Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Based on Lobaczewski's writing, the groups who got into their positions of power in the West did so not by their intelligence, but via ruthlessness, or nepotism, or through the help of the shadowy global cabal. But they've basically lost, and barring some sort of wildcard coming directly from 4D STS, all they have left is media manipulation and terrorism.

A discussion between Alastair Crooke, Alexaner Mercouris and Glen Diesen talks in a roundabout way, that Putin is aware of this. How every move the Russians make is calculated to manage the Western crazies and move them in the desired direction, without "spooking" them into a panic causing a major confrontation

A discussion between Alastair Crooke, Alexaner Mercouris and Glen Diesen talks in a roundabout way, that Putin is aware of this. How every move the Russians make is calculated to manage the Western crazies and move them in the desired direction, without "spooking" them into a panic causing a major confrontation
Isn't there wishful thinking in this view too? I would really like it to be like this, but some much simpler things show that not everything is so wonderful. For all his extraordinariness and depth, Putin is still not God and he is not alone (in every sense. In this case, I mean the meaning is bad, when bad decisions can be imposed on Putin). For example, the topic of this branch is suitable. The entire long-term history of the L/DNR and especially the initial phase of SMO.

Нет ли в таком взгляде тоже принятия желаемого за действительное? Мне бы очень хотелось, чтобы было так, но некоторые, гораздо более простые вещи показывают, что не все так замечательно. При всей своей экстраординарности и глубине, Путин все же не бог и он не один (во всех смыслах. В данном случае я имею ввиду смысл плохой, когда Путину могут навязать негодные решения). Для примера подходит как раз тема этой ветки. Вся многолетняя история Л/ДНР и особенно начальная фаза СВО.
Isn't there wishful thinking in this view too? I would really like it to be like this, but some much simpler things show that not everything is so wonderful. For all his extraordinariness and depth, Putin is still not God and he is not alone (in every sense. In this case, I mean the meaning is bad, when bad decisions can be imposed on Putin). For example, the topic of this branch is suitable. The entire long-term history of the L/DNR and especially the initial phase of SMO.

Нет ли в таком взгляде тоже принятия желаемого за действительное? Мне бы очень хотелось, чтобы было так, но некоторые, гораздо более простые вещи показывают, что не все так замечательно. При всей своей экстраординарности и глубине, Путин все же не бог и он не один (во всех смыслах. В данном случае я имею ввиду смысл плохой, когда Путину могут навязать негодные решения). Для примера подходит как раз тема этой ветки. Вся многолетняя история Л/ДНР и особенно начальная фаза СВО.

I don't think anyone is saying Putin is god. I think he just knows his business, ie., is aware of moves and counter-movies in geopolitics, has a good team of advisors and good information coming in, and is aware of his enemies and their weaknesses and appetite for blood. So he acts accordingly.
I don't think anyone is saying Putin is god. I think he just knows his business, ie., is aware of moves and counter-movies in geopolitics, has a good team of advisors and good information coming in, and is aware of his enemies and their weaknesses and appetite for blood. So he acts accordingly.
I hope you understand that I used the word God figuratively.
I have no reason to argue, I just really want someone, someday, to clearly explain to me the geopolitical reasons that led to the decision not to take Donbass, having taken Crimea in 2014. Or, more precisely, and, having argued for several years about the need to get rid of the Bretton Woods financial system, still leave the financial system of his own country under the auspices of the IMF.
This is for example. There are still a number of such questions and I do not ask you to try to answer them (although I cannot forbid), because it is interesting exactly what is there, relatively speaking, in Putin's head, and you can only ask C's, well, or Putin himself.

Я надеюсь, что вы понимаете, что я использовал слово бог в переносном смысле.
У меня нет причин для спора, просто мне очень хочется, чтобы кто-нибудь, когда-нибудь мне доходчиво объяснил те геополитические причины, которые привели к решению не забирать Донбасс, забрав Крым в 2014 году. Или, а точнее сказать и, утверждая уже несколько лет о необходимости высвобождения от Бреттон-Вудской финансовой системы, до сих пор оставлять финансовую систему собственной страны под эгидой МВФ. Это для примера. Таких вопросов есть еще целый ряд и я не прошу вас пытаться отвечать на них (хотя и не могу запретить), потому что интересно именно то что есть там, условно говоря, в голове Путина, а об этом можно спрашивать разве что C's, ну или самого Путина.
I hope you understand that I used the word God figuratively.
I have no reason to argue, I just really want someone, someday, to clearly explain to me the geopolitical reasons that led to the decision not to take Donbass, having taken Crimea in 2014. Or, more precisely, and, having argued for several years about the need to get rid of the Bretton Woods financial system, still leave the financial system of his own country under the auspices of the IMF.
This is for example. There are still a number of such questions and I do not ask you to try to answer them (although I cannot forbid), because it is interesting exactly what is there, relatively speaking, in Putin's head, and you can only ask C's, well, or Putin himself.

Я надеюсь, что вы понимаете, что я использовал слово бог в переносном смысле.
У меня нет причин для спора, просто мне очень хочется, чтобы кто-нибудь, когда-нибудь мне доходчиво объяснил те геополитические причины, которые привели к решению не забирать Донбасс, забрав Крым в 2014 году. Или, а точнее сказать и, утверждая уже несколько лет о необходимости высвобождения от Бреттон-Вудской финансовой системы, до сих пор оставлять финансовую систему собственной страны под эгидой МВФ. Это для примера. Таких вопросов есть еще целый ряд и я не прошу вас пытаться отвечать на них (хотя и не могу запретить), потому что интересно именно то что есть там, условно говоря, в голове Путина, а об этом можно спрашивать разве что C's, ну или самого Путина.
Timing? Ie. building up enough Force to withstand the coming onslaught?
A discussion between Alastair Crooke, Alexaner Mercouris and Glen Diesen talks in a roundabout way, that Putin is aware of this. How every move the Russians make is calculated to manage the Western crazies and move them in the desired direction, without "spooking" them into a panic causing a major confrontation

I watched that yesterday, glad I did. Alastair Crooke is so experienced and knowledgeable, it's a pleasure to hear from him. Given his background it was most interesting to hear him talking about the ceasefire proposals in Gaza, which were also discussed in this episode. It's great to hear all these excellent analysts converging on the same data points and arriving at similar conclusions. They are networking regularly through these podcasts and behind the scenes.
I hope you understand that I used the word God figuratively.
I have no reason to argue, I just really want someone, someday, to clearly explain to me the geopolitical reasons that led to the decision not to take Donbass, having taken Crimea in 2014. Or, more precisely, and, having argued for several years about the need to get rid of the Bretton Woods financial system, still leave the financial system of his own country under the auspices of the IMF.
This is for example. There are still a number of such questions and I do not ask you to try to answer them (although I cannot forbid), because it is interesting exactly what is there, relatively speaking, in Putin's head, and you can only ask C's, well, or Putin himself.

Я надеюсь, что вы понимаете, что я использовал слово бог в переносном смысле.
У меня нет причин для спора, просто мне очень хочется, чтобы кто-нибудь, когда-нибудь мне доходчиво объяснил те геополитические причины, которые привели к решению не забирать Донбасс, забрав Крым в 2014 году. Или, а точнее сказать и, утверждая уже несколько лет о необходимости высвобождения от Бреттон-Вудской финансовой системы, до сих пор оставлять финансовую систему собственной страны под эгидой МВФ. Это для примера. Таких вопросов есть еще целый ряд и я не прошу вас пытаться отвечать на них (хотя и не могу запретить), потому что интересно именно то что есть там, условно говоря, в голове Путина, а об этом можно спрашивать разве что C's, ну или самого Путина.

What is your answer to these questions? Why is he not perfect?
What is your answer to these questions? Why is he not perfect?

I will try to write, but I ask you not to hurt me with sneakers. What I will write is my inventions, which of course are based on something, but all this information is open, there are no secret insiders (although sometimes there is a shortage of them).

I want to make one more reservation about your second question. Putin has done for our country and people and is now doing for the whole world as much as almost no one I know would do. He is certainly an outstanding figure, and for Russia he is simply great without exaggeration, but you ask why he is not perfect? I will say that for me it can become complete perfection with certain answers to the questions I mentioned above. In general terms, these categories of perfection/imperfection for me would be determined by clear knowledge for each important decision, whether this decision was his mistake or it was caused by some reasons unknown to me.

Now I think I'll sort out some more specific things.

Beyond any chronology, I see that for many years and many of Putin's actions indicate that he does not want to fight, and I have a strong suspicion that until a certain time the general strategy was to "sit out" without war until the moment when the objectively weakening West would lose the opportunity to attack with an acceptable result. Now it is clear to everyone that Russia has not managed to avoid war, and although this war is still considered local, again, everyone understands the near prospect of this local war escalating into something more global. The question is whether it was legitimate to delay and the desire to "sit out" with those threats that were clearly visible. Maybe it was a mistake.

Next, let's go chronologically, starting in 2014. It turned out very well with Crimea in the sense that everything went practically without the use of weapons and without casualties. As they say, it was a sin not to take advantage of such a situation.

In Donbas, everything did not go so smoothly - fighting began almost immediately. This is where Russia has obviously started to slow down. Despite several operational successes in 2014-2015, which were expressed in the form of so-called boilers (the most famous are Izvarinsky, Ilovaisky and Debaltsevsky, although two more smaller ones are called Amvosievsky and Elenovsky) and which, with a certain pressure, could be translated into a complete rout of the then AFU, Russia directly stopped the militia forces and forced them to release the AFU forces from the environment, transferring military operations to the positional stage, and the whole situation into a negotiating channel. Everyone knows how all these negotiations ended and what they were from the very beginning for Russia's counterparties (the confessions of Merkel and Hollande). What is it but a mistake?

Next, we move on to the beginning of SMO. At the beginning of SMO approach to Kiev and the subsequent departure back looks like a hat-making attempt. Like, we'll come up and they'll run. They didn't run and we have what we have. Now they are trying to justify this action with the Istanbul negotiations (like a gesture of goodwill), but in my opinion this is just a banal miscalculation. I have already mentioned here that I spent two years of my life in Ukraine. It was in 2006-2008, under President Yushchenko, and then, given the public situation, as a whole we could have expected the reaction that was expected in 2022. It turns out that they were 15 years too late with expectations. Over the years, an entire generation has grown up, brought up accordingly. I will inform you, if anyone does not know, the peers of the notorious Maidan are already being killed on the battlefield in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

What follows is the method of warfare. What should we call the fact that even analysts of the opposing side say that Russia is fighting with white gloves? It was only in the second year of hostilities that we saw the entire range of ammunition in action (and even then not all of it -5 and 9 ton aerial bombs, as far as I know, have never been used).

This is what concerns the war. It may seem that I am a strict supporter of "wetting everyone in the toilet" (in Putin's words), but this is not the case. Here it must be understood that the military pays with their lives for all the white gloves on the battlefield. Literally.

The practical reasons for all these white gloves, in addition to the actual humanism, which simply exists, I see in the fact that Russia is forming a pole of power in a new multipolar world. In this sense, the world majority or, as they say now, the "global South" is now looking at Russia,, and the task is to form a positive image of this pole. Something like that- we are the pole of power and of course we will spank the bad boys on the ass, but we will do it humanely, without sadistic fanaticism, so to speak, loving. I would like it to be so, and not as a result of banal indecision.

Now about something that does not directly concern the war, but in my opinion is even more important and interesting. I mentioned above about the sad fate of Russia's financial structure so far, but apparently it is necessary to talk not only about the financial, but also about the structure of power in Russia as a whole. A fairly striking example here is the "frozen" foreign currency assets of Russia by the West and some statements made by our figures before and after the "freeze".

First, let's remember what happened before. During one of the meetings with residents of some region, our wonderful Iron Dimon (for those who do not know yet, this is Dmitry Medvedev, the current deputy secretary of the Russian Security Council) He said a phrase that became a meme: "there is no money, but you are holding on." During one of the interviews, when asked why not give some part of the foreign exchange reserves to the economy in the form of loans?- the same figure answered very simply - everything will be stolen. How do you like that? This is the level of leadership, because they did not ask the janitor on the street, but one of the senior leaders of the country, and this senior leader, instead of creating conditions when they do not steal, will wipe his ass with bucks, heat fireplaces in his residences with them (I have no longer fantasies about the misuse of currency), but He has no money for the residents of the country and for the economy. Let me remind you that at that time nothing had been "frozen" yet.

Then they "froze" more than 300 billion bucks and Dimon's phrase began to play with completely different colors. When asked directly responsible for this, they, as they say, "in a blue eye," said that this could not have been foreseen. This was said by the chairman of the Central Bank of Russia, Elvira Nabiullina, from the rostrum of the State Duma and all this was swallowed up, although the fate of the assets of Iran and Venezuela was in front of their eyes. And that's it, silence. No one has suffered any responsibility.

As the cherry on the cake to the same situation, the recent statement by the head of the largest bank of Russia, G. Gref, that he was observing signs of an "overheating" of the economy. How can this be? There are a lot of problems in the country, while there is a lot of money, it would seem take this money and solve any problems. Shipbuilding, aircraft construction, automotive industry, machine tool construction, electronics, etc., etc. Of course, if Gref's entire economy consists in the construction of shopping malls and commercial housing, then in conditions when a bunch of Western merchants left the Russian market, then "overheating" happened.

Why am I writing all this and what does all this have to do with Putin? Now I will give you the last example and I hope it will become clear to you.

It was before the 2016 American presidential election. Then Trump and Clinton competed. We have a man by the name of Khazin, he is quite famous, including, in my opinion, he was also quoted here. So this Khazin, in one of the interviews before those elections, offered to remember his words and check them later. He said literally the following: if Clinton wins the election, then nothing will change in the economic bloc of the Russian Government, but if Trump wins, then there will definitely be changes. As you remember, Trump won that election and what happened? About a couple of months later, the Minister of Economic Development of Russia, Mr. Ulyukayev, is arrested and subsequently convicted of bribery. Several questions arise at once.

Has this Ulyukayev ever taken a bribe before? It's hily likely.

That no one knew before that he was taking bribes? Knowing our reality, we can say that it is unlikely.

Why hasn't anyone done anything about it before? It seems to be incomprehensible.

The last and most interesting question. What is the connection with the American elections? The answer, in my opinion, is that there is a system of agreements. Simply put, some of the power of Russia is not the power of Russia, but of external masters. The same Ulyukayev could not be touched under the previous owners. When the masters have changed, the servants also change. Of course, I do not know what kind of agreements these are, which masters, who exactly the servants are, but it is obvious to me that the situation has not changed fundamentally so far. The most recent actions of the already mentioned Nabiullina can serve as an illustration. She raises the Central Bank's key rate to cosmic heights under the pretext of fighting inflation, threatening to stop lending altogether, Putin sets compensations for certain categories by his decree. At the same time, it remains in its place, although it harms openly.

What conclusion can be drawn from all this? Putin may or may not be much more perfect than I think he is. It is not right to blame everything on Putin, but still he takes such a position that in the end he will be responsible.

Я попробую написать, только прошу меня больно тапками не бить. То, что я напишу это мои измышления, которые конечно на чём то основаны, но вся эта информация открытая, тут нет никаких секретных инсайдов (хоть иногда чувствуется их нехватка).

Хочу сделать еще одну оговорку по поводу вашего второго вопроса. Путин сделал для нашей страны и народа и сейчас делает для всего мира столько, сколько не сделал бы почти никто из мне известных. Это безусловно выдающийся деятель, а для России он просто великий без преувеличения, но вы спрашиваете почему он не совершенен? Я скажу, что для меня он может стать полным совершенством при определённых ответах на те вопросы, о которых я говорил выше. В общих словах эти категории совершенство/несовершенство для меня определялось бы четким знанием для каждого важного решения, было ли это решение его ошибкой или оно было вызвано некоторыми, не известными мне причинами.

Теперь пожалуй, я разберу некоторые более конкретные вещи.

Вне всякой хронологии я вижу, что многие годы и многие действия Путина говорят о том, что он не хочет воевать и у меня есть сильное подозрение, что до определеного времени общая стратегия была "пересидеть" без войны до того момента, когда объективно слабеющий запад потеряет возможность напасть с приемлемым для себя результатом. Теперь уже всем понятно, что России не удалось избежать войны и хотя эта война пока считается локальной, опять же всем понятна близкая перспектива перерастания этой локальной войны в нечто более глобальное. Вопрос- правомерно ли было это затягивание и желание "пересидеть" при тех угрозах, которые были явно видны. Возможно это была ошибка.

Далее пойдем по хронологии, начиная с 2014 года. С Крымом получилось очень удачно в том смысле, что все прошло практически без применения оружия и без жертв. Как говорится, грех было не воспользоваться такой ситуацией.

На Донбассе все пошло не так гладко- практически сразу начались боевые действия. Вот здесь Россия стала очевидно тормозить. Несмотря на несколько оперативных удач 2014-2015 годов, которые выразились в виде так называемых котлов (наиболее известные Изваринский, Иловайский и Дебальцевский, хотя называют еще два, более мелких- Амвосиевский и Еленовский) и которые при определенном нажиме возможно было перевести в полный разгром тогдашней ВСУ, Россия прямо останавливала силы ополчения и заставляла выпускать силы ВСУ из окружения, переводя военные действия в позиционную стадию, а всю ситуацию в переговорное русло. Чем закончились все эти переговоры и чем они являлись с самого начала для контрагентов России (признания Меркель и Олланда) всем известно. Что это, как не ошибка?

Далее мы переходим к началу СВО. Начало СВО с заходом к Киеву и последующим отходом обратно выглядит как шапкозакидательская попытка. Типа- мы подойдем и они побегут. Они не побежали и мы имеем то, что имеем. Сейчас это действо пытаются оправдывать Стамбульскими переговорами (типа жеста доброй воли), но по моему это просто банальный просчет. Я здесь уже упоминал, что два года своей жизни провел на Украине. Было это в 2006-2008 годах, при президенте Ющенко и вот тогда, при той общественной ситуации вполне можно было ожидать той реакции, какую ожидали в 2022 году. Получается, что припозднились с ожиданиями на 15 лет. За эти годы выросло целое поколение, воспитанное соответствующим образом. Я сообщу, если кто не знает, ровесников пресловутого майдана уже убивают на поле боя в рядах ВСУ.

Далее следует способ ведения боевых действий. Как назвать то, что даже аналитики противной стороны говорят, что Россия ведет боевые действия в белых перчатках? Только на втором году боевых действий мы увидели в деле всю номенклатуру боеприпасов (и то не всю-5 и 9 тонные авиабомбы, на сколько я знаю, еще ни разу не применялись).

Это то, что касается войны. Может сложиться впечатление, что я сугубый сторонник "мочить в сортире"(по выражению Путина) всех подряд, но это не так. Здесь надо понимать, что за все белые перчатки военные на поле боя платят своими жизнями. Буквально.

Практические причины всех этих белых перчаток, помимо собственно гуманизма, который просто есть, мне видятся в том, что Россия формирует полюс силы в новом многополярном мире. На Россию в этом смысле сейчас смотрит мировое большинство или, как сейчас говорят, "глобальный Юг" и задача стоит сформировать положительный образ этого полюса. Что то типа того- мы полюс силы и плохих мальчиков мы конечно отшлепаем по попе, но сделаем это гуманно, без садистских изуверств, так сказать, любя. Мне хотелось бы, чтобы это было так, а не в следствии банальной нерешительности.

Теперь о том, что не касается войны напрямую, но по моему мнению даже более важно и интересно. Я выше упоминал о пока печальной судьбе финансовой структуры России, но по видимому, надо говорить не только о финансовой, но о структуре власти в России в целом. Довольно ярким примером тут может служить "замороженные" западом валютные активы России и некоторые заявления наших деятелей, сделанные до и после "заморозки".

Сначала вспомним, что было до. Во время одной из встреч с жителями какого то региона наш замечательный Железный Димон (для тех, кто еще не знает, это Д.А. Медведев, нынешний заместитель секретаря Совета Безопасности России) сказал фразу, которая стала мемом: "денег нет, но вы держитесь". Во время одного из интервью, на вопрос- почему не отдать в экономику в виде кредитов какую то часть валютных резервов?- этот же деятель ответил очень просто- все украдут. Как вам такое? Это уровень руководства, ведь спрашивали не у дворника на улице, а у одного из старших руководителей страны и этот старший руководитель вместо того, чтобы создать условия, когда не украдут, будет свою жопу подтирать баксами, топить ими камины в своих резиденциях (у меня больше нет фантазий на тему нецелевого использования валюты), но для жителей страны и для экономики у него денег нет. Напомню, что на тот момент еще ничего не было "заморожено".

Потом "заморозили" больше 300 млрд. баксов и фраза Димона заиграла совсем другими красками. Когда спросили непосредственно за это ответственных, они, что называется "на голубом глазу", сказали, что этого нельзя было предвидеть. Это сказала председатель Центрального Банка России Эльвира Набиуллина с трибуны Государственной Думы и все это проглотили, хотя судьба активов Ирана и Венесуэлы была перед глазами. И все, тишина. Никто никакой ответственности не понес.

Как вишенка на торте к этой же ситуации недавнее заявление руководителя крупнейшего банка России Г. Грефа о том, что он наблюдает признаки "перегрева" экономики. Как такое может быть? В стране куча проблем, при этом есть куча денег, казалось бы бери эти деньги и решай любые проблемы. Судостроение, самолетостроение, автопром, станкостроение, электроника и пр. и пр. Конечно же, если у Грефа вся экономика заключается в строительстве торговых центров и коммерческого жилья, то в условиях, когда куча западных торгашей ушла с российского рынка, тут то и случился "перегрев".

Для чего я все это пишу и какое отношение все это имеет к Путину? Сейчас я приведу последний пример и вам, надеюсь, станет это ясно.

Дело было перед американскими выборами президента 2016 года. Тогда соперничали Трамп и Клинтон. У нас есть человек по фамилии Хазин, он довольно известен, в т.ч. здесь его, по моему, тоже цитировали. Так вот этот Хазин в одном из интервью перед теми выборами предложил запомнить его слова и впоследствии проверить. Сказал он буквально следующее: если на выборах победит Клинтон, то в экономическом блоке Правительства России ничего не поменяется, если же победит Трамп, то обязательно будут перемены. Как вы помните, на тех выборах победил Трамп и что же случилось? Примерно через пару-тройку месяцев министра экономического развития России, господина Улюкаева арестовывают и впоследствии осуждают за взятку. Возникает сразу несколько вопросов.

Этот Улюкаев раньше не брал взятки? Это вряд ли.

Что раньше никто не знал, что он берет взятки? Зная нашу реальность, можно сказать, что тоже вряд ли.

Почему раньше никто ничего с этим не делал? Как будто бы непонятно.

Последний и самый интересный вопрос. Какая связь с американскими выборами? Ответ заключается на мой взгляд в том, что существует система договоренностей. Попросту говоря, некоторая часть власти России это власть не России, а внешних хозяев. Того же Улюкаева нельзя было трогать при прежних хозяевах. Когда хозяева поменялись, то меняются и слуги. Какие это договоренности, какие хозяева, кто конкретно слуги я конечно не знаю, но для меня очевидно, что до сих пор ситуация принципиально не изменилась. Иллюстрацией может послужить совсем недавние действия уже упомянутой Набиуллиной. Она задирает ключевую ставку ЦБ до космических высот под предлогом борьбы с инфляцией, грозя остановить кредитование вообще, Путин своим указом устанавливает компенсации некоторым категориям. При этом она остается на своем месте, хоть и вредит в открытую.

Какой вывод можно сделать из всего этого? Путин может быть гораздо совершеннее, чем я о нем думаю, а может и нет. Все подряд валить на Путина не правильно, но все же он занимает такую позицию, что в конечном счете отвечать будет он.
I hope you understand that I used the word God figuratively.
I have no reason to argue, I just really want someone, someday, to clearly explain to me the geopolitical reasons that led to the decision not to take Donbass, having taken Crimea in 2014. Or, more precisely, and, having argued for several years about the need to get rid of the Bretton Woods financial system, still leave the financial system of his own country under the auspices of the IMF.
This is for example. There are still a number of such questions and I do not ask you to try to answer them (although I cannot forbid), because it is interesting exactly what is there, relatively speaking, in Putin's head, and you can only ask C's, well, or Putin himself.

Я надеюсь, что вы понимаете, что я использовал слово бог в переносном смысле.
У меня нет причин для спора, просто мне очень хочется, чтобы кто-нибудь, когда-нибудь мне доходчиво объяснил те геополитические причины, которые привели к решению не забирать Донбасс, забрав Крым в 2014 году. Или, а точнее сказать и, утверждая уже несколько лет о необходимости высвобождения от Бреттон-Вудской финансовой системы, до сих пор оставлять финансовую систему собственной страны под эгидой МВФ. Это для примера. Таких вопросов есть еще целый ряд и я не прошу вас пытаться отвечать на них (хотя и не могу запретить), потому что интересно именно то что есть там, условно говоря, в голове Путина, а об этом можно спрашивать разве что C's, ну или самого Путина.
Maybe you can help me find the source (I haven't been able to find the fragment)... but some time ago in a certain speech I clearly remember that Putin said something about how in 2014 they had to look the other way or lower their heads regarding to the situation in the Donbass since the Russian economy would not have resisted the sanctions at that time, but now (after the special operation) it was ready... no, Putin is not perfect and I think that despite the respect and admiration that Here we prophesy, we are aware of this, it is like that, but "it doesn't matter" you don't need someone perfect, what Putin is currently is MORE than enough... there are problems and situations that are very complex and difficult to anticipate and of course not I know the answers to many questions, but Putin is far from being stupid or generally ineffective.
i do not understand the blindness/bad faith of the west. what putin said is what he ever requested. he remains coherent with his initial objectives, which could easily be agreed to. not doing so is equivalent to push for war by the west needlessly. how ctan the west be so reckless?? and so STUPID???
They are psychopaths run by wishful thinking. Because they (psychopaths) cant do any how different. They don't see the world and events as they are, but as they want them to be. They really live in their own false reality, but because they don't see it, real reality usually destroys them at the end.
Maybe you can help me find the source (I haven't been able to find the fragment)... but some time ago in a certain speech I clearly remember that Putin said something about how in 2014 they had to look the other way or lower their heads regarding to the situation in the Donbass since the Russian economy would not have resisted the sanctions at that time, but now (after the special operation) it was ready...
Yes, Putin has said this several times. I don't remember all the cases literally, but now I searched and this is what I found.

Here are his words on this topic at a meeting with the mothers of military personnel participating in the SVO, 11/25/2022. I won't translate everything, it's a pretty long conversation. I will translate what concerns this topic.
N.Pshenichkina: Vladimir Vladimirovich, I am from the Luhansk People's Republic, from the small town of Kirovsk.

The city is on the front line. We are fighting and recovering thanks to the Russian Federation. Our bosses are from the Irkutsk region, and 55 facilities are currently being restored. Recently, the governor was with us, in my library, at school, and I was here.

But on September 30th, as everyone already knows, my girls here, we had a great, joyful, long-awaited event: We have become a subject of the Russian Federation, which is what the militia of the first wave dreamed of.

When my son joined the militia in 2014, he said: "Mom, I'm going to fight for Russia, I'm going to fight for the Russian world, I'm going to fight for the Russian word, for the Russian memory." My dad went through the whole war from 1941 to 1945, came with a Victory. We have been waiting for this event for a very long time, we went the hard way, we lost people dear to us, but we did not lose hope that we would be in Russia, we would come home. And this joyful event has come true for us.

But my son, Konstantin Pshenichkin, died in one of the morning battles defending the city. The situation so developed that the enemy came close to their positions. He jumped out of the trench, called fire on himself, and his last words were: "Let's go, brothers, chop down ukrops. He was posthumously awarded the medal "For Bravery".

My heart bleeds, my soul freezes, gloomy memories cloud my mind, tears, tears, and suddenly my son asks me: "Mom, don't be sad, I'll see you – you just have to wait. You will go through this life for me, and in that life we will be together again."

I raised my head, squared my shoulders and began to actively help the families of the fallen militia. I sought benefits, I was a member of the public chamber. I was the organizer of the first two referendums, and the second referendum was a member of the public commission. You know, no one has ever seen such activity: old ladies with sticks were walking with flags and songs. "We'll come to you." "No, we want to. And give my regards to Putin." They believe that we are envoys of Vladimir Vladimirovich, so to speak. So I know all this firsthand.

Allow me, Vladimir Vladimirovich, our dear President, to highlight a few issues.

Vladimir Putin: Thank you.

Nina Petrovna, first of all, as for 2014. In hindsight, we are all smart, of course, but we proceeded from the fact that maybe Lugansk and Donetsk will be able to come to an agreement somehow within the framework of the Minsk agreements, which you probably know about, they will still be able to somehow reunite with Ukraine. We sincerely went to this. But we didn't fully feel the mood of the people, it was impossible to fully understand what was going on there. But now it has probably become obvious that this reunion should have happened sooner. Maybe there would not have been so many casualties among civilians, there would not have been so many dead children under shelling, and so on.

It's good that this happened at all. And this is happening thanks to your son, who is not with us today, and thanks to the sons of those women who are here, and thanks to our guys who are fighting there now, who are on the front line, well, on the second, on the third line – it doesn't matter, but they are in the zone of a special military operation, I mean the sight of all our fighters, including those who joined the Armed Forces on mobilization. This is the first one.

Second. Of course, this is a huge tragedy, this is a void that cannot be filled with anything, you have just said this so very convincingly and vividly when there is no loved one, especially a son.

But you know what comes to my mind, I already mentioned it once. About 30,000 people die in road accidents, and about the same number die from alcohol. And it happens, unfortunately, this is how life develops, life is complex and diverse, more complicated than it is written somewhere in the papers, we are all under the Lord, under Allah, under Christ, I do not know, everyone who believes in higher powers, it does not matter what religion he adheres to, what is important is That we are all mortal, we are all under the Lord. And one day we will all leave this world, it is inevitable.

The question is how we lived. After all, some people live or don't live – it's unclear, and how they leave – from vodka or something else - it's unclear, and then they left. Whether they lived or not, it also slipped by unnoticeably somehow: whether a person lived, or not. And your son lived, do you understand? His goal has been achieved. This means that he did not leave his life in vain. Do you understand? In this sense, of course, his life turned out to be significant, lived with the result, and with the one he aspired to. This is the first thing I would like to say.
Встреча с матерями военнослужащих – участников СВО

Here are Putin's words from an interview published on 03/19/2023
Putin explained why Russia did not start SVO in 2014
March 19, 2023

It is impossible to apply the subjunctive mood in this matter, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

In 2014, Moscow hoped to resolve all issues by peaceful means. Russia has never sought any kind of confrontation, Putin said in an interview with Rossiya 1 TV channel.

According to the president, it is obvious to everyone that the events in Crimea nine years ago happened "off the wheels." Russia could not help but protect Crimeans from Ukrainian radicals.

"As for Donbass, we hoped that we would be able to solve this problem peacefully. But, as it turns out now, we see this – we were just led by the nose. None of our so–called partners were going to solve anything by peaceful means," Putin said.
The West continued to pump weapons into Ukraine, preparing the Armed Forces for combat operations. And Ukrainian forces have conducted two large-scale military operations, the Russian leader added.

For many years, Russian specialists have been painstakingly developing technologies, providing the country with food. In previous years, a lot has been done to replace imports and strengthen the financial system. As a result, contrary to Western expectations, "nothing has collapsed in our country," Putin noted.

"What would have happened in 2014? It is very difficult to say," he said.
In addition, nine years ago Russia did not have hypersonic weapons, but now it does, although it is not actually used. "But it is there," Putin stressed, adding that the Russian Armed Forces have other modern systems.

"Therefore, subjunctive moods cannot be used here," the president concluded.

The full interview is published in this program.

Putin's words at the Board of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 12/19/2023.
Putin: The West "outplayed" Russia in the situation around Ukraine in 2014

on December 19, 2023
Western countries outplayed Russia in the situation in Ukraine in 2014, as its use of an aggressive position forced Russia to take retaliatory steps. This was announced on December 19 by Russian President Vladimir Putin at an expanded meeting of the board of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Putin stressed that when the Donbass problem arose, Moscow tried its best to restore Ukraine's territorial integrity through negotiations on the terms set out in the Minsk Agreements. At the same time, the West did not go to their implementation, but immediately launched a war.

The Russian leader noted that the terms of the Minsk agreements implied the safety of people living in the territories of Donbass.

"We didn't do anything, but gradually we had to get involved so that they wouldn't all be exterminated there. And the West, especially there, across the ocean, they watched it with pleasure. In this sense, of course, they outplayed us, and then completely abandoned the Minsk agreements," he said.

Putin also pointed out that later Western countries refused to implement the agreements and admitted that the Minsk agreements were a veil for them to build the Ukrainian army and "drag Ukraine into NATO."

On December 10, Putin, in a conversation with the awarded Heroes of Russia, recalled the conclusion of the Minsk agreements and that the Russian Federation sought to implement them. According to the president, Western leaders, including former German Chancellor Angela Merkel and former French President Francois Hollande, publicly admitted that they were not going to adhere to the agreements from the very beginning.
Путин: Запад «переиграл» Россию в ситуации вокруг Украины в 2014 году

Да, Путин говорил об этом несколько раз. Я не помню все случаи буквально, но сейчас я поискал и вот что нашлось.
Вот его слова по этой теме на встрече с матерями военнослужащих-участников СВО, 25.11.2022. Я не буду переводить все, там довольно длинная беседа. Переведу то, что касается данной темы.
Здесь слова Путина из интервью, опубликованного 19.03.2023
Полное интервью опубликовано в этой программе.
Слова Путина на коллегии МО РФ, 19.12.2023.
We continue to move forward slowly
Russian troops occupied Yasnobrodivka in the DPR
It is reported that in the Karlovo direction, assault groups of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation entered the settlement of Yasnobrodovka. Currently, there is a fierce battle in this area with the use of tanks on both sides. This offensive indicates the continued expansion of the bridgehead around the Charles Reservoir, which Russian troops successfully hold despite attempts by the Armed Forces of Ukraine to stop their advance.

To stabilize the situation in this area, the Ukrainian army and the National Guard have allocated about two brigades. However, according to the latest data, the arrival of these forces did not bring the expected result. Russian troops continue their offensive, demonstrating high efficiency in combat operations and the ability to quickly adapt to changing conditions at the front.
Российские войска заняли Яснобродовку в ДНР
I've been following this source for a long time, often these so-called insights are realized...
MI-6 have passed new intelligence to the Office of the President and the General Staff that the Kremlin is ready to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, now picking up targets in Western Ukraine. British intelligence recommends Ukraine prepare the population of this region for the possible consequences.
I hope you understand that I used the word God figuratively.
I have no reason to argue, I just really want someone, someday, to clearly explain to me the geopolitical reasons that led to the decision not to take Donbass, having taken Crimea in 2014. Or, more precisely, and, having argued for several years about the need to get rid of the Bretton Woods financial system, still leave the financial system of his own country under the auspices of the IMF.
This is for example. There are still a number of such questions and I do not ask you to try to answer them (although I cannot forbid), because it is interesting exactly what is there, relatively speaking, in Putin's head, and you can only ask C's, well, or Putin himself.

It seemed at the time back then, that taking Crimea back from their perspective, including their historical claim, their military that was within Crimea under legal authority along with its critical port access to the sea, was a must action. There was simply no alternative.

It was hard watching the struggles in Donbass and Donetsk after 2014, and one might suppose that he was trying to adhere to international laws and sovereign laws, while knowing (they had to know or should have known) that the western ptb would default on their words (Minsk). As it happened, the west helped build up vast trouble behind the scenes as is known (Merkle later admitted), while Russia was also looking for legal ways to absorb Donbass et cetera. Finally, bringing Donbass in under its wing was slow, yet to do otherwise without legal authority, the west well might have been in position to pounce in different ways while Russia was not ready themselves (throw in 2 years of covid-reset madness did not help).

As was said above:

The Russian leader noted that the terms of the Minsk agreements implied the safety of people living in the territories of Donbass.

Regarding the IMF and more, these are like old western financial and political hooks caught up in the Russian body, and they were/are looking for ways to slowly extricate themselves from all this financial poison they were hooked into back in the 90's (wrapped around international laws). Moreover, there are likely a number of powers within Russia that do not see eye to eye with Putin and co.'s position - he knows his adversaries, so there is much to uncouple from along with certain realities that are not about to change. If so, he would need to be playing to each separate game in a slow methodical fashion. Could be very wrong on this.

John Helmer's little website and books offers up a look into some of these local and international adversaries set against Putin, and that may only scratch the surface.
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