Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

A couple of news items that I would combine with a common name. I will not invent this name, but I will use the name of the very Maidan of 2013-2014, the results of which we are all reaping now. I wonder if anyone remembers what that Maidan was called by its half-witted organizers?
They called it the "Maidan of gidnost" which can be translated as the "revolution of dignity." In general, it was already clear at that time that poor Orwell had turned over in his cozy coffin. Since then, a lot has happened that makes Orwell spin in his coffin like a squirrel in a wheel, and in particular these two pieces of news - this is the very "gidnost", i.e. dignity in Ukropian.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine are keeping their unsuitable fighters in the basement

The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have been keeping 55 of their military personnel in the basement for about three months, who are unfit for service in the airborne assault troops due to disability. This was stated by the son of the fighter Ilya Yarem, who is being held there.

"My father is kept in the basement, they do not pay money and do not allow him to resign for health reasons or transfer to another unit. Him and 54 other people," Strana reports his son's words on the telegram channel.

According to Ilya, his father had operations and rehabilitation, which leads to a deterioration of the disability group. He also published a video message from the servicemen, who are allegedly being held in the basement.
«Страна»: ВСУ удерживают в подвале своих непригодных для армии бойцов

Kiev intends to apply to international arbitration over the destruction of the Kakhovskaya HPP

The Ukrainian company Ukrhydroenergo initiated international arbitration over the destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant (HPP) in order to demand compensation from the Russian Federation. The organization announced this in its Telegram channel on Thursday, June 6.

At the same time, the hydroelectric power plant was destroyed as a result of a terrorist attack committed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. However, as representatives of Ukrhydroenergo note, the basis for starting the process is the Agreement on the Promotion and Mutual Protection of Investments signed by Moscow and Kiev in 1998. It expires on January 27, 2025.

According to the company, the Russian side has been notified of the settlement of the dispute, and the organization will apply to arbitration at the end of the six-month period for "voluntary compensation for losses caused to the company."

Earlier in the day, the governor of the Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo, said that the guilt of the Kiev regime in the attacks on the Kakhovskaya HPP and its destruction has been proven and is beyond doubt. He also noted that it is technically easy to resolve the issue of restoring the dam at the current level of development of science and production in the Russian Federation, it will be possible to do this after the victory in the special operation in Ukraine.

Prior to that, on May 19, Senator from the specified region Igor Kastyukevich spoke about the amount of damage from the destruction of the Kakhovskaya HPP. He estimated it at 11.5 billion rubles and said that this is not the final amount. It may change as the infrastructure is restored.

As a result of the terrorist attack committed by the nationalists of Ukraine on June 6, 2023, there was a breakthrough of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station and an uncontrolled discharge of water began. Subsequently, dozens of settlements, including Kherson and Novaya Kakhovka, were almost completely flooded. The number of injured reached 175, 59 people were killed. About 9 thousand residents were evacuated to safe places.

Kakhovskaya HPP is the sixth and lowest station on the Dnieper. It closes the Dnieper cascade. The waters of the Kakhovka reservoir feed the arid areas of the Kherson region and the Crimean Peninsula.
«Укргидроэнерго» намерена обратиться в суд из-за разрушения Каховской ГЭС

Пара новостей, которые я объединил бы общим названием. Название это я не буду выдумывать, а воспользуюсь названием того самого майдана 2013-2014 годов, результаты которого мы все сейчас пожинаем. Интересно, кто-нибудь помнит как называли тот майдан его полоумные организаторы?
Они называли его- "майдан гидности", что можно перевести, как- "революция достоинства". В целом уже тогда было понятно, что бедняга Оруэлл перевернулся в своем уютном гробу. С тех пор произошло очень много такого, от которого Оруэлл вертится в гробу как белка в колесе и в частности вот эти две новости- это и есть та самая "гидность", т.е. достоинство по хохляцки.
We continue to move forward.
In addition to Ivanovka, mentioned in this article, there is some information about the release of Georgievka.
The enemy confirms the capture of Ivanovka by the Russian Army (MAP)

Russian troops captured Ivanovka in the Kupyansk direction, according to the Deep State, a Ukrainian military analytical resource cooperating with the GUR.

This is partially confirmed by the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW). According to him, Russian troops advanced up to a platoon to the northwest of Ivanovka.

"Russian military bloggers claim that Russian troops have also captured several Ukrainian positions about 1.5 km south of Olshana (northeast of Kupyansk)," the Institute writes.

In the Kupyansk direction, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation gained a foothold north of Ivanovka in a section up to 2.2 km wide and up to 1.06 km deep.

In the Seversk direction, fighting is underway on the southeastern outskirts of Belogorovka.

In the Red Army (in Ukrainian reports — Pokrovsky) direction, Russian troops continue to press in Novoaleksandrivka, in the Sokol area, near Novopokrovsky and north of Umansky.

In the Velikonovoselkovsky direction, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, with the support of armored vehicles, continues assault operations in the area of Urozhajnoye.

This is very telling news. If anyone has not yet understood the policy of the European Union, at least to the newly joining members, then this news, coupled with the current real situation, is the quintessence of this policy. At the same time, it is not necessary to look at the motivation that is voiced by European bureaucrats, this is a traditional "bullshit". It is necessary to look at the fact that a country with sovereignty and, as one of the important foundations of sovereignty, a stable economy, does not need by the European Union at all, and when everything is the other way around (the energy system is destroyed, accordingly, we cannot talk about any serious industry) and when the country is completely dependent on external "partners" (on in fact, these are not partners but managers), then this is exactly what is being tried.
It must be said that, politically and socially, Ukraine is even ahead of the European Union. Unfortunately, I think that the concentration camp that the current Ukraine represents is the prospect, if not for all, then for many current members of the European Union.
The EC announced that Ukraine has fulfilled all the conditions for joining the European Union
The European Commission: Ukraine has fulfilled all the conditions for joining the EU

Kiev has achieved success in reforms to protect the rights of national minorities, against corruption and political lobbying, the EC announced. European ministers will discuss Ukraine's integration in two weeks, officials expect problems due to Hungary

The envoys of the EU countries agreed on the recommendations of the European Commission on the start of negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova on joining the European Union. This was announced at a briefing by the representative of the EC, Ana Pisonero.

"We believe that this issue is closed. We have provided updated information to the member countries that we believe that Ukraine and Moldova have fulfilled all the conditions. Now the decision is in the hands of the member states," she said (quoted by TASS).

The conditions for Ukraine's accession were anti-corruption reforms, restrictions on political lobbying, rules for declaring assets for officials and protection of the languages of national minorities.

EU diplomats will return to discussing the European integration of both countries on June 12. The first round of negotiations between the foreign ministers is scheduled for June 25, they will be calculated in Brussels, the Financial Times, Politico and Euractiv found out. This is due to the fact that the role of chairman will be transferred to Hungary from July 1, European diplomats are now conducting intensive negotiations so that Budapest does not create obstacles.

Hungary has been preventing the start of negotiations for a long time, sources told Euractiv. Budapest put forward 11 questions on the rights of national minorities, trade, anti-corruption, agriculture, the internal market and good-neighborly relations.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban spoke six months ago about the impossibility of accepting Ukraine into the EU due to the high level of corruption and the developed agro-industry. "If this agricultural sector is allowed to enter the European system, it will destroy it the very next day. Without transforming the system of subsidies for agriculture, we cannot accept them. The consequences will be terrible," he warned.

According to President Vladimir Putin, Russia has never opposed Ukraine's membership in the European Union. "We have always been against the military development of Ukrainian territory, because it threatens our security. That's what we were against. But as for economic integration, for God's sake, it's their choice," he explained.
В ЕК заявили о выполнении Украиной всех условий для вступления в Евросоюз

Zakharova hardly seriously hopes to get something from the Armenians, they did not go to this notorious Bucha for that. It's just such subtle trolling.
Zakharova called on Armenian parliamentarians to share the list on the Butcha
The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry noted that for two years the Russian Federation has not been able to obtain data on the people allegedly killed there
Russia calls on the Armenian parliamentarians to share the list of people allegedly killed in the Butcha handed over to them by Kiev. This was stated to journalists by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

"We really hope that the Armenian side, the official Armenian delegation, will share the list of these people with the Russian side," the diplomat said. "For two years we have not been able to get at least someone, including the UN, to provide us with data with a list of people who allegedly died there."

"We have seen endless delegations from the EU, the USA, and Canada visiting this city. We are not communicating with them in any way now, we do not have to expect anything good or constructive from them," Zakharova noted. - But we maintain regular contact with the Armenian side. We really hope that the list of people who are there (in the Butcha - approx. TASS) allegedly died, Armenian friends will pass it on."

It is not only the residents of Moscow who want to see with their own eyes who our country is fighting with. An exhibition similar to the exhibition in Patriot Park, in the Moscow region and on Poklonnaya Gora, in Moscow, is being prepared in the suburbs of Yekaterinburg (this city is informally considered the capital of the Ural region). According to this logic, Novosibirsk is next in line, as the informal capital of Siberia and Vladivostok, as the informal capital of the Far East.
An exhibition of captured equipment is being prepared by the Central Military District in Verkhnyaya Pyshma

Мы продолжаем продвигаться вперед.
Помимо Ивановки, упоминаемой в данной статье, есть некоторые данные об освобождении Георгиевки.
Весьма красноречивая новость. Если кто еще не понял политику евросоюза, как минимум ко вновь присоединяющимся членам, то вот в этой новости вкупе с нынешней реальной обстановкой и есть квинтэссенция этой политики. При этом не надо смотреть на мотивировку, которую озвучивают евробюрократы, это традиционная "лапша на уши". Смотреть надо на то, что страна, имеющая суверенитет и, как одну из важных основ суверенитета, устойчивую экономику, совсем никак не нужна евросоюзу, а когда все наоборот (энергосистема разрушена, соответственно не может и речь идти о какой то серьезной промышленности) и когда страна полностью зависит от внешних "партнеров" (на самом деле это не партнеры а управленцы), то вот это именно то, что и тебуется.
Надо обязательно сказать, что в политическом и в общественном смысле Украина даже опережает евросоюз. К сожалению, я думаю, что тот концлагерь, который представляет из себя нынешняя Украина, это перспектива если не всех, то многих нынешних членов евросоюза.
Захарова вряд ли серьезно надеется что то получить от армян, не для того они ехали в эту пресловутую Бучу. Это просто такой тонкий троллинг.
Не только жители Москвы хотят посмотреть своими глазами на то, с кем воюет наша страна. Выставку, подобную выставке в парке Патриот, в подмосковье и на Поклонной Горе, в Москве, готовят в пригороде Екатеринбурга (этот город неформально считают столицей Уральского региона). Дальше на очереди по такой логике Новосибирск, как неформальная столица Сибири и Владивосток, как неформальная столица Дальнего Востока.

"You know, you haven't bowed down, you haven't yielded at all, you continue to fight in a way that is just remarkable, is just remarkable—and we’re not going to walk away from you," Biden told the Ukrainian leader. That's when he followed with:

"I apologize for the weeks of not knowing what’s going to pass, in terms of funding, because we had trouble getting the bill that we had to pass that had the money from some of our very conservative members who were holding it up, but we got it done."
However, Biden still touted that since finally signing the supplemental in April, there's been a surge in new packages.

"Since then, including today, I've announced six packages of significant funding—today I’m also signing an additional package for $225 million to help you reconstruct the electric grid," he said.

Many of these new packages have focused on delivering badly needed artillery ammo. At the front lines, Russia has been outpacing Ukrainian forces' rate of artillery fire by a rate of 10 to 1, according to war monitors. Ukraine has been fairing poorly, is being pushed back in places like Kharkiv, and is suffering its worst ever manpower shortage and crisis.

But Biden still committed to Zelensky and to Ukraine that: "We’re still in... Completely. Thoroughly."

The day prior, Zelensky in a speech addressing D-Day anniversary commemorations drew parallels with Russia's war in Ukraine: "Allies defended Europe's freedom then, and Ukrainians do so now. Unity prevailed then, and true unity can prevail today."

"Macron is giving €650 million in loans and grants to Ukraine"

The night after the attack by Ukrainian unmanned boats on Mizhvodne near Chornomors’ke, Ukrainian forces launched kamikaze drones toward the Crimean Bridge and Rostov Region.

18 drones were directed towards Kerch through Kherson Region and the Sea of Azov. All targets were shot down in the areas of Mysove and Lenino in the east of the peninsula.

10 UAVs were shot down by small arms units, 5 were destroyed by Russian Aerospace Forces, and another 3 were suppressed by electronic warfare systems.

Another 7 drones were shot down over mainland Russia. According to various reports, the drones were shot down near Slavyansk-on-Kuban and on approach to Rostov-on-Don.

Old technology aircraft being gifted to Ukraine

France pledges to supply Mirage 2000-5 jets to Ukraine.



Ukraine’s labour force: More women taking up jobs previously dominated by men

We continue to move forward.
In addition to Ivanovka, mentioned in this article, there is some information about the release of Georgievka.


This is very telling news. If anyone has not yet understood the policy of the European Union, at least to the newly joining members, then this news, coupled with the current real situation, is the quintessence of this policy. At the same time, it is not necessary to look at the motivation that is voiced by European bureaucrats, this is a traditional "bullshit". It is necessary to look at the fact that a country with sovereignty and, as one of the important foundations of sovereignty, a stable economy, does not need by the European Union at all, and when everything is the other way around (the energy system is destroyed, accordingly, we cannot talk about any serious industry) and when the country is completely dependent on external "partners" (on in fact, these are not partners but managers), then this is exactly what is being tried.
It must be said that, politically and socially, Ukraine is even ahead of the European Union. Unfortunately, I think that the concentration camp that the current Ukraine represents is the prospect, if not for all, then for many current members of the European Union.

В ЕК заявили о выполнении Украиной всех условий для вступления в Евросоюз

Zakharova hardly seriously hopes to get something from the Armenians, they did not go to this notorious Bucha for that. It's just such subtle trolling.


It is not only the residents of Moscow who want to see with their own eyes who our country is fighting with. An exhibition similar to the exhibition in Patriot Park, in the Moscow region and on Poklonnaya Gora, in Moscow, is being prepared in the suburbs of Yekaterinburg (this city is informally considered the capital of the Ural region). According to this logic, Novosibirsk is next in line, as the informal capital of Siberia and Vladivostok, as the informal capital of the Far East.
An exhibition of captured equipment is being prepared by the Central Military District in Verkhnyaya Pyshma

Мы продолжаем продвигаться вперед.
Помимо Ивановки, упоминаемой в данной статье, есть некоторые данные об освобождении Георгиевки.
Весьма красноречивая новость. Если кто еще не понял политику евросоюза, как минимум ко вновь присоединяющимся членам, то вот в этой новости вкупе с нынешней реальной обстановкой и есть квинтэссенция этой политики. При этом не надо смотреть на мотивировку, которую озвучивают евробюрократы, это традиционная "лапша на уши". Смотреть надо на то, что страна, имеющая суверенитет и, как одну из важных основ суверенитета, устойчивую экономику, совсем никак не нужна евросоюзу, а когда все наоборот (энергосистема разрушена, соответственно не может и речь идти о какой то серьезной промышленности) и когда страна полностью зависит от внешних "партнеров" (на самом деле это не партнеры а управленцы), то вот это именно то, что и тебуется.
Надо обязательно сказать, что в политическом и в общественном смысле Украина даже опережает евросоюз. К сожалению, я думаю, что тот концлагерь, который представляет из себя нынешняя Украина, это перспектива если не всех, то многих нынешних членов евросоюза.
Захарова вряд ли серьезно надеется что то получить от армян, не для того они ехали в эту пресловутую Бучу. Это просто такой тонкий троллинг.
Не только жители Москвы хотят посмотреть своими глазами на то, с кем воюет наша страна. Выставку, подобную выставке в парке Патриот, в подмосковье и на Поклонной Горе, в Москве, готовят в пригороде Екатеринбурга (этот город неформально считают столицей Уральского региона). Дальше на очереди по такой логике Новосибирск, как неформальная столица Сибири и Владивосток, как неформальная столица Дальнего Востока.
the acceptance of ukraine in the EU is one nail in the coffin of the eu. why not accept the initial requirements of russia, which are justified by the shelling of the ukr east by ukr. instead, an ever increasing conflict is engineered till real deflagration.. russia will not suffer, but we will. stupid west.
We continue to move forward.
In addition to Ivanovka, mentioned in this article, there is some information about the release of Georgievka.


This is very telling news. If anyone has not yet understood the policy of the European Union, at least to the newly joining members, then this news, coupled with the current real situation, is the quintessence of this policy. At the same time, it is not necessary to look at the motivation that is voiced by European bureaucrats, this is a traditional "bullshit". It is necessary to look at the fact that a country with sovereignty and, as one of the important foundations of sovereignty, a stable economy, does not need by the European Union at all, and when everything is the other way around (the energy system is destroyed, accordingly, we cannot talk about any serious industry) and when the country is completely dependent on external "partners" (on in fact, these are not partners but managers), then this is exactly what is being tried.
It must be said that, politically and socially, Ukraine is even ahead of the European Union. Unfortunately, I think that the concentration camp that the current Ukraine represents is the prospect, if not for all, then for many current members of the European Union.

В ЕК заявили о выполнении Украиной всех условий для вступления в Евросоюз

Zakharova hardly seriously hopes to get something from the Armenians, they did not go to this notorious Bucha for that. It's just such subtle trolling.


It is not only the residents of Moscow who want to see with their own eyes who our country is fighting with. An exhibition similar to the exhibition in Patriot Park, in the Moscow region and on Poklonnaya Gora, in Moscow, is being prepared in the suburbs of Yekaterinburg (this city is informally considered the capital of the Ural region). According to this logic, Novosibirsk is next in line, as the informal capital of Siberia and Vladivostok, as the informal capital of the Far East.
An exhibition of captured equipment is being prepared by the Central Military District in Verkhnyaya Pyshma

Мы продолжаем продвигаться вперед.
Помимо Ивановки, упоминаемой в данной статье, есть некоторые данные об освобождении Георгиевки.
Весьма красноречивая новость. Если кто еще не понял политику евросоюза, как минимум ко вновь присоединяющимся членам, то вот в этой новости вкупе с нынешней реальной обстановкой и есть квинтэссенция этой политики. При этом не надо смотреть на мотивировку, которую озвучивают евробюрократы, это традиционная "лапша на уши". Смотреть надо на то, что страна, имеющая суверенитет и, как одну из важных основ суверенитета, устойчивую экономику, совсем никак не нужна евросоюзу, а когда все наоборот (энергосистема разрушена, соответственно не может и речь идти о какой то серьезной промышленности) и когда страна полностью зависит от внешних "партнеров" (на самом деле это не партнеры а управленцы), то вот это именно то, что и тебуется.
Надо обязательно сказать, что в политическом и в общественном смысле Украина даже опережает евросоюз. К сожалению, я думаю, что тот концлагерь, который представляет из себя нынешняя Украина, это перспектива если не всех, то многих нынешних членов евросоюза.
Захарова вряд ли серьезно надеется что то получить от армян, не для того они ехали в эту пресловутую Бучу. Это просто такой тонкий троллинг.
Не только жители Москвы хотят посмотреть своими глазами на то, с кем воюет наша страна. Выставку, подобную выставке в парке Патриот, в подмосковье и на Поклонной Горе, в Москве, готовят в пригороде Екатеринбурга (этот город неформально считают столицей Уральского региона). Дальше на очереди по такой логике Новосибирск, как неформальная столица Сибири и Владивосток, как неформальная столица Дальнего Востока.
if the eu says ukr met the requirements to become a member state of the eu, i recall one of the marx brothers saying he would never join a club which accepts him as a member. ukr is corrupt and will remain so forever. it is and will be a money sink forever. it will never enrich the eu but make it ever more irrelevant. i have been to ukr 30 years ago, the country was miserable, they stole my camera under the pretext of watching my belongings, i was on the top of the an225, now destroyed. one should obtain peace and independicy but more does not make sense.
Probably many people have noticed that in the half of Volchansk and on the outskirts of Lipcy, the offensive of the Russian Armed Forces in the Kharkov direction has slowed down. Today, data is being published that it turns out that we have been on the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for at least a week in order to enter the territory of the Belgorod region. It turns out that the story of last year's "great counteroffensive" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Zaporozhye region is being repeated.
Volchansk. Today it became known about the plan of the AFU command in this sector of the front: the AFU had to squeeze our people out of the city by June 3 and enter the territory of the Belgorod region. To do this, the fattest brigades were deployed from different directions: the 82nd Assault, the 36th Marines and the 92nd separate assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Despite the exertion of efforts, the enemy cannot budge our guys.
07.06.2024 ТЯЖЕЛЫЕ БОИ в пойме Днепра, информация с мест. Карта боевых действий на Украине: ВСУ хотели выбить наших из Волчанска до 3 июня (18 видео)

An article about the mobilization attempts of the Kiev junta. I will not publish the whole article because the tricks and tricks of the Bandera authorities in their attempts to send as many people to death as possible are not interesting, but I will publish the last couple of paragraphs. Here are the figures that make Boris Johnson's slogan "to the last Ukrainian!" be taken not by some figure of speech, but quite literally. In fact, if the data presented are correct, then for Ukraine 10 million this is the "last Ukrainian". With such a population, with its number and with its structure, this country will not be able to do anything, even just survive - it will simply die out, as mammoths once died out.
Near Volchansk - through Interpol: the Kiev regime continues to introduce "genocide traps"
By the way, not only men are running headlong from the "nezalezhnaya". According to information from Ukrainian resources, up to 17 thousand women leave the country every day, that is, about half a million per month. The main flow is from Kharkiv, Poltava, Chernihiv and Sumy regions.

Thus, next year, the Ukraine of the illegitimate Zelensky risks remaining with a population of no more than 10 million people, of which 4 million will be disabled, the rest will be pensioners, and only about a million able-bodied middle-aged citizens.
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Наверно многие обратили внимание на то, что на половине Волчанска и на подступах к Липцам наступление ВС РФ на Харьковском направлении затормозилось. Сегодня публикуют данные о том, что мы оказывается уже как минимум неделю имеем наступление ВСУ с целью выйти на территорию Белгородской области. Получается, что повторяется история с прошлогодним "великим контрнаступом" ВСУ в Запорожском регионе.
Статья про мобилизационные попытки киевской хунты. Всю статью я не буду публиковать ибо хитрости и крючкотворство бандеровской власти в их попытках послать на смерть как можно больше людей не интересны, но вот пару последних абзацев я опубликую. Здесь приводятся цифры, которые заставляют воспринимать лозунг Бориса Джонсона- "до последнего украинца!", не какой то фигурой речи, а вполне буквально. В самом деле, если представленные данные верны, то для Украины 10 млн. это и есть "последний украинец". С таким населением, с его количеством и с его структурой эта страна не сможет ничего, даже просто выжить- она просто вымрет, как когда то вымерли мамонты.
I would call it a funny statement by a funny person. He says that Ukraine cannot be brought to its knees, apparently one can agree with this, but in a different sense, not in the way Scholz thinks. Considering what was published in the last message, we can say that the dead will not kneel, he will just fall. Scholz goes on to talk about a kind of "just world." In his understanding (and in the understanding of the whole West), a "just world" is the surrender of Russia. The question arises - why is it so modest? They would have already officially voiced what, for example, Madeleine Albright, no longer being an official, did not hesitate to say publicly, namely that it is unfair that Russia has such a territory and such resources. And then, when "justice" comes, in her opinion, i.e. the territory of Russia will be under the control of the West, this "justice" must be strengthened by reducing the population. According to this late madam, the "fair" population of the future "fair" Russia would be 50 million people, i.e. to reduce at least three times. This is the dream of all the Scholzes, Bidens, Macrons, etc.
Scholz addressed Putin with a message on Ukraine

MOSCOW, June 8 — RIA Novosti. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, in a video message on the social network X, demanded that Russian President Vladimir Putin admit that Ukraine will not be brought to its knees.
"Ukraine is strong and will not be brought to its knees, it will not be forced to surrender. Putin must finally admit this. Only a just peace is possible for Ukraine. We are working tirelessly for this just world," he said.

In February, in an interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson, President Vladimir Putin said that negotiations with Ukraine in 2022 were almost completed, but after the withdrawal of Russian troops from Kiev, the Ukrainian side "threw out all agreements", and then Vladimir Zelensky legally prohibited negotiations with Russia.
At the same time, Putin has repeatedly stressed that Moscow is ready to resume dialogue with Kiev. But, as he stated at the SPIEF plenary session, negotiations should proceed from the realities of today and be conducted on the terms that were discussed in Minsk and Istanbul.
Шольц обратился к Путину с посланием по Украине

As far as I know, all previously announced bonuses for destroyed Western equipment have been carefully paid. With this in mind and bearing in mind the following statement, we can say that Russian air defense fighters and fighter pilots are looking forward to the appearance of the F-16 on the battlefield. In connection with the recently discovered information, I would add a prize for the French Mirage.
The Ural company announced a bonus of 15 million rubles for the first downed F-16 fighter
Sergey Shmotyev, CEO of Fores, noted that those who knock out tanks supplied by Western countries to Ukraine will also receive payments.
ST. PETERSBURG, June 8. /tass/. The Ural company Fores announced a bonus of 15 million rubles for the first downed F-16 fighter jet, which Western countries plan to supply to Kiev. This was announced to TASS on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) by the company's CEO Sergey Shmotyev.

Earlier, the Dutch authorities announced that they plan to transfer 24 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, which can be used for strikes against the Russian Federation, while stressing that Kiev has the right to dispose of the weapons it receives. In addition, by the end of 2028, the Ukrainian side intends to receive 19 fighters from Denmark. Belgium also announced its intention to deliver 30 F-16 aircraft on the same date.

"We have announced a bonus for the destruction of the F-16 fighter, if such vessels are delivered to Kiev. <...> Also, those guys who knock out tanks supplied by Western countries to Ukraine receive payments. We paid 5 million rubles for the first tank, and 500 thousand rubles for all subsequent ones. Now the queue of damaged tanks is more than 20 tanks. The reward reaches the guys who are fighting, who are destroying tanks," Shmotyev said.

In addition, Shmotyev noted, since 2018, the company has already sent more than 730 million rubles to charity. From the very beginning of the special military operation, Fores has been actively involved in supporting Russian military personnel. In particular, this includes assistance in improving the material and technical base of training units, the formation of humanitarian supplies in accordance with the needs of military personnel, and the encouragement of distinguished fighters in the SVO zone. Since the beginning of the special operation, the company has allocated 216.4 million rubles to support the Russian military.

Я бы назвал это смешным заявлением смешного человека. Он говорит, что украину нельзя поставить на колени, видимо с этим можно согласиться, но в другом смысле, не так как думает Шольц. Учитывая то, что было опубликовано а прошлом сообщении, можно сказать, что мертвый на коленях стоять не будет, он просто упадет.
Далее Шольц говорит о некоем "справедливом мире". В его понимании (да и в понимании всего запада) "справедливый мир" это капитуляция России.
Возникает вопрос- а чего так скромно? Уже официально озвучивали бы то, что, например, Мадлен Олбрайт уже не будучи официальным лицом, не стеснялась говорить публично, а именно то, что несправедливо, что Россия обладает такой территорией и такими ресурсами. И дальше, когда наступит "справедливость" по ее мнению, т.е. территория России окажется под контролем запада, эту "справедливость"надо упрочнять путем сокращения населения. По мнению этой покойной мадам "справедливым" количеством населения будущей "справедливой" России было бы 50 млн. человек, т.е. сократить как минимум в три раза. Это мечта всех Шольцев, Байденов, Макронов и пр.
Насколько я знаю, все ранее озвученные премии за уничтоженную западную технику аккуратно выплачены. Имея это ввиду и имея ввиду следующее заявление, можно сказать, что Российские бойцы ПВО и летчики-истребители с нетерпением ожидают появления F-16 на поле боя. В связи с недавно открывшейся информацией, я бы добавил премию и за французский Мираж.
This is embarrassing for Russians.

“Yes, yesterday the airfield in Akhtubinsk was attacked by a UAV. Three pieces arrived. The Su-57 was damaged by shrapnel; it is now being determined whether it can be restored or not. If not, then this will be the first loss of the Su-57 in history. I’ll tell you again. For the price of this Su-57 alone, shelters from UAVs could be built for all PTA aircraft in the country.”

It's about Russia. No, it's about China. But first of all, it's about money.

From the horse's mouth, straightforward. Yesterday's interview:

Yes, I do support us training inside the country. You know, the delay in weapons because of House inaction, we did lose momentum. But from the very beginning, the Biden administration, they did not impose pre-invasion sanctions to deter Putin. They didn't give weapons to Ukraine early on to deter Putin. And now we've got a chance to reset this war that they have the weapons. Here's what he wanted most of all, for us to go after the Russian assets all over the world, take the money from the sovereign wealth funds of Russia and give it to Ukraine. There's $300 billion sitting in Europe from Russian sovereign wealth, assets that we should seize and give to Ukraine. We have Russian money in America we should seize. We should make Russia a state sponsor of terrorism under U.S. law. When I suggested that to President Zelensky, he lit up like a Christmas tree. Making Russia a state sponsor of U.S.- state sponsor of terrorism under U.S. law would be a very big blow to Russia. ...

They're sitting on 10 to $12 trillion of critical minerals in- in Ukraine. They could be the richest country in all of Europe. I don't want to give that money and those assets to Putin to share with China. If we help Ukraine now, they can become the best business partner we ever dreamed of, that 10 to $12 trillion of critical mineral assets could be used by Ukraine and the West, not given to Putin and China. This is a very big deal how Ukraine ends. Let's help them win a war we can't afford to lose. Let's find a solution to this war. But they're sitting on a gold mine. To give Putin 10 or $12 trillion for critical minerals that he will share with China is ridiculous.

Lindsey Graham is as vile as they come.

Like China needs Ukraine's minerals. They absolutely dominate that market already with an overall share around 60% (much higher for certain critically important elements like Cobalt). They supply over 80% of the rare Earth elements, but are involved in processing somewhere around 90%.

It's the Neocons that want Ukraine's wealth, then Russia's and eventually China's, because they're entitled to everything in the world and nobody should be able to outmatch them. They think that entitlement should be obvious to us because they're superior beings, the reality is that they aren't competent enough to even make the best use of the resources available to them now. The worst of it is that if the roles were reversed and they held China's percentages of the market, they would still be using their warmongering Neocon tricks to get access to the remainder. Greed is a sickness.

They will never be able to maintain their hegemony even with the entirety of Ukraine's mineral resources. It's too late.
It's a pathetic, greed driven existence. Watching them grasp for their power and wealth as it ebbs away would be very entertaining if it didn't threaten to take us all down with them.
We continue to move forward slowly.
The Russian army liberated Staromayorskoye — Ministry of Defense (+MAP, VIDEO)

The Russian army is developing an offensive in the DPR, the village of Staromayorskoye has been liberated.

The main thing from the Defense Ministry's summary from the South Donetsk direction:

The units of the Vostok group of forces continued to advance into the depth of the enemy's defense, defeated the manpower and equipment of the 58th motorized infantry, 72nd mechanized brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 123rd and 128th brigades of the terO in the areas of the settlements of Velikaya Novoselka, Vodiane, Neskuchnoye, Urozhodnoye and Ugledar (DPR).

Kadyrov announced the capture of the village of Ryzhevka in the Sumy region in three days
The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, announced that Russian forces had taken control of the village of Ryzhevka, located on the border with the Kursk region. According to Kadyrov, the operation took three days, during which the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) suffered significant losses. This information is confirmed by military correspondents.

Kadyrov noted that the success of the operation was made possible thanks to the coordinated actions of Russian units and clear command.

"The fighters of the AKHMAT-Chechnya regiment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation under the command of dear BROTHER Aslambek Saliev, together with servicemen of other Russian units, conducted tactical actions and liberated another settlement from the enemy. This is the village of Ryzhevka, which is located on the border with the Kursk region," he said.

Nevertheless, in the official summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, this information has not yet received any confirmation.
Кадыров заявил о взятии села Рыжевка в Сумской области за три дня

I promised that I would no longer publish news about the damaged Abrams and I keep this promise. Although Abrams appears in this news, this is not what is interesting. The interesting thing here is that this damaged Abrams, unlike the first destroyed ones, which were, so to speak, naked, turned out to be reinforced in accordance with current realities. There is a homemade mangal on the roof and additional dynamic protection in the form of Soviet Contact 1 blocks.
Why wasn't this done from the very beginning, even though it was clear that there was no chance without additional protection? My guess is that their white owners continue to conduct experiments on the unfortunate ukrops. As in laboratory, white mice.
Due to the emergence of new threats that had not been encountered before in the form of, for example, FPV drones, the Americans had a need to check how the regular material part reacted to these threats and at the beginning they forbade the dill to refine tanks. Having received the result in the form of a dozen and a half Abrams destroyed, the Americans received enough information and now allowed ukrops to take measures for better protection.
The "brave" struck the fashionable Abrams, hung with Soviet protection "Contact" (PHOTO, VIDEO)

In the area of the village of Sokol beyond Ocheretino, the gunners of the 2nd army of the Center group of forces tracked down and covered another American tank.

Ukrainians recently published a photo of this M1A1SA Abrams, reporting that the Soviet dynamic protection Contact-I was hung on the sides of the tower on the tank, a mangal was put on the roof, and on the body it has a regular American DP.

Мы продолжаем потихоньку продвигаться вперед.
Я обещал, что больше не буду публиковать новости про подбитые Абрамсы и держу это обещание. В данной новости, хоть и фигурирует Абрамс, но интересно не это. Интересно здесь то, что данный подбитый Абрамс в отличии от первых уничтоженных, которые были, так сказать, голые, оказался усилен в соответствии с нынешними реалиями. Здесь присутствует и самодельный мангал и дополнительная динамическая защита в виде советских блоков Контакт 1.
Почему этого не было сделано самого начала, хотя и было понятно, что без дополнительной защиты шансов никаких нет? Мое предположение заключается в том, что над несчастными укропами их белые хозяева продолжают проводить эксперименты. Как на лабораторных, белых мышах. В связи с появлением новых угроз, с которыми раньше не сталкивались в виде, например, FPV-дронов, у американцев появилась необходимость проверить, как на эти угрозы реагирует штатная материальная часть и в начале они запретили укропам дорабатывать танки. Получив результат в виде уничтоженных полутора десятков Абрамсов, американцы получили достаточно информации и теперь разрешили укропам предпринять меры для лучшей защиты.
The terrorist orientation of the Ukropian, Nazi regime is becoming increasingly difficult to hide. Ukrops owners are no longer shy about openly talking about this, even though they themselves are no better (about this in the article, in the end of post).
Ukraine is planning a "terrorist campaign": schools in Russia will be attacked — Daily Express

British media said Ukraine was planning a "terrorist campaign" in which Russian schools and other civilian infrastructure would be attacked.

Nicholas Drummond, a defense and security analyst, told the Daily Express.

In his opinion, this can begin if Ukraine begins to suffer defeat or unfavorable peace conditions are imposed on it.

"Ukraine will want to conduct terrorist activities in Russia if Russia wins in Ukraine or gets any victory. I think Ukraine will conduct a counterinsurgency campaign inside Russia, and it will be much more destructive than anything we have seen on the front line," Drummond said.

According to him, these "activities will include bombing schools, bombing infrastructure… it will begin in earnest if any peace agreement is imposed on Zelensky."

"They are absolutely planning such attacks now. No questions asked. I think this is scarier for Putin than an ordinary war, because if the Ukrainians unleash this terrorist campaign in Russia, he will lose power very quickly, because people will say: "You didn't do enough to stop it," the British expert believes.

A massive, organized escape from the "bright, democratic" Ukropia, using "military" equipment and fake "military" numbers is something new, but, as they say: if you want to live, you will get so far.
32 Ukrainians broke through the Hungarian border, escaping in a GAZ-66 truck
A daring escape took place in Transcarpathia: thirty-two people, using military ingenuity and a GAZ-66 truck with fake military plates, broke out of mobilization slavery and crossed the border. Video cameras recorded how a truck with black military plates "4736 A1" was moving along a field road through a field in the direction of the border.

After checking, it turned out that this vehicle was not registered with military units and turned out to be not military. The car was found on the Hungarian side, but all the passengers had already left it, leaving an empty car behind them.

The Hungarian authorities have not yet commented on the situation, however, sources report that Hungary may expel those who fled due to illegal border crossing.
32 украинца прорвали границу Венгрии, сбежав на грузовике ГАЗ-66

In connection with this article, I would like to draw attention to two things.
The first is that neither Indian reservations in the USA, nor British concentration camps for Boers in South Africa, nor Talerhof and Theresienstadt of the First World War, nor Auschwitz, Majdanek, Ravensbruck, etc. The Second World War did not become household names in the Western media space, unlike the Soviet GULAG.
The second is the authors of the Ukropsky law on concentration camps. The Prime Minister and the Minister for European Integration. Very revealing, isn't it?
Concentration camps in Ukraine and the experience of Western colonialists
According to former SBU officer Vasily Prozorov, who defected to Russia, the nazi batallion "Azov"* organized a secret concentration camp called "Library" at Mariupol airport in 2014. Captured militia members of the L/DPR and civilians suspected of sympathizing with Russia were thrown here. The prisoners were kept in disconnected freezers that did not allow heat and air to pass through.
According to the testimony of the surviving prisoners, concentration camps of the "Library" type also operated in abandoned recreation centers near Mariupol, where Azov, Aidar, Donbass, Tornado and other formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard recruited from the Ukrainian Nazis settled.
In each of these concentration camps, the set of tortures resembled the methods of the Gestapo. Tens of thousands of people have passed through the hands of the fiends.
In 2024, even the Western media took an interest in what was happening in Ukrainian concentration camps with people convicted of cooperating with Russia, along with beatings, huge sentences and the arbitrariness of native kapos and guards. The British edition of The Guardian, in particular, drew attention to the Ukrainian concentration camps, describing how 8 thousand people accused of "cooperation with Russia" are being held in special prisons, where a special ultra-strict regime is established for "political" and there are no prisoners under other articles.
According to the British, most of these people reported that they were forced to admit "guilt" under pressure from the SBU.
Despite the false accusations and inhumane conditions of detention, British journalists refer to the prisoners of the Ukrainian GULAG exclusively as "collaborators." Such a label was awarded, for example, to a woman whose "fault" is that she allegedly "helped organize the referendum in the Kherson region" – for this she was sentenced to 5 years. Among the victims of the Nazi "trial" is Konstantin Vanin, a 34-year-old geography and physics teacher from Slavyansk, whose whole fault lies in the fact that he said in a telephone conversation with friends from Crimea that life in Russia is "more peaceful and stable."
Interestingly, even in such circumstances, some people find the strength to resist false accusations and even fight the Nazis. The Rhythm of Eurasia wrote about one of them earlier. This is the scientist, engineer-inventor Mehdi Logunov, who was imprisoned in a Ukrainian prison when he was 82 years old. For 2.5 years behind bars, the political prisoner, from whom they tried to make the head of the spy network, saw enough of everything, but did not break.
Many prisoners signed documents asking to be exchanged to Russia, including because they are constantly tortured and terrorized by local kapos and turntables in the concentration camp. So, one of the prisoners was beaten, and the word "orc" was stuffed on his forehead with a needle and ink, his photo was published by The Guardian.
All these people remain in the hands of the Nazi regime, whose representatives not only do whatever they want with them, but have been discussing for several years how "residents of Crimea, L/DNR, Belarus, Kursk, Bryansk and Belgorod regions" will be distributed to new concentration camps.
Information that Ukraine is preparing concentration camps for residents of the borderlands of Russia and Belarus appeared online at the beginning of last autumn. This was stated by Nikita Vasilenko, Professor of the Faculty of Philology at Kiev National University. The confidence of this kind of representatives of the current regime of Ukraine in future successes in the concentration camp field appeared after the attacks on the Sevastopol port, repair plant and drone strike on Yevpatoria, which took place on September 14. Inspired by them, Vasilenko noted that Ukraine will adopt the experience of Britain, which involves the creation of concentration camps not for military personnel, but for civilians.
It should be noted that the current regime in Kiev began to work on the topic of creating a concentration camp for residents of Crimea and Donbass long before the start of SMO, including at the legislative level through the so-called draft law on internment. Back in November 2020, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine submitted to the Verkhovna Rada a bill proposing internment, that is, to imprison Russian citizens in special camps without trial. The authors of this bill are Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmygal and deputy from European Solidarity and former Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Ivanna Klimpush-Tsintsadze.
As stated in the bill, after receiving appropriate notifications from the SBU, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine should decide on the internment of undesirable persons "taking into account real and potential threats to the national security of Ukraine." Any citizen of the Russian Federation and Belarus can be imprisoned in a concentration camp, because potentially anyone can do something that will be interpreted as a "threat".
We emphasize that in the autumn of 2020, as part of a special bill, the Cabinet of Ministers proposed to the Rada to oblige local state administrations to determine places for the settlement of internees, that is, to build concentration camps. As stated in the bill, the delivery of prisoners to these camps should be carried out without the involvement of motor transport. In other words, people should be transported by rail, or driven on foot under armed escort.
Escorting to camps, as well as searching for internees who escaped from camps, is entrusted, as in the years of Hitler's occupation, to the National Police. The National Guard should guard the camps. People who are objectionable to the regime should stay in camps as long as the fighting continues. Simply put, the bill provides for arbitrary detention based on suspicion and "potential threats" for an indefinite period without a court decision.
Some Ukrainian commentators even then suggested that in this way the Ukrainian regime decided to replenish the "exchange fund" of prisoners and detainees for bargaining with the Russian Federation and the republics of Donbass (which at that time were not part of the Russian Federation). For example, the former deputy head of the GPU, Renat Kuzmin, said in those days: "A few days ago, Prime Minister Shmygal submitted to the Rada a bill on the creation of concentration camps in Ukraine for persons with a Russian passport. Shmygal intends to exchange prisoners from these concentration camps as hostages or as prisoners in the same way as he is currently exchanging them in Donbas… What was that, a Sniffer? It looks very much like the heirs of Nazi criminals, SS men and policemen simply decided to take revenge on the winners of the Great Patriotic War for their shamefully defeated ancestors."
Today, the heirs of Nazi criminals, entrenched in Kiev, do not hide this crime. Moreover, as already mentioned, they say that Ukraine will adopt the experience of Britain, which involves the creation of concentration camps for civilians. Since Hitler at one time adopted this particular experience from the Anglo-Saxons, we will pay some attention to it.
The first to practice concentration camps were the white colonialists of North America – they became the so-called reservations for the Native American population (Indians). This practice was then used during the American Civil War of 1861-1865, when the concentration camps were also called "death camps". Other Europeans, such as the Spaniards, began to use some of the achievements of the English-speaking colonialists of America: in 1896, their governor in Cuba, General Valeriano Weiler y Nicolau, staged the first campos de concentracion as part of his strategy to suppress the anti-colonial uprising on the island.
A few years later, the technology was maximally modernized and improved by the British (machine gun towers around the perimeter, "thorn", etc.). This happened during the Anglo-Boer War, which gave a powerful impetus to the development of military affairs in the early twentieth century. Machine guns, armored trains, protective equipment (khaki) and barbed wire were widely used in it. It was with such a wire that the British began to entangle their new "invention" – concentration camps, where more than 200 thousand Boers were kept. Of these, over 26 thousand died of hunger and disease.
To this day, the Anglo-Saxons actively practice such "internment methods" of the unwanted. It is enough to recall the global American GULAG of dozens of secret prisons like Abu Ghraib, where prisoners are bullied and subjected to inhuman experiments. Moreover, such facilities are actively created not only by Americans, but also by the British. An example is the secret prison at Camp Bastion in Helmand province, Afghanistan, where, according to information leaked to the press in the early 2010s, dozens of local residents were illegally detained and tortured.
Concentration camps came to Europe from America and Africa through Ukraine (along with Western "well-wishers") at the very beginning of the First World War. Thanks to them, the names Talerhof and Terezin, in which thousands of Galicians and Bukovinians died just because they considered themselves Russians, became synonymous with real, not fictional "Ukrainians".
The first Ukrainians to be seen were the turntables and kapos, who killed and helped the Western occupiers kill those who refused to renounce their Russian name. Because of these scum, all local Russophiles (tens of thousands of people) were declared "Muscovites" and "agents of Moscow", a wave of denunciations rained down on the Orthodox clergy and intelligentsia, which soon turned into direct and massive physical destruction of both Orthodox priests and ordinary villagers who did not want to change their faith and nationality.
The first two thousand of these doomed people were driven by the invaders on September 4, 1914, to a field in the form of a long quadrangle in a sandy valley at the foot of the Alps, near Graz, which later became infamous as Talerhof…
Today, all these fanatical inhuman practices have been adopted by the figures of the Kiev regime – the heirs of the Talerhof concentration camp staff and other death camps, as well as their current Western masters.
Концлагеря на Украине и опыт западных колонизаторов

Террористическую направленность укропского, нацистского режима все труднее скрывать. Об этом уже не стесняются открыто говорить укропские хозяева, хоть сами ничем не лучше (об этом в последней статье).
Массовый, организованный побег из "светлой, демократической" Укропии, с использованием "военной" техники и поддельных "военных" номеров это что то новое, но , как говорится: жить захочешь- еще не так раскорячишься.
В связи с этой статьей я хотел бы обратить внимание на две вещи.
Первая это то, что ни индейские резервации в США, ни британские концлагеря для буров в южной африке, ни Талергоф и Терезин Первой Мировой войны, ни Освенцим, Майданек, Равенсбрюк и пр. Второй Мировой войны не стали нарицательными именами в западном медиапространстве, в отличии от Советского ГУЛАГа.
Вторая это авторы укропского закона о концлагерях. Премьер-министр и министр по евроинтеграции. Весьма показательно, не правда ли?
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