Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

They will never be able to maintain their hegemony even with the entirety of Ukraine's mineral resources. It's too late.
It's a pathetic, greed driven existence. Watching them grasp for their power and wealth as it ebbs away would be very entertaining if it didn't threaten to take us all down with them

Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.

By the way, just visited one of my favourite blogs and was planning to share here what is IMO a brilliant overview by its owner, Bruce Charlton (can be read here now) and, what I occasionally do, checked a few random past posts by him, this time I picked 2010, and here you go. Some call it a "coincidence".

"Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad" - true, but how?

I am thinking, here, about the Western elites.

That they are mad is clear, that they are en route to utter destruction I believe.

That is where the 'madness' comes in.

That 'the gods' wish to extirpate the Western elites seems obvious, and the reasons why are also obvious; but for the requisite irreversible annihilation certainly to happen requires that the elites become insane - not merely in losing their spontaneous sense of self-preservation, but actively willing self-annihilation.

Otherwise, sans lunacy, a sane elite would pull-back just enough to avert nemesis, and survive to wreak further havoc.

Since the gods want to ensure this does not happen, they first ensure that the elite are mad.
" There are periods in the life of humanity, which generally coincide with the beginning of the fall of cultures and civilizations, when the masses irretrievably lose their reason and begin to destroy everything that has been created by centuries and milleniums of culture. Such periods of mass madness often coinciding with geological cataclysms, climate changes, and similar phenomena of a planetary character, release e very great quantity of the matter of knowledge." Gurdjieff.
We continue to move forward slowly.
The Russian army liberated Artemovka and Timkovka: summary of the Ministry of Defense

Avdiivka direction. They report the breakthrough of the 228th regiment in Novopokrovskoye. The enemy was shocked by the sudden attack of the Ural stormtroopers and abandoned the village completely - the survivors fled. Now the AFU command is hastily launching counterattacks to regain the lost territories.
11.06.2024 Российские штурмовики стремительной атакой заняли село Новопокровское. Карта боевых действий на Украине (18 видео)
15 million Rubles offered for the first shot down F-16 over EU heading for Russia or in Ukraine

' over-the-horizon radar will detect F-16 jets taking off any airbase in Europe headed for Russia
Range: 3,000 kilometers, covers all of Europe. Sees and tracks aircraft on runways in Netherlands and Turkey, as an example.
Russian company Fores already announced the bonus of Rubles 15 million for the first shot down F-16 (in Russian).
Green circle: range of Kontainer
Kontainer Russian RADAR sees everything in EU.jpg

Unbelievable on just looking at it, but it works: Developed by the same company, whose Voronezh Armavir radar was picked out as a target for the Ukies by CIA and allegedly damaged. Contrary to Western MSM of course they did not - could not - harm Armavir, as damaging it would need a low yield tactical nuke!
Kontainer Russian Radar Container '_OTH.jpg

Source article.
" There are periods in the life of humanity, which generally coincide with the beginning of the fall of cultures and civilizations, when the masses irretrievably lose their reason and begin to destroy everything that has been created by centuries and milleniums of culture. Such periods of mass madness often coinciding with geological cataclysms, climate changes, and similar phenomena of a planetary character, release e very great quantity of the matter of knowledge." Gurdjieff.
did gurd really mention "climate change"???
It seems that the tightening of all possible ukrops reserves in the Kharkiv direction is beginning to affect. Interestingly, in this direction, ukrops does not achieve its goals (the goal is to squeeze the forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to the state border), but in many other directions, ukrops is losing positions, including settlements.
Unfortunately, what is usually called a "settlement", after active fighting turns into only a point on the map with the name.
Enemy channels publish posts about the complete loss of the village of Novoaleksandrovka near Ocheretino and the village of Krasnoe/Ivanovskoye near Artemovsk. In Ivanovskoye, for the last 3 months, in several houses on the southeastern outskirts, horsemen have been holding on to the Kleshcheyevsky fortification at heights.
11.06.2024 Российская армия заняла еще несколько сел - ВСУ бегут. Карта боевых действий на Украине: Часов Яр, Авдеевка (15 видео)

Похоже, что начинает сказываться стягивание всех возможных укропских резервов на харьковское направление. Интересно, что на этом направлении укропы не добиваются поставленных целей (цель-выдавить силы ВС РФ на госграницу), а вот на многих других направлениях происходит потеря укропами позиций, в т.ч. населенных пунктов.
К сожалению то, что обычно называется "населенным пунктом", после активных боев превращается лишь в точку на карте с названием.
Ukraine extends blackouts as Russian bombings continue

Looks like they will only have couple hours electricity per day and blackouts for most of the day.
Okay. So how is the electricity service - for real - in the country versus capitol??

As several members here I also appear to have a "secret intel line" to Kiev. I already posted about my Ukrainian job-related acquaintance, see my post history. (search terms: religious, Kiev, Ukraine)

My acquaintance appears to be either still in Kiev or very cleverly camouflages his presence there, while he already fled. Except he has a family, and they lived and were established in Kiev. I would be happy if they already fled and would merely make everybody believe he still operates from Kiev...

Added danger: now military-age males are endangered species in Ukraine. They were are wearing womens clothing and makeup for outside and hiding at home. As in recent days the [foreign] recruiters also attacked Ukrainian medical workers - 911 staff - and tried to drag them to the frontlines. The medical workers fought back and won.. this time.

Anyway, my programmer acquaintance continues to work and regularly updates his software. By all appearances. For example new version upload time still is given as:
around 0:00 - 1:00 (Kyiv time, GMT+3).

But I very much wish for his family to have already fled and they are safe, I would like to have them away from Ukraine as far as possible.

He and his software is a national treasure in the content-creation industry.
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We continue to move forward slowly.
The "brave ones" took Novopokrovskoye and are clearing Sokol, crushing the enemy behind Avdiivka (MAP)

The "brave ones" have taken Novopokrovskoye and are clearing Sokol, crushing the enemy behind Avdiivka — fresh data from an important sector of the front.

In the Pokrovsky direction, the Center group of troops continues to advance, two days ago the 228th regiment broke into Novopokrovskoye and held it, repelling a series of counterattacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Yesterday, Ukrainian units abandoned for slaughter were defeated by Ural fighters.

In fact, Novopokrovskoye is protected, the enemy could not enter it back.

The assault on the neighboring Sokol is also continuing, the units of the Central Military District have practically taken the village and are defending it.

So far, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is embarrassed to admit losses, and Ukrainian military analysts have already placed Novopokrovskoye in the control zone of the Russian Army on their maps.

Yesterday, a group of NTV journalists came under fire in Gorlovka. The consequences are severe: the cameraman was killed, the correspondent lost his arm. I would like to draw attention to two points in this regard.
Gorlovka is not a line of combat contact for a long time, it is the rear, although not very far from the combat zone.
Traditionally, journalists are paid more attention than ordinary residents, and this is probably correct, but we must understand that such attacks on settlements occur daily and there are also daily casualties among ordinary residents, both wounded and killed.
An NTV cameraman wounded in an enemy attack in Gorlovka has died

One of the NTV journalists injured today as a result of an AFU strike in Gorlovka has died.

"One of the journalists, Valery Kozhin, has died," Gorlovka Mayor Ivan Prikhodko said.

NTV military correspondent wounded in Gorlovka, lost his arm (VIDEO)

NTV military correspondent Alexei Ivliev, wounded yesterday in Gorlovka, lost his arm.

The journalist recorded a short video from the hospital after the operation.

"One arm is missing, but we're fine, we're alive. We are Russians, we will break through," Ivliev said.

Recall that as a result of yesterday's shelling in Gorlovka, the operator of the TV channel Valery Kozhin died without regaining consciousness.

They write that Ukraine exports grain, but for some reason they do not write that it is largely no longer Ukraine. A huge percentage (no one knows exactly what percentage it is. The last figures that I came across were about 30%) of Ukrainian lands have already been sold to such wonderful structures as Black Rock, Monsanto, etc., so it's not surprising that these transnational "champions of progress" are trying to pull out their resources.
Kiev exports grain abroad, as if expecting a catastrophe

Ukraine exports grain to foreign markets at a record pace: in February-May, exports significantly exceed five million tons — this has not been observed once in the last at least six years, according to RIA Novosti calculations according to the Ukrainian customs and the Ministry of Agriculture.

From February to May, local companies exported 22.2 million tons of corn, wheat and barley, or an average of 5.56 million tons per month.

At the same time, on average in these months in the previous six years, Kiev exported 14.7 million tons of grain. If we take the period before the start of the special operation, the figure will be 15.7 million tons.

According to customs data, for the first four months, Spain was the main buyer of Ukrainian grain — it accounts for almost a third of all wheat and a fifth of corn. At the same time, last year the main importers of this grain were China (corn) and Turkey (wheat).

Such export rates are associated with two factors — the offensive of the Russian army and the growing negative sentiment among Ukrainian farmers, says Leonid Khazanov, an independent expert in the field of industry.

"Farmers strive to sell grain abroad at any cost in order to get currency for it, and not wrappers in the form of hryvnia. Accordingly, they will use road and rail transport and ships through the ports remaining at Ukraine's disposal until their functioning is paralyzed by the strikes of our missiles," he said.

Earlier, the president of the All-Ukrainian Association of Bakers, Yuriy Duchenko, predicted a rise in the price of bread in the country by about 30% due to a shortage of electricity, as well as a shortage of grain and workers.

Мы продолжаем потихоньку двигаться вперед.
Вчера в Горловке под очередной обстрел попала группа журналистов компании НТВ. Последствия тяжелые: оператор погиб, корреспондент лишился руки. Хочется в этой связи обратить внимание на два момента.
Горловка это не линия боевого соприкосновения уже давно, это тыл, хотя и не очень далеко от зоны боев.
На журналистов традиционно обращают больше внимания, чем на обычных жителей и это, наверно, правильно, но надо понимать, что подобные обстрелы населенных пунктов происходят ежедневно и так же ежедневно имеются жертвы среди обычных жителей, и раненые, и убитые.
Пишут, что украина вывозит зерно, но почему то не пишут, что это в значительной степени уже не украина. Огромный процент (никто точно не знает какой это процент. Последние цифры, которые мне попадались были около 30%) украинских земель уже продано таким прекрасным структурам, как Black Rock, Monsanto и пр., так что ничего удивительного в том, что эти транснациональные "поборники прогресса" пытаются вытащить свои ресурсы.
We continue to move forward slowly.


Yesterday, a group of NTV journalists came under fire in Gorlovka. The consequences are severe: the cameraman was killed, the correspondent lost his arm. I would like to draw attention to two points in this regard.
Gorlovka is not a line of combat contact for a long time, it is the rear, although not very far from the combat zone.
Traditionally, journalists are paid more attention than ordinary residents, and this is probably correct, but we must understand that such attacks on settlements occur daily and there are also daily casualties among ordinary residents, both wounded and killed.



They write that Ukraine exports grain, but for some reason they do not write that it is largely no longer Ukraine. A huge percentage (no one knows exactly what percentage it is. The last figures that I came across were about 30%) of Ukrainian lands have already been sold to such wonderful structures as Black Rock, Monsanto, etc., so it's not surprising that these transnational "champions of progress" are trying to pull out their resources.


Мы продолжаем потихоньку двигаться вперед.
Вчера в Горловке под очередной обстрел попала группа журналистов компании НТВ. Последствия тяжелые: оператор погиб, корреспондент лишился руки. Хочется в этой связи обратить внимание на два момента.
Горловка это не линия боевого соприкосновения уже давно, это тыл, хотя и не очень далеко от зоны боев.
На журналистов традиционно обращают больше внимания, чем на обычных жителей и это, наверно, правильно, но надо понимать, что подобные обстрелы населенных пунктов происходят ежедневно и так же ежедневно имеются жертвы среди обычных жителей, и раненые, и убитые.
Пишут, что украина вывозит зерно, но почему то не пишут, что это в значительной степени уже не украина. Огромный процент (никто точно не знает какой это процент. Последние цифры, которые мне попадались были около 30%) украинских земель уже продано таким прекрасным структурам, как Black Rock, Monsanto и пр., так что ничего удивительного в том, что эти транснациональные "поборники прогресса" пытаются вытащить свои ресурсы.
since ukr land has already been sold to vultures such as blackrock, bayer/monsanto and other caritative entities, who had the authority to sell? who cashed in the money? what happened to the ukr farmers?...
since ukr land has already been sold to vultures such as blackrock, bayer/monsanto and other caritative entities, who had the authority to sell? who cashed in the money? what happened to the ukr farmers?...
What questions are you asking! You can do that, but in ukroreisch they kill for such questions.

Putin spoke at the Foreign Ministry today. While there is no whole text of the speech, it is published in some pieces. I'll find the whole text later and translate it, but for now about the truce. Some initial conditions for negotiations. What can I say? A certain number of people in Kharkiv, Sumy, Chernihiv, Nikolaev, Odessa began to cry.
Putin announced today the conditions for the start of peace talks with Ukraine:
- Withdrawal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the DPR, LPR, Kherson, Zaporizhia regions;
- Ukraine's refusal to join NATO and non-aligned status
- Lifting of all sanctions
"Russia is making another real peace offer today, but if the West and Kiev refuse, it is their responsibility for the bloodshed."

Ну и вопросы вы задаете! Вам то можно, а вот в укрорейхе за такие вопросы убивают.
Сегодня Путин выступал в МИД. Пока целого текста выступления нет, публикуют какими то кусками.
Попозже я найду целый текст и переведу, но вот пока по поводу перемирия. Некоторые начальные условия для переговоров. Что я могу сказать? Определенное количество людей в Харькове, Сумах, Чернигове, Николаеве, Одессе заплакали.
I'll find the whole text later and translate it
As I promised, I posted Putin's full speech here. The speech is quite long and concerns many issues, not only Ukraine, so I posted it in that thread.
We continue to move forward.
There were reports about Georgievka's release about a week ago, but since then, persistent fighting and cleansing have continued. Finally completely cleaned up. The dill can be understood in their tenacity in this case, because before the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in this direction there was only one village Maximilianovka. Further on, the city of Kurakhovo is the local center of defense of the direction.
Russian troops occupied Georgievka, knocking out the AFU troops
According to reports, Russian troops have successfully occupied the settlement of Georgievka in the Maryinsky direction, moving west by about 1.5 kilometers. This advance brings Russian forces closer to the strategically important logistics hub of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kurakhovo, which is only 7 kilometers from the current positions of Russian troops.

The control of Georgievka is a significant success for the Russian armed forces. This settlement was under the control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces for a long time and was an important element of the defensive lines of the Ukrainian army in the Marinka area. The advance of Russian troops in this direction poses a threat to Ukrainian positions and disrupts the supply lines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Kurakhovo plays a key role in the logistics of the Ukrainian army in Donbas. Through this node, the garrison of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is supplied, as well as a significant part of the forces of the Ukrainian army operating in the region. In the event of the capture of Kurakhovo by Russian troops, the AFU may face serious problems in supplying its units, which will weaken their combat capability and worsen the situation at the front.
Российские войска заняли Георгиевку, выбив войска ВСУ

Как я и обещал, я выложил полную речь Путина здесь. Речь довольно длинная и касается многих проблем, не только Украины, поэтому я выложил это в той ветке.
Мы продолжаем двигаться вперед.
Про Георгиевку были сообщения об освобождении еще около недели назад, но с тех пор продолжались упорные бои и зачистка. Наконец то полностью зачистили. Укропов можно понять в их упорстве в данном случае, ведь перед ВС РФ на этом направлении осталась одна деревня Максимилиановка. Дальше город Курахово- локальный центр обороны направления.
since ukr land has already been sold to vultures such as blackrock, bayer/monsanto and other caritative entities, who had the authority to sell? who cashed in the money? what happened to the ukr farmers?...
Exactly. Who was the escrow company? 😂

And who will govern if the Ukrainian government is dissolved? And what if all this land ends up not being part of the rump Ukraine? Say hypothetically that country X takes the land south of Kiev. Now Blackrock’s farmland is in country X. Blackrock presents a deed that is meaningless paper to country X. Country X says, “This is our land now. You gotta go.”😂
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