Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

According to the hacker known as 'DPR Joker', who pro Russian Telegram types claim has a decent record of reliability, Valery Zaluzhny is in hospital in Kiev. He will not be coordinating any counteroffensive just now. DPR joker wrote:

Tired of looking at fakes with old photos supposedly from Cyprus at an expensive resort during the preparation of the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to my spies, General Zaluzhny was seriously wounded in early May during a missile attack on the headquarters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Pavlograd, Dnepropetrovsk region. Several severe surgical operations were carried out after which, if he survives, he will definitely not be able to adequately manage the army. The Western masters forbade the Ukrainian clowns to talk about this, so that it would not affect the morale of the Ukrainian soldiers before the offensive, because he enjoys undeniable authority and love among soldiers and officers. Everyone understands that without him there is no chance of success for the Ukrainian army at all, and any offensive will be a mass suicide.

I’m just very worried and I want to warn the Ukrainian soldiers that if you have to quickly change something in the offensive operation, then it will be done by some kind of Clown, or, even worse, Zelensky the clown. But everything is fine, Zaluzhny, as a military commander can be written off.

Now he hasn't been seen since early May, and Ukraine has not offered evidence to the contrary other than some photos from a wedding (which supposedly did not take place recently). It seems quite plausible to me that he was injured near Bakhmut and that nobody wants to announce the bad news.

There's also this on Slavyangrad

Information about Zaluzhny being seriously injured during a missile attack by the Russian Armed Forces on one of the command posts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Dnepropetrovsk region is indirectly confirmed by a post on the personal Facebook page of one of the employees of the Ukrainian National Military Medical Clinical Center.

On May 8, Alina Slobodyanyuk published information about the admission to a Kiev hospital of a large number of wounded, one of whom, according to her, "very important", was in critical condition.
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I don’t know how accurate the following is about Depleted Uranium, but according to Scott Ritter the primary danger of PU is not so much the (pretty low) intensity of radiation but the way DU Munitions are used. When DU Munition is fired and explodes, significant amounts vaporize into very small dust particles that then „contaminate“ a considerable area of soil for a long time. Even at this point the radiation isn’t really anything serious to worry about. What makes this very dangerous however is when those dust particles get into the human body, primarily by ingesting foods grown in that contaminated soil and/or when you inhale the dust.

According to Ritter soil that has been contaminated in that way will stay poisonous practically „forever“. The only solution to get rid of it would be to dig up all the top soil of that area to a certain depth and put that poisonous earth safely away in containers.

If that is true, I‘m sure the Russians are aware of that fact and decided to go for the lesser evil. They had no other choice then to blow it all up in one go, in one relatively small area. In that way the immediate area surrounding the area will get poisoned in that way, in contrast of large areas all over Ukraine and potentially Russia being poisoned by firing those shells.

I would assume that the wind can and will carry some of that material over Europe. How this will play out might be hard to predict. It might disperse so widely that there isn’t really much to worry about, or some of it might be dumped in more concentrated form via rain in certain areas before that. Which could be quite dangerous.

If what Ritter says is true there also is the question how much „dustification“ those big explosions actually created and how fine that material is. If most of the created dust particles are bigger/denser, I would assume that they can’t travel all too far via air.
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Don't you mean "contaminated" Cosmos?

More or less. According to Ritter DU is quite a bit different from contamination in the form of radiation caused by Atom-bombs and/or explosions of atomic reactors. He talks about DU as working/behaving more as a poison that gets dangerous as soon as you digest or inhale it. For example, if you would walk into a store room full of unused DU Munition, the radiation itself wouldn’t really be harmful. Or if you would walk over an area in which the soil is „decontaminated“ with DU dust, the radiation itself isn’t dangerous. When it enters the body, then it gets dangerous.

I dunno how true that is though.

Edit: Now is see what you mean! Corrected „decontaminate“ to „contaminate“ in my post. Thank you.
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As for the "historical decision" to give Ukraine F-16, I'm pretty sure it was made months ago. I read in the local German news several months ago that Ukrainian pilots were being trained at Laupheim Air Base.

I'm somewhat mystified about UA pilots being trained at Laupheim.

The German Bundesluftwaffe does not own any F-16s. Laupheim is not a US Air Base.
Hard to imagine that the Germans would instruct Ukrainians on US airplanes at a site where there is only a helicopter wing present.

There might be flight simulators in place but the trainees would want to look at a real F-16 at some point...
Are the US and NATO really planning this? :-O An article by John Helmer;

There is a grave risk that in three weeks’ time US and NATO forces will attempt direct combat against Russia.

The operational plan is to strike from Romanian airspace in the south and the Baltic states in the north, in camouflage of the NATO exercise called “Air Defender 23”, and under cover of US F-16 fighter aircraft purportedly operated by Ukrainian pilots but fuelled, directed, and guarded by more than two hundred US and NATO aircraft, including the most advanced US air war fighter, the F-35.

“This [is] the largest deployment exercise since the foundation of NATO”, according to the cover story published by NATO headquarters. “ Commanded at US bases in Germany, ostensibly led by German officers, a Bundeswehr “fact sheet” claims “100 [US] Air National Guard aircraft from 35 different states will make the leap across the Atlantic to participate in Air Defender 2023. In addition to the world’s most modern jets, the F35, more than 20 different types of aircraft and Airmen from 24 nations will practice air warfare operations together over Germany, but also over eastern Europe on the NATO border. Among them Eurofighter, F18, F16, A10, [Saab] Gripen jets.”
Are the US and NATO really planning this? :-O An article by John Helmer;

It seems unlikely with the way things have gone thus far. I guess we'll see soon enough. The C's said the response would be 'shock and awe', we haven't seen that yet.

Also, when they said 'many belligerents will fold rapidly' I immediately thought of certain yappy little dog states like the Baltics, Moldova, Romania. They surely couldn't sustain combat against (or economic severance from) the Russian Federation.
Today, it is 4 years since Zelensky got into power.

Mark Cripin Miller offered up a look back to Zelensky (year not noted).

Miller said:

Some day, when real historians explain the US operation in Ukraine, they’ll surely tell us all about Zelensky’s early peacenik phase, and why it ended.

(If you know how to reach Sean Penn, feel free to send this to him,)

A Young Zelensky Defending Russian Interests in the Donbas Region. Zelensky BC - Before Corruption​

Are the US and NATO really planning this? :-O An article by John Helmer;

Pretty unlikely IMO. But then again the empire might be cracy/delusional/desperate enough that they actually think they can do that. But I don’t think so. Another point that speaks against it would be that actions of that magnitude which potentially alter the course of humanity globally, usually happen more or less „out of the blue“, which comes as a surprise for most people. 9/11 is just one example of this. In other word’s: it seems like every time things of that nature are predicted and dispersed widely ahead of time as something „that will happen on this date“, it usually doesn’t.
I don’t know how accurate the following is about Depleted Uranium, but according to Scott Ritter the primary danger of PU is not so much the (pretty low) intensity of radiation but the way DU Munitions are used. When DU Munition is fired and explodes, significant amounts vaporize into very small dust particles that then „contaminate“ a considerable area of soil for a long time. Even at this point the radiation isn’t really anything serious to worry about. What makes this very dangerous however is when those dust particles get into the human body, primarily by ingesting foods grown in that contaminated soil and/or when you inhale the dust.

Many here watched back during Gulf War 1.0 and 2.0 when DU was massively used, and the ptb know well its lasting effects.

From 2008, here is the Tehran Times look (from "Dr. Chris Busby, the British radiation expert") :

For these weapons have released deadly, carcinogenic and mutagenic radioactive particles in such abundance that — whipped up by sandstorms and carried on trade winds — there is no corner of the globe they cannot penetrate — including Britain. For the wind has no boundaries and time is on their side: the radioactivity persists for over 4,500,000,000 years and can cause cancer, leukemia, brain damage, kidney failure and extreme birth defects — killing millions of every age for centuries to come. A crime against humanity which main the eyes of historians, rank with the worst atrocities of all time.

Here is a recent short from April 2023.

Something the American half-witted grandfather is slowing down again or, according to tradition, wishful thinking. According to the already established tradition, the work of the Ukrainian air defense will become a huge risk for the F-16 transferred to Ukraine.
Biden called the supply of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine a huge risk for Russia
Deliveries of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine: Biden responds to the warning of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

US President Joe Biden, speaking at the G7 summit, said that the alleged supply of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine really poses "enormous risks", but only for Russia. This comment followed a statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry about the possible huge risks for the West in the event of the implementation of this deal.

In his address, answering a journalist's question, Biden confirmed the information previously distributed by the American NBC television channel. According to this source, at the G7 summit held in Hiroshima, Biden expressed support for the allies' plans to train Ukrainian pilots to fly F-16 fighter jets. This was later confirmed at the White House, where it was clarified that Washington, together with its allies, will determine in the near future which countries and to what extent will be able to provide Ukraine with these military aircraft.

Against the background of these events, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko expressed his warning about the potentially "colossal risks" that Western countries may face if they decide to provide Ukraine with F-16 fighters.

"We are seeing a gradual movement on the escalation ladder from the Western countries. This is a significant risk for them. In any case, we will take this into account in our plans and have all the necessary means to achieve our goals," Grushko said.

It is unknown whether Russia will take concrete measures in response to the supply of Ukrainian F-16 fighters.
Байден назвал поставку Украине истребителей F-16 колоссальным риском для России

The following news confirms my previous thesis.
The Ukrainian military shot down their own homemade kamikaze drone "Mikola-1"
The unsuccessful flight of the Ukrainian kamikaze drone "Mikola-1": they dropped their own device.

The Ukrainian military, apparently, mistakenly destroyed their own Mikola-1 kamikaze drone, mistaking it for a Russian one. The reason was the inscription "ZA ZOV", applied to the wings of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

This artificial marking, according to assumptions, was supposed to mislead Russian fighters when they see the drone, creating the impression that the device belongs to the Russian side. However, in this case, it turned against the Ukrainian military.

The Ukrainian military has repeatedly engaged in such "art", but now their trick has turned against them. It is interesting to note that after studying the remains of the UAV, Ukrainian soldiers found four built-in traps inside it at once.

Judging by the absence of significant damage, the drone was shot down by an electronic warfare system, however, there are no details about this at the moment, including the fact remains unknown where exactly the drone was heading.
Украинские военные сбили свой же самодельный дрон-камикадзе "Микола-1"

Today's news is like everything is already traditional. And Biden's inadequate statements, and the defeat of own air objects by Ukraine's air defense facilities, and the systematic defeat of the AFU's rear infrastructure by heavy weapons of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
A powerful combined strike was inflicted on objects in Dnepropetrovsk
A powerful combined strike was inflicted on the objects of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). This is reported in the Telegram channel "Military commanders of the Russian Spring" ("RV").

The Russian Armed Forces struck with cruise missiles X-101, X-22, ballistic missiles and drones "Shahid / Geran". There were at least 16 explosions, after which a fire started.
Strikes were also carried out in Kharkiv and Zaporozhye.
Нанесен мощнейший комбинированный удар по объектам в Днепропетровске

Что то американский полоумный дедушка опять тормозит или по традиции выдает желаемое за действительность. По уже сложившейся традиции колоссальным риском для передаваемых Украине F-16 станет работа украинской ПВО.
Следующая новость подтверждает мой предыдущий тезис.
Сегодняшние новости как бы все уже традиционные. И неадекватные заявления Байдена, и поражение собственных объектов украинской ПВО, и планомерное поражение тыловой инфраструктуры ВСУ тяжелым вооружением ВС РФ.
Brazil is in no hurry to share arms with Ukraine, so why should Zelensky go and meet with the Brazilian president. He has no time, he has to run, meet with those who can at least give something.
Lula da Silva said that Zelensky did not come to a meeting with him

HIROSHIMA /Japan/, May 22. /tass/. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky did not come at the appointed time for a meeting with Brazilian leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. The President of Brazil said this on Monday at a press conference in Hiroshima.

Lula da Silva said that he was ready for a meeting with the Ukrainian president, but "Zelensky did not come" at the appointed time. "Maybe he had a more important meeting. I don't know, but the fact remains that at 15:15 (May 21 at 09:15 Moscow time) we had an appointment with him in this very hall," the Brazilian president explained. According to Lula da Silva, the incident did not upset him, but he was dissatisfied.

The Brazilian President also stressed that Zelensky's speech at the expanded meeting of the Group of Seven (G7) summit did not change his position on the situation in Ukraine.

Earlier, Lula da Silva stated that Russia is the guarantor of long-term world peace. He has already taken the initiative to develop a new international format to create an opportunity for dialogue between Moscow and Kiev. The Brazilian leader also said that he was ready, if necessary, to mediate during direct negotiations between the Russian and Ukrainian presidents.
Лула да Силва заявил, что Зеленский не пришел на встречу с ним

Just some opinions about Zela from Twitter, which is inaccessible to me.
The Network noted a change in Zelensky's behavior after the loss of Artemovsk
Twitter users condemned the head of Ukraine Zelensky for comparing Artemovsk with Hiroshima

MOSCOW, May 22 — RIA Novosti. Twitter users criticized Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky for comparing Artemovsk with the victim of the American nuclear bombing of Hiroshima, which he made on the sidelines of the G7 summit.
"He used to say that the loss of Artemovsk threatens Ukraine with international and domestic political pressure aimed at compromise with Russia. And now just compares two different situations," wrote one of the commentators.

"Who destroyed Hiroshima? May I remind you?" another asked.
"The United States may go berserk because of these words," a third supported.
"How can a nuclear attack be compared to a military ground battle?" — another user asked a question.
"The United States has committed a terrible crime against humanity, but has not suffered any punishment," the readers concluded.
On the sixth and ninth of August 1945, the US military dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: 140 thousand people died in Hiroshima, 74 thousand in Nagasaki. The vast majority of the victims of the atomic bombing were civilians.
В Сети отметили изменение в поведении Зеленского после потери Артемовска

A small text from Prilepin. Yes, he was wounded in an assassination attempt, but his texts are still sharp, albeit a little pathetic.
May the Russian Victory be greater and brighter, — Zakhar Prilepin

A well-known Russian writer, former deputy commander of the DPR Army Zakhar Prilepin, who is currently being treated after an attempt on his life, commented on the release of Artemovsk (Bakhmut).

"Prigozhin-Bakhmutsky took the city!

Glory to Wagner.

Eternal memory to all the fallen.

It was a great battle.

The Russians have once again proved that they can shred and tear up all the special forces of the world, all the Polish pontorez, all the elite Ukrainian units, the demons of the degenerates who sold out, well, who else is there — British instructors, American specialists? — all of them.

A Russian man.

There is no barrier for you. Love you.

Yevgeny Prigozhin is an actor in our national history. Next to Ermak, Potemkin, Shchors — among them.

May the Russian Victory be greater and brighter."

Бразилия не спешит делиться с Украиной вооружениями, так чего Зеленскому ходить, встречаться с бразильским президентом. Ему некогда, надо бегом бежать, встречаться с теми кто может хоть чего-нибудь дать.
Просто некоторые мнения о Земле из недоступного мне твиттера.
Небольшой текст от Прилепина. Да, он ранен при покушении, но тексты его по прежнему остры, хоть и немного пафосны.
A Heart attack takes the Life of Pyotr Kucherenko, at 46, as the Daily Mail rolls the death as a conspiracy.


22.05.2023 Video Snip
Written By Tyler Durden. Originally appeared at ZeroHedge.

Only two months ago the mainstream media widely circulated a video which they said showcased “shocking footage” of Russian school children training with military weapons in programs designed to prepare them for the military. The programs were widely criticized as “indoctrination.”

Of course, Ukraine has also been involved in weapons training for children and these efforts have only increased in recent months as the city of Bakhmut, an epicenter of the fighting for many months, has reportedly fallen to Russia’s Wagner Group. CNBC has briefly reported on the “Defense of Ukraine” program at the military-patriotic center for schoolchildren in Lviv. The center was opened this month with plans to open dozens of other training facilities for children across the country in the near future.


Oscar-winning actor, and pro-Ukraine activist, Sean Penn has signed on to star in the Ukrainian war film War Through the Eyes of Animals.
The feature is a nine-part anthology, directed by nine Ukrainian filmmakers, that tells the story of the war in Ukraine through the perspectives of various animals caught up in the conflict. Myroslav Slaboshpytskyi, the acclaimed Ukrainian director of The Tribe (2014) will direct the ninth and final segment, which will star Penn as an American sound engineer who inadvertently becomes a witness to the outbreak of war when, on February 24, 2022, Russian forces invade.

Filming of the segment is scheduled to take place in Ukraine and Los Angeles during the summer of 2023.

Penn has been an outspoken supporter of Ukraine since the start of the war. The two-time Oscar winner was in Ukraine shooting a documentary for Vice Studios when the war broke out. The film, co-directed with Aaron Kaufman, was initially intended as a tongue-in-cheek look at the comic actor turned-president Volodymyr Zelensky. Instead, it became Superpower, a depiction of Zelensky’s heroic wartime leadership. When the film premiered at the Berlin film festival this year, Penn used the opportunity to call on Western governments to provide greater military support for Ukraine.

I am absolutely thrilled to be a part of this film. It is a great honor for me to collaborate with the incredible actor and outstanding person, and one of Ukraine’s greatest friends, Sean Penn,” said Myroslav. “He was with us during the attack on the 24th of February and deeply explores the war and Ukraine in his documentary film. His support is invaluable to us and cannot be overstated.”

War Through the Eyes of Animals is being produced by Ukrainian production outfits SOTA Cinema Group and Kleos Art, with Oleg Kokhan and Oleksiy Makukhin serving as producers.

“All the stories in our film anthology are based on real events,” noted Kokhan, “and it is crucial for us that artists of Sean Penn’s caliber not only acknowledge the terrifying reality we depict but also contribute their voices. This underscores the relevance of the film’s ecocide theme in Ukraine. Every bullet, every rocket fragment, and every drop of polluted fuel that contaminates our land represents a slow-acting chemical weapon that devastates our ecosystem. Sean Penn has witnessed firsthand the situation in Ukraine, making it unnecessary to convince him of the theme’s importance. He belongs to the select group of stars who wholeheartedly support causes they believe in and are ready to take action.”

War Through the Eyes of Animals is set for release in the winter of 2023-2024.
You can check out the trailer for the film below.

LOL, Sean Penn drops his Twitter account.

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