Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

US Increases Imports of Russian Oil by 43% In the Last Week

If I understand correctly the USA increased its supply of Russian gas while not allowing Europe to do the same. Is it for the USA to resale the Russian gas to Europe twice as expensive?

RT ran a short report on Mar. 30 about this, though it mentioned nothing about the US blocking Europe's access. Apparently the US is going to be importing oil products from Russia until Apr. 22.

US ramps up imports of ‘banned’ Russian oil

Purchases have risen to 100,000 barrels a day, data shows

30 Mar, 2022 17:22

The volume of Russian oil imports by the United States has increased by 43% from March 19 to 25 compared to the previous week, according to a new report by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). Data showed the US imported up to 100,000 barrels of Russian crude per day.

Imports had been suspended during the week of February 19 to February 25. However, in early March, the weekly supply of Russian oil reached its maximum value in 2022, amounting to 148,000 barrels per day.

The ramp up comes despite US President Joe Biden’s signing of an executive order on March 8, banning energy imports from Russia and new investment in the Russian energy sector. The US Treasury has set a deadline for the completion of transactions for the import of oil, oil products, LNG, and coal from Russia into the country until April 22.

In 2021, Russian oil supplies to the United States more than doubled compared to 2020, reaching 72.608 million barrels. That is 3.3% of the US’ total imports. Russia has also provided 20% of the total supply of petroleum products to the United States.
:lol: LoL

Germany steals the tail end of the Russian gas pipeline, believing that will secure the supply coming from the other end.

Hungary elections results April 3, 2022:

This was a paper-ballot voting. Computers are only used to count the ballots and send the numbers to the regional centers.

Population: 9,689,000
Registered voters: 8,215,304
65,480 voted from abroad.

I voted in the morning at ~7:00am, on Sunday. Four NO's to the questions in bold below and two yes's for the Russia-friendly Orban gang.

Orban's Russia-friendly FIDESZ party won by landslide securing the most seats in parliament:
Its easy to recognize them in the pic below, as Orban's gang was the result of CIA Orange Revolution 33 years ago. How times have changed since then..
(Highlighted the Neo-Nazis = Jobbik with red and the appropriate flag (Their name directly translates to "right[er]" - which is a wordplay on - "better"))

This event was combined with a repeated former national survey about the Satanic LGBTQ+ Agenda pushed by the Soros-WEF-EurocRat Cabal:

Q#1: Do you support the teaching of sexual orientation to minors in public education institutions without parental consent?
: 272,411 (7,60%) {WTH?!}
NO: 3,312,326 ==> 92,40%

Q#2: Do you support the promotion of sex reassignment therapy to underage children?
Yes: 144,471 (4,06%)
NO: 3,411,393 ==> 95,94%

Q#3: Do you support the unrestricted exposure of underage
children to sexually explicit media content that may affect their development?
Yes: 164,229 (4,63%)
{Who are these people?!}
NO: 3,383,620 ==> 95,37%

Q#4: Do you support the showing of sex-change media content to minors?
Yes: 169,407 (4,78%)

NO: 3,376,261 ==> 95,22%
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Less than 48 hrs. and they are coming for Orban full force.

The EU Commission has announced Tuesday it will launch the so-called rule of law mechanism against Hungary, which links EU funds to whether or not democracy is being upheld. Newly re-elected Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban hailed the "great victory" in Sunday's general election for he and his Fidesz party. Orban had said: "We have won a great victory - a victory so great you can perhaps see it from the moon and certainly from Brussels".


US Increases Imports of Russian Oil by 43% In the Last Week

If I understand correctly the USA increased its supply of Russian gas while not allowing Europe to do the same. Is it for the USA to resale the Russian gas to Europe twice as expensive?
Well, Biden just dipped massively into our “strategic oil reserves”, ostensibly due to Putin, but more importantly to cover his own ass. Kinda like the time Gerald Ford fell down the stairs of Air Force one and inadvertently pardoned Richard Nixon. Nobody rides for free.😁
As part of the Bucha massacre narrative, the NYT published an article claiming that the bodies on the street appearead on a satellite picture two weeks earlier, so that the murders would have taken place when the Russians were there. 'They' like this as a favourite argument, apparently, because every time I point out on social media that the major of the town didn't mention any killings after the Russians left, or that there are other videos of the town, again with no mention of bodies, somebody comes along and says 'but the satellite pictures!'. My guess is that those pictures are either doctored or the date is simply wrong. The bodies on the ground don't look like they've been under the weather for 2 weeks, and I find it really hard to belive that in such a small town (looked it up) people didn't know about 80+ bodies lying on the street, and nobody picked them up or moved them, even if just to a sidewalk. Not the families, not the neighbours, not the authorities nor the Russians. They just left them there to get in the way of traffic and make a stench.

Anyway, Gonzalo Lira posted an analysis (not his) of the picture on his telegram channel that supposedly shows that the picture was taken on April 1st - not March 19 as it is claimed. For your consideration:

As part of the Bucha massacre narrative, the NYT published an article claiming that the bodies on the street appearead on a satellite picture two weeks earlier, so that the murders would have taken place when the Russians were there. 'They' like this as a favourite argument, apparently, because every time I point out on social media that the major of the town didn't mention any killings after the Russians left, or that there are other videos of the town, again with no mention of bodies, somebody comes along and says 'but the satellite pictures!'. My guess is that those pictures are either doctored or the date is simply wrong. The bodies on the ground don't look like they've been under the weather for 2 weeks, and I find it really hard to belive that in such a small town (looked it up) people didn't know about 80+ bodies lying on the street, and nobody picked them up or moved them, even if just to a sidewalk. Not the families, not the neighbours, not the authorities nor the Russians. They just left them there to get in the way of traffic and make a stench.

Anyway, Gonzalo Lira posted an analysis (not his) of the picture on his telegram channel that supposedly shows that the picture was taken on April 1st - not March 19 as it is claimed. For your consideration:

It will be interesting to see if that analysis can be verified. It would suggest that (most? all?) of these civilians were killed by shelling - not execution style. That would make their deaths no different than countless others in cities and towns where civilians get caught in the crossfire or are deliberately targeted by the crazies.

Then again, that would also be the case if the satellite photos are legitimately dated, and the shelling occurred weeks beforehand. As for why no one mentioned them, probably for the same reason they didn't mention the "mass grave" when the city was liberated: it was 'old news.' The local medical authorities buried those bodies weeks ago, and filmed it - they were people who died during the fighting in the city, not the result of some deliberate Russian massacre of civilians.

Whether they were killed weeks ago, or right after the Russians left, it seems obvious that the Ukrainian propaganda department decided that a new narrative could be written for these bodies (just like they did for the 'discovery' of the mass grave). Only then did they become significant enough to mention. All they needed to do was tie the hands of some of them, to make it seem as if they had been executed (or add a few bodies to the mix of people they HAD executed).
This commentary on Bucha mentions a few things about the bodies and their state of decay as well as the lack of carrion birds, dogs and rats. The point is also made that nobody in the videos seem to be affected by the smell of rotting corpses (including the mayor). And where the heck are the other residents? Did the city of 35,000 people just all leave? Nobody saw where these bodies came from? In so many other cities, residents are burying their dead in makeshift graves and these ones are allowed to be left out for weeks?

MSM's Bucha Tall Tale

Apr. 5, 2022, 6 hours ago (Updated: 5 hours ago)

This handout satellite image released by Maxar Technologies on April 4, 2022 shows a view of Yablonska Street in Bucha, Ukraine, on March 19, 2022. - - Sputnik International, 1920, 05.04.2022

© AFP 2022 / -

"The Bucha Massacre" has now become the driving force for the propaganda push for even more NATO involvement in the conflict in Ukraine.

Yet the claim that this is a Russian war crime is so patently false that a rational observer can only be left astounded by the combination of bare-faced nerve and slapdash incompetence displayed by the media outlets and politicians pushing this disgusting smear.

The latest effort of the Western media to deny Russian rebuttals is the claim that satellite photos show the bodies were there for weeks. Far from 'proving' the case against Russian troops, however, this new assertion in fact raises yet more questions which undermine the Western story.

The satellite photos certainly appear to show bodies, but they also show no sign at all of the burnt out cars which are such a prominent feature of the ground photos and videos. Are we supposed to believe that these vehicles were carefully driven in and positioned between the corpses after the shooting spree?

A similar suspension of belief is required when considering the dates involved. The 'Bucha Massacre' entry in Wiki (accessed 09.25 on 5th April 2022) reads as follows:

'On 4 April, satellite images were provided to The New York Times by Maxar Technologies. The Times compared images to video evidence and concluded: "many of the civilians were killed more than three weeks ago, when Russia’s military was in control of the town." The images of Yablonska Street show at least 11 "dark objects of similar size to a human body" appearing between 9 March and 11 March”.’

Wiki also tells us that Ukrainian troops re-entered Bucha on April 1st, following the redeployment of the Russian force to south eastern Ukraine.

Maxar Technologies, as a major contractor for NASA, is of course an integral part of the NATO military-industrial complex. As such its assertions with regards to the conduct of the conflict in Ukraine have to be regarded with caution. That said, Maxar’s dates of 9th– 11th March seem to be causing some concern in mainstream media outlets promoting the Russian massacre claim.

The Maxar dates should indeed raise eyebrows. The idea that bodies could lie in the open air for three whole weeks without undergoing massive decay is only remotely credible because the average Westerner thinks that Ukraine is in some kind of winter weather deep-freeze in late March.

Yet a look at the weather data for Kiev for March 2022 reveals that there has not been one single day in the city (of which Bucha is a suburb) with temperatures below freezing since March 11th. The average daily temperature in the last few days of the month was 6 degrees centigrade – the same as the English city of Leeds. That average in turn of course includes highs in the spring sunshine. The weather graph for Kiev for the last week in March shows the situation very clearly, with temperatures up to 15 and 17 degrees:

March weather in Kiev - Sputnik International, 1920, 05.04.2022

March weather in Kiev
© Photo

Anyone who has walked past an animal killed and left on the road for a few days under such conditions will be able to imagine the appalling stench which would come from so many human bodies left in the spring sunshine for three weeks, yet not one of the Ukrainian soldiers or police shown examine the bodies can be seen wearing a mask, making any expression of revulsion or mentioning the smell.

As more graphic images have emerged of the victims, the evident freshness of the corpses seems to have prompted a revision of the dates of the alleged ‘Russian massacre’. By 5th April, for example, the UK Daily Mail’s lead story was claiming that the satellite photos showing the bodies on the road were taken on 19th March. No explanation was given for the ten-day change.

But even accepting the revised time-line, there is still the problem that none of the bodies shown in videos or photos has any sign of decay or damage from carrion-eaters. In order to believe the accounts and videos put out by Kiev and the Western media, it is also necessary to believe that Ukraine has no stray dogs, no rats and not one single crow or other carnivorous bird.

Look again at the video footage of the Ukrainian troops driving along the corpse-lined road. Do you see any carrion-eating birds flying up from any of the bodies?

For that matter, why were some of the bodies not crushed by the Russian tanks which withdrew from and through the town? Do you really believe that soldiers brutal enough to slaughter dozens of defenceless civilians would then be considerate enough to slow down their withdrawal from the area by carefully weaving their heavy armour around each corpse?

Returning to the weather, there was of course rain during the three weeks the bodies are supposed to have laid (not) rotting in the road. Looking at the cardboard of the green boxes of the food aid packages lying near some of the (clearly fresh) corpses, it is clear that they have not been subjected to bad weather. The presence of those packages is also, of course, another important pointer as to the truth in this matter – for they are Russian.

Screenshot - Sputnik International, 1920, 05.04.2022

© Photo : Twitter

Thus, in order to believe the Western propaganda narrative, we must swallow yet another ridiculous tall tale: The ‘analysts’ have spent the last month repeatedly telling us that the Russian army cannot even supply its own troops with fuel or food; but now they would have us believe that the Russians went to all the trouble of taking vast quantities of emergency food parcels to the occupied suburbs of Kiev, handed them out to civilians – and then promptly shot them.

Food parcels - Sputnik International, 1920, 05.04.2022

Food parcels
© Photo

On top of all this, there are four key facts which have already received considerable attention on Telegram (the last uncensored social media platform of any size in the West), though which have predictably enough been routinely ignored by the warmongering mainstream media.

The first of these is the video of the Mayor of Bucha speaking about how the Russian troops have left and that a ‘clean-up’ is now underway. As a non-Russian speaker I cannot judge for myself, but the comments by Russian-speakers accompanying this video on Telegram say that he does not mention the bodies of civilians.

The second fact, closely related to this, is the video which shows a detachment of the paramilitary Ukrainian National Police clearing the roads of burnt out and abandoned vehicles. Again, there is no sign of the bodies which appeared on the streets the following day.

Third, and perhaps most devastating of all, are the white armbands on a number of the bodies. These are clearly shown in the main video of Ukrainian troops driving along the corpse-strewn road, and they are also visible on several of the bodies of victims of torture and murder in cellars in Bucha.

The fact that Ukrainian forces wear blue armbands, while Russian troops wear white ones, is universally accepted. A number of videos from various parts of the conflict zone also show civilians wearing white armbands, as a sign either of sympathy with the Russians or at least neutrality.

Thus the appearance of white armbands on the victims of 'the Bucha Massacre' is overwhelming evidence that the victims were ethnic Russians. They were murdered not by Russian troops - who were of course sent in with a key aim of stopping the persecution of Russian-speakers by racist neo-Nazis – but by Ukrainians.

This should come as no surprise, for the whole history of Ukrainian nationalism is based on the mass murder of ‘unclean’ and ‘sub-human’ civilians from other ethnic groups, most notably the Poles of Wolyn and Eastern Galicia, Jews, Hungarians, Romanians and, of course, Russians.

Finally, we come to the video clip from the streets of Bucha, which was posted and then removed from the social media account of the known Ukrainian neo-Nazi ‘Botman’: “There are guys without blue armbands. Can we shoot them?” “F**k, yeah!”

The truth of the massacre is so clear that we can see why Western leaders such as Boris Johnson are so adamant that there should not be a proper international investigation into the crime.

Instead, they are using the most blatant fake news to justify imposing another round of sanctions pain on their own people, and to excuse the sending of billions of pounds, dollars and euros worth of high-tech weapons in order to prolong the war. One has to wonder about the scale of the kick-backs these real war criminals are getting from their military-industrial complex cronies!
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A very small perspective adjustment for Olodymyr Elensky from Sputniknews:

A Look at the United States’ ‘Most Terrible War Crimes’ Since World War 2

Apr. 5, 2022

Speaking before the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed Russia was responsible for “the most terrible war crimes in the world” since World War II amid its ongoing special operation in Ukraine, and demanded Russia’s expulsion from UN bodies.

Zelensky was specifically referring to film footage shown to the council of dozens of dead bodies in Bucha, a suburb of Kiev, which the Ukrainian government has claimed were executed by Russian forces before they withdrew from the city last week.

The Russian Defense Ministry has dismissed the claims as a provocation, noting that Ukrainian artillery had previously bombarded the town and that Ukrainian police conducted an operation in Bucha to "clear the area of saboteurs and accomplices of Russian troops" prior to news emerging of the alleged massacre, both of which could also be responsible for the deaths.

Regardless, the claim that the Bucha incident represents the worst war crime since the total war that ended in 1945 is clear hyperbole, especially considering the incessant war-making of Ukraine’s patron, the United States.

To help jog the memory of the Ukrainian president, we have compiled a few examples of US war crimes since 1945 that have not been investigated as crimes.

No Gun Ri Massacre, July 1950​

Early in the Korean War, US soldiers from the 7th Cavalry Regiment attacked a large group of South Korean refugees at a railroad bridge near the village of No Gun Ri. According to the No Gun Ri Peace Foundation, between 250 and 300 people were killed, mostly women and children.

The massacre was covered up until 1999, when an Associated Press report revealed it to the world, citing US and North Korean documentation of the killings that showed US troops had orders to fire on all refugees, as they believed North Korean infiltrators might be among them.

The group massacred at No Gun Ri were by no means the only ones killed by US troops, either, as accusations of more than 200 separate incidents emerged when an investigative committee was launched in South Korea in 2008.

The US investigation led to then-US President Bill Clinton issuing a statement of regret, but Washington rejected an outright apology or the possibility of compensation for the survivors. South Korean investigators called the US probe a “whitewash.”

Operation Speedy Express, December 1968 - May 1969​

The US Army’s 9th Infantry Division was responsible for “pacifying” a large part of the Mekong River Delta in order to reduce Vietnamese National Liberation Front operations near the South Vietnamese capital of Saigon (today Ho Chi Minh City).

During the six-month operation, the US troops carried out indiscriminate massacres of Vietnamese villages, using air assaults and nighttime riverine attacks to kill as many people as possible. Commanders in the field were reportedly given orders not to return until killing an acceptable number of people, and so-called “free-fire zones” resulted in massive civilian deaths.

An internal probe by the US Army Inspector General found the operation created between 5,000 and 7,000 civilian casualties, and that another 10,899 fighters had been killed. However, the distinction between fighters and civilians was often inflated in the fighters’ favor during the Vietnam War, in order to make US commanders look more effective.

Highway of Death, February 1991​

In the final days of Operation Desert Storm, US aircraft annihilated as many as 2,000 vehicles on Highway 80, which runs north out of Kuwait City toward Basra, Iraq. A mix of civilians fleeing the war and Iraqi military units withdrawing from military operations were bombed during two days of airstrikes from February 25 to 27. As the fleeing soldiers were outside of combat, they were not legitimate military targets, according to former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark.

Estimates of the deaths vary wildly, from 200 to more than 1,000. In addition, American eyewitnesses reported that a US armored unit had opened fire on a group of 350 disarmed Iraqi soldiers who had surrendered after fleeing the carnage, killing an unknown number of them.

Bombing of Albanian Refugees at Koriša, May 1999​

On May 14, 1999, US aircraft bombed a group of several hundred Albanian refugees near Koriša, Kosovo, who had been hiding in the hills for weeks. According to Yugoslav authorities, 87 refugees were killed in the strike. The US claimed they were being used as human shields by the Yugoslavs, but provided no evidence to back up its claim.

Second Battle of Fallujah, November 2004​

The US Marine Corps, in conjunction with Special Operations forces, US air forces, and the British “Black Watch” battalion, launched a massive assault on the Iraqi city of Fallujah in November 2004 that destroyed almost the entire city. The stated objective was to weaken the Iraqi insurgency against the US-UK occupation, but the heavy use of artillery, airstrikes, and chemical weapons such as white phosphorus and incendiary bombs, and depleted uranium, resulted in massive civilian deaths.

The Red Cross estimated that 800 civilians were killed in the battle, while Iraqi NGOs and medical workers estimated between 4,000 and 6,000 people were killed, mostly civilians, which the Guardian noted was a higher death rate than the British cities of Coventry and London faced during The Blitz bombing campaign by Germany in 1940.

Bombing of Kunduz Hospital, October 2015​

On October 3, 2015, a US Air Force AC-130U gunship circled the Kunduz Trauma Center in the northern Afghan city of Kunduz, bombarding it with artillery and machine-gun fire for 30 minutes. The hospital was operated by Medecins Sans Frontieres, who denied US claims that Taliban fighters were hiding in the facility. Forty-two people were killed in the assault and another 33 went missing, including both MSF staff and patients.

The Pentagon initially tried to cover up the strike, claiming there might have been some incidental collateral damage due to nearby fighting. However, after it emerged that the strike had been directly ordered by US commanders, then-US President Barack Obama apologized for the strike and paid the families of victims $6,000 each. MSF accused the US of admitting to a war crime by attempting to justify the attack by claiming Taliban fighters were inside.

Bombing of al-Aghawat al-Jadidah, March 2017​

It’s estimated that 40,000 civilians were killed during the nine-month siege of Mosul, Iraq, by Iraqi forces and the US-led anti-Daesh coalition, in large part due to the unrelenting artillery bombardment of the city. However, one particular incident stands out: a US airstrike on March 17, 2017, in the al-Aghawat al-Jadidah neighborhood in western Mosul.

The US admitted a week after the attack that it had targeted “the location corresponding to allegations of civilian casualties.” Amnesty International reported that as many as 150 civilians were killed in the attack after having been told not to flee the city by US officials, although Iraqi reports say more than 300 were killed.

Siege of Raqqa, June - October 2017​

As the battle for Mosul was drawing to a close, the siege of Daesh’s de facto capital of Raqqa, Syria, began. US Marine Corps artillery pounded the city nonstop, firing 35,000 rounds in five months - more than were used in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Twice during the bombardment, US M777 155 mm howitzers burned through their cannon barrels - an extremely rare feat, notes the Marine Corps Times.

At the same time, US air forces dropped some 20,000 munitions across Iraq and Syria, most of which also fell on Raqqa. Investigations by Amnesty International and Airwars found that the total number of civilians killed in Raqqa was more than 1,600.
Watching this war in Ukraine day by day and reviewing history of previous wars around the world plus recognizing the atrocities that have been done by the US and their "allies" caused me to remember some comments made in an early session by the Cs. It is not easy for me to enjoy the show without taking a step back. I am waiting to see how this will be resolved I suppose.

Session 7 November 1994:
Q: (L) In a general sense, is there some negative karma involved in committing suicide?

A: There can be negative karma involved with many things.

Q: (L) What about the death penalty?

A: Specify.

Q: (L) Is putting a criminal to death the equivalent of reducing society to the level of the criminal?

A: You are all put to death.

Q: (L) What do you mean?

A: In one way or another.

Q: (L) Well, is there any negative karma on society, the judge, the jury, the executioner, if a criminal is brought to trial, found guilty of a heinous crime and then put to death?

A: What about war? What is better? This is open because all are murderers and suicides. It is the supreme lesson you all must learn before you can graduate to ethereal existence. Your thinking is too simplified.

Q: (L) Is there ever a situation where execution helps relieve the criminal of some of his karma that may be caused by the commission of the crime for which he is being executed?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is it better to take a criminal, such as Dahmer, and have all of society support and take care of him?

A: These are all past issues. Will be resolved soon.
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