Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Are they still joking today? (When 2 helicopters and a bomber were shot down in the skies of Russia)
How funny, right?
And also to those pilots who have been sitting in captivity for a year - I am sure they are also having fun.
One helicopter and one plane. Not confirmed as shut down, could be accidents (only West hides its loses in war). Accidents happens when so much flights done daily.

So yes, its still very funny joke.
Not to mention that those are probably REALLY were accidents, used in CIA, satanic country of Ukraine, shitty propaganda.

Edit: BTW, considere 99.99% of all news that you hear from the West's news outlets or satanic country "Ukraine's" news as false and propaganda.

Ukraine and the WHOLE WESTERN NEWS APARATUS, are owned by the CIA.
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[They] Sank the cruiser "Moscow" - [we] did not answer.
[They] blew up the Crimean bridge - [we] did not respond.
[They] Carried out terrorist attacks against Dugina, Tatarsky and Prilepin - [we] did not answer.
[They] blew up officials who believed us and started working in new territories - [we] did not respond.
[They] Attacked UAVs Kremlin - [we] did not respond.
[They] Bombed Zaporizhzhya and Kursk nuclear power plants - [we] did not respond.
[They] bombed our strategic planes - [we] didn't respond.
Yes, all 8 years [we] did not answer anything and do not answer during the SMO.
Today, our helicopters and bombers shot down over the Bryansk region.
How not to start seeing conspiracy and betrayal here.

It seems that even the thickest-skinned mammoths are beginning to suspect something and doubt the adequacy of the Russian elite.
Recently, a well-known Russian video blogger with millions of subscribers, who has always supported Russia's actions, traveled to Donbass and shot his documentary there - after the terrorist attack with Prilepin, he also could not stand it and sent to hell such power, which is a complete impotent and lying humiliated weakling. He writes that he is already scared to live in Moscow, because he can also be killed so easily and no one will do anything. He fears for his child and wife and chose them instead of supporting this power, which spat on its own citizens and is unable to protect them. If she can't even protect herself, then why is she even needed?
"Russia do not abandon our own [people]" - this applies only to outspoken traitors from among pop artists and other "bohemians" from the elite society of Moscow, for whom the Kremlin licks the asses of other drumkeepers enjoying a luxurious life - officials. Stand up for those who fled to Israel and from there continue to pour mud on their country - this is exactly what Peskov and the rest of the top officials are worried about. About those who openly insult the authorities, the army and personally Putin in telephone conversations. Here, too, Russia "wisely does not respond to provocation," yeah. It's just vile and disgusting. I have long been completely disappointed in Russian statehood and I am ashamed of their bastard and absolutely powerless actions. In "yard" and criminal slang, these are called "tolerate suffers" (those who silently endure when someone urinates on them).

It makes me sick.
Russian soldiers are simply sacrificed as consumables, just like Ukrainian ones. This mutual genocide has no goals, while the elites on both sides go to resorts together, raise toasts for THEIR health and are concerned only about the salvation of Alla Pugacheva and the purchase of new watches for millions of euros in Paris (a NATO country that helps kill Russian soldiers). It is not Ukrainians who should rebel against the authorities, it is time for the Russians to do it as well. I would send the damn mother of the Russian Ministry of Defense and all these freaks if they tried to send me there for "demilitarization" and "ending the war."
"We launched a special operation to end the war with little blood." They just don't have any goals, they don't exist. I wouldn't be surprised if tiny Ukraine beat huge Russia. This is already a very real possibility. It's just a disgrace.

You can take my post as you like, I will not answer anyone, sorry. This farce just doesn't make sense. I read all these posts here from the outside and some of them look so disgusting and filled with the trap of the desired thinking that I'm just amazed.
I have been silent for a very long time, not meeting in the topic, because it is meaningless, and my opinion has not changed.
Ukraine and the WHOLE WESTERN NEWS APARATUS, are owned by the CIA.
And who owns the idiotic authorities of Russia?
(only West hides its loses in war).
Accidents happens when so much flights done daily.
Accidents?? When an enemy missile strikes an aircraft located in the sky of a state on the territory of which no war or martial law has been declared - is this an accident? Well, okay, I have nothing more to say to you.
No. Thing is: the whole West, with aaaall its news and agencies are just lying. They have the whole teams of people who non stop sweeps aaaall russian media, local and big, in order to find news such as: plane fell, soldier cuts himself when shaving. Anything that they can use. Even if plane fell in Ural they would use it.

And please, stop whining on "bad" russian elite, pro western oligarchs and similar, it only shows that person who whines about that really dont know how that looks in tbe West. or anywhere else in the world. Russian elites maybe are not perfect, but they are far from satanistic, psychopathic "elite" of the West.

It seems that even the thickest-skinned mammoths are beginning to suspect something and doubt the adequacy of the Russian elite.
Recently, a well-known Russian video blogger with millions of subscribers, who has always supported Russia's actions, traveled to Donbass and shot his documentary there - after the terrorist attack with Prilepin, he also could not stand it and sent to hell such power, which is a complete impotent and lying humiliated weakling. He writes that he is already scared to live in Moscow, because he can also be killed so easily and no one will do anything. He fears for his child and wife and chose them instead of supporting this power, which spat on its own citizens and is unable to protect them. If she can't even protect herself, then why is she even needed?
"Russia do not abandon our own [people]" - this applies only to outspoken traitors from among pop artists and other "bohemians" from the elite society of Moscow, for whom the Kremlin licks the asses of other drumkeepers enjoying a luxurious life - officials. Stand up for those who fled to Israel and from there continue to pour mud on their country - this is exactly what Peskov and the rest of the top officials are worried about. About those who openly insult the authorities, the army and personally Putin in telephone conversations. Here, too, Russia "wisely does not respond to provocation," yeah. It's just vile and disgusting. I have long been completely disappointed in Russian statehood and I am ashamed of their bastard and absolutely powerless actions. In "yard" and criminal slang, these are called "tolerate suffers" (those who silently endure when someone urinates on them).

It makes me sick.
Russian soldiers are simply sacrificed as consumables, just like Ukrainian ones. This mutual genocide has no goals, while the elites on both sides go to resorts together, raise toasts for THEIR health and are concerned only about the salvation of Alla Pugacheva and the purchase of new watches for millions of euros in Paris (a NATO country that helps kill Russian soldiers). It is not Ukrainians who should rebel against the authorities, it is time for the Russians to do it as well. I would send the damn mother of the Russian Ministry of Defense and all these freaks if they tried to send me there for "demilitarization" and "ending the war."
"We launched a special operation to end the war with little blood." They just don't have any goals, they don't exist. I wouldn't be surprised if tiny Ukraine beat huge Russia. This is already a very real possibility. It's just a disgrace.

You can take my post as you like, I will not answer anyone, sorry. This farce just doesn't make sense. I read all these posts here from the outside and some of them look so disgusting and filled with the trap of the desired thinking that I'm just amazed.
I have been silent for a very long time, not meeting in the topic, because it is meaningless, and my opinion has not changed.
I really do understand your situation, however strange that can sound. And I am sincerely sorry, and I wish if I could help somehow.

But, and this will sound strange and rude also, but it is what it is: things are looking differently when looking from a side. We, who are looking it from a side, see the change in the world that is in the process thankfully to this russian military operation.

Take care.
Are they still joking today? (When 2 helicopters and a bomber were shot down in the skies of Russia)
How funny, right?
And also to those pilots who have been sitting in captivity for a year - I am sure they are also having fun.
Calm down, my friend. What kind of hysteria?! There is a war going on, people are dying in the war and not everyone is dying by the death of a hero, many are dying by their stupidity and not by their own, too, and we are not fighting with Papuans armed with sticks and stones. I feel sorry for these pilots no more and no less than an infantryman who shot himself in a trench when it was impossible to resist and did not want to be captured.
I will say two things to calm you down (although probably in vain, but still).
1. A saying that has become popular - Russians harness for a long time, but they drive fast.
2. Russia will not lose in this war to the "tiny" Ukraine (the largest territory in Europe and a population of about 25 million (we will not juggle numbers, because in 1991 the population of Ukraine was 52 million) with the support of the entire NATO and not only (Israel, Pakistan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand are not NATO members and someone else I probably forgot).

The aerial part of the parade nevertheless continues.
Footage has emerged of the consequences of a missile strike by the Russian Armed Forces on a military facility in Khmelnitsky

A powerful missile strike was carried out on a target in the city of Khmelnitsky by the Russian Armed Forces. This is reported by a number of Ukrainian Internet publications and mass media.

As it turned out, the missile strike was carried out on the territory of the Cation plant, which produced industrial electronics. There was an APU ammunition depot at this enterprise, which was hit by a missile strike.

Local residents reported that a large number of explosions thundered at the enterprise. According to experts, this may indicate a secondary detonation, that is, the arrival of a missile in the ammunition depot of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Meanwhile, for some reason, the Ukrainian media call the factory and ammunition depot "an object of critical infrastructure." Such a line has been carried out by the Ukrainian press for a long time: it never reports arrivals for military purposes and tries to pass off all affected objects exclusively as civilian infrastructure.

In addition to the arrival in Khmelnytskyi, explosions were recorded in the Lviv, Mykolaiv and Volyn regions of Ukraine. Here, Russian troops also hit military targets of Ukrainian formations.

It should be noted that recently the Russian Armed Forces have been increasingly striking military targets, including ammunition depots and locations of weapons and military equipment intended to participate in the Ukrainian Armed Forces counteroffensive announced by the Kiev regime. Each such strike reduces the military capabilities of the Ukrainian army.
Появились кадры последствий ракетного удара ВС РФ по военному объекту в Хмельницком

You can take my post as you like, I will not answer anyone, sorry.

Yes, of course, it's not worth answering if the answer is such hysteria and dumping everything (losses at the front, Pugachev and Galkin, oligarchs and God knows what else) into one stinking pile.

Успокойся, дружок. Че за истерика?! Идет война, на войне люди гибнут и не все гибнут смертью героя, многие гибнут и по своей глупости и не по своей тоже и воюем мы не с папуасами, вооруженными палками и камнями. Мне этих пилотов жалко ничуть не больше и не меньше пехотинца, застрелившегося в окопе при невозможности сопротивляться и не желании попасть в плен.
Я скажу две вещи для твоего успокоения (хотя наверно зря, но все же).
1. Поговорка, ставшая народной- русские долго запрягают, но быстро едут.
2. Россия не проиграет в этой войне "крошечной" Украине (самая крупная территория в Европе и население примерно 25 млн. (не будем жонглировать цифрами, ведь в 1991 году население Украины было 52млн.) с поддержкой всего НАТО и не только (Израиль, Пакистан, Южая Корея, Австралия, Новая Зеландия не являются членами НАТО и еще кого то я наверно забыл).
Воздушная часть парада тем не менее продолжается.
Да, конечно, отвечать не стоит, если ответом будет подобная истерика и сваливание всего (потери на фронте , Пугачеву с Галкиным, олигархи и еще бог знает что) в одну вонючую кучу.
Douglas Macgregor - The Last Stage: Preparing for the Great Offensive
Premiered 6 hours ago

Two Dimensions Of War In Ukraine: Battlefield And Zelensky’s Tales
12.05.2023 -SouthFront Video

I will add more to the "aerial part of the parade" to calm the defeatist moods.
Giant NATO ammunition depots have been destroyed, former adviser to the President of Ukraine Yuriy Kasyanov admitted.

"When will we finally stop putting all the eggs (ammunition) in one basket (in one warehouse)?.. As in Pavlograd and Khmelnitsky..." — said Kasyanov, a well-known Ukrainian military propagandist and ex-adviser to Poroshenko.

"Nothing, the president is in Italy — he will ask again," he added.

The blow of retaliation is being inflicted on Ukraine: the "strategists" of the VKS are in the sky, explosions are thundering in the West (MAP, PHOTO, VIDEO)

The Russian army strikes retaliation in Western Ukraine.

Strategic bombers took off from their bases.

The fleet also strikes with "Calibers".

Rockets are flying to Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk.

The most powerful explosions are thundering in Ternopil: the Russian Navy has struck at targets.

After the arrival of rockets in one of the districts of the city, a huge fire started.

Also, aviation and artillery strike targets in the Kherson region.

The most powerful explosion: the Russian Navy struck targets in Ternopil (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

The Russian Navy struck targets in Ternopil.

After the rockets arrived, there was a huge fire in the area of the city.

Our military is destroying ammunition and fuel depots for the AFU counteroffensive.

The head of the Ternopil Regional Council Mikhail Golovko confirmed the hit on the object "in the industrial zone".

What kind of target was destroyed has not yet been reported. Probably, the enemy stored ammunition at the next factory.

23:50. In Ternopil, an uninhabited object is burning after the impact, says the mayor of the city, Sergei Nadal.

Добавлю ещё к "воздушной части парада", чтобы успокоить пораженческие настроения.
Another good sitrep by Simplicius today that might be of interest. I find him to be a bit more balanced and than Pepe Escobar (whose humor I thoroughly enjoy).
Funny, he quotes Prigozhin inviting Shoygu to Bakhmut as saying (bolding, mine):

... Considering the difficult operational situation, as well as your many years of experience in combat operations, I ask you to come to the territory of the settlement Bakhmut, which is under the control of paramilitary units of the Russian Federation, and independently assess the current situation.

and Simplicius's related comment reads:

In the translated message above, he invites him to come to Bakhmut. This is after throwing a new fit claiming that Wagner was once more lied to and backstabbed, and that no ammunition is coming their way once again.

where, IMO, he missed the point (please correct me if I'm wrong). The whole point of that invitation was (again, IMO) in Prigozhin's one more not-so-veiled jibe hinting at Shoygu's lack of any military education and null experience on battlefield.
Andrew Korybko: Ten Critical Observations At The Onset Of Kiev’s NATO-Backed Counteroffensive

Andrew Korybko said:
Logistical problems and political fatigue in Europe could hamstring Kiev’s counteroffensive, while Russia’s risks involve the potentially destabilizing consequences of the Defense Ministry-Wagner Group rivalry continuing, independently existing defensive difficulties along the Line of Contact, and a reluctance to escalate.

The NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine is reaching its most critical moment thus far as Kiev prepares to commence its counteroffensive, which is backed by that US-led military bloc. A breakthrough by either side could coerce the other into concessions ahead of the Chinese- (and possibly jointly French-)mediated ceasefire talks that are expected to begin by the end of the year. Likewise, a continued stalemate would probably result in freezing the existing months-long Line of Contact (LOC).

Here are ten critical observations of everything from the West’s and Russia’s perspectives respectively:


1. NATO Acknowledges Its “Race Of Logistics”/“War Of Attrition” With Russia

Secretary-General Stoltenberg admitted in mid-February that his entire bloc is struggling to keep pace with Russia in terms of military-industrial production, which he warned could lead to political fatigue over member states’ involvement in this conflict if there isn’t a decisive resolution in favor of Kiev.

2. The Washington Post Revealed Kiev’s Logistical & Personnel Problems

The NATO chief’s admission set the stage for correcting the Western public’s perception about their side’s chances of victory, which the Washington Post informed them isn’t as sure of a bet as some might have earlier thought after their report in mid-March revealed Kiev’s logistical and personnel problems.

3. Poland’s Chief Of Army Staff Confirmed The Above Assessments Two Weeks Ago

Many were caught off guard by Polish Chief of Army Staff Rajmund Andrzejczak confirming the “politically inconvenient” assessments that were earlier shared by Stoltenberg and the Washington Post, which thus extended credence to them and should have convinced folks to finally take them seriously.

4. Poland’s Deputy Prime Minister Said That Half Of Europe Wants Peace With Russia

Reinforcing the notion that Kiev’s upcoming NATO-backed counteroffensive is Ukraine’s last shot at reconquering its lost territory, Polish Deputy Prime Minister Piotr Glinski said earlier this month that half of Europe wants peace with Russia, so it’s possible that they’ll push for this by the end of the year.

5. Some Of Kiev’s Supporters Are Already Concocting “Stab-In-The-Back” Conspiracy Theories

Garry Kasparov melted down on Twitter less than two weeks back after realizing that there’s a chance that Kiev might not achieve its maximalist objectives, which led to him channeling many of its supporters’ fears by concocting a “stab-in-the-back” conspiracy theory to explain this if it happens.


6. “5D Chess” & “Doom-And-Gloom” Narratives Manipulate Perceptions

The perceptions of Russians and their supporters’ are being manipulated by the polar opposite “5D chess” and “doom-and-gloom” narratives that can be paraphrased as “everything is going according to plan” and “abandon all hope”, both of which result in radically inaccurate assessments of the conflict.

7. The Defense Ministry-Wagner Group Rivalry Poses A Threat To Russia’s National Security

The increasingly fierce competition between these two patriotic forces risks undermining the special operation and thus endangering Russia’s national security irrespective of whether it’s contained to the realm of morale or also allegedly involves its military logistics like Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin claims.

8. Recent Reports Suggest That Russia Is Struggling To Defend The LOC

From occasional terrorist raids into Ukrainian-bordering regions from pre-2014 Russia like Bryansk to Friday’s tactical pullback north of Artyomovsk and Saturday’s downing of several military aircraft over that aforementioned indisputably Russian region, defending the LOC will likely be a very difficult task.

9. Neither Kiev Nor NATO Cares About Russia’s “Red Lines” After Crossing Them All Thus Far

Kiev and NATO have already crossed Russia’s red lines regarding the transfer of cutting-edge arms to the conflict zone, carrying out terrorism within its pre-2014 borders, bombing the Crimean Bridge, seizing parts of post-referendum Kherson Region, and bombing the Kremlin, so no one knows what’ll come next.

10. Russia Still Appears Averse To Leading The Climb Up The Escalation Ladder

Apart from initiating the special operation to preempt NATO-backed Kiev’s imminent reconquest of Donbass and the resultant cascade of national security threats afterwards, Russia has only responded to developments instead of shaped them, thus inexplicably keeping itself on the strategic defensive.


These ten critical observations will now be summarized as they relate to each side.

Logistical problems and political fatigue in Europe could hamstring Kiev’s counteroffensive, while Russia’s risks involve the potentially destabilizing consequences of the Defense Ministry-Wagner Group rivalry continuing, independently existing defensive difficulties along the LOC, and a reluctance to escalate. Each will need to resolve their respective problems while exploiting their opponent’s in order to stand a chance at achieving a breakthrough before the end of the year when ceasefire talks will likely begin.
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