Prospections_ Astrology

+Mars-Pluto opposition. Drums of War.

Many of you have written me in relation to the American elections, elections that occur with a Mars-Pluto position, Some of you have said to me: Well, nothing has happened. Of course, nothing happened because Trump won, if Trump had not won we would have seen, what we would see, but anyway, there is something I have learned from the American elections and that is that Mars-Pluto aspects, especially when they are so long (more than 6 months) act as energy accumulators, as springs, which somehow will be released when Mars enters direct and for the last time after a long retrogradation, this will generate much violence, it will generate much projection of personal monsters. And it is something that can be verified at a historical level, that is, nothing has really happened because what this opposition (Mars-Pluto) is doing is accumulating energy and it is something that I think is palpable in the United States, Trump is going to do whatever he wants and that will create a very deep level of resentment that will explode when Mars enters direct with Pluto.

Basically, if we analyse a Mars Pluto position at the level of a person's personal chart, it means the temptation to flee forward, that is, Mars sees the destroyer (Pluto) who is going to destroy him..., Mars, which is not a planet given to dialogue, has only two options, which is attack or flight, it has no nuances or subtleties, it is attack because I can or I flee, and Mars cannot attack Pluto because Pluto is the big one, big is the biggest of all the big ones in the yard, so Mars projects, astrologically, his demons onto this Pluto. Mars then goes from retrograde to direct, and another’ is stamped on it, blaming it for his existential angst, and many wars ensue.
There is a blatant case of the Second World War which begins a few days (weeks) after Mars after a long period of retrogradation enters direct at the precise moment of its maximum relative orbital velocity from the planet earth, a moment when Mars was most charged with testosterone, at which time the Second World War begins.
Mars makes three, that is still two exact oppositions on January 3rd in the first degree of Aquarius to Pluto and then on April 27th in the third degree of Aquarius, the latter for me is the most dangerous and is triggered by the eclipse on March 14th.
I would say that from March until the end of April there is a period of immense danger because Mars will effectively be direct after a long period of retrogradation. (...) So I am not assuring you that there will be war, but there is a very strong possibility of hostilities in this period.
Mars-Pluto tells us about this temptation not to learn from the past and to repeat it, so we will see that either the current wars are moving towards a conclusion, or we will see that the current wars are moving towards a conclusion. So we will see that either the current wars are moving towards a conclusion.
It is a period where the ball could fall on either side because there is already such an outbreak of violence that there is nothing left after that, or there is a global reset.

+Neptune in Aries: war is in fashion. The Neptune-Saturn conjunction. The manifestation of the spirit. New frontiers 01:18:57
Saturn in Aries is somehow the icing on the cake.
It is the configuration of configurations that is going to happen between the 25th and the 26th year: War is in fashion, because Neptune is fashion and Aries is war which happens with the entrance of Pluto and it happens with an almost, I would say, millimetric synchronicity.
These are war situations or large-scale military situations on a global scale every 140-odd years and it has a lot to do with the emergence of new military powers on a geostrategic level that are imposed not only to exploit others but to impose their fashions, to impose their Neptunian versions, those who are in power impose the fashions and are a reflection of who is in power.
Neptune conjunct Saturn can be read as the materialization of the spirit, the creation of new boundaries and new frontiers.

+ China. The hour of truth. 01:22:25
Pluto will be practically all of 2025 on China's ascendant. The chart of China that I use is the one that most astrologers use, China has the Sun in Libra in trine with its Moon in the fourth degree of Aquarius and its ascendant in the second degree of Aquarius.
You don't have to be very clever to realise that with Pluto entering Aquarius China is going to see them in all colours.
A few prospective references:
-When Pluto transits on the ascendant of the United States, America's declaration of independence is approved.
-In the famous 9/11 attacks, there was a Pluto-Saturn opposition which was the triggering aspect, and Pluto was exactly conjunct the US ascendant in Sagittarius.
-In the 11-M bombings two years after 9/11 in Madrid, Pluto was exactly on the Spanish ascendant in Sagittarius.

When Pluto passes over a country's ascendant it usually leaves open wounds because that is the function of Pluto, to create trauma. The ascendant is a process of how I manifest who I am to the world. There are somehow fundamental changes in how this country presents itself to the world and on the level of its physical appearance.
-An example that I always use is the case of Argentina, because it is a case that is obvious; from 2017 Pluto enters in orb of conjunction with the Moon of Argentina, that is when a process of brutal degradation begins in the Moon that represents the people, the living conditions of the people, the evolution towards poverty in Argentina begins to rise from the year 17. Pluto in a sign affects the planets, even up to the last moment before leaving the sign, in Argentina the poverty of this last year has skyrocketed and for many part of that poverty is indigence, that is to say people who can't even eat and are virtually condemned to death by starvation. This gives us an idea of how Pluto transiting the Moon behaves.
So in the case of China, the collapse will have to do with its demographics produced by its communist and dictatorial policies that have created the problem of generations of only children who, in addition to being privileged and pampered, have plummeted the birth rate. The only way for China to survive economically is to foster its internal demand because external demand is contracting, coinciding with the last part of the Saturn-Uranus cycle, which tells us that we are witnessing the end of globalisation more and more.
The Moon crisis has to do with the real estate sector and the incredible bubble that has been created in China that will take its toll in 2026.

Neptune-Saturn in its last conjunction saw the fall of the Berlin Wall, the end of apartheid in South Africa, the revolution in Tiangman Square, so with this new conjunction China in the year 25, 26 will undergo a huge change of economic orientation.
(Part IV)
This is the fifth and final part of the prospection 2025.

+ A second cold war, the UFO phenomenon. 01:31:24

-The social reading: Neptune is anesthesia, entertainment, natural or artificial paradises, especially artificial ones. Pluto is power.
The sextile occurred practically from 57-58 to the 80's ( billions of people are born in that sextile ).
It will return with less than 2 degrees orb in 2025 ( see natal chart ). When Neptune enters Aries, it will already be in an almost perfect sextile of less than 2 degrees with Pluto in Aquarius and will last about 10-12 years, then the surreptitious but true power of Pluto will be that of anesthesia, which makes us endure the harshness of Power.
We see how all those 50's, 60's, 70's numbed us with the typical Piscean anesthesia: music, movies, drugs. Those were years of splendor. Something similar can also happen from next year, the power can anesthetize us with Neptunians, new paradises (entertainment).

-The political reading: Is very significant and correlating on a geostrategic level is the Cold War. This coincides almost bare-bones with this period of sextile Neptune in Pluto and it is this fear of nuclear Armageddon.
In 1958, the Cuban Missile Crisis we are seeing it already little by little, how this sextile has been operating very strongly these last months and how it is going to start operating very strongly from next July, this sextile is going to last still, until the year 34, 35 almost 10 years.
I think it is better to have a cold war than to have a hot war because after all in the Cold War the powers waged war through other countries: Vietnam ,Afghanistan and probably the Ukraine War which also starts with this sextile on land and water. And let us not be surprised to see huge technological breakthroughs occur.

+The little grand trine is perfected:

July-October 2025 and the Kite with Mars in August. 01:39:18

March-April will be very hectic because of the eclipse and the Mars-Pluto opposition. Towards the central months June, July, August, the theme will heat up much more because the little grand trine is perfected and is practically exact, the planets will be within 2 degrees of perfect aspect. This trine will hold until 2026:
Pluto in Aquarius in trine with Uranus in Gemini and forming sextile with Neptune in Aries accompanied by Saturn also in Aries.
We have seen the consequences of this perfect little trine in the last few weeks, when we had the hurricanes in the United States and Dana in the Spanish Levant.

The Kite with Mars
When the kite takes flight it is because it passes a fast planet in the low point that is opposite Neptune and things happen that can be traumatic and can deeply disturb our stability, as well as being evolutionary.
Watch out because this period of June, July and August where the sky will be : Uranus in Gemini and Saturn-Neptune in Aries, the little grand trine in its total dynamic, and that is when things will start to move a lot and by August 7 Mars opposite Neptune and directing the Comet with its known ability to energize.

It is statistically proven that these are times when there are high peaks of attacks and we can expect events, shall we say, with very violent episodes,

These are times of confrontation. The war in Ukraine is very much linked to the Mars-Saturn cycle.
The confrontation between Israel and Iran is due to the Mars-Saturn square opposition and this should not surprise us because Israel has a Mars-Saturn opposition in its natal chart, so no one should be surprised that during these days, say August 7-9 next year, there will be strong war moves around Israel and Iran and in Ukraine as well.

-Mars in Libra, opposite Neptune-Saturn
Is the Warrior of peace, the diplomat, an initiative I would say almost violent on the part of the peacemakers who want to impose peace. So it would not be strange if there is a civilized rapprochement and negotiation of the Iran-Israel war and Ukraine on August 12 and 13.

-The Moon and Mars
I would not be surprised if on these dates of August 6, 7 to 13, 14, 15 there are or explosions of enormous violence linked to Israel, Iran, Ukraine in a violently pacifist initiative.

+Uranus in Gemini. The revolution/disruption in the mind and communications. 01:46:53
Uranus will be in Gemini for a long time from July 8 to November 9, that is, two months, but it is very important because it will move things a lot. Revolution/disturbance in the mind and communications.
Uranus on April 27 re-enters Gemini and then Taurus in the last degrees until 2026.
Taurus is Anorexia and also Agriculture-Earth.

With the image of the UK increasing the agricultural land and farm transfer tax, the latest low blow of capitalism and UK leaders looking to dispossess old and young farmers of their land, coupled with climate change which is going to have a devastating impact on the food chain, it is highly likely that we will experience major food crises in the coming years, land and water are going to have a major impact on food supply production.
Uranus is the planet of the liberalization of capitalism, then, we are seeing a very strong rebellion against the agricultural sector and it is going to get much worse especially in the last months in November, December 2025 and in the first months of 2026 we are going to see very important rebellions around this issue, be sure.

Uranus is going to transit the sun of Israel which is around the 23rd degree of Taurus at the end of January beginning of February remember that the massacre of Hamas happened precisely with the first transit of Uranus over the sun of Israel.
The first transit of Uranus over the Sun of Israel there were other very strong concomitant transits but this one I think was also very important to understand what happened at that time. January and February 2025 so we can expect also a recrudescence so we can also expect an escalation of hostilities.

Uranus enters Gemini in these two months and will be giving us a kind of spoiler of what is going to happen during the next 7 years.
When the little big Trine is perfected, we will begin to enter into a dynamic that I was telling you before, crazy crazy of things that happen very fast, ideas that are produced with an enormous abundance with an enormous capacity of transmission, with an enormous capacity of influence at a social, political, economic, etc. level.
Because this Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and will be in trine with Pluto so that these four months from July to November is a foretaste of what will happen from April 2026.
So, with Uranus in Gemini, there may be events like the famous Carrington Event that occurred, I believe, in early September 1859.
It is possible that there could be very powerful disturbances between July and November 2025, we don't know, it could also be an incoming event in April 2026. It could be a massive solar flare at any time during these years of Uranus in Gemini and logically a huge disruptive phenomenon in communications in early July.

In 2028
we will have a Uranus-Mars conjunction at the same degree that the Uranus-Mars conjunction occurred when the United States dropped the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs. Whenever there has been a Uranus return in the U.S. natal chart, it has always gone to war, the Revolutionary War, the Civil War and World War II.
And I tell you this: will Artificial Intelligence be the new weapon of mass destruction as nuclear power once was. And I say this because history never repeats itself, only the patterns change from one cycle to another because the world is no longer the same.


I leave you, wishing you an agitated and disruptive year 2025 where your ideas will change radically and fundamentally, it is all a matter of personal attitude if one is open, if one learns that in life you have to bring the best of the worst because often the worst is what you have and you can only work with that.

The human being has an incredible creativity and we can end up extracting the best from the worst.
The resource that is really important is who we humans are, in the absence of our own material resources, the authentic resource of Aquarius, humanity, which is what we are in, is what we have to invest in friendship, in creating networks, in creating connections, in ending unnecessary hierarchies with unnecessary structures and to begin to trust in the wisdom of the network in the wisdom of humanity, to begin to invest in science, I would say in human science in human wisdom in Aquarian values
I recommend you not to survive but to live it.


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