Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Will this war soon spread to other countries?

Some weeks ago the Russians warned Finland and Sweden.

Putin wasn't bluffing. The Finns are finished.

Thereby, a ground invasion of Finland will not even be necessary. Protect the land borders, use caliber missiles to hit military targets anywhere in the country and put their air force out of action, deploy hypersonic missiles to take their entire naval fleet to the bottom. (All on day one)

Keep repeating this until they come to their senses. If the Finns want to put an end to this they will have to launch a risky ground invasion into Russian territory. And the defender side has a very strong advantage here.

Same with so-called ''Neutral Sweden''.

Hopefully, common sense will prevail.
I have tried to find out what happened around the time of the above date, March 31, when the Russian army withdrew from northern Kiev. It is below a spoiler, since it is more for the record.
Yesterday I came to March 31 at 10:45 in the record of Bucha Live.
But before continuing, there is the question of the weather. A Russian site, World weather is helpful. Below are screenshots of the weather in March as a whole. Notice the high spring temperatures in late March with only Sunday 27 feeling like a fridge. This means that bodies would not keep well.
World-weather-ru Kiev March 2022.jpg
Weather Kiev March 29.jpg
The past post about Bucha notes there is a reference to a video that shows the weather is good on March 29.
Most of the notes in the first post referred to March 30, there was one video where they removed bodies from a building in Irpen, this would correspond to the afternoon below. In the evening there was the image at 17:42 which showed a little water on the side.
Weather Kiev March 30.jpg
On March 31 it is said it was raining more (three drops and not one as the day before), this is more like the pictures, that show it had been raining. Later it will be seen that it was raining both night and morning of April 1. So this might indicate when the videos were done.
Weather Kiev March 31.jpg

11:05 It either is raining or has been raining very recently. It is more like what the weather was the day before, when they carried the bodies from the house.

11:39 The weather on the pictures is dry and sunny, since it was raining on March 31 in the morning it is unclear what to make of these in terms of location and time.
Bucha March 31 11-39.jpg
Sweeps in Irpen continue.
13:50 The weather on the pictures is the same as at 11:39, but the shadows are comparatively shorter.
Bucha March 31 13-50.jpg

Bucha. Empty streets, still the same field kitchen.

We believe that soon we will be able to return to our native streets and live a normal life again.
On April 1 it was wet in the night and in the morning (two drops, compared to the three the morning before.)
Weather Kiev April 1.jpg

In one video, I found examples of what it might look like if people had been killed as a result of war.
The people below were dead from the battles in Irpen the night before, or so it was presented in Bucha Live 11:10 from March 30.
Irpin March 30 from Bucha Live 11-10 img1.jpg
Irpin March 30 from Bucha Live 11-10 img2.jpg
It is sickening to go through the records of what happened. But considering that so many tales are spun around this event, and that so many more people will die as a result, it may be worthwhile to take different approaches to find out what happened, even if so many articles are already available.
Yesterday I came to March 31 at 10:45 in the record of Bucha Live.
But before continuing, there is the question of the weather. A Russian site, World weather is helpful. Below are screenshots of the weather in March as a whole. Notice the high spring temperatures in late March with only Sunday 27 feeling like a fridge. This means that bodies would not keep well.
View attachment 57530
View attachment 57534
The past post about Bucha notes there is a reference to a video that shows the weather is good on March 29.
Most of the notes in the first post referred to March 30, there was one video where they removed bodies from a building in Irpen, this would correspond to the afternoon below. In the evening there was the image at 17:42 which showed a little water on the side.
View attachment 57533
On March 31 it is said it was raining more (three drops and not one as the day before), this is more like the pictures, that show it had been raining. Later it will be seen that it was raining both night and morning of April 1. So this might indicate when the videos were done.
View attachment 57532

11:05 It either is raining or has been raining very recently. It is more like what the weather was the day before, when they carried the bodies from the house.

11:39 The weather on the pictures is dry and sunny, since it was raining on March 31 in the morning it is unclear what to make of these in terms of location and time.

13:50 The weather on the pictures is the same as at 11:39, but the shadows are comparatively shorter.

On April 1 it was wet in the night and in the morning (two drops, compared to the three the morning before.)
View attachment 57531

In one video, I found examples of what it might look like if people had been killed as a result of war.
The people below were dead from the battles in Irpen the night before, or so it was presented in Bucha Live 11:10 from March 30.
View attachment 57536
View attachment 57537
It is sickening to go through the records of what happened. But considering that so many tales are spun around this event, and that so many more people will die as a result, it may be worthwhile to take different approaches to find out what happened, even if so many articles are already available.
From the satellite data pov, although there are cloud removal algorithms in satellite data processing, these work only for low cloud coverage (< 5-10%) and much lower spatial resolution imagery than what military ops require (< 0.5 m-1.0 m). So, go figure. RT ran today a short commentary about a 3rd party, the one and only private contractor company, that provides processed imagery for the dod. Sorry, I cannot remember the name of the contractor.
From the satellite data pov, although there are cloud removal algorithms in satellite data processing, these work only for low cloud coverage (< 5-10%) and much lower spatial resolution imagery than what military ops require (< 0.5 m-1.0 m). So, go figure. RT ran today a short commentary about a 3rd party, the one and only private contractor company, that provides processed imagery for the dod. Sorry, I cannot remember the name of the contractor.
@thorbiorn Maxar Technologies.
Anyway, Gonzalo Lira posted an analysis (not his) of the picture on his telegram channel that supposedly shows that the picture was taken on April 1st - not March 19 as it is claimed. For your consideration:
The guys who made the analysis of the satellite pictures of Bucha presented by the NYT say they made a mistake and that the most probable date is around the 31st of March and not April 1st as they claimed before, but that they will confirm. Also, that Maxar Technologies, owners of the satellites, won't sell the images of Bucha from the 19, 22 and 23 of March, so we are just left to take the NYT's word that the date is really 19th of March.

An article on South Front posted previously on this thread claims that the trajectory of the Maxar satellites on the day did not pass over Bucha. It does seem like they are a bit too much to the east of Kiev, however I suppose that is a controversial point, given the 3D graphic of the globe they provide and that the cities are not marked on it.

Either way, I still find it hard to believe that a street on a residential area was littered with bodies and people simply left them there for two weeks, blocking traffic and turning into a focal point for disease. Not to mention that according to the Ukranians, there were really more than 80 bodies, and hundreds in the area. Even the Nazis and other murderous regimes picked up the corpses they just massacred and burned their bodies or throwed them into pits - but the Russians wouldn't? So that they too would get sick and later be blamed with the evidence for all to see? On a battlefield I would understand, but this was a residential area that looks intact for the most part.

Finally, there is video of Bucha being targeted by Ukranian artillery when the Russians were there. This guy mentions it and shows the video (around 9:30):

So it is possible that some or several of the bodies found were actually killed by mortar and artillery fire, while others were executed.
Recent vote at the UN :

So, in summary, we have here a nice map :
Green = PTB (or under PTB domination)
Yellow = oppose but fear PTB
Red = oppose PTB

Also, 18 countries did not vote

Added : For Hungary, I wonder if the vote of their UN representant is in accordance with Orban's view, maybe soon replaced ? Strange also for Serbia ...

Lavrov Says Kiev's New Draft Peace Agreement Different From Proposals Rolled Out at Istanbul Talks

Apr. 7, 2022

Russian and Ukrainian negotiators have held over half-a-dozen rounds of talks aimed at bringing the Ukrainian crisis to an end. At negotiations in Istanbul on 29 March, the Russian delegation reported getting a "clearly articulated position" from its Ukrainian counterparts, including Kiev's readiness for neutral, non-aligned, non-nuclear status.

The provisions in draft agreements presented to Russian negotiators by Ukraine on Wednesday differ from those outlined at the talks held in Istanbul late last month, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said.

"Yesterday the Ukrainian side presented its draft agreements to our negotiators which showed a clear departure from key provisions that were committed to at the meeting in Istanbul on 29 March. These provisions, moreover, were fixed in the document signed by David Arakhamia, the head of the Ukrainian delegation," Lavrov said in a video address on Thursday.

The Russian foreign minister recalled that in the Istanbul text, the Ukrainian side agreed that the future security guarantees for Ukraine would not be applicable to Crimea and Sevastopol.

However, "the draft presented yesterday does not contain this clear statement. Instead, it offers vague formulations about some kind of 'effective control', and 'as of 23 February',"
Lavrov said, referring to the day before the Russian military operation in Ukraine began.

Furthermore, Lavrov said, the Ukrainian side has put forth the demand that the issues of Crimea and Donbass be discussed at the level of the Russian and Ukrainian presidents.

"We all remember how President Zelensky repeatedly said that such a meeting could take place only after the end of the conflict. It's likely that at the next stage, the Ukrainian side will ask for the withdrawal of troops, and pile up more and more preconditions. This plan is understandable, but it is unacceptable," the minister stressed.

Lavrov recalled that Russia responded to the inklings of "realism" displayed by Ukrainian negotiators in Istanbul by deescalating its military operations in the Kiev and Chernigov directions as a demonstration of goodwill and in a bid to stimulate further negotiations.

"In response, we received the provocation in Bucha, which was immediately used by the West to announce new sanctions, as well as atrocities against Russian prisoners of war by Ukrainian neo-Nazis,"
he said.

The Russian diplomat pointed out that the document signed by Arakhamia on 29 March makes clear that in addition to its neutral, non-bloc, non-nuclear status, Ukraine would be committed to refrain from military exercises involving the troops of any foreign governments without first receiving permission from all guarantor nations, including Russia.

"However, in the draft agreement received yesterday, this unambiguous provision has also been replaced. Now, it speaks about the possibility of conducting exercises with the consent of only the majority of guarantor states, without any mention of Russia,"
Lavrov said.

The foreign minister suggested that such intractability on Kiev's part "once again characterises Kiev's true intentions - it's line of stretching out and even undermining negotiations by departing from understandings which have already been reached. We see this as a manifestation of the fact that the regime in Kiev is controlled by Washington and its allies, who are pushing President Zelensky to continue hostilities."

Lavrov stressed that notwithstanding these "provocations," the Russian side would continue negotiatons, and to press forward with its proposals, "which clearly and fully set out all our initially-set key positions and demands."

Earlier Thursday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov blasted Western powers for their continued weapons deliveries to Ukraine, saying they do not contribute to the progress of talks between Moscow and Kiev, and on the contrary, "will more likely have a negative effect."

Russia and Ukraine began negotiations aimed at ending the security crisis between the two countries on 28 February, four days after Moscow and its Donbass allies kicked off their operation to demilitarise the country on 24 February. The operation began after months of escalating tensions in the Donbass, including weeks of shelling, sabotage and sniper attacks by Kiev throughout the month of February. Last month, the Russian defence ministry published documents it said showed evidence of a plot by Kiev to launch a full-scale assault on the Donbass.

The crisis in Ukraine goes back to the spring of 2014, when US and EU-backed political forces overthrew the country's president in a coup, prompting Crimea to break off from Kiev and rejoin Russia, and sparking a long-running civil war in the country's east which has killed over 13,000 people.

Edit: The 'virtual address' video link shows the Azov members speaking at ~15:35-18:00.

‘Absolute Humiliation’: Greek Lawmakers Incensed Over Zelensky Speech Alongside Neo-Nazi Fighters

Apr. 7, 2022

Formed as a volunteer militia in the spring of 2014 and integrated into the Ukrainian National Guard in the fall of that year, the Azov Regiment is one of the most notorious fighting units in the country, with many fighters known for openly neo-Nazi leanings and for war crimes including murder, torture and mass looting.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s virtual address before Greece’s parliament alongside two Azov fighters Thursday has sparked a major political scandal in the Mediterranean nation, with lawmakers from several parties boycotting the speech in a sign of protest, while others walked out partway through.

Parliament speaker Konstantinos Tasoulas warmly welcomed Zelensky,
who appeared in his signature olive green t-shirt, assuring him that “Greece has been on Ukraine’s side from the first moment,” and boasting about the military and humanitarian assistance aid provided to Kiev by Athens.

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, his cabinet of ministers, and President Katerina Sakellaropoulou were also in attendance, as were lawmakers from the ruling New Democracy party, and Alexis Tsipras of the official opposition SYRIZA coalition and the heads of several smaller parties.

Some SYRIZA lawmakers, as well as the Greek Communist Party (KKE) and Greek Solution, a right-populist party, boycotted the speech. The SYRIZA coalition deputies who did attend demonstratively did not clap to greet Zelensky, and did not stand and clap at the end of his speech. Lawmakers from the Movement for Change centre-left alliance and MERA25, another left-wing party, got up and left as soon as one of the Azov militants began to speak.

Azov’s Address

After speaking to lawmakers and urging them to provide as much assistance as possible to Kiev, Zelensky played a video address by “two Ukrainians of Greek origin” from the Azov battalion in Mariupol.

One of the fighters said his grandfather “fought the Nazis during the Second World War,” and that he and Azov was now fighting “Russian Nazis.” “Mariupol has may Greeks…Compatriots, we ask for your help,” the fighter urged.

The second fighter, who appeared in a mask and cap and did not give his last name, urged lawmakers to help by sending humanitarian aid to Mariupol.

‘Completely Inappropriate’

SYRIZA secretary Olga Gerovasili called the Azov fighters’ appearance alongside Zelensky “unacceptable.”

“[The party] listened to democratically elected president of Ukraine Zelensky with respect and solidarity. However, it is unacceptable that members of the Azov Regiment appeared alongside him today. In the near future, we will hold a meeting of party leaders, and ask Speaker Tasoulas to explain whether he was informed and gave consent on this matter. Because I think it’s completely inappropriate,” Gerovasili said.

SYRIZA spokesman Nasos Iliopulos called on parliament speaker Tasoulas to apologize for what he described as an “extremely dangerous and insulting” affront to Greek democracy.

In a statement, MERA25 called Zelensky’s performance “obscene behaviour on an unprecedented scale,” and slammed the government for tolerating the speech. “MERA25 is in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, not with the Nazi Azov battalion.
What happened today in the Greek parliament is unacceptable, it is reprehensible, it is an absolute humiliation, and it took place with the complete loss of face and indulgence by the speaker and the government, as well as those who remained in the chamber,” the party said.

Independent lawmaker Panagiotis Kouroumblis demanded an explanation from the government, pointing out among their other crimes, Azov has been accused of violence against ethnic Greeks residing in Ukraine. “Mr. Speaker, you should have informed us in advance that in addition to the president of Ukraine, we were to have paramilitary representatives speak before us today,” he said.

The KKE slammed Zelensky’s speech as “shameful,” with a statement on Twitter blasting Greece’s “pro-NATO parties” for “applauding the Nazis from the Azov Battalion, because this is demanded by NATO’s instructions and obligations.” The party stressed that “the position of the KKE [to boycott the speech] is absolutely justified.”

In an expanded statement on its website, the KKE accused “Euro-Atlantic propaganda of portraying even Nazis as ‘freedom fighters’,” and suggested that Zelensky’s appearance was turned into “a poorly staged show aimed at laundering the reputation of the reactionary government of Ukraine.”

Finally, Greek Solution Party leader Kyriakos Velopulos called Zelensky’s speech “a day of shame for the Greek parliament,” saying the appearance was turned “into a Nazi speech by Azov,” timed with the 81st anniversary of the invasion of Greece by Nazi Germany, which commenced on 6 April 1941. The politician also criticized the Ukrainian president for “insulting” Greek lawmakers by “making proposals on how to conduct our country’s foreign policy,” and going “so far as to call for further military intervention by sending weapons to the battlefield.”

Azov’s Appearance ‘Improper’ But That’s Ok

Deputy Prime Minister and government spokesperson Giannis Ikonomou admitted that the appearance of the Azov fighters was “improper,” but insisted that it did not take away from Zelensky’s message.

“In his speech to the Greek parliament, President Zelensky described the suffering inflicted on the Ukrainian people by the Russian invasion and focused on the heroic resistance of his people. The inclusion in the speech of a message from an Azov Regiment fighter was improper and unsuccessful. However, it is outrageous and unworthy to use this mistake by part of the opposition, led by Mr. Tsipras, to once again justify the Russian invasion,” Ikonomou said. “If anything is shameful, it is not to take a clear position,” he added.

In comments to reporters, Prime Minister Mitsotakis called Zelensky’s speech “historic,” and suggested that Kiev today was “defending the rule of law and democracy throughout Europe.” He did not bring up the Azov fighters' appeals.

Western officials and media have found the integration of Azov and other neo-Nazi paramilitaries into the Ukrainian armed forces one of the most difficult aspects of the Ukraine conflict to explain to their respective publics. Last week, Fox News cut out an exchange between Zelensky and one of its anchors in which the Ukrainian president defended Azov and assured American viewers that the fighters were merely “defending our country” along with the rest of the Ukrainian military.

US Congress formally prohibited funding to Azov and called it a neo-Nazi group in 2017.

In an updated report from today, it looks promising that the art will be returned to the museums. From RT:

Valuable Russian art seized

Finland cites EU sanctions to seize $46 million in Russian art on loan overseas

6 Apr, 2022 22:12

Finland announced on Wednesday that its customs service seized Russian artwork that was returning after being loaned to exhibits in the EU and Japan, citing EU sanctions against Moscow over the conflict in Ukraine. The paintings and sculptures in question belong to Moscow’s Tretyakov Gallery and St. Petersburg’s Hermitage Museum, among others, and their value has been estimated at $46 million or more.

The seizure took place over the weekend at Vaalimaa, the busiest crossing on the Finland-Russia border, but Finnish Customs confirmed it at a press conference on Wednesday.

“The shipments that have now come under criminal investigation were detected as part of our customary enforcement work,” Sami Rakshit, the director of enforcement at Finnish Customs, said.

The agency justified the seizure by saying that “a paragraph” of the EU sanctions against Russia – imposed over the course of the past six weeks due to the escalation of hostilities in Ukraine – referred to artwork.

The unspecified number of paintings and sculptures was being stored “with overall consideration for their value, characteristics and safety,” pending a full investigation, Finnish Customs said. The Finnish Foreign Ministry will consult the European Commission about the fate of the works.

According to Russian media, the trucks contained over 200 paintings from the Hermitage and Tretyakov which had been on loan to the ‘Grand Tour: Dreams of Italy from Venice to Pompeii’ exhibit in Milan, Italy. Another shipment was on exhibit in Japan and was also coming home via Finland.

“We are doing everything to ensure that these works are returned to Russia,” Mikhail Shvidkoy, the special envoy of the Kremlin for international cultural cooperation, told journalists, blaming the “quite complicated” geopolitical situation for the seizure. “But I hope that all things that were taken abroad will return to the Russian Federation in due time.”

Russian conductors, performers, artists, and even cats and trees have found themselves subject to ‘cancelation’ by the US and its allies, after Moscow sent troops into Ukraine in February.

In the most recent incident, Britain’s National Gallery changed the title of an 1890 painting by French impressionist Edgar Degas from ‘Russian Dancers’ to ‘Ukrainian Dancers,’ after a campaign by Ukrainian activists.
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@thorbiorn Maxar Technologies.
World-weather.ru which was the service I was using for the old weather of Kiev, get their data from Foreca.com, a company registered in Finland. Foreca get their data from a string of meteorological services. Why do all these companies have to work through Maxar Technologies, if their forecasts depends on much more than satellite data? Because, if that was the case, all services should show the same forecast for an area, but that is always so. Besides, we don't know if World-weather.ru base the past weather on saved local weather forecasts, or if they, which is a real possibility, base them on the observed weather at the time that then would go into a database of rectified "forecasts".
World-weather.ru which was the service I was using for the old weather of Kiev, get their data from Foreca.com, a company registered in Finland. Foreca get their data from a string of meteorological services. Why do all these companies have to work through Maxar Technologies, if their forecasts depends on much more than satellite data? Because, if that was the case, all services should show the same forecast for an area, but that is always so. Besides, we don't know if World-weather.ru base the past weather on saved local weather forecasts, or if they, which is a real possibility, base them on the observed weather at the time that then would go into a database of rectified "forecasts".
Maxar Technologies provide satellite data through various contracts to us millitary and stepford biden cabinet of defense.
The weather channels if true and accurrate provide the weather which includes the cloud coverage over a certain area or city. OK. One has to think in terms of cloud coverage along the icons showing time of the day and the synoptic symbols.
The common denominator or the proof is in the image captured during the time a certain satellite passed over the city in case, Bucha. If the dates mentioned by the people that make the case, have a lot of cloud cover and coincide with the weather reports, then all is clear. Problem is that 30 cm resolution imagery over Ukraine can be obtained through Airbus (French company), but it will not be open to public. Also, Maxar, makes available imagery, but the Ukraine collection will not be available for public as it is dedicated to the american actors.
That,s why I said go figure, as the weather might have been too cloudy, hence providing satellite imagery with 70-90% cloud coverage, therefore unsuitable for any detection of ground targets, even if the satellite data is not available, the images would have shown no proof of any ground activity.


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On April 7, the mayor of the city of Kharkiv addressed the population to deny reports about any mass evacuation of civilians from the city. His claims once again confirm nazi warfare of the Kiev regime.
On the video, Mr. Terekhov claimed the following:
” Today, the media reported that the Kharkiv region is preparing for evacuation. I want to clarify, this concerns only the Lozovsky and Barvenkovsky districts of the Kharkiv region, where our military is expecting an aggravation of the military situation.”
At the same time, he assured residents left in the city that Kharkiv is ready to fight. Thus, the AFU expect that the battle for Kharkiv may break out in the nearest future. A bug number of Russian troops from the Kiev region have been recently transferred to the Kharkiv front lines.
The mayor of the city openly declares that the fact that the city is armed and ready to meet enemy forces on the streets confirms that there is no need for any centralized evacuation.
“I said it yesterday, and I will repeat it today, Kharkiv is a well–armed and ready-to-defend city. Neither the civil-military administration, nor the military, nor I, as the Kharkiv mayor, see the need for a centralized evacuation from Kharkiv.”
Both “the Kharkiv military-civil administration” and the “military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine” openly stated in the words of the Kharkiv mayor that civilians are obliged to stay in the city, otherwise there will be no human shelter for brave Ukrainian soldiers in case of another assault by the Russian Army on the city.
The mayor of the city, who is directly responsible for the lives of the citizens, declares:
“Yes, we are constantly shelled with artillery from the ground, and bombed from the air. The enemy is fighting with our people. Therefore, to leave or not is the sacred right of everyone!
Mr. Terekhov confirms that the city is under fire, that there are risks for civilians, especially for those living in eastern districts, but concludes that every resident must save by himself! He left to the mercy of fate all the elderly, the disabled, sick people and pregnant women, who now can only count on the help of volunteers who remained in the city. Hundreds of people were left without housing and without their own transport, and are forced to live in basements, in fear that the fighting will resume with renewed vigor.
Today, even those who can leave the city, and bring their families out, are forced to flee to nowhere, since no refugee camps or even information on evacuation are provided in the region. There are thousands civilians left in the city of Kharkiv as well as in smaller towns, including Akhturka, Konotop, Izyum region where fierce clashes continue.
Everyone who could leave the city fled by their own means weeks ago. Crowds of people tried to take trains from Kharkiv, tried to leave by private car in longue queues. At the same time, many cases of shelling on civilian vehicles by soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and members of the so-called civil defense were registered.
Hoping to inspire civilians to resist armed Russian soldiers by any means, the mayor of the city pathetically ends his speech by praising the Armed Forces of Ukraine, together with the local territorial defense, i.e. civilians who were given weapons and sent to fight with the professional Russian Army.
“I believe in our Army and territorial defense. We will stand, we will defend our city. We’re together.”
Even after receiving expensive weapons from the West for many years, the Kiev regime was unable to prepare a decent army to fight Russia, which it provoked all these years.
As a result, today Kiev is at war with its own population. Continuing to scream about the “genocide” allegedly committed by Russian soldiers in the Kiev region, including in the town of Bucha, Kiev did not secure a single centralized evacuation from cities in the east of the country neither before the start of military operations, nor immediately after the entry of Russian troops, nor weeks later.
On April 6, the Russian Ministry of Defence warned that the AFU a preparing a large provocation with the use of toxic substances in the Kharkiv region.
” According to confirmed information, in the city of Pervomaisky, Kharkiv region, Ukrainian special services are preparing a major provocation using toxic substances. On the territory of the chemical plant “Khimprom” AFU employees mined a storage with 120 tons of chlorine. This storage facility is planned to be blown up to accuse Russia of allegedly creating a chemical.” – the report reads.
Recall, on April 5, the AFU blew up an acid tank in the 1st workshop of the Zarya plant in the town of Rubezhnoye, LPR.
Moreover, on April 6, the Russian Ministry of Defence warned that the Kiev regime is targeting civilians in the Kharkiv region in order to provide the MSM with horrific footage of the Ukrainian towns allegedly destroyed by Russian forces.
“The Kiev regime, in addition, is preparing another provocative materials about the death of civilians, allegedly as a result of the actions of the Russian army. To this end, Ukrainian nationalists fired at the village of Dergachi in the Kharkiv region, after which they filmed destroyed buildings and “numerous dead” to provide them to Western media. Representatives of Western news agencies participated in this action, the leadership was carried out by servicemen of the 72nd Center for Information and Psychological Operations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. At the same time, all participants of the staged filming among civilians were paid a reward of $ 25.”
The nazi Kiev regime is deliberately sacrificing the population of the large cities and smaller villages in the east of the country, where the Russian-speaking population lives, largely supporting Russia. A striking example of the inhuman warfare of the Nazi Kiev regime was the fate of the city of Mariupol, which Kharkiv risks repeating.
Officially, no one confirms anything, which means that all participants still want to merge this situation without wide publicity. Unfortunately, it can end badly for those surrounded. The Azov people will simply kill them and try to destroy the corpses.

The US does not officially confirm the capture of the American general in Mariupol
The American general, while in Mariupol, could have been captured.

Against the background of the information that Lieutenant General of the US Army, who heads the Allied Land Command Roger Cloutier, could be surrounded on the territory of Mariupol, it is reported that the latter could really be in Ukraine and even in Mariupol, however, the US has not yet commented on the possible capture of the American general.

It is known that US Army Lieutenant General Roger Cloutier could indeed have been in Ukraine in February of this year, but neither the general nor the Pentagon commented on the data that appeared that the highest officer of the US Army was in Ukraine and that he could have been captured.

The First Minister of State Security of the DPR noted that he had no information about the American general being in captivity, although he did not rule out the presence of foreign instructors.

"I am not aware of any major military chiefs of foreign states. Perhaps there really is a certain number of foreign instructors there," said the first Minister of State Security of the DPR, Doctor of Political Sciences Andrei Pinchuk.

A little earlier, journalists reported that NATO officers were surrounded in Mariupol, however, these information, voiced by Russian journalist German Vladimirovov, also did not receive official comments from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

США официально не подтверждают захват американского генерала в Мариуполе

The active NATO officers who found themselves surrounded in Mariupol asked the Russian military to evacuate them
The NATO officers who were surrounded appealed to the Russian military with a request for evacuation.

Acting NATO officers who suddenly found themselves surrounded in Mariupol contacted the Russian troops with a request to help them leave and organize a corridor to exit. Initially, it was reported that the Western officers who were surrounded tried several times to contact the units of Russia and the DPR, but there were no details on this matter. The information in this regard was voiced by journalist Herman Vladimirov

How exactly the current officers of the NATO countries were surrounded in Mariupol is unknown, however, earlier the source Avia.pro He reported that officers from Great Britain, Germany, France, Poland and other countries, including Sweden, which is not a member of the North Atlantic Alliance, are in Mariupol.

"They are contacting the Russian troops right now with a request to help them leave, organize a corridor to exit," German Vladimirov reports, but the Russian Defense Ministry has not yet confirmed this data.

It is not known exactly how the negotiations ended, however, attention should be paid to the fact that the fighters of the Azov regiment banned in Russia and the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who are surrounded in Mariupol, refuse to voluntarily lay down their arms, which does not allow for the evacuation of the city, including NATO officers.

Оказавшиеся в окружении в Мариуполе действующие офицеры НАТО попросили российских военных их эвакуировать

Официально никто ничего не подтверждает, а значит все участники пока хотят слить эту ситуацию без широкой огласки. К сожалению для окруженных это может плохо закончиться. Азовцы просто поубивают их и постараются уничтожить трупы.
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