Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

So that leaves us with Western media bluster about 'international volunteers' that pull on the heartstrings and boost morale, kinda like the 'Ghost of Kiev'. While it does look like there are some 'volunteers' entering, it could very well be that they don't have the intended effect due to Russia's near total control of the Ukrainian airspace - and thus, Ukraine will not become an 'new Afghanistan'. That's my take so far. Time will tell.
If an army of 150 000 could do little, few thousand volounteers won t make much difference, only difference in increasing civilian casualties. What people do not understand and compare it to Afg is that these are different times, that is different technologies, different people, different Russia from Soviet era with it s leadership and military, and is well experienced in western strategies.
In the course of the special military operation, we uncovered evidence of the Kiev regime's urgent elimination of traces of the U.S. Department of Defense-funded bioweapons program in Ukraine.

We obtained documentation from Ukrainian bio-laboratory personnel dated February 24 of the emergency destruction of particularly dangerous pathogens of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera, and other deadly diseases.

Speaking of the future, back to the 'new Afghanistan' question. I recently read this piece by Andrei Martyanov, who has been writing about global military affairs for a while now. His blog is an excellent source, his books are very well respected (though I haven't read them) and I think he has a very real perspective on this current de-Nazification. He writes specifically about these 'international volunteers' and the potential of a Ukraine as a 'New Afghanistan' for Russia
I think any connection being made between Ukraine and Afghanistan is extraordinarily wishful thinking, even among western think tanks. They already tried flooding a country with foreign mercenaries in Syria. They even had air support by NATO but couldn’t do anything against Assad. I remember even back then pretty much all the same talking heads were saying Syria was going to turn into a Quagmire for Russia.

Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires. Which empires have their high tide watermark in Ukraine of all places? The United States perhaps?
If an army of 150 000 could do little, few thousand volounteers won t make much difference, only difference in increasing civilian casualties.

This is the main problem. It will not be possible to arrange any Afghanistan here, but we have already been shown how mercenaries fight in many countries

Mercenaries in Ukraine
Mercenaries from 52 countries have arrived in Ukraine - this list is growing

According to official data, which has already been partially documented, mercenaries from almost a third of the world's countries are arriving in Ukraine. To date, it has been stated that mercenaries from 52 countries have arrived on the territory of Ukraine through European countries, while this list continues to grow.

According to the official statement, today mercenaries, who are called volunteers in Kiev, have already arrived on the territory of Ukraine. We are talking about more than 20 thousand foreign mercenaries from various PMCs. At the same time, it is claimed that we are talking about mercenaries from 52 countries of the world.

"Recall that Ukraine continues to form the International Legion of Defense of Ukraine. To date, volunteers and veterans from 52 countries have expressed a desire to join its ranks. Their number has already exceeded 20 thousand. These are mostly experienced fighters who have participated in many peacekeeping campaigns in different parts of the world. Replenishment of the unit of the International Legion at the GUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine continues," the message says.

At the moment, information has been reliably confirmed that mercenaries from Belarus, Sweden, Portugal, the USA, Great Britain, Brazil, South Korea, Angola, Poland, Germany, Spain, Nigeria, France, the Netherlands and other countries are fighting on the side of the AFU. The appearance of 20 thousand army of mercenaries on the territory of Ukraine can lead to very serious complications in solving a number of tasks, however, at the moment, according to official statements of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the tasks are fully coordinated with the plans.

The United States handed over 17 thousand ATGMs and more than 2 thousand MANPADS to Ukraine

In less than a week, the United States handed over the largest batch of missile weapons to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the data presented, we are talking about almost 20 thousand anti-tank missile and man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems. This indicates the fact that the United States continues to openly arm the Armed Forces of Ukraine, realizing that these weapons will be used against Russia and its allies, in particular, we are talking about the DPR and the LPR.

"In less than a week, the United States and NATO have moved more than 17,000 anti-tank weapons, including Javelin missiles, across the borders of Poland and Romania, unloading them from giant military transport planes so that they can be delivered overland to Kiev and other major cities. Until now, Russian forces have been so busy in other parts of the country that they have not struck at the supply lines of weapons, but few people think that this will last for a long time," The New York Times said.

In addition, it is known that the United States has also handed over more than 2,000 portable anti-aircraft missile systems "Stinger" to the APU. This indicates that the United States is carefully studying the tactics used by the Russian military in a special operation and, on the basis of this, supplies Kiev with weapons.

It should be noted that in addition to the United States, weapons are actively supplied to Ukraine from European countries, which may force Russia to take tough measures.
На Украину прибыли наёмники из 52 стран мира - этот список растёт
США передали Украине 17 тыс. ПТРК и более 2 тыс. ПЗРК

В этом главная проблема. Никакого Афганистана здесь устроить не получится, но как воюют наемники нам показывали уже во многих странах
This is a great discussion of the collapse of the West; Alexander from The Duran really knows his stuff. We watched just the first hour so far, but highly recommended!

One thing they mentioned based on direct inside information is that apparently, after the West cut off Russia from SWIFT, the Federal Reserve people rushed to their Wallstreet buddies to tell them that they had nothing to do with it and weren't even consulted! You know it's bad when the Fed and Wallstreet are the adults in the room!

They speculate that as the Euro will inflate because all of this, Germany will try to stop it with high interest rates, which is really bad for some other European countries, especially France, and that this could very well break up the Euro Zone, with France leaving...

All in all, watching the first hour of this I couldn't help but think how spot-on the Cs were in so many ways: that the arrogant hubris of those in power will be their downfall, and the general Dionysian craziness going on...

Oh yes, and that the US are now turning to Venezuela and Iran to help them out is beyond rich... As for the EU, there is not even a Venezuela or Iran around, so we're screwed I guess unless what's left of adults in the EU administrations prevail.

In the course of the special military operation, we uncovered evidence of the Kiev regime's urgent elimination of traces of the U.S. Department of Defense-funded bioweapons program in Ukraine.

We obtained documentation from Ukrainian bio-laboratory personnel dated February 24 of the emergency destruction of particularly dangerous pathogens of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera, and other deadly diseases.
Think that is Igor Konashenkov speaking, and here he provides a good assessments of recent happenings. Igor had provided excellent briefings during the Syrian conflict, too.

Fighters (Nationalists) were said to be using human shields, 4 civilians died, more wounded in south area down by Azov sea.

It sounds like there has been "2,369 military infrastructure facilities destroyed" - Ukrainian jets, helicopters and BuK systems. 86 command posts, 79 radar stations and communication hubs. 827 tanks (and other) along with 84 multiple rocket launchers. 304 artillery pieces and mortars, 603 pieces of equipment special vehicles, 78 unmanned aerial vehicles (drones).

There was a area ceasefire and 6 humanitarian corridors declared (these corridors were provided in statements to the Ukrainian side earlier - see video for multiple locations.)
This is quite interesting, news from the 25th of February. One can wonder, what this guy was doing in Ukraine? The head of the German Federal Intelligence Service. This also confirms that the "special operation" that is now going on was an urgent reaction to a threat (how can Intelligence Service not know that military conflict is about to happen?).

BND chief in Ukraine surprised by Russian attack​

The President of the Federal Intelligence Service traveled to Ukraine for urgent talks – he was stuck after the Russian attack. According to a report, Bruno Kahl was evacuated by special forces

Special units have evacuated Bruno Kahl, President of the Federal Intelligence Service (BND), from Ukraine . This is reported by "Focus", citing information from security circles.

A spokesman for the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) said on request that he traveled to Ukraine on Wednesday for urgent talks – and then, like everyone else, was surprised by the invasion.

Due to the onset of hostilities and the blocked airspace, Kahl then had to return by land on Thursday. This was difficult and lengthy because of the influx of refugees.


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War In Ukraine Day 12: New Stage Of Russian Operations Begins (Videos 18+)
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Earlier, on March 5 and 6, the Ukrainian side used information about humanitarian corridors to provoke and block evacuation during the ceasefire regime, as Russia directly informed the Ukrainian side about the ways and time of evacuation in advance, a day or more before.
Therefore, on the third day, on March 7, Russia changed tactics and reported about humanitarian corridors a few hours before the evacuation. It was reported that today French President Macron guaranteed the security of humanitarian corridors on behalf of the Ukrainian side.
As a result, only dozens of civilians were able to escape from the blockaded cities. Many died under the shelling by Ukrainian nationalist forces.
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In the afternoon there were significant tactical successes in the encirclement of the AFU grouping in the Donbas region. On March 7, the main successes of the advancing units of the united Russian and LDPR forces took place in the Severodonetsk-Lisichansk agglomeration in the direction of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk.
From the Kharkiv direction from the northeast to the southwest, Russian troops are moping up the key town of Izyum. In the direction of the Izyum-Slavyansk E40-M03 route, forces of the LPR continued their offensive, and took control of the Staromlinovka railway station in the south of the village of Oskol.
A rocket attack destroyed the local police station in Izyum, where the headquarters of the so-called territorial defense were located.
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Also, forces of the LPR reached the outskirts of Severodonetsk and took control of the villages of Kudryashovka, Voronovo, Metelkino, Medvezhye, Askoronovka, Petrovka, Alexandrovka.
In the north of the LPR, a militia detachment was ambushed by the AFU:
War In Ukraine Day 12: New Stage Of Russian Operations Begins (Videos 18+)
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War In Ukraine Day 12: New Stage Of Russian Operations Begins (Videos 18+)
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The grouping of the DPR and Russia are narrowing the ring around Mariupol, the village of Mangush on the western outskirts of the city is under the control of the DPR.
Also, DPR forces advanced in the direction of Vladimirovka, took control of the settlements of Latmoye, Berezove, Yasnoye, Maksimovka and Valeryanovka, encircling Ukrainian forces in the Volnovakha district from the north.
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Russian troops are not entering the city of Kiev, fighting continues in the Bucha area. At the same time, the suburbs of the capital were actively shelled with Caliber missiles.
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Ukrainian MLRS firing from the residential ares in Kiev :
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Two oil depots are burning near Zhytomyr:
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In the Nikolaev area, the situation remains difficult for the Russian forces. Russian troops suffered a number of tactical defeats in the directions of Nikolaev and Krivoy Rog. At the same time, the AFU proved unable develop any significant success, while achieving local victories.
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Odessa has been left on its own. Russian forces are attacking military infrastructure facilities and the locations of Ukrainian units, without undertaking any assault operation.


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Turkish Intelligence Met With HTS Leader Al-Julani To Agree On Transfer Of Syrian Militants To Ukraine
Abu Muhammad al-Julani
Written by Khaled Iskef
Yesterday evening, a meeting was held between Turkish intelligence officers and the leader of the “Al-Nusra Front” organization, which is classified on the international terrorism list, “Abu Muhammad al-Jolani”, in which they talked about accelerating the process of transferring militants to fight in “Ukraine”.
The adviser of the Syrian-Russian Reconciliation Center, Professor Fadi Ismail, explained that the meeting was held near the “Deir Ballout” crossing, which separates the countryside of Aleppo and Idlib, and was attended by officers from the Turkish intelligence, during which “Al-Julani” demanded to expedite the transfer process, especially concerning the “National Army” militants in particular, who are located in the areas of northern Aleppo, and who have severe differences with the “al-Nusra Front”.
He also said that the goal of al-Julani’s request to speed up the transfer of the “National Army” to Ukraine, is summarized in the efforts of “Al-Nusra” and Turkey to get rid of the unwanted militants in northern Aleppo, and weaken the influence and strength of the National Army, and thus facilitate for “Al-Nusra” controlling the areas of the northern countryside of Aleppo and annexing them to their influence areas in Idlib.
A few days ago, the Turkish forces began to recruit the militants of the factions backed by it to send them to fight in Ukraine against the Russian forces, when the Turkish authorities gave orders to the factions’ leaders to prepare lists of the militants’ names who will be transferred in the first batch and open the registration for those wishing to fight in Ukraine.
Similar to the Libyan conflict and the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the Turkish intelligence provided financial temptations to attract the militants, promising them monthly salaries up to /6000/ thousand dollars. So, the offices, which were opened by several factions, began receiving the militants at a time when Ankara have not yet informed the factions’ leaders about the time of the start of transferring batches of militants.
Can a Russian speaker check out the text at this link and let us know if it seems legit?
In fact, whether it is a fake or not is not that important. (The Nexta source itself, where the documents are posted, is directly supervised by the Polish and American intelligence services and has been used many times to "sway" the situation in Belarus and Russia).
The text of the documents themselves gives quite correct recommendations on how to work with the Internet sites of the organizations. There is nothing wrong with this. Indeed, many organizations in the field do not remember where the domain is registered, whether there is access to hosting, who is responsible. And complex things like server settings or the presence of JS scripts and their impact on the site is not checked. In view of the current situation, if this is a fake - it's quite a useful reminder for organizations. If it is a real document - then it responds to current events in the world and is aimed at maintaining order and preventing malicious activity in the Russian segment of the Internet. My 2 cents.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
More news from Russia:

- The Japanese payment system JCB, following Visa and Mastercard, stops its activities in Russia. The share of JCB in the Russian market was very low, their departure will not affect anything.

Shell announced the closure of filling stations in Russia

“We will close our service stations, stop the production of aviation fuel and lubricants in Russia. The process will begin immediately,” the message says.

As of September 2021, Shell had 411 car filling stations in Russia, of which 233 were its own and 178 were dealers. In total, about 23,000 gas stations operate in Russia.

PS. This is a shot in the leg. They may leave Russia, but the oil/kerosene plants and equipment will remain in the country. This also applies to all other companies with production in Russia - the government does not intend to close the enterprises, they will continue to work after the change of ownership.

There was news that Toyota and Lexus remain in the Russian market
Хватило на 4 дня: Toyota и Lexus поменяли решение уходить из России

Although yesterday they wrote that factories in Russia had suspended work, and Japanese workers had begun to be taken out of the country.
The main Russian media have not yet confirmed the news that Toyota remains, so it is still in question.


Nickel prices soared 3 times in two days and reached $100,000.

Nickel prices hit a new all-time high amid fears of supply disruptions, as well as forced closing of margin positions
The cost of a ton of nickel on the London Metal Exchange over two days (March 7-8) more than tripled and reached $100,000. The previous record of $51,800 was recorded in 2007. According to Bloomberg, traders are pricing in possible restrictions on the supply of metal from Russia, which will cause a shortage.

And then the London Metal Exchange suspended trading in nickel

The London Metal Exchange (LME) was forced to suspend trading in nickel, the price of which exceeded $100,000 per ton. This is evidenced by the statement of the exchange.
Some interesting numerology - whether coincidence, plan or something else:

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