Here we come to geopolitics, i think that i am interested in finding truth behind msm news more than in "hyping" my "russiaphilic" national feelings.
We have Russia, China, India, Middle East brought for discussion. Yesterday as Ryan posted this topic I took a book which bought some time ago but didn't start reading (i'm in the middle of SH - this book is an extremely slow read to me on contrary to HS). Book is by Sergei Pereslegin titled "Self-manual of playing on the world chessboard" isbn 5-17-027583-8 or 5-7921-0677-0 - recent (2005) and very decent system analysis of geopolitic realities and and perspective moves of key players till 2025. Ark, if you don't have this book, @ me, it's worth reading and analysis. Would it be permissible to post here an amateur translation of key moments of this book (would it violate copyrights?)
I didn't comment your third point about Russia don't opposing Israel and US poitics, as i completely agree with it and ask myself the same question as palestinian genoside by Israeli forces is evident, and I don't know why this question wasn't brought to UN security council by Russia or China time ago. When i was writing about Kissinger visits to Putin i was asking myself a question of whether Russian authorities are aware that Kissinger is on Interpol list by Chili and France for committing war crimes? Surely they are.
And one more point: if we have Russia, China, India, Middle East brought for discussion I think it would be worth to analyse Joe Vialls here, as he was publishing on Israel - Iran - Irak - Russia India and China tactical moves. Kenlee I believe wrote on Alex Jones thread that Vialls was on Department of State list as Cointelpro agent. The man is dead almost a year now, would it be worth to discuss him here? I don't know whether he was a Cointelpro, I'm seeing him as an outlet of russian intelligence leaking info and/or disinfo, but, yes, it was highly specific.
SAO, if Russia is run by psychopaths, that implies that Putin lkely IS one (if I understood you correctly). I don't see him as a psychopath, but I asknowledge that i'm ignorant in psychopathy analysis (my copy of Ponerology is under way) so i abstain from any commentaries of "Russia being run by psychopaths" until I grokk well psychopathy issue. Podcasts are very helpful here.
Ark, testing is perfectly ok with me, but please do it mindfully as your statement that "all areas (read: economy, military, cultural, social, transportation, educational, etc) of such countries as China, Russia and India are US-controlled from outside sways away even most corrupted logic, if any.