Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

We continue to move forward slowly.
Something began to come across himars in a bunch. 7 pieces in the last 2 days is very effective.
The Russian military liberated Yasnobrodovka and destroyed 4 HIMARS installations
Units of the Russian Center group have liberated the settlement of Yasnobrodovka in the Donetsk People's Republic, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported. This event has become a significant stage in the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the Russian military also successfully attacked the positions of the Ukrainian army, including the HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems, which were prepared for attacks on Crimea. The strike was also directed at the venue of the meeting of the AFU command staff. As a result of the attack, four MLRS launchers and up to 35 foreign specialists who serviced them were destroyed.

The destruction of HIMARS installations, according to the military, will significantly weaken the ability of Ukrainian forces to strike strategically important facilities in Crimea.

The liberation of Yasnobrodovka became possible thanks to the coordinated actions of the units of the Center group and the support of artillery. The military notes that taking control of this settlement will strengthen positions in this sector of the front and create favorable conditions for further offensive.
Российские военные освободили Яснобродовку и уничтожили 4 установки HIMARS

What kind of nasty things hasn't the "ideal of world democracy" done yet? The question is rhetorical.
I keep wanting to see the bottom where the unfortunate Ukraine, led by the Nazis, is sinking, but so far this bottom has not been felt in any way.
In Ukraine, they threaten to refuse to take Russian servicemen prisoner
According to information published by the Nikolaevsky Vanek Telegram channel, threats are being made in Ukraine to abandon the practice of capturing Russian servicemen. The message indicates that the number of prisoners may decrease, "especially among those who do not follow the direct instructions of Ukrainian soldiers when surrendering."

Such statements have caused widespread outrage and concern. The refusal to take prisoners is a direct violation of the Geneva Convention, which regulates the humane treatment of prisoners of war and their protection in armed conflict. According to the Convention, all parties are obliged to treat prisoners humanely, provide them with appropriate conditions of detention and protect their rights.

Nevertheless, Kiev completely ignores the Convention, which has been repeatedly proven by the murders of prisoners of war.
На Украине угрожают отказаться брать в плен российских военнослужащих

Recently, something has been talking about chemical weapons again. This is not for nothing, apparently something is being prepared. I wrote about the bottom a little higher.
The West is preparing false accusations against Russia in the use of chemical weapons
Western countries plan to accuse Russia of using chemical weapons in Ukraine, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, head of the radiation, chemical and biological protection forces of the Russian Armed Forces, said at a recent briefing.

According to Kirillov, the United States and Germany, together with Ukraine and the technical secretariat of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), are preparing to launch a special mission to investigate alleged cases of the use of chemical weapons in Ukraine. The purpose of this mission, according to him, is to bring charges against Russia.

"According to available information, the United States and Germany, together with Ukraine and the OPCW technical secretariat, are preparing to launch a special commission to investigate the so—called facts of the use of chemical weapons in Ukraine in order to bring charges against Russia," Kirillov said.

The Lieutenant General also added that one of the independent states was invited to initiate an investigation and fabricate evidence against Russia. According to him, the United States has already allocated about 400 thousand dollars for these purposes. The OPCW, according to Kirillov, guaranteed the Ukrainian government immunity.

"The Russian Defense Ministry has information about Ukraine's active cooperation with the OPCW Technical Secretariat, which concluded an agreement on privileges and immunities during technical assistance visits," Kirillov said.

He explained that this agreement allows Ukraine to use the OPCW in its interests, bypassing existing procedures under the Chemical Weapons Convention, imposing on the organization its deliberately false conclusions about investigations of chemical incidents.

Kirillov also said that the evidence already available to Moscow of violations by Ukraine of its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention had been transferred to the OPCW technical secretariat, but the organization did not respond to this in any way.
Запад готовит лжеобвинения против России в применении химического оружия

And this is a long-passed stage. The first thing that comes to mind is the famous volunteer tea on the famous Maidan, from which people then had to be treated. The question is why? The answer in Hebrew is a question to a question. And why was the Bucha organized? Why, after announcing the evacuation in Kramatorsk, did they hit the train station with missiles? Why didn't they let the civilians leave Mariupol when there was fighting going on there? Etc. etc.
Still terribly bloodthirsty creatures climb out of the portal, which is somewhere near Kiev.
In Kiev, the poisoning of volunteers with specially contaminated water was confirmed
An emergency occurred in Kiev: volunteers providing assistance at the affected Okhmatdet hospital received chemical poisoning after drinking water brought by unknown persons. This was reported by the Kiev media, confirming yesterday's rumors from social networks.

According to the volunteer, everyone who drank this water suffered from chemical poisoning. The incident caused a wide response and concern among the medical staff and residents of the city. The police have already launched an investigation into the case, trying to establish who brought the poisoned water and for what purpose.

"We can't believe that someone would do such a thing," says one of the volunteers. "Everyone who works here is trying to help the victims, and such an atrocity simply does not fit into my head."

The volunteers who suffered from poisoning were taken to other medical institutions for emergency care. Doctors are working to stabilize their condition and find out the nature of the toxic substances that were in the water.
В Киеве подтвердили отравление волонтёров специально заражённой водой

Мы продолжаем медленно продвигаться вперед.
Что то кучно стали попадаться химарсы. 7 штук за последние 2 дня это очень результативно.
Каких гадостей ещё не совершил "идеал мировой демократии"? Вопрос риторический.
Мне все хочется увидеть то дно, куда проваливается несчастная украина во главе с нацистами, но пока это дно никак не насчупывается.
В последнее время что то опять заговорили о химическом оружии. Это неспроста, видимо что то готовится. Про дно я писал чуть выше.
А это давно пройденный этап. Первое, что приходит на ум это знаменитый волонтерский чай на знаменитом майдане, от которого людям потом пришлось лечиться. Вопрос- зачем? Ответ по еврейски-вопросом на вопрос. А зачем была организована Буча? Зачем, объявив эвакуацию в Краматорске, ударили ракетами по вокзалу? Зачем не давали мирным выйти из Мариуполя, когда там вовсю шли бои? И т.д. и т.п.
Все таки жутко кровожадные твари лезут из портала, что где то под Киевом.
In this case, I have to agree with Iron Dimon with one clarification: we probably have to do this, whether we want it or not.
Medvedev: "We must do everything to ensure that Ukraine's "irreversible path" to NATO ends either with the disappearance of Ukraine or the disappearance of NATO,"
Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, said that Russia must take all measures to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. According to him, such a scenario should lead either to the disappearance of Ukraine as a state, or to the collapse of the alliance itself.

Medvedev stressed that the prospects of Ukraine's membership in NATO pose a direct threat to Russia's national security. These words were made not only against the background of the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, but also against the background of tension in Russia's relations with the West.

Medvedev also noted that Russia is ready to use all available means to protect its interests and security.

"We must do everything to ensure that Ukraine's "irreversible path" to NATO ends either with the disappearance of Ukraine or the disappearance of NATO. And it's better to have both," Medvedev said.
Медведев: "Мы должны сделать всё, чтобы «необратимый путь Украины» в НАТО завершился либо исчезновением Украины, либо исчезновением НАТО"

В данном случае я вынужден согласиться с Железным Димоном с одним уточнением: нам видимо придется это делать, хотим мы этого или нет.
One interesting documentary by Scott Bennett, a former officer of the US Army, travels to Donbass to witness firsthand the realities on the ground and to share the truth with Americans

So it's propaganda against Russia?
I was wondering why they would put out this article... but yes, of course it's propaganda.

It reminds me of terrorist coverage in the news, where the media claims that the terrorists will target innocent people - it's like they broadcast vulnerabilities in order to deflect the threat against themselves... 'Look! Subways are vulnerable! Oh my!'

So, they basically suggest to terrorists to target the common people and never the politicians and businesses - but have to pretend that they have the common peoples safety at heart.

In this case, it is to deflect the threat away from the arms factories by painting a target on a individual... Because everyone is a minion to power, and munitions are instruments of power. A CEO is just like a commoner when it comes to facilitating power.
The notion that the West holds sanctity for life is just a ruse. So, it's a case of strategy to place in peoples minds false priorities to maintain a barrier between TPTB and commoners.
They want to destroy our factories? Offer them some minions in place of the factories that have some prestige. And never should our vulnerabilities enter into the thoughts of the common minions. That would erode our power.

That's my thinking as to why this propaganda was published.
We continue to move forward slowly.
Urozhaynoye was liberated and several other villages were liberated earlier, which I did not have time to write about, for example, Peschanoye, Voskhod.
The Russian army liberated Urozhaynoye (VIDEO, MAP)

In the South Donetsk direction, Far Eastern soldiers from 37 and 5 brigades, together with the 40th brigade of Marines, with the support of artillery from the 30th artillery brigade, knocked out the enemy from the locality of Urozhaynoye and hoisted the Russian flag over the administration building.

Мы продолжаем медленно продвигаться вперед.
Освобождено Урожайное и еще несколько сел раньше, о которых я не успел написать, например Песчаное, Восход.
I was wondering why they would put out this article... but yes, of course it's propaganda.
The Kremlin is calling it fantasy.
Russian Plot To Assassinate CEO Of German Arms Giant Dismissed As 'Fake' Intel Story By Kremlin
SATURDAY, JUL 13, 2024 - 07:45 PM

Top German government and political figures have reacted with outrage to a CNN report alleging that Russian intelligence had plotted to assassinate Armin Papperger, who is the head of Germany's biggest arms company Rheinmetall. The company is among the top European suppliers of 155mm artillery shells, tanks, armored vehicles, and other crucial military equipment to Kiev.

The Kremlin is calling it fantasy and pointing to zero evidence being presented alongside the major accusation. Here's how the bombshell CNN report published late this past week began: "US intelligence discovered earlier this year that the Russian government planned to assassinate the chief executive of a powerful German arms manufacturer that has been producing artillery shells and military vehicles for Ukraine, according to five US and western officials familiar with the episode."

There have been widespread allegations for several months in Western media pointing to an irregular and covert Russian warfare campaign to conduct sabotage missions against European defense and manufacturing companies supplying Ukraine.

The CNN report alluded to these prior stories: "The plot was one of a series of Russian plans to assassinate defense industry executives across Europe who were supporting Ukraine’s war effort, these sources said." It detailed further that "The plan to kill Armin Papperger, a white-haired goliath who has led the German manufacturing charge in support of Kyiv, was the most mature."

In recent months, there have been several instances of fires engulfing weapons and ammo manufacturing sites in the UK and on the European continent, some of which we detailed previously. Simultaneously, Russia has been subject of similarly mysterious blazes at defense contractor buildings and companies.

As for the alleged plot to take out the CEO of Rheinmetal, the CNN story is sourced entirely to anonymous intelligence officials, making it impossible to verify at this point, other than taking the word of US, German, and NATO officials.

According to more from the original CNN report, "When the Americans learned of the effort, they informed Germany, whose security services were then able to protect Papperger and foil the plot. A high-level German government official confirmed that Berlin was warned about the plot by the US."

But Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov rejected the allegations as 'fake news': "It's all presented in the style of another fake story, so such reports cannot be taken seriously," he said at the end of the week.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock belatedly appeared to confirm that the German government finds the warnings credible. "In view of latest reports on Rheinmetall, this is what we have actually been communicating more and more clearly in recent months: Russia is waging a hybrid war of aggression," she had told a press briefing at the NATO summit in Washington.

Papperger himself has since described to the Financial Times that German authorities had imposed a "great deal of security around my person" - and he's now considered to be the most highly protected private citizen in all of Germany.

Another interesting aspect to the story is the timing: the CNN revelation corresponded precisely to the close of the annual NATO summit in D.C. at a moment Western officials urged the alliance to stay the course on Ukraine, and commit to supplying more weapons for years to come.
The Air Force of Ukraine should be included in the Red Book of endangered species.
According to some estimates, by 2021, the Ukrainian Air Force had about 100 combat-ready aircraft and about 200 more non-combat-ready. If ukrops fixed all their broken planes, then it turns out that the allies gave them even more than 300 pieces and the whole horde has been destroyed at the moment.
What can be said here? Welcome to Ukraine, F-16! This applies to Mirages and Gripens and Tornadoes.
In Ukraine, the 628th aircraft was shot down by Russian air defense systems
Russian air defense systems shot down a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jet. This was reported by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. This is the 628th enemy military aircraft destroyed since the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine.

According to the military department, the incident occurred during another attempt by the Ukrainian armed forces to strike at Russian positions. The MiG-29 fighter was detected by Russian air defenses and shot down using an anti-aircraft missile system.

At the moment, the details have not been disclosed. There is no information about the fate of the pilot of the downed plane. The Ukrainian side has not yet provided official comments on the loss of the MiG-29.
На Украине российскими средствами ПВО сбит 628-й самолёт

Germany is jumping right out of his pants in a desire to support something that is inexorably falling down.
Evil tongues claim that Berlin is currently left without air defense, due to the transfer of 2 Patriot complexes to Ukraine.
Germany secretly transferred 39 tanks, 3 HIMARS installations and air defense systems to Ukraine
The German newspaper Merkur reported that Germany secretly transferred a significant batch of military aid to Ukraine in late June and early July, which included 39 tanks and other weapons.

According to information provided by sources of the publication, Kiev received from Berlin ten Leopard tanks, twenty Marder infantry fighting vehicles, three HIMARS missile systems, as well as IRIS-T SLM and IRIS-T SLS air defense systems. These supplies are part of the ongoing support for Ukraine from Western allies amid the conflict with Russia.

The transfer of military equipment was carried out secretly to avoid unnecessary attention and create an effect of surprise. Nevertheless, the fact of deliveries was revealed thanks to the efforts of journalists and insiders.
Германия тайно передала Украине 39 танков, 3 установки HIMARS и средства ПВО

I recently, in my opinion, wrote has recently there has been a lot of talk about chemical weapons again. This is clearly not for nothing.
The activities of the OPCW, as an "international" organization, together with the rest of the same (OSCE, IOC, WADA, UNESCO, etc., etc.) at the moment should no longer surprise anyone.
The West is preparing to bring charges against Russia for the use of chemical weapons

THE HAGUE, July 15 — RIA Novosti. Western countries are going to accuse Moscow of using chemical weapons, Vladimir Tarabrin, Russia's permanent representative to the OPCW, Ambassador to The Hague, told reporters.

"Yes, they are actively working with the OPCW technical secretariat in order to force it to take some steps aimed at accusing Russia of using chemical weapons," he stressed.

Tarabrin noted that the Russian side opposes this in every possible way and tries to show the inconsistency of all these efforts on concrete facts.
The diplomat also added that there is no chemical threat to Ukraine from Russia and there cannot be. At the same time, Moscow does not exclude inviting OPCW experts to study evidence of Kiev's use of such weapons, he noted.
The 106th session of the Executive Council of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons was held in The Hague from July 9 to 12. Following its results, Tarabrin said that Ukraine grossly violates the convention by using full-fledged chemical warfare agents against the Russian military. He noted that many foreign experts and channels are talking about this. In particular, they draw attention to the fact that the Armed Forces of Ukraine actively use drones to deliver toxic chemicals.
In addition, contrary to the convention, the United States is also acting, which supplies Kiev with these substances, the diplomat stressed.
The fact that Kiev regularly violates the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons was reported at a briefing by the head of the radiation, chemical and biological protection forces of the Russian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov. At the same time, the OPCW, which is supposed to monitor the implementation of the convention, is now fully controlled by the West, it uses it to settle political scores with Russia.
Запад готовится выдвинуть обвинения против России в применении химоружия

Военно-воздушные силы украины надо записать в красную книгу исчезающих видов.
По некоторым оценкам на 2021 год в составе ВВС украины было порядка 100 боеспособных самолетов и еще около 200 небоеспособных. Если укропы починили все свои поломанные самолёты, то тогда получается, что союзники им подарили еще больше 300 штук и вся эта орава на сегодняшний момент уничтожена.
Что же тут можно сказать? Добро пожаловать на украину, F-16! Это касается и Миражей и Грипенов и Торнадо.
Германия прямо из штанов выпрыгивает в желании поддержать, то, что неумолимо заваливается.
Злые языки утверждают, что в настоящее время Берлин остался без ПВО, по причине передачи украине 2 комплексов Патриот.
Я недавно, по моему, писал о том, что последнее время снова стали много говорить о химическом оружии. Это явно неспроста.
Деятельность ОЗХО, как "международной" организации, вкупе с остальными такими же (ОБСЕ, МОК, ВАДА, ЮНЕСКО и пр. и пр.) на настоящий момент уже не должна удивлять никого.
I wrote recently, but I will write again if there is a reason - welcome to Ukraine, F-16.
The Russian military, which will be the first to shoot down American F-15 and F-16 fighters, will receive 15 million rubles.

This was stated by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with reference to Ilya Potanin, director of FORES.

"There will also be encouragement for the destruction of F-15 and F-16 combat aircraft. The remuneration for the first one will amount to 15 million rubles," the ministry said in a publication.

These will investigate, investigate and, as usual, will not investigate anything.
The Office of the UN High Commissioner is checking data on the killing of a wounded Russian prisoner by the enemy

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has begun checking the data set out in The New York Times publication on the death of a Russian prisoner of war.

This was announced by the official representative of the department, Elizabeth Trossel.

We are talking about evidence of the murder of a wounded Russian prisoner by militants of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In a July 6 publication, the NYT, citing the words of a "volunteer" medic, Kaspar Gross, reported that two "horsemen" shot a captured Russian fighter who asked for medical assistance.

Earlier, Tatyana Moskalkova, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, demanded from the Ukrainian side to investigate the murder of a Russian prisoner of war.

Fortunately, our investigators are not investigating in the same way as the UN, and already many of those ukrops who were captured and who were convicted of crimes committed have received well-deserved punishment.
"Fascists are fascists." Peskov about the murder of a Russian fighter by the "Azoviets"

According to the press secretary of the president, "they need to be destroyed"
TVER, July 16. /tass/. The press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov commented on a video where members of the Ukrainian nationalist formation "Azov" (recognized as a terrorist organization and banned in the Russian Federation) shoot a Russian serviceman.

"Fascists are fascists," he told reporters.

"We must treat them that way, and they must be destroyed," he said, answering a question from TASS.

Peskov stressed that "heroes on the front line do just that." Answering the question whether the judicial base is being assembled in such cases, Peskov replied in the affirmative: "It has been gathering, and not for the first year. Our investigators are working very painstakingly to collect all these facts of absolutely inhuman atrocities."

Недавно я писал, но напишу еще раз, коли есть повод- добро пожаловать на украину, F-16.
Эти будут расследовать, расследовать и, как водится, ничего не нарасследуют.
К счастью, наши следователи расследуют не так как ООНовские и уже многие из тех укропов, которые попали в плен и которые были уличены в совершенных преступлениях, получили заслуженное наказание.
We continue to move forward slowly.
I have already written about the importance of mastering the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal throughout its entire length. In this case, another section of the channel came under Russian control.
The Russian army defeated the enemy in Kalinovka and broke through the defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, crossing the Seversky Donets-Donbass channel on the flank of the Chasov Yar (VIDEO, MAP)

The Russian army defeated the enemy in Kalinovka and broke through the defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, crossing the Seversky Donets-Donbass channel on the flank of the Chasov Yar.

The 200th LenVO Brigade and the paratroopers are developing an offensive on the flank of the Chasov Yar, knocking out the AFU from the village of Kalinovka, where the cleanup is being completed, and units of the Ivanovo Airborne division broke through the enemy's line of defense along the canal south of Kalinovka

Information about the breakthrough is also recognized by enemy sources:

"Russian troops crossed the channel to the direction of the Chasov Yar and gained a foothold," the chief sergeant of the brigade intelligence company told Kiev media. The APU is trying to counterattack.

Media fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on their resources also write about the new successes of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:

"The situation is in the direction of the Chasov Yar: The Russians were able to knock us out of the canal in Kalinovka and from the forest belts south of Grigorovka. Now we will try to keep the supports and flanks so that they do not move us even further!"

The landing force broke into Perezdnoye and took the dominant height near Seversk (MAP)

In the Soledar-Artyom direction, after the liberation of Razdolovka, the Tula Airborne Division continues its offensive: Russian paratroopers broke into Perezdnoye and gained a foothold in the southern part of the settlement.

Five days ago, Ukrainian military propagandists published a map and reported on the difficult situation for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the new breakthrough of the Russian army:

"In the Seversk direction, the Russians took up positions northeast of Razdolovka.

The situation is not going well, because there is a dominant height here, from which all settlements will be viewed (the height difference is about 100-110 meters)."

The sad fate of the Himars in Ukraine.
Please note that only documented defeat of these systems approach 100% of the officially delivered to ukrops, but they continue to shoot. This suggests that in addition to the official declared ones, there are also not-advertised arms supplies.
The Russian Armed Forces have destroyed about 60 HIMARS installations since the beginning of SMO

The Russian military destroyed 55 to 65 HIMARS launchers in the zone of a special military operation, despite statements by Western media about zero losses. This was reported by the Military Chronicle.

"In total, according to official statements by the Russian Ministry of Defense and verified geo—referenced sources, it was possible to establish about 56 episodes of M142/M270 damage, during which 55 to 65 launchers were destroyed and/or seriously damaged," writes the Military Chronicle. At the same time, it is noted that the Ukrainian side hides the losses of HIMARS.

According to open data, Ukraine has received at least 55-57 systems. The increase in the effectiveness of the Russian military is associated with the improvement of the reconnaissance and strike contour, the text says.

URA.RU It wrote that on July 11, the Russian air defense intercepted a HIMARS missile in the east of Donetsk. After that, the projectile was seized for analysis, which may provide additional information about the use of the system in the Ukrainian conflict.
«Военная хроника» посчитала, сколько HIMARS уничтожили ВС РФ в зоне СВО

There are two things to pay attention to here.
First of all, as I wrote above, the Himars continue to shoot.
Secondly, it is the downed Ukropsky Yak-52 aircraft. The Yak-52 is a Soviet-designed training/sports piston-engined aircraft. This aircraft has a two-seat tandem cabin (this is when the pilots sit one after the other) and usually an instructor was placed in the second cabin. Ukrops tried to adapt this aircraft to shoot down relatively slow-moving drones by putting a gunner with a light machine gun or a submachine gun in the second cabin. Of course, the effectiveness of such an undertaking is highly questionable and it most likely looks like actions out of desperation. Well, to top it all off, the finale turned out to be quite fast.
The Russian military shot down a Ukrainian Yak-52 equipped with a machine gun
During a special military operation, the Russian Armed Forces shot down a Ukrainian Yak-52 aircraft equipped with a machine gun mount, and intercepted six ATACMS missiles and seven HIMARS rockets. This was reported by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

According to the ministry, 11 field ammunition depots of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have also been destroyed over the past day. These warehouses posed a significant threat and their elimination was an important step in weakening the enemy's potential.

"Air defense means shot down during the day: six ATACMS tactical missiles manufactured in the United States, two guided Hammer bombs manufactured in France, seven HIMARS rockets manufactured in the United States, 28 unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as a Ukrainian Yak-52 aircraft with a machine gun," the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

Мы продолжаем медленно продвигаться вперед.
Ранее я уже писал о важности овладения каналом Северский Донец-Донбасс на всем его протяжении. В данном случае еще один отрезок канала перешел под контроль России.
Печальная судьба Химарсов на украине.
Обратите внимание, что только документально подтвержденные поражения этих систем приближаются к 100% официально поставленным укропам, а они продолжают стрелять. Это говорит о том, что помимо официально заявленных, есть еще и неафишируемые поставки вооружения.
Здесь надо обратить внимание на две вещи.
Во первых, как я написал выше, Химарсы продолжают стрелять.
Во вторых, это сбитый укропский самолет Як-52. Як-52 это учебный/спортивный, поршневой самолетик советской разработки. У этого самолета двухместная кабина тандемного вида (это когда пилоты сидят один за другим) и обычно во второй кабине размещался инструктор. Укропы пытались приспособить этот самолет для сбивания относительно тихоходных беспилотников, сажая во вторую кабину стрелка с ручным пулеметом или автоматом. Конечно, эффективность подобной затеи весьма сомнительна и это больше всего похоже на действия из-за отчаяния. Ну и ко всему финал оказался довольно скорым.
We continue to move forward slowly.
In addition to the specified Yur'yevka, today, so far unofficially, they report on the liberation of the village of Progress in the Ocheretinsky direction.
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation liberated the settlement of Yuryevka in the DPR
As a result of active actions, units of the Center group of forces took control of the settlement of Yuryevka in the Donetsk People's Republic, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported.

"As a result of active actions, the units of the Center group of troops liberated the settlement of Yuryevka of the Donetsk People's Republic," the official summary of the department says.

This is the second settlement liberated by Russian troops in the last week. On July 14, units of the Vostok group took control of the village of Urozhodnoye. Thus, Russian forces continue to advance on the territory of the DPR, liberating settlements from Ukrainian troops.

In addition, the fighters of the Center group have defeated several formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) over the past week. According to the Ministry of Defense, three mechanized, two motorized infantry, infantry and amphibious assault units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as two territorial defense brigades were hit. Russian troops also repelled 38 enemy counterattacks.
ВС РФ освободили населенный пункт Юрьевка в ДНР

I am far from being happy about such things, it's just that in this case I want to state another confirmation of a long-standing wisdom (I don't remember who its author is) that "the revolution always devours its children." The Nazi revolution in Ukropia was no exception. Thousands of ideological Nazis have already been disposed of during the SMO, and this odious madam was so filled with hatred that some of her hatred bounced into herself, just like with Voldemort.
Famous Nazi Irina Farion was shot in Lviv (PHOTO)

The famous Nazi Irina Farion was shot in Lviv.

"She is (still) alive," said Deputy of the Rada Zinkevich.

Doctors are fighting for Farion's life. The woman is in extremely serious condition.

"Irina Farion was made 300 in the Lviv direction," Ukrainian channels write.

Irina Farion died in hospital after the assassination attempt

The head of the Lviv regional military administration: "It is very annoying, but despite all the efforts of doctors, it was not possible to save Irina Farion. Sincere condolences to Irina Dmitrievna family, friends and students. The search for the attacker is still ongoing."

A previously unknown person shot the scandalous ex-MP in the head at her house. They're still looking for him.

Мы продолжаем медленно продвигаться вперед.
Помимо указанной Юрьевки, сегодня, пока неофициально, сообщают об освобождении села Прогресс на Очеретинском направлении.
Я далек от того, чтобы радоваться таким вещам, просто в данном случае я хочу констатировать очередное подтверждение давней мудрости (я не помню кто её автор) о том, что "революция всегда пожирает своих детей". Нацистская революция в укропии не стала исключением. Тысячи идейных нацистов уже утилизированы в ходе СВО, а эта одиозная мадам настолько была переполнена ненавистью, что часть её ненависти отскочила в неё саму, прямо как с Волдемортом.
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