb resisting fans – Iraqis, Serbs, in the future – Russians. Everything is decided by capital and the seizure of power. We have been practicing over the accumulation of capital and the seizure of power for more than three millennia, and no one can compare with us in this matter. You don't have your own money. The authorities, too. You don't have them, and you won't have them! We won't let you! We hate you immensely! This hatred gives you the strength to smile sweetly in your face, to get into your confidence and guide you, showing "care" for you and your children, future grandchildren and great-grandchildren who will not actually appear. You are doomed. And until you understand this simple truth, while you are twitching, until then you will be beaten more than you should. If you are obedient, you will be left with 65-70 million units, otherwise - 40-45. The main thing now is for us to hold on for at least another 2-3 years. And then there will be no problems for us here in this country. We will create such protective means that none of you will move. Everything that will be known to us is controlled and secretly controlled. And no one can stop us!
What we will do
1. The world's reserves of industrial raw materials are being depleted, and by the beginning of the next millennium, "Western society" will not be able to maintain its current level of consumption without feeding from new sources – colonial donor countries. Therefore, our aspirations are now directed at Russia with two goals: first, the elimination of the most powerful and independent empire occupying one sixth of the earth. The second is the acquisition of its riches, which account for 60-70% of all world reserves of raw materials and 75-80% of the world's open oil and gas reserves, concentrated in Siberia and on the shelf of the Arctic Ocean.
2. The planet is experiencing intense climate warming. The desert is moving north at a speed of 10 km per year, the dehydration of the earth is 25 m per year. Even now, the ancient centers of the world – Athens, Rome and, most importantly, Jerusalem (Israel) fall into the zone of artificial irrigation only. In 20-30 years it will be necessary to think about the resettlement of huge masses of civilized peoples north of their current residence. By that time, in the Kuban, in the Rostov region, in Ukraine there will be an amazing subtropical climate, and in the Chernozem region and in the north of Ukraine – the climate of today's Pre-Caucasus. If we recall the history, we must admit that these lands are the ancestral lands of the ancient Jewish Khazaria, that is, Israel, captured by Kievan Rus in the tenth century. Slavs are temporary guests here and are subject to eviction.
We will return this territory and create a Great Khazaria – a Jewish state on these fertile lands, just as Israel was created 50 years ago, pushing the Palestinians. Part of the Israelis will move here, and we will expel the Slavic cattle far to the north, beyond Moscow. There will be a small northern territory – a reservation with a compact population, a reservation similar to the Indians in America."
This is CHUTZPA: The “good and bad Jews” technology has worked for us for thousands of years. At a time when one of ours leads a certain force, another of our fellow tribesmen must verbally speak out categorically against the first, and shout more and louder than anyone else, in order to immediately become the leader of the protest. Stupid goyim will immediately forget all their anti-Semitic prejudices, believing in the reality of such a theatrical conflict, and will ultimately choose one of the two SIDES, which are controlled by us from one center. The further development of this situation according to the principle “two goyim fight - the Jews win” into the stage of an armed and profitable conflict is just a matter of technique.
Approaching Infinity,
Let’s look on the ongoing Israel vs Hamas case. It fits the CHUTZPA methodology.
Short background:
To begin with, Israel financed and supported the Hamas Islamists in Gaza, and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe recognized Hamas as a "partner of democracy", despite the fact that the political manifesto of Hamas was unchanged: it calls for turning all of Israel, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank into an Islamist state.
The Palestinian Legislative Council (which has the right to send a delegation to the Council of Europe and address the Assembly, participate in committee meetings, make proposals on the agenda, sign proposals on resolutions and recommendations) represents the Palestinian territories and is headed by a member of Hamas.
Of the 132 members of the organization, 74 are members of Hamas. They were elected in 2006, and since then the "Palestinian Authority" has not held any more parliamentary elections.
In other words, the parliament, in which Hamas has a majority, has the right to officially influence the Council of Europe.
And leading Israelis openly admit their own role in creating a threat from Hamas. Former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin said:
Supporting and creating Hamas was a fatal mistake by Israel.
The former commandant of Gaza, Brigadier General Yitzhak Segev, in an interview with the New York Times, stated that:
The government has given me money to spend on supporting Islamists in Gaza to prevent the growing influence of Fatah and the Communists.
Rabbi Avner Cohen, who has been in charge of religious affairs in Gaza for 20 years, said:
Hamas, to my great regret, is a creation of Israel.
In the 1980s, he prepared an entire report for the Israeli Government, concluding with a warning about the threat of a terrorist Islamist cell and, as a result, an urgent recommendation to immediately stop playing divide and rule in Gaza. One of his quotes on this topic:
Stop supporting this monster before you face terrible consequences.
Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert comments on this as follows:
We know that Hamas has been financed for many years with the knowledge of Israel by hundreds of millions of dollars, which came from Qatar with the assistance of the State of Israel, with full awareness of this and support from the Israeli Government led by Benjamin Netanyahu. When he came to power in 2009, he said that his main duty and priority was the destruction of Hamas. But throughout the entire period when he was Prime Minister, he made every possible effort not to do this. To some extent, the expansion and strengthening of Hamas is also the result of Netanyahu's policy.
And here, imo, goes the linkage to now Ukraine case.
Globalists bury the Israel Project
The legendary American politician, the 56th US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, made a statement back in 2012 that Israel in its current form as a state is about 10 years old.
Mossad is one of those who organized the attack on Israel with the hands of Hamas. Because it is beneficial to Israel.
For the Palestinians to attack Israel by themselves is simply ridiculous. This is nonsense. To attack, it was necessary to attack other targets completely. The greatest threat to Hamas is the Israeli air force. Most of the aviation bases were available for the first strike. If Hamas had not played giveaway with Israel, it would have attacked the air bases on October 7. But he attacks the festival, where people from all over the world gathered - so that there would be an international resonance, indignation, anger and hatred in the world. Do you understand?
And the festival was specially arranged closer to the border. And the soldiers withdrew. In a country where people go to discos with guns, the festival turned out to be practically unguarded. Doesn't that seem strange? Did the Mossad intelligence service not know about this? There is only one explanation here - Hamas is doing this at the behest of Israel and according to an agreed plan. This is an agreement.
There is not the slightest doubt that Netanyahu is aware of what is happening. And these, well-publicized Israeli special services and everyone who needs it, as they say, both in business and in a share. They knew everything perfectly well, because they were the ones who organized everything. One way or another, they prepared, provoked, pretended that they did not know and achieved this massacre. For the Jews to run around from Israel! And how else? In order to offer a new place of residence, it is necessary to demonstrate that the old one is unsuitable for housing.
Why is this being done? Firstly, Israel has exhausted itself as a project, and secondly, the state is small, and the 14 million population, which is growing, needs territories, which means constant conflicts with neighbors, infringement of the Palestinians, and not only them. That's why they decided to close the project and resettle the Israelis in other countries. And when the territory of present-day Ukraine is cleaned up, there will be someone who will then develop these fertile territories.
At one time, Joseph Vissarinovich (Stalin) refused to give up Crimea for the creation of a Jewish state. And now, when Hungary, Romania and Poland bite off their "own" from Ukraine as a result of the partition, there will still be so much that at least a dozen generations of Jews will not know what a lack of living space is. In addition, resettlement to the historical homeland of Hasidism and Zionism can be justified historically – it all started from there. Who does not know, take a look at the 100 karbovans of the Ukrainian People's Republic (UPR) of the sample of 1917 and you will see that along with the "sovereign mova", there is no less "sovereign" Yiddish. By the way, there is the most majestic synagogue in the world on the territory of Ukraine...
It quickly descends into madness. Are Chabad "The Jews"? Are weird Jewish sects "The Jews"? Is the Israeli regime "The Jews"? Is Mossad "The Jews"? Are the messianic evangelical weirdos "The Jews"? Are Zionists "The Jews"? Are the globalists "The Jews"? Before stating "The Jews" do this or that, a sanity check on who's who and what's what is necessary. It's no different than the genocidal maniacs who say that all Palestinians are Hamas etc.
There are psychopaths behind the different levels of power, there are weirdos who've been ponerized, there are evil organizations, and it's complex. Throwing all that complexity and falling into the "everything is The Jews' fault" is a red herring adults shouldn't fall into.
It quickly descends into madness. Are Chabad "The Jews"? Are weird Jewish sects "The Jews"? Is the Israeli regime "The Jews"? Is Mossad "The Jews"? Are the messianic evangelical weirdos "The Jews"? Are Zionists "The Jews"? Are the globalists "The Jews"? Before stating "The Jews" do this or that, a sanity check on who's who and what's what is necessary. It's no different than the genocidal maniacs who say that all Palestinians are Hamas etc.
There are psychopaths behind the different levels of power, there are weirdos who've been ponerized, there are evil organizations, and it's complex. Throwing all that complexity and falling into the "everything is The Jews' fault" is a red herring adults shouldn't fall into.
I think this sheds a bit of light on these questions. From Douglas Reeds Controversy of Zion Chapter 2, page 12.
"About five hundred years before the event of 458 BC, or nearly three thousand years ago today, the brief and troubled association between Judah and the Israelites ("the children of Israel") came to an end. Israel rejected the chosen people creed which was beginning to take shape in Judah and went its own way. (The adoption of the name "Israel" by the Zionist state which was set up in Palestine in 1948 was transparent false pretence).
The events which led to the short-lived, unhappy union covered earlier centuries. The mythological or legendary period of Moses was followed by one in Canaan during which "Israel" was the strong, cohesive and recognizable entity, the northern confederation of the ten tribes. Judah (to which the very small tribe of Benjamin attached itself) was a petty chiefdom in the south.
Judah, from which today's Zionism comes down, was a tribe of ill repute. Judah sold his brother Joseph, the most beloved son of Jacob-called-Israel, to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver (as Judas, the only Judean among the disciples, much later betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver), and then founded the tribe in incest, (Genesis 37-38). The priestly scribes who wrote this Scriptural account centuries afterwards had made themselves the masters of Judah and as they altered the oral tradition, whenever it suited them, the question prompts itself: why were they at pains to preserve, or possibly even to insert, this attribution of incestuous beginnings and a treacherous nature to the very people who, they said, were the chosen of God? The thing is mysterious, like much else in the Levitical Scriptures, and only the inner sect could supply an answer.
Anyway, those Scriptures and today's authorities agree about the separateness of "Israel" and "Judah". In the Old Testament Israel is often called "the house of Joseph", in pointed distinction from "the house of Judah". The Jewish Encyclopaedia says, ''Joseph and Judah typify two distinct lines of descent" and adds (as already cited) that Judah was "in all likelihood a non-Israelitish tribe". The Encyclopaedia Britannica says that Judaism developed long after the Israelites had merged themselves with mankind, and that the true relationship of the two peoples is best expressed in the phrase, "The Israelites were not Jews". Historically, Judah was to survive for a little while and to bring forth Judaism, which begat Zionism. Israel was to disappear as an entity, and it all came about in this way:
The little tribe in the south, Judah, became identified with the landless tribe, that of the Levites. These hereditary priests, who claimed that their office had been bestowed on them by Jehovah on Mount Sinai, were the true fathers of Judaism. They wandered among the tribes, preaching that the war of one was the war of all, and Jehovah's war. Their aim was power and they strove for a theocracy, a state in which God is the sovereign and religion the law. During the period of the Judges they achieved their aim to some extent, for they naturally [7] were the Judges. What they, and isolated Judah, most needed was union with Israel. Israel, which distrusted this lawgiving priesthood, would not hear of unification unless it were under a king; all the surrounding peoples had kings.
The Levites grasped this opportunity. They saw that if a king were appointed the ruling class would supply the nominee, and they were the ruling class. Samuel, at their head, set up a puppet monarchy, behind which the priesthood wielded true power; this was achieved through the stipulation that the king should reign only for life, which meant that he would not be able to found a dynasty. Samuel chose a young Benjaminite peasant, Saul, who had made some name in tribal warfare and, presumably, was thought likely to be tractable (the choice of a Benjaminite suggests that Israel would not consider any man of Judah for the kingship). The unified kingdom of Israel then began; in truth it survived but this one reign, Saul's."
Let's look at your views on human nature and how you square that with the idea that "good Jews" are part of a deliberate "theatrical conflict". Seriously, how do you think that works in practice, i.e. with real people (and not in the oversimplified schema and cardboard cutout-people abstracted by paranoid theorists)?
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