Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

NATO is seeking to escalate things in a very dangerous way. Ukraine has been given 'green light' by several countries to use their long-range missiles into Russian territory. I understand that some of them, like the UK's storm-shadows, can reach beyond Moscow. In order to do that, they will require Western countries' operators. So how is that not a direct conflict between NATO and Russia? Also, F-16s will be provided, which can carry nuclear weapons. Not that they will, but Russia will have to treat them like a nuclear threat, and all that implies. And those are not the only sticking points - there's the prospect of 'boots on the ground'. Yet in the West the leaders and apparently the populations seem to be like the meme of the dog in a bar on fire: "This is fine".

Here's a recent summary and analysis of the situation by The Duran:

Simplicus has a different take on the NATO escalation:

Zelensky mentions the now ongoing narrative about striking over the Russian border, so it’s a good time to segue into that to explain something important:

As we know, the entire West has latched onto this most ‘pressing’ issue of striking Russian territory. But I’m here to tell you: the entire thing is a giant mirage, a facade, a red herring.

First of all: Ukraine has obviously already been striking Russian territory unabatingly with a variety of weapons like the AGM-88 Harms in Belgorod, etc. Secondly, there is no real particularly exceptional damage it can do with such strikes because most Russian supply lines are along the eastern front, which is by far the largest current front—not in the north where Zelensky is currently focusing. The Kharkov operation is just a minor diversionary one for now. But the majority of the eastern rear lines, C2/3 nodes, etc., are far out of range of any possible weapon Ukraine has, including ATACMS.

Thus, the entire thing is a sham, a totally artificial narrative created under the false guise of needing to hit Russian rear lines. In reality, the actual truth entirely revolves around needing to escalate the conflict to save the AFU, which is collapsing. It has nothing to do with hitting Russian supply lines which are way out of reach anyway, and everything to do with the escalation creep of triggering Russia’s red lines and slowly wedging NATO into the conflict.

The real hopes of this recent highly coordinated push can be broken down to two things:

1. To continue increasing pressure on Russia, to make Putin feel “cornered” and hopefully create political instabilities—which obviously has no chance of working.

2. To precondition the more sheepish and reluctant of the NATO/Western “allies” into escalating by ‘leading the way’ in showing Russia’s lines can be pushed more and more, which will allow political pressure to be applied to the most cautious EU/NATO leaders in coercing them into increasing their own involvement in the Ukrainian conflict. The entire goal remains to subtly force as many of the reluctant Western countries as possible into escalating against Russia, to affect the image of a ‘united front’. The more that countries can stand in ‘solidarity’, the more their own citizens can be pressured and guilt-tripped into perpetual financial support of Ukraine.

The obvious way of doing that is by causing Russia to respond in some uncharacteristic way that can be declared as a ‘threat’, which will be used to galvanize this contrived Western solidarity. In short: it’s a slow, devious boa constrictor move to expand the Western coalition and its slow-drip involvement in the Ukraine war, lowering the fear threshold for continued Western involvement which—they hope—can eventually lead to the conditioning of Western publics into accepting boots on the ground to save Ukraine at the final hour.
Simplicus has a different take on the NATO escalation:

Zelensky mentions the now ongoing narrative about striking over the Russian border, so it’s a good time to segue into that to explain something important:

As we know, the entire West has latched onto this most ‘pressing’ issue of striking Russian territory. But I’m here to tell you: the entire thing is a giant mirage, a facade, a red herring.

First of all: Ukraine has obviously already been striking Russian territory unabatingly with a variety of weapons like the AGM-88 Harms in Belgorod, etc. Secondly, there is no real particularly exceptional damage it can do with such strikes because most Russian supply lines are along the eastern front, which is by far the largest current front—not in the north where Zelensky is currently focusing. The Kharkov operation is just a minor diversionary one for now. But the majority of the eastern rear lines, C2/3 nodes, etc., are far out of range of any possible weapon Ukraine has, including ATACMS.

Thus, the entire thing is a sham, a totally artificial narrative created under the false guise of needing to hit Russian rear lines. In reality, the actual truth entirely revolves around needing to escalate the conflict to save the AFU, which is collapsing. It has nothing to do with hitting Russian supply lines which are way out of reach anyway, and everything to do with the escalation creep of triggering Russia’s red lines and slowly wedging NATO into the conflict.

The real hopes of this recent highly coordinated push can be broken down to two things:

1. To continue increasing pressure on Russia, to make Putin feel “cornered” and hopefully create political instabilities—which obviously has no chance of working.

2. To precondition the more sheepish and reluctant of the NATO/Western “allies” into escalating by ‘leading the way’ in showing Russia’s lines can be pushed more and more, which will allow political pressure to be applied to the most cautious EU/NATO leaders in coercing them into increasing their own involvement in the Ukrainian conflict. The entire goal remains to subtly force as many of the reluctant Western countries as possible into escalating against Russia, to affect the image of a ‘united front’. The more that countries can stand in ‘solidarity’, the more their own citizens can be pressured and guilt-tripped into perpetual financial support of Ukraine.

The obvious way of doing that is by causing Russia to respond in some uncharacteristic way that can be declared as a ‘threat’, which will be used to galvanize this contrived Western solidarity. In short: it’s a slow, devious boa constrictor move to expand the Western coalition and its slow-drip involvement in the Ukraine war, lowering the fear threshold for continued Western involvement which—they hope—can eventually lead to the conditioning of Western publics into accepting boots on the ground to save Ukraine at the final hour.

In general I find Will Schryver's posts intelligent. He makes the point that Russia may be willing to strategically entertain more strikes on its territory in order to lure NATO into continuing on with its current idiotic plan, a plan that has overall played into Russia's hands. This isn't the WW3 hot war moment IMO.

Bleeding the Beast

I am inclined to believe that, in the absence of some truly egregious escalation on the part of the US/NATO, the Russians are more than willing to continue to fight this war on the strategically idiotic terms it has long-since assumed: the west expends its military strength piecemeal into the battle, and the Russians methodically defeat and/or destroy it.

Why should the Russians object if the US/NATO sends more of its scant stockpiles of short-range ballistic and longer-range cruise missiles? The success rates for ATACMS and Storm Shadow missiles has been abysmal, and steadily decreases with the passage of time. They are strategically meaningless. And there is effectively zero replenishment capacity!

Why should the Russians object if the US/NATO sends a squadron — or even five — of antiquated F-16s to Ukraine. Yes, of course, they would be piloted by NATO "volunteers", and they might even achieve a handful of overhyped and fleeting "successes" in the early going. But if they actually attempt to mount serious sorties over the Ukraine battlefield, old F-16s with inadequate logistics and sustainment are going to have a life span numbered in mere HOURS.

And why, above all, would the Russians object if the US/NATO sends "ground troops" into Ukraine to face the Russian army?

It simply must be understood that the US/NATO could not assemble, equip, send, and sustain even a dozen competent combat brigades to engage the Russians in Ukraine.

Do you realize what would happen to 50k NATO combat troops — none of whom have EVER experienced high-intensity warfare — if they were suddenly thrust, with necessarily deficient leadership and coordination, into the Ukraine battlefield?

They would be mercilessly slaughtered.

It would be even worse for the NATO forces than it was for the AFU during its catastrophic summer 2023 "counter-offensive".

So, if I'm Gerasimov, I would say, "Bring 'em on!"

At the rate this whole Ukraine debacle is going, essentially all European-based military power — be it indigenous or in the form of American expeditionary forces — is going to be attrited to "combat-ineffective" for at least a decade, and probably more.

If I were the Russians, I would view that objective as the summum bonum to be achieved as a result of this war, and I would be loath to interrupt the Masters of Empire while in the process of handing it to me on a silver platter.

It's so weird watching these psychopaths fail so spectacularly. It ain't over yet, but I guess I was expecting them to be more effective or something. I have a pet theory that they have an ace up their sleeve, some kinda wildcard, but it's looking like they're just lost in wishful thinking.
Tank driver surrenders with his tank

This is, how it should be done. All the genocidal maniacs with the money sit in the US Senate. They are the real enemy. Not the poor cannon fodder unfortunates in Ukraine. This is a Higher Awareness Achieving Moment for the Ukrainian soldier tank driver recorded on video. Just think about the intense emotional stress he had to go through, the hard decisions he had to ponder and make. That's how a Real Man looks like right there in the below video, I think!

Call the surrender-Hotline provided by Russia, go to the Russian side, get a good paying job to rebuild Eastern Ukrainian cities. You still remain in your country. Your life becomes much better. New goals, new aims. Probably a liveable place to spend the future at.

Worth the one minute watch. Notice how the Russians - according to protocol - first assertively shout at him:
- Don't look at us!
Then when the necessary proceedings are done, they stand him up and the Russian soldier pats him on the shoulder.
Source article:

A Minute Of Humanity...

VSU tanker Maxim Likhachev "dialed" Volga 149.200 channel and arranged with Russians his surrender... in T-64 tank, which protected him from shots in the back from his "fellow" VSU {Ukrainian} barrier troops. Obviously VSU thought that this "armor group" broke through Russians defenses, which technically was correct. VSU immediately reported a "success". Boy, have they been let down. Here is video of Likhachev surrendering with the tank and after a few seconds of necessary battlefield procedures you can see how Russian soldiers change their attitude after he is taken in. They pat him on the shoulder and the guy, at his 39 years of age, will have a good meal, shower and sleep in a long time before being debriefed by counterintel. He saved his life... and lives of others too. It is a remarkable video in so many respects and idiosyncrasies which are beyond the grasp of NATO "Russia experts".
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It looks as if the gas storage facility in Stryi (стрий)бWestern Ukraine was one of the key targets in last nights Russian missile attack. It has been the target a number of times before in recent months. The gas storage facility accounts for just over half of Ukraine's total underground gas facilities and is used by the EU to store gas. It can hold 17 billion cubic meters of gas. Since the EU is so keen on getting rid of Russian gas, then this attack can be seen as Russia giving it a helping hand ;)

Here is a picture of last nights activity
This is what Putin had to say about the recent escalations. He sounds serious. Yet, as The Duran guys say, in the West they believe he is bluffing - in contrast to the Cold War times, when everyone understood that there was too much at stake to assume anyone was bluffing. Dangerous game, slippery slope.

In general I find Will Schryver's posts intelligent. He makes the point that Russia may be willing to strategically entertain more strikes on its territory in order to lure NATO into continuing on with its current idiotic plan, a plan that has overall played into Russia's hands. This isn't the WW3 hot war moment IMO.

It's so weird watching these psychopaths fail so spectacularly. It ain't over yet, but I guess I was expecting them to be more effective or something. I have a pet theory that they have an ace up their sleeve, some kinda wildcard, but it's looking like they're just lost in wishful thinking.
F-16s have flown right over my house (out of Los Alamitos Army Airfield) regularly since I was eight years old. Next month I turn fifty eight. When I hear about F-16s going to Ukraine, I wonder how many might be the same ones that went over my head when I was eight. That’s basically how I view the entirety of the US war machine: Too old and rickety to run. Yesterday a pair of Chinooks flew over the house. Chinooks! They flew in Nam, maaan!
Dangerous game, slippery slope.
The conditions for "strengthening" this slippery slope in the most negative version have already been made from all sides.
Viewed from the Russian side, NATO (both as a whole bloc and its individual members) has already done so many different specific things, each of which individually can serve as a completely "legitimate" reason for war.
NATO will have to answer for Ukraine's strikes on Russian territory
NATO will be forced to answer for Ukraine's strikes on Russian territory with Western weapons. This was stated by the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Maria Zakharova, in her Telegram channel. The diplomat pointed out the inability of the Ukrainian side to independently use Western weapons and stressed that the flight mission for these munitions is being formed in NATO countries.

Zakharova noted that Washington, London and Paris should realize that Russia perfectly understands the role of NATO in launching these strikes. She stressed that Ukraine does not need any permits or prohibitions for this, since this is the work of NATO.

"Washington, London, and Paris should realize that Russia perfectly understands the role of NATO in launching these strikes. And there is nothing for Westerners to blow these lexical bubbles - they do not need to give Ukraine any "permits" or "non-permits" for this. This is the work of NATO members. And they will have to answer for it," Zakharova said.

The representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also pointed out that Ukraine's use of Western weapons is possible only with the help of space intelligence. The flight mission of these munitions is being formed in the NATO countries themselves. In one case, they are delivered to missile systems directly from NATO bases, in the other they are transmitted via tablets.

"But in any case, the maximum participation of Ukrainian servicemen in this process is to suggest a goal on the map. And then it's up to the NATO members. And these goals, as a rule, they determine themselves," Zakharova added.

It should be noted that some countries, including the United States, have approved the use of Western weapons for strikes on Russian territory, ignoring Moscow's warnings.
НАТО придётся ответить за удары Украины по территории России

Viewed from the other side, for all the rhetoric accusing of aggression and for all the provocative efforts, there are not enough concrete actions on the part of Russia, but now this problem seems to have been solved. As you understand, they themselves can organize a cyberattack and blame Russia for it (they have already done this repeatedly) or do nothing at all, but simply declare that it happened and voila- casus belli is ready.
NATO believes that a cyberattack could be a reason to invoke Article 5 of the charter

THE HAGUE, June 1st. /tass/. A cyberattack may be a reason to activate Article 5 of the charter of the North Atlantic Alliance on collective self-defense. This was stated by the head of the NATO Military Committee, Rob Bauer, speaking at the Shangri-La Dialogue Forum in Singapore.

"In NATO, we agreed that, in principle, a cyberattack could be a reason to activate Article 5," he stressed. At the same time, Bauer drew attention to the fact that in such a situation a number of factors would have to be taken into account.

"The difficult part is that it is necessary to establish who organized the attack," the NATO representative said. Moreover, we are not talking about where the servers from which the attack was carried out are located, but about who is the direct organizer, he said. "If it is impossible to identify the organizers, then it is very difficult to declare war on anyone," Bauer noted. "We also need to understand how destructive it is for society. If this means that critical services to our societies are compromised in such a way that societies cannot function, then we are getting close to the point where we can respond in the same way as we would to a physical attack."

Of course, the expression "white and fluffy" in relation to Austin may not correspond to reality, at least in the first part, but how he wants to look like this and how it does not correspond to reality in essence. Neither in the literal sense (which personally does not touch me at all), nor in the figurative sense (which can affect a lot of people). C's said at the last session, if I'm not mistaken: many will not survive. Wasn't that what they were talking about?
The US Secretary of Defense rejected NATO's responsibility in the conflict in Ukraine
U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Saturday said he disagreed with the claim that NATO expansion provoked the Ukrainian crisis. He made this statement during a speech at the Shangri-La Dialogue Summit in Singapore, an annual public forum on security in the Asia-Pacific region.

"I do not agree with your position that the expansion of NATO provoked the Ukrainian crisis," Austin replied to a journalist's question.

He stressed that he considers Russia responsible for the current situation, and not NATO's desire to expand. According to the Pentagon chief, all accusations against NATO are unfounded and untrue.

The Shangri La Dialogue Summit, named after the Shangri La Hotel in Singapore, where it is held, is organized by the Singapore branch of the International Institute for Strategic Studies operating in London. This year's event is being held for the 21st time and attracts the attention of world leaders and security experts.
Министр обороны США отверг ответственность НАТО в конфликте на Украине

Условия для "упрочнения" этого скользкого пути в самом негативном варианте со всех сторон уже сделаны.
При взгляде с Российской стороны, НАТО (как в целом блок, так и отдельные его члены) уже сделала так много разных конкретных вещей, какдая из которых в отдельности может служить вполне "законным" поводом для войны.
При взгляде с другой стороны, при всей обвиняющей в агрессии риторике и при всех провокационных усилиях не хватает конкретных действий со стороны России, но теперь эта проблема похоже решена. Как вы понимаете, организовать кибератаку и обвинить в ней Россию вполне могут они сами (они уже так делали неоднократно) или вообще ничего не делать, а просто заявить, что это случилось и вуаля- casus belli готов. Конечно, выражение "белый и пушистый" по отношению к Остину, может не соответствовать реальности по крайней мере в первой части, но как же ему хочется таким выглядеть и как же это не соответствует реальности по сути. Ни в прямом смысле (который лично меня вообще никак не трогает), ни в переносном смысле (который способен затронуть очень многих). C's на последней сессии сказали, если я не ошибаюсь: многие не выживут. Не об этом ли они говорили?
Completely agree @youlik . NATO has already committed an arm’s length list of justifications for a genuine Russian response. They seem to mistake humanity and patience for fear and lack of commitment. It’s as if they (the west) won’t wake up until missiles are in the air. What then? A bunch of idiots saying “Oh shit, you mean Putin was telling the truth? Boy did we -flick- this up. Oh well, I guess we still have time to bend over and kiss our asses goodb..”
Mike Whitney has an article out at Unz - 'To Avoid Nuclear War, Putin Needs to be a Little Crazier'

And does he realize that if the US implements its first-strike policy Russia may not have the time to retaliate?

He does.

And does Putin realize that foreign policy analysts regard him as a restrained and reasonable man who may not pull the trigger or respond promptly when Russia faces a preemptive attack that will inflict the strategic defeat on Moscow the West seeks?

No, he doesn’t. He still thinks that possessing a large cache of nuclear weapons will deter US aggression. But a large cache of nuclear weapons is no deterrent when your opponent is convinced you won’t use them.

Sometimes being reasonable is not the best way to fend off an adversary. Sometimes you have to be a little crazy.

That’s a lesson Putin needs to learn. Fast.

Completely agree @youlik . NATO has already committed an arm’s length list of justifications for a genuine Russian response. They seem to mistake humanity and patience for fear and lack of commitment. It’s as if they (the west) won’t wake up until missiles are in the air. What then? A bunch of idiots saying “Oh shit, you mean Putin was telling the truth? Boy did we -flick- this up. Oh well, I guess we still have time to bend over and kiss our asses goodb..”
So will Putin wait for an act and counter or take an act to counter? A judoka knows how to do both. Anyway... Let the DCM inspire Putin. (I wanted to use the term attack instead of act, but I prefer to stay on a more diplomatic note). And just a wink @Evan, I'm going to do fifty eight on June 30th... Also from 1966 my friend 👍
We continue to move forward slowly.
In the first case, when disembarking from the car, the guys came under mortar fire.
All these data are still without official confirmation.
Interesting footage has appeared of the landing of assault troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from a military truck west of the village of Kalinin, at point 48.60866, 37.85277 already beyond the canal north of Chasov Yar. Thus, the village is under the full or at least partial control of our army, since wheeled vehicles are already moving to the west of it. His capture, however, was not reported.
The landing of our assault troops to the west of Kalinin, already on the other side of the channel - 48.60866, 37.85277

Orekhovsky site. Near Rabodino and Verbov, without any significant changes to the front line. But south-east of Gulyai-Pole, the settlement of Mirnoye came under the control of Russian forces. Also, the enemy has been reporting the appearance of a new section of the front for the last day - in the Nesterenka area, it is right under Orekhov.
01.06.2024 Срочно! Российская армия открыла новый участок фронта в Запорожье. Карта боевых действий на Украине сегодня: Часов Яр (14 видео)

Мы продолжаем потихоньку продвигаться вперед.
В первом случае, при высадке из машины, ребята попали под минометный обстрел. Жалко.
Все эти данные пока без официального подтверждения.
Estonian rulers are definitely becoming my favorites. This is some kind of endless burlesque fountain. Then a military commander with a force of 5-7 thousand people threatens to defeat everyone in a row (today in Ukraine it is announced the destruction of a larger than usual number of AFU fighters, about 1,700 people. Big greetings to the Estonian troops. How many will there be enough of them? I usually don't publish such things, but this is the place), then the dwarf president there dreams of bringing someone to his knees, now their crazy premiere, which had previously been distinguished by very "exciting" statements, burst out with another grandiose idea. Her idea is so grandiose that I would support her with two hands. This is the real way of negotiations: let them take the name Ukraine into their NATO, even if led by its Jewish hetman, but at the same time let them liberate the territory of the former Ukrainian SSR, which will safely become part of Russia as the Little Russian Federal District.
Once again, the question arises: do they even understand what they are saying? The question is rhetorical.
Estonian Prime Minister: If Ukraine joins NATO, even without having a certain territory in its composition, it will be a victory

The Estonian authorities continue their Russophobic rhetoric. At the same time, anti-Russian statements have become an integral part of the functioning of the Estonian political elites themselves, which are under total control of the United States.

Estonian Prime Minister Kaya Kallas, who is trying to try on even the "uniform" of the NATO Secretary General, continues her militaristic rhetoric, apparently believing that this is how her political career should be ensured and at the same time praise from overseas.

Kaya Callas:
We don't have a plan B for Ukraine, because we can't even afford to think about Russia's victory. Our plan is plan A, namely, to help Ukraine in its counteraction to Russia, counteraction to the invasion.

According to the Estonian "prime minister", in Estonia, as in the whole West, they should not succumb to pessimism.
Victory in Ukraine is not only about territory.

Further speech attracts special attention:
If Ukraine joins NATO without even having a certain territory in its composition, it will be a victory.
According to Kallas, in this case Ukraine will be under the protection of NATO, and therefore "Russia will not go further."

Earlier, another Estonian figure, the President of this republic, A. Karis, said that Estonia's goal was "to bring Russia and Putin to their knees." For these words, he was ridiculed even in Estonia itself, asking him to look at the map more often.
ÐÑемÑÐµÑ ÐÑÑонии: ÐÑли УкÑаина вÑÑÑÐ¿Ð¸Ñ Ð² ÐÐТÐ, даже не Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ Ð² ÑвоÑм ÑоÑÑаве какой-Ñо опÑеделÑнной ÑеÑÑиÑоÑии, Ñо ÑÑо бÑÐ´ÐµÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð±ÐµÐ´Ð¾Ð¹

Эстонские правители определенно становятся моими фаворитами. Это какой то нескончаемый бурлеск-фонтан. То военачальник с силами 5-7 тыс. человек грозится разгромить всех подряд (сегодня на украине заявлено об уничтожении большего чем обычно числа боевиков ВСУ, около 1700 человек. Большой привет войскам Эстонии. Насколько их там хватит? Я обычно такие вещи не публикую, но здесь это к месту), то тамошний карликовый президент мечтает поставить кого то на колени, теперь вот их сумасшедшая премьерка, которая и раньше отличалась весьма "волнующими" высказываниями, разразилась очередной грандиозной идеей. Идея её настолько грандиозна, что я бы поддержал ее двумя руками. Это же реальный путь переговоров: пусть возьмут в своё НАТО название Украина, пусть даже во главе с ее еврейским гетманом, но при этом пусть освободят территорию бывшей УССР, которая благополучно войдет в состав России как Малороссийский федеральный округ.
В очередной раз возникает вопрос: они вообще понимают, что они говорят? Вопрос риторический.
So will Putin wait for an act and counter or take an act to counter? A judoka knows how to do both. Anyway... Let the DCM inspire Putin. (I wanted to use the term attack instead of act, but I prefer to stay on a more diplomatic note). And just a wink @Evan, I'm going to do fifty eight on June 30th... Also from 1966 my friend 👍
Hopefully he’ll take Whitney’s advice and show some crazy in crazy’s face. 🙏

And on that side note, that makes me 11 days older than you. Therefore from a Gemini to a Cancer, happy almost birthday. Love ya, buddy!😎
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