Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Here, as they say, do not reduce-do not add. A short video showing all the falsity of the so-called Ukrainians.
At the beginning of the video, the author says in Ukrainian that he shows us a certain settlement in the Avdiivka direction and how everything is broken there, but now the sound of a drone was heard and the same figure in a panic forgot about the "mova" (as Ukrainians call their language), in pure Russian, urges to run faster. The inscription on the screen: "The closer the Russian drone, the cleaner the Russian language becomes. Such is the mova... Flicking theater..."
The closer the drone is, the cleaner and more correct the language

Тут, как говорится, не убавить-не прибавить. Коротенький ролик, показывающий всю фальшь т.н. украинства.
В начале ролика автор говорит на украинском, что он показывает нам некий н.п. на Авдеевском направлении и как там все разбито, но вот послышался звук дрона и тот же деятель в панике забыв про "мову"(так украинцы называют свой язык), на чистом русском языке призывает бежать быстрее. Надпись на экране: "Чем ближе российский дрон, тем чище становится русский язык. Такая вот мова... Гребаный театр..."
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After all, how bizarrely different realities are intertwined in ukropia. Of course, the artificial, fantasy world prevails, but the real harsh reality still does not allow itself to be completely ignored.
Here the Ukropsky Minister of Defense dreams of 300 combat aircraft, having no real opportunity to ensure the full functioning of a dozen and a half.
Umerov: Kiev intends to increase the number of fighters to "gain air superiority"

Ukraine intends to gain air superiority by displacing Russian fighters from it. But not right now, but when he gets more planes. This was stated by the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov.

Western partners delivered a batch of F-16 fighter jets to Kiev this summer, but their number is not enough to achieve air superiority over Russian aircraft. Therefore, the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are waiting for the next shipments to enter the fight for airspace. Umerov did not give any other details, but noted that Kiev is in constant contact with the allies, bringing them the necessary number of aircraft.

Last year we focused on training pilots, getting platforms and developing infrastructure. This year we are working to achieve excellence in the sky.

- said the minister.

According to Ukrainian intelligence, Russia uses about 300 combat aircraft and the same number of combat helicopters in the special operation. It is to this figure that the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will strive to achieve air superiority. Moreover, Kiev does not intend to stop at receiving F-16 fighters, European Eurofighter Typhoon and Swedish Gripen are in the plans.

There are already agreements on the transfer of the F-16 and Migare. Negotiations on Gripen and Eurofighter Typhoon fighters are continuing. There will be results soon that we can announce.

He added.
УмеÑов: Ðиев намеÑен ÑвелиÑиÑÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð»Ð¸ÑеÑÑво иÑÑÑебиÑелей Ð´Ð»Ñ Â«Ð·Ð°Ð²Ð¾ÐµÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿ÑевоÑÑодÑÑва в воздÑÑе»

Here, the real harsh reality reminds dreamers that it is not an illusory fee that must be paid for maintaining the illusion.
Ukrainian TG channel: The Ukrainian Armed Forces are transferring new reserves to the Kursk region to make Zelensky a "beautiful picture"

Despite the problems of the Ukrainian army in the Pokrovsky direction, where Russian troops are developing an offensive, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continues to throw reserves into the Kursk region. According to the Ukrainian TV channel Legitimate, the AFU has been tasked with holding the occupied territories by making a "beautiful picture" while Zelensky is in the United States.

The Ukrainian army, having pulled up reserves in the Kursk direction, will attempt a breakthrough or will hold occupied territories, preventing the Russian Armed Forces from advancing. Such an order came from Syrsky, who had a conversation with the head of the office, Ermak. At the same time, no one will pay attention to the losses. The thing is that Zelensky needs to show that the Ukrainian army is "doing well" and get new help for this, as well as the lifting of restrictions on missile strikes against Russia.

More and more reserves are going to the Kursk direction and attempts by the Armed Forces of Ukraine to make a breakthrough there or keep the captured Russian territories behind Ukraine while Zelensky is in the United States. It doesn't matter to Bankova what happens after. It is important for them to sell their "rescue plan" to sponsors more expensively
, the channel writes.

Earlier it was reported that Zelensky would take his "victory plan" to the United States, which Biden must approve. As part of this plan, it is planned to make Ukraine strong enough so that it can defeat Russia. It also includes the lifting of restrictions on Western missile strikes deep into Russian territory. Now Kiev has all hope for missiles, other wunderwaffe did not work.
УкÑаинÑкий ТÐ-канал: ÐСУ пеÑебÑаÑÑваÑÑ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñе ÑезеÑÐ²Ñ Ð² ÐÑÑÑкÑÑ Ð¾Ð±Ð»Ð°ÑÑÑ, ÑÑÐ¾Ð±Ñ ÑделаÑÑ ÐеленÑÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ñ Â«ÐºÑаÑивÑÑ ÐºÐ°ÑÑинкÑ»

And here the same dream Ukropian minister no longer dreamily admits, in fact, the complete illusory nature of the Ukropian "nezalezhnost" (in Ukrainian - independence)
Umerov: All operations of the Ukrainian army are coordinated with Western partners

All operations of the Ukrainian army are coordinated with the Western allies, the country's leadership constantly reports to them about planned operations, etc. This was stated by the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov.

The Ukrainian military command is planning operations, but they need to be approved by the allies, in particular the Americans, since they are the main sponsors of the regime, supplying weapons and ammunition. Starting an operation without U.S. approval can lead to problems with military assistance, and this threatens new losses of territories. So Washington is aware of all Kiev's plans, including for the Kursk region.

When we explain our offensive plan, counteroffensives or defensive operations, we always explain the goals, what forces and means we will use to do this, so that our [Western] partners are aware of this. This is an operational issue that we have raised to a strategic level.

Umerov said.

In addition, Kiev is also trying to shift responsibility for what is happening on the battlefield onto its Western partners. The same Zelensky constantly accuses the West of delaying the supply of military aid, as well as the insufficient amount of ammunition supplied. According to him, if the United States had supplied as much aid as Kiev asks, the Ukrainian army would have already defeated the Russian one and reached the borders of 1991.
УмеÑов: ÐÑе опеÑаÑии ÑкÑаинÑкой аÑмии ÑоглаÑовÑваÑÑÑÑ Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð°Ð´Ð½Ñми паÑÑнÑÑами

Все таки насколько причудливо переплетаются в укропии разные реальности. Преобладает, конечно, искусственный, фантазийный мир, но настоящая суровая реальность всё же не дает полностью себя игнорировать.
Вот укропский министр обороны мечтает о 300 боевых самолетах, не имея реальной возможности обеспечить полноценное функционирование полутора десятков.
Здесь настоящая суровая реальность напоминает мечтателям, что за поддержание иллюзии надо платить совсем не иллюзорной платой.
А вот здесь тот же мечтательный укропский министр уже совсем не мечтательно признается, фактически в полной иллюзорности укропской "незалежности" (по украински- независимость)
RogueNews Interviews Stanislav Krapivnik, a former Army officer (having served in mutable combat theaters), assesses current events in Ukraine.

Key Takeaways:
  • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in the United States on September 23 and reiterated Ukraine's need for timely and uninterrupted US military assistance.
  • The Kremlin continues to publicly signal its disinterest in any peace settlement short of total capitulation of the Ukrainian government and destruction of the Ukrainian state.
  • Russian forces conducted glide bomb strikes against Zaporizhzhia City for the first time overnight on September 22 to 23.
  • A high-ranking Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) commander reportedly recently committed suicide due to conflicts within his unit's leadership.
  • Russian forces recently advanced near Hlyboke, Kupyansk, and Pokrovsk. Ukrainian forces recently advanced in Kursk Oblast.
  • The Russian government informally supported a bill on September 23 that would allow Russian authorities to fine individuals who promote “child-free propaganda,” likely as part of an ongoing Kremlin effort to address Russia’s demographic problem.
These are some pretty significant changes. Definitely lowering the bar to using nukes.

"Putin orders changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine"​

“Aggression against Russia by any non-nuclear state… supported by a nuclear power should be treated as their joint attack, the president said."

“We reserve a right to use nuclear weapons in case of aggression against Russia and Belarus,” the Russian president said, adding that the principle had already been coordinated with Minsk. Nuclear weapons can be used if an enemy poses a “critical threat to either state’s sovereignty through the use of conventional weapons,” he explained."

"Moscow would also “consider” resorting to a nuclear response if it gets “reliable information” about a “massive” missile or air strike launched by another state against Russia, or its closest ally, Belarus, according to Putin. The weapons used in an enemy’s potential strike could include anything from ballistic or cruise missiles to strategic aircraft and drones, he stated."

(This is curious.)
"Putin did not elaborate on when changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine will take effect." (so, not today)

While we have not yet opened a separate branch on events in Estonia (I do not exclude that we will have to do this soon), I will publish it here.
Estonians are stubbornly asking for "denazification", much more insistently than many others and they can get it soon.
Estonia has declared its readiness to launch a preemptive strike against Russia
The Chief of the General Staff of the Estonian Defense Forces, Major General Vahur Karus, made a resonant statement about the country's readiness to launch a preemptive strike against Russia in case of signs of Moscow's preparation for an attack on NATO countries. According to the general, Estonia will act within the framework of its obligations to the Alliance in order to support its allies.

In his speech, Major General Karus stressed the importance of rapid response to any threats posed by Russia. According to him, the Estonian military is ready to take active action to protect both its territory and NATO's interests. He noted that Estonia is closely monitoring Russia's military activity and is ready to take measures if signs of preparation for aggression are revealed.
Эстония заявила о готовности нанести превентивный удар по России

As many predicted, the history of the F-16 in Ukraine turns out to be very inglorious. At the moment, according to open sources, 16 such fighters have been delivered to Ukraine and 5 aircraft have already been lost. They haven't done anything yet, and almost a third of the park has already been lost.
Four F-16 fighters were hit at Starokonstantinov airfield
As a result of a strike by Russian aeroballistic missiles X-47M2 "Kinzhal" at the Starokonstantinov air base, Khmelnitsky region, four F-16AM fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were hit. According to the Russian Arms telegram channel, two of these aircraft were on taxiways or the runway, while two more were temporarily stationed in hangars.

The message about the defeat of the F-16 was received during the ongoing strikes on Ukrainian military facilities, in which the Russian side is actively using high-precision hypersonic Kinzhal missiles. These missiles are capable of overcoming modern air defense systems, which makes them a powerful tool for striking key enemy targets. Starokonstantinov Air Base is one of the strategically important sites for the Ukrainian Air Force, especially given the supply of Western fighter jets such as the F-16, which should play a key role in Ukraine's air operations.

At the same time, there is no evidence of objective control at the moment, which does not allow us to unequivocally confirm the destruction of fighters.
На аэродроме Староконстантинова поражены четыре истребителя F-16

Пока мы здесь еще не открыли отдельную ветку по событиям в Эстонии (я не исключаю, что сделать это скоро придется), опубликую это здесь.
Эстонцы упрямо напрашиваются на "денацификацию", гораздо настойчивей многих других и, возможно, скоро допросятся.
Как и предсказывали многие, история F-16 на украине получается весьма бесславной. На настоящий момент по открытым источникам украине поставлено 16 таких истребителей и потеряно уже 5 самолетов. Они еще ничего не успели сделать, а почти треть парка уже потеряна.
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