Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

This figure is no stranger to lying in front of any audience.
Zelensky openly lied during a visit to the United States

MOSCOW, Dec 13 – RIA Novosti. Vladimir Zelensky made a false claim that Russia "did not occupy a single village" during the fighting during 2023.
"I think the most important thing to understand what is happening is that Russia has not occupied a single village, not a single Ukrainian village during this year," Zelensky said in an interview with Fox News.

At the same time, in May, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on the complete liberation of the city of Artemovsk (Ukrainian name — Bakhmut) in the DPR, in August it was reported about the advance of Russian troops in the Kupyansk direction. At the end of November, the Ministry of Defense announced the liberation of the village of Artemovskoye (Khromovo) in the DPR, located west of Artemovsk.
At the end of September, The New York Times estimated that less than 1,300 square kilometers of territory had changed hands in nine months of fighting in Ukraine. At the same time, despite the widely announced counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Russian troops occupied 489 square kilometers more territory than the Ukrainian ones.
Zelensky arrived in the US capital for talks amid the fact that Republicans in the Senate blocked consideration of the White House's request for funds for Ukraine, Israel and other needs. The House of Representatives of the Congress is also in no hurry to approve the relevant draft.
Зеленский открыто солгал в ходе визита в США

This is very timely news, although for the same Zelensky, what can it means if, in his opinion, they are still holding Bakhmut.
The Russian flag and the Victory Banner are raised over Maryinka (PHOTO, VIDEO)

Over the extreme point of Marinka, the tankers of the Southern Military District raised the flag of Russia and the Banner of Victory!

The fighters of the 150th MSD and the 5th brigade entered from the flanks, knocking out the APU from the last ruins on the outskirts.

The 2nd Infantry Battalion of the 163rd Tank Regiment put an end to this long confrontation by raising the flag of Russia and the Victory Banner, the banner of the 150th Infantry Division, over the extreme point.

Этому деятелю совсем не привыкать лгать при любой аудитории.
Очень даже своевременная новость, хотя для того же Зеленского что это может значить, если они по его мнению Бахмут удерживают до сих пор.
This figure is no stranger to lying in front of any audience.

Зеленский открыто солгал в ходе визита в США

This is very timely news, although for the same Zelensky, what can it means if, in his opinion, they are still holding Bakhmut.


Этому деятелю совсем не привыкать лгать при любой аудитории.
Очень даже своевременная новость, хотя для того же Зеленского что это может значить, если они по его мнению Бахмут удерживают до сих пор.
zelensky sacrifies his population to object to the russian intervention he provoked. when will people recognize that this conflict is ukraine's fault???? and draw the consequences???
By this point, Russia had already "drawn" quite a lot of "red lines", which opponents simply spat on without tangible consequences for themselves, thereby such "decisive warnings" were seriously devalued. I'm afraid that the same thing may happen with this "decisive warning", but sometimes is it necessary to respond?
"We strongly warn you": Russia has warned NATO of the consequences if F-16 fighter jets are used from their territory
The head of the Russian delegation to the OSCE Forum on cooperation in the field of military security, Konstantin Gavrilov, said about the serious consequences that could entail the possible use of Poland, Romania and Slovakia of their air bases to deploy F-16 fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This statement was made at the OSCE Forum in Vienna.

Gavrilov stressed that Russia considers such actions as the full participation of these countries in the armed conflict in Ukraine. In the event of the use of American F-16 fighters transferred to the Kiev regime and used from the territory of these NATO member countries, Moscow will be forced to take retaliatory measures.

"We strongly warn that the use of these fighters from the territory of these NATO member countries will be considered by Moscow as their participation in the conflict in Ukraine and will force Russia to take retaliatory measures," the diplomat said.

The Russian diplomat also noted that due to the significant destruction of airfields on Ukrainian territory, opinions have emerged about the plans of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to use air bases of neighboring NATO countries such as Poland, Romania and Slovakia to conduct air operations.

Gavrilov pointed out that the aggressive policy of the West has not been hidden behind the defensive rhetoric of NATO lately. According to him, the alliance strives for global and regional dominance, using military force for this purpose.

In this regard, it is worth noting that Denmark and the Netherlands from among the Western countries have already expressed their readiness to transfer American F-16 fighters to Ukraine. It is planned that the first combat vehicles will be provided to Ukraine in the coming weeks.
"Решительно предупреждаем": Россия предупредила НАТО о последствиях, в случае использование истребителей F-16 с их территории

Россия к этому моменту " нарисовала" уже довольно много "красных линий", на которые оппоненты попросту наплевали без ощутимых для себя последствий, тем самым подобные "решительные предупреждения" серьезно девальвированы. Я боюсь, что и с этим "решительным предупреждением" может случиться так же, но когда то ведь надо и отвечать?
#LIVE: 2023 Annual Press Conference by President Vladimir Putin. Russia's Head of State holds the yearly 'Direct Line' call-in session for the Russian citizens and journalists this time combined with an annual news conference

🔗 Ruptly [Hls.js]

🔗 Kremlin. News

Sputnik has updates and notes in English.

LIVE UPDATES: Putin Holds Year-End Press Conference and Q&A Session

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The amount of building and investment in that area sends a clear message. Russia sees the probability of Ukraine threatening the area as extremely low. It's never mentioned in the press here for this reason. That's been the case for months, during and even before the Great Ukraine Counteroffensive. Another example of investing resources where it counts long term rather than in information warfare, winning is the best propaganda anyway.
By this point, Russia had already "drawn" quite a lot of "red lines", which opponents simply spat on without tangible consequences for themselves, thereby such "decisive warnings" were seriously devalued. I'm afraid that the same thing may happen with this "decisive warning", but sometimes is it necessary to respond?

"Решительно предупреждаем": Россия предупредила НАТО о последствиях, в случае использование истребителей F-16 с их территории

Россия к этому моменту " нарисовала" уже довольно много "красных линий", на которые оппоненты попросту наплевали без ощутимых для себя последствий, тем самым подобные "решительные предупреждения" серьезно девальвированы. Я боюсь, что и с этим "решительным предупреждением" может случиться так же, но когда то ведь надо и отвечать?
deploying combating planes from bases outside ukraine makes these countries direct participants and opens these for retaliation. what a nice scenario to extend the war, and what a nice opportunity for more russia bashing?? when will they ever learn? the russian exigences are clear and unambiguous. why not be reasonable for a change?? and stop this nonsense??
It was a long session, more than four hours. The questions were from all parts of the country, but including some from foreign news agencies. Dmitry Peskov was the one who selected the people from the audience, and there were also two journalists at the table Putin was sitting at, that introduced video questions, and had questions of their own. Besides, there was a big screen, were questions came in from people online. At times, Putin who was sitting with the screen to his right side, would put the next question on hold to answer one of the questions from the screen. He also once changed the order of question: Peskov announced New York Times and Chinese Xinhua as the next, but Putin suggested reversing the order to first Xinhua and then the New York Times. And really in terms of the relevance of the questions, the first was so much better than the second, which concerned two US people held in Russia for spy activity and their possible release.

At some stage Vladimir Putin battled quite a bit with cough, or a throat issue, to the extend I wondered how long this could go on, but he worked through the obstacles and was fine at the end. At times there was noise about getting to ask a questions, Putin tried to cool the audience down, sure it helped, but he had to repeat. There were 1.5 million questions that had come in! From his side, Putin would of his own accord occasionally override Peskov etc. and select people from the audience to hear their questions. I think this worked very well, helped to prevent people from screaming for the attention, created a friendly atmosphere and made sure rhat also the more remote locations were given a voice, even if they were not the loudest.

There were some questions about the war in Ukraine, and also about Gaza. The notes from Sputnik:
Putin Comparing Situation in Ukraine and Gaza Strip: There is Nothing Like That in Special Military Op Zone
Russian President Vladimir Putin, comparing the current situation in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip, said that there is nothing like that in the special military operation zone.

"What is happening [in the Gaza Strip] is of course a disaster. We have just talked about the situation related to the Ukrainian crisis, but you and everyone present here and around the world can see: look at the special military operation and what is happening in the Gaza Strip, and feel the difference. There is nothing like this in Ukraine," Putin said during the joint "Direct Line" Q&A session and annual press conference.
Here is section from X, though not translated. Those may come later:
In a few hours, there will be articles with summaries on RT etc, though the above Sputnik page already has a nice selection, at least as far as foreign affairs are concerned.
Putin Says Europe Largely Lost Sovereignty, Takes Many Decisions Detrimental for It
The leadership of European states have largely lost sovereignty and are taking decisions detrimental to themselves, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.
"You see, the thing is... that to a large extent they have lost their sovereignty. We can see it now. They take many decisions to their own detriment... nevertheless, they do it," Putin said during the joint "Direct Line" Q&A session and annual press conference.
Some are made into short articles like the following:
Nord Stream Pipelines Were Likely Blown Up by US - Putin
"The fact that Europe is not getting enough [gas] is its problem. Strangely enough, they tried to blame us for not selling something. This is complete nonsense, because we did not close the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline in Poland, we did not close the second line of the gas pipeline through the territory of Ukraine, Ukraine did it. We did not blow up Nord Stream 1 and partially Nord Stream 2. Most likely, the US did it, or someone did it at their suggestion," Putin said during the joint "Direct Line" Q&A session and annual press conference.
Some numbers from Putin:

Russian forces have destroyed 747 Ukrainian tanks and nearly 2,300 armored vehicles of various types since Kiev launched its counteroffensive in June, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during his combined Direct Line Q&A session and year-end press conference.

"Since the start of the so-called counteroffensive, we have destroyed 747 tanks - this is data from last night - and almost 2,300 armored vehicles. This is what demilitarization is all about," Putin pointed out.

He clarified that Western countries had sent about 400 tanks to Ukraine. According to the Russian president, "the Westerners" provided Kiev with as many tanks as they had promised. The head of state also noted that certain parameters for demilitarization had been agreed on during the talks in Istanbul in early 2022 between Moscow and Kiev, but that the agreements reached then had later been "flushed down the drain."

Actually, I think that the above numbers are not right. I think that those numbers are for the entire SMO. These are the numbers for the counteroffensive:

"They have lost over 160 tanks and more than 360 armored vehicles of various types over this time [the period of the counteroffensive]," Putin said.

As for equipment losses, the Russian leader said that "they [the Ukrainian military] have lost over 160 tanks while we have lost 54 tanks and some of them can be repaired," the head of state said.

By this point, Russia had already "drawn" quite a lot of "red lines", which opponents simply spat on without tangible consequences for themselves, thereby such "decisive warnings" were seriously devalued. I'm afraid that the same thing may happen with this "decisive warning", but sometimes is it necessary to respond?

"Решительно предупреждаем": Россия предупредила НАТО о последствиях, в случае использование истребителей F-16 с их территории

Россия к этому моменту " нарисовала" уже довольно много "красных линий", на которые оппоненты попросту наплевали без ощутимых для себя последствий, тем самым подобные "решительные предупреждения" серьезно девальвированы. Я боюсь, что и с этим "решительным предупреждением" может случиться так же, но когда то ведь надо и отвечать?
I understand your frustration with Russiaa 'red lines', and I think Russia has a difficult path. It appears to me that NATO/USA desperately wants a war to cover its failing economic and political situation, and is looking for any pretext to blame the 'evil" Russians and expand the current Ukraine conflict. The Wests goal is not military victory so much as the excuse to institute total control (eg. CBDC, Internet lockdown, etc.). Russia understandably does not want to widen the conflict but it has to say something, for both international and domestic purposes, even though it knows its options are limited.It may respond in ways that we can not perceive as relevant, such as an action connected to BRICS.
Note: I posted most of the following in a post in the Events in Russia, but since I already posted some before in this thread, here are many of the points made:

Results of the Year with Vladimir Putin
In a few hours, there will be articles with summaries on RT etc, though the above Sputnik page already has a nice selection, at least as far as foreign affairs are concerned.
The Kremlin website has posted a video, with English dubbing, and a partial transcription, with more in progress, allegedly:
Results of the Year with Vladimir Putin
The Russian page has a full transcript:
Here are some links from RT.
Putin to answer the nation’s questions at marathon event on Thursday
Putin speaks: the Russian president’s most important annual event This has a list of points with time entries.
Russian economy, sanctions & Ukraine conflict: Key takeaways from Putin’s marathon press conference RECAP
Below are individual articles that have been posted so far.
And to complement the above selection, there was from Sputnik: LIVE UPDATES: Putin Holds Year-End Press Conference and Q&A Session. It appears as if it is a string of Telegram entries. There are also separate articles like: Putin: There Will be Peace When Russia Achieves Military Op's Goals related to this point in the live updates:
Putin: Existence of Russia Without Sovereignty is Impossible
The existence of Russia without sovereignty is impossible, Russian President Vladimir Putin said. The main thing is strengthening sovereignty — strengthening the country’s defense capability and external security, as well as strengthening the public sovereignty, meaning the unconditional provision of the rights of freedom of the country's citizens, Putin said .t.me/geopolitics_live/11494

"For a country like Russia, the existence, simply the existence of our country, without sovereignty is impossible," Putin said.

"And finally, this is ensuring security and sovereignty in the economic sphere, technological sovereignty," he added.
From Tass there was:
14 DEC, 13:28
Putin calls conflict with Ukraine similar to civil war between brothers
The Russian leader emphasized that Ukraine's constitution "did not provide for any third round"
MOSCOW, December 14. /TASS/. The conflict in Ukraine is a tragedy, akin to a civil war between brothers, President Vladimir Putin said at the combined Direct Line Q&A and year-end press conference.

"What is happening now [in Ukraine] is a huge tragedy, a kind of civil war," he said.

Putin highlighted that it should not be forgotten how the conflict in Ukraine had started. "Well, let’s take three or four minutes here. It started with the coup in Ukraine in 2014," he began. "Before that, we had been doing our best for decades, decades to establish normal relations with Ukraine, I want to emphasize this. Even after what was in fact a coup, [former Ukrainian President] Viktor Yanukovych was not allowed to take office. He won the election, but they announced a third round. What is this but a coup?" the president asked.

Putin emphasized that Ukraine's constitution "did not provide for any third round." "This is such a slithery coup. Well we, okay, <...> we accepted it too. So what happened next? He won the next election after all. What did our so-called opponents decide to do? A state coup," he said.
Every agency offers their own selection among the many points made.
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Suicide bomber deputy Sergei Batrin dentate several grenades during a meeting at the village council (in the city of Transcarpatia).
On December 15, a shocking incident took place in the village of Krynki in the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine. A local deputy launched several grenades during a meeting of the village council.

The grenades were detonated by deputy Sergei Batrin from the Zelensky’s Servant of the People party. According to preliminary reports, he was killed and 26 others were wounded.

According to local reports, the deputies disputed over the budget for 2024. Sergey Batrin argued with other participants of the meeting over the budget for next year. At some point, he left the room and came back with grenades.

This is the result of uncontrolled access of the civilian population to various types of weapons. Today, grenades can be easily bought on the black market in Ukraine for about five dollars. Some Ukrainian officials like to give them for birthdays. LINK

#EU#RUSSIA 15.12.2023
Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher
The Spanish proposal to give Kiev the benefits of Russian assets frozen in the EU generates confusion about their amount and creates doubt about its legality and presumed risks to financial stability. In addition, the EU will ruin its image as a destination for foreign assets if it continues this pursuit to finance Kiev with Russian assets.

At the end of October, Ursula von der Leyen said that the European Commission is still working on a proposal to seize the profits derived from Russian state assets frozen in the EU and transfer them to Ukraine for its post-war reconstruction. According to her, the value of frozen Russian sovereign assets amounts to €211 billion, whilst according to estimates by authorities in Belgium, the country where most of them are deposited, the Russian assets frozen there could yield around €3 billion in annual benefits.

Spain, the country that assumes the rotating presidency of the EU for this semester, has continued to advance Leyen’s plan. Madrid estimates that the benefits of Russian Central Bank reserves frozen in EU countries could generate between €15 billion and €17 billion for Kiev by 2027.

However, the idea generated great scepticism in some member states, such as France and Germany. The timeliness of the push is doubted, and there is a risk to the commitment to help Ukraine. The European Central Bank also fears that the initiative could affect the stability and reputation of the euro.

According to diplomatic sources from Politico magazine, the reluctance of several countries regarding the Spanish proposal lies in the conviction that it may take years before the money reaches Kiev. The calculation applied by Spain to conclude the amount of benefits has also generated confusion.

The idea of reinvesting tied-up Russian assets and using the profits to support Ukraine is not new and was first proposed by the European Commission in late November 2022. The Commission estimated then that rebuilding Ukraine would require at least €600 billion, but the cost has likely skyrocketed since then.

Under international law, state assets enjoy immunity from execution. Regardless of the changes that are introduced in legislation, the EU cannot confiscate these reserves, which are distributed throughout the bloc and other G7 countries. In fact, the European Commission considers them immobilised since the ECB cannot use them.

Russian entities, for instance, could claim that they are entitled to some of the profits generated from the investment of the frozen assets and challenge the decision in both the General Court of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights, Francis Bond, a leading practitioner on international financial sanctions matters from the Macfarlanes law firm told Euronews.

In addition, Russia will have the right to go to the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, which is the arbitration court of the World Bank, where these types of disputes are settled. This would not bode well for Spain, which has a long history of losing these types of cases.

The European Commission intends to provide Kiev with €17 billion in subsidies and another €33 billion in low-interest loans until 2027 to avoid Ukraine’s bankruptcy. Amid the EU’s economic recession, the confiscation and sale of frozen Russian assets emerges as a possible way to raise funds for Ukraine at a time when they are scarce for community policies.

But given the complication, Spain’s proposal has been received with astonishment by several foreign ministries, where, according to Politico, they also doubt that Madrid understands the thinking of the rest of the EU. Whether Madrid’s real objective is to divert extra contributions from the Ukraine crisis towards other budgetary areas, such as migration and EU competitiveness, is questioned.

A source in Brussels assumes that the Spanish government would be willing to use the funds promised to Ukraine for other expenses, such as migration. In any case, the content of the proposals will only be discussed in depth on December 14 and 15 during the EU leaders’ summit.

Most of Russia’s frozen foreign exchange reserves are in the EU, specifically at Euroclear, a financial security clearing and settlement house based in Brussels that acts as a depository. It is estimated that it holds around €180 billion in Russian securities. Luxembourg also hosts another clearinghouse with frozen Russian assets, Clearstream. But both Belgium and Luxembourg want guarantees that they will not be forced to assume all the legal and financial risks of an unprecedented measure.

Russian assets frozen under EU sanctions are divided into private assets and public assets. The private assets owned by individuals and companies are worth around €18.9 billion, including yachts, boats, helicopters, real estate, paintings, and other works of art. Of the 35 assets located in Spain, only 11 are listed in the name of people sanctioned by the EU. On the other side are public assets owned by state entities, specifically the €211 billion of international reserves owned by the Central Bank of Russia.

When they reach maturity, intermediaries reinvest them and generate a profit. But they can also generate losses. And, as Francis Bond explains, if the investments lose money, the European Commission would have to guarantee the Russian assets with public money or risk an avalanche of legal action from the asset owners. Given these conditions, attempts to redirect Russian assets and profits to Kiev is nothing more than a pipedream that will not eventuate unless the entire European Union wants to ruin its reputation and trustworthiness across the world.

Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 16-33-01 𝓐𝓵𝓫𝓮𝓻𝓽 𝓢𝓪𝓶 on X ⚡️⚡️Ukraine does not have much time left EU ...png
Fight Over Ukraine Aid Drags On After Door to EU Membership Cracks Open
Hungary’s opposition to the $54 billion aid package for Kyiv means talks will continue next month.
Updated Dec. 15, 2023 6:42 am ET

Volodymyr Zelenskyy shares the body count in his desperate and pathetic act for financial support.

Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 16-52-55 TASS Military operation in Ukraine.png


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