"Puzzling People" by Thomas Sheridan - a puzzling person

Perceval said:
Here's our analysis of the situation. Share far and wide.


Thank you Perceval, I have a feeling it will be getting a great deal of traffic here shortly.

This is my personal favorite:

Ummmm, ok, if you insist :)
What scares me most about this is the "history repeats" thing. "Clean" Knowledge has been put into the world over and over again in order to strengthen the light, but then has been distorted by the darkness. In the end, what was given in order to nourish freedom became a tool in the hands of tyrants.
I haven't read Sheridans books, but after reading some of his comments that have been quoted here, I wonder whether this could be the beginning of such a conversion of knowledge in the hand of a darker power, or a narcissistic tool in the hands of darker powers.
I mean it's easier for people who flatter your ego and brag about "victory", make you feel good and so on, to become popular and reach a broader audience. While I meet people here and there on rare occasions who know about the topic (even if rarely about it's spectrum of influence on society), it is still not a well known fact. It might very well be that people like Sheridan will become a wave of disinformation in the future. You can tell people any BS you want, most of them will believe it. There is one guy distorting it a bit, the next guy distorting it even further and so on. And in the end you will have George Clooney and some other celebs talking about how psychopath tend to doubt official versions, grow their own food and don't want to send their children to public schools. Of course, these wicked people will need to be locked up in FEMA camps or so. Just letting my mind wander a bit, but a similar scenario might be imaginable.
A good example is Jan Irvins podcast on how R. Gordon Wasson - the initiator of the psychedelic movement - worked for (I think it was) the CIA and was a personal friend of Bernays. Imagine they make a guy like that popular to initiate some sort of "anti-psychopaths" movement, of course totally distorted PsyOps full of crap, only to turn it against the last unponerized people?

Again, just letting my mind wander, but then history repeats.
Perceval said:
GRiM said:
I put it down to him being Irish and therefor charismatic,

I think his 'charisma' is more to do with his potential psychopathic nature.

When I think about it, It very well might be this. The first thing that came to mind when I thought about it was how he is so sure that "we normal people" had won, or was very very close to winning against the psychopaths. I know how dire our situation is here, but ... he said it in such a sure way, and I really wanted to believe it.

Lapse in critical thinking for my part for sure, but such a juicy feel-good lie :(

Lastly just to add one more thing from his facebook. Another day, another version.

"Thomas Sheridan: They played right into the massive PR trap I set for them. They couldn't of been more gullible. Incredible really."

I noticed that the face picture image changed
into something anonymous? A Chameleon?
A schizoid? Damage control? :lol:
GRiM said:
"Thomas Sheridan: They played right into the massive PR trap I set for them. They couldn't of been more gullible. Incredible really."


It's just a detail but what does "PR trap" mean ? What does "PR" stand for ? I don't understand
dant said:
I noticed that the face picture image changed
into something anonymous? A Chameleon?
A schizoid? Damage control? :lol:

Its a picture of his book

Maat said:
GRiM said:
"Thomas Sheridan: They played right into the massive PR trap I set for them. They couldn't of been more gullible. Incredible really."


It's just a detail but what does "PR trap" mean ? What does "PR" stand for ? I don't understand

Public relations. I guess he is thinking that this is all good publicity for him. :rolleyes:
thanks guy, I thought of Public Relations too, along with punk rock lol, but it didn't really make sense to me. I guess it's not surprising since it doesn't make sense at all anyway
I am listening to his lecture on his facebook page " Painting Yourself Out Of A Corner". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRnlzpojRjg&feature=youtu.be

At a little over the twenty one minute mark, he delivers this doozy:

"Psychopaths don't dream. They choose to shut off the frontal lobes of their brain". :huh:

Of course, painting yourself out of a corner is sorta like creating your own reality I guess. :D

Of course, is a bit funny considering this quote on his facebook page:

I only have one talent that I was born with. I can see the world as it is really is and not how we are told it is.
Shall we continue? Again, these are Thomas Sheridan's words, not mine. By his fruits let him known.

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Hide options Oct 27 1997, 4:00 am
Newsgroups: soc.culture.irish
From: Ünki <4@jesus.always>
Date: 1997/10/27
Subject: Re: Why R Irish Girls so Pretty?
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Well, I have my own theory about why Irish women are so attractive.
They are no-way better looking than say Italian, French or Spanish
girls but they are more sexually exciting. I belive it is orally

Look, most Irish born women use their mouths as both a sexual lure and
a sexual device more than other women from other cultures. Most Irish
girls smoke and drink beer from bottles. They are also intense
kissers, so it stands to reason that they enjoy oral sex and the taste
of the penis.

I had a girlfriend years ago from Leitrim and she fits this sterotype
perfectly. She loved oral sex more so than standard intercourse or
even spanking which all women (espically American) go wild for. She
would reach orgasm while giving blow jobs. This is an incredible
turn-on for man to see a woman enjoying herself while giving you
pleasure. In the Irish women's magazine U last year they did poll on
the sexually prefrences of Irish women and something like 88% said
giving and recieving oral sex drove them wild.

I was in Dublin a few weeks back and all the young girls I noticed
seem to slightly hold open their mouths at the end of each spoken
sentance. It is highly erotic. My American male friends tell me that
when an Irish girl speaks to them in their native accent it drives
them wild. I can see that. So in closing I think the main attraction
in Irish women is their public eagerness to indicate their desire to
perform oral sex with a man. It is a Celtic thing because Scottish
women are the same way as well.

any further comments?


"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do
nothing." - Cicero



This is the "satirical" way he responds to an ordinary question, again with the "C" word

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Dub Remix
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Hide options Nov 19 1998, 4:00 am
Newsgroups: soc.culture.irish
From: kfuzzbox@SPAMJAM.tinet.ie (Dub Remix)
Date: 1998/11/19
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sean <joe@joe.com> wrote:
> I am going back to live in Ireland. Many of my friends in the UK are
> African or Afro-Caribbean in origins. If they came over to see me next year
> in Dublin what kind of reception could they expect ?

They will be shot at the dockside for being big black smelly niggers. We
have to do it because our constitution actually states it. Right under
the section about performing oral sex on Bishops. They (the Darkies)
usually die happy because we baptize them before we shoot them. So they
end up with Jesus anyway. I love bayonetting the little nigger babies
myself as I love to hear their mothers scream. Personally I like to save
the Nigger women and use them as sex slaves and hopefully produced a
half-decent Irish soccer team someday. When all the Niggers are dead,
then I start burning the Jews and pulling the gold teeth out of their

BTW What religion are you. I just got an M-16 and I am look to riddle a
few Protestants.

Happy now? ( silly cunt)

Son of Unki


:cool2: :cool2: :cool2: :(

Hello all!

This is indeed puzzling for me.... (and funny at the same time :lol:)


But after reading all this thread, It's really amazing how people can be sooooo immature... Yet, as you have pointed out here, I think that there's much more than just immaturity in this behavior.

Please take care...

I hope for the best!
What a camouflage...

In 2012, Thomas wrote the follow-up to the critically acclaimed Puzzling People, entitled Defeated Demons: Freedom from Consciousness Parasites in Psychopathic Society, as well as the DVD Breaking the Babylon Mind. Thomas continues to write, broadcast and tour internationally, bringing his message of consciousness empowerment, creative intention and transcendence beyond the Psychopathic Control Grid to the world at large. A lifelong musician and songwriter, Thomas is also a member of the band R-Complex, as well as writing and recording with his own on-going solo project, The Sulfur Factory.

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Unki Family Values
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Hide options Aug 26 1998, 3:00 am
Newsgroups: soc.culture.irish
From: spambuster2000unkifunki@hotmail.com (Unki Family Values)
Date: 1998/08/26
Subject: Re: Sonnet Wars - The Final Coitus
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No more arseing around:

Oh Carrie let me shag you for a thousand days
Then give it to you in a thousand ways
and when I finish shagging you make me breakfast in bed
Perhaps a blow-jow or a hand job instead
I'm not fussy
I just want your pussy

unki - alright I win


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Hide options Aug 21 1998, 3:00 am
Newsgroups: soc.culture.irish, alt.crime, rec.travel.europe, soc.culture.europe
From: spambuster2000unkifu...@hotmail.com (unki)
Date: 1998/08/21
Subject: Re: Dublin Still One of the Safest Cities on Earth (Belfast also quite safe!)
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The Great Linguini <ta...@spud.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 21 Aug 1998 00:21:35 +0000,
> spambuster2000unkifu...@hotmail.com (unki) wrote:

> >The pint of this rubbish being. . . .

> Considering you felt the need to troll 4 groups with the crosspost in
> the first place, why don't you enlighten us to the "pint" of your own
> rubbish, ya twat.

Listen cunt. It was not a troll. The crossposts were relevent to the
topic and pointing out spelling errors on USENET is a fuckwitts hobby.

Unlike you dearest twat, I have actually something to bring to this
dicussion. Now fuck off back to alt-anal-reconstruction.licky.licky. you
revolting little pox-bottle.

Fuckin worthless turd. There are used tampon strings in the gutter with
more potential than you'll ever have.



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View profile
Hide options Sep 20 1998, 3:00 am
Newsgroups: soc.culture.irish
From: kfuzzbox@tinet.ie (shero)
Date: 1998/09/20
Subject: Re: Unki Republic - Declaration of War
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Pete Stuart <taocelt@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> shero wrote:

> > The last time I had a sex dream I was doing to my wife!

> Hey, so did I, and I've never even met your wife! ;-)

First Beckham, Ger looking at her tits, and you and Quirky shaggin her
in your sleep.

Women as soon as your turn your back. . .

Wives no longer feel any sense of duty to their husbands. When they take
the marriage vows they promise to honour and obey you. Dream on

Women are a bunch of hypocrites anyway. One minute they are carrying
organ donor cards around with them quite happy to donate all their
organs to medical research. But the minute a doctor or dentist trys to
feel them up while they are under gas, they go running to the Gardai.
And it does'nt end there, oh no! I worked in offices for years and most
secretaries have no sense of loyalty to the employers. There are happy
to cash their pay cheques, drink your coffee and use your phone, but the
minute you try giving them a bonus behind the water cooler they also go
straight to the cops.

and Women business people are the biggest bunch of cows going. When I
was a high-powered Wall Street money spinner, I suggested that Aer
Lingus should merge with the shipping line Cunard. Thereby creating a
new corporation called Cuna-Lingus. I even came up with a spiffy
advertising slogan: "We Lick the Competition". All these stuck-up power
suits got all offended. All I wanted to do was to give that twat Richard
Branson something to think about.

I am going to make my own jam and give none of it to the wife. That way
it shall remain a male preserve.

and while we are talking about David Beckham. I believe that he and Posh
Spice are having trouble finding time to get married. Well, I doubt it
will be any easier in a few years when he is playing for the Woking
reserves and she is doing Mosney for the summer. If I was them, I would
tie the know while they can still afford a decent reception.

Times have changed for the worse. I do not understand today's wedding
receptions with their drink, drugs and casual sex. When I was a lad all
we had was communal mastrubation, but we were happy then. The streets
were much safer in them days.

Talking of streets. They say "All roads lead to Rome". Me arse they do!
I drove on the N17 the other day and ended-up in Ennis.

Shero. (Son of Unki)



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Hide options Sep 16 2000, 3:00 am
Newsgroups: alt.gossip.royalty, alt.talk.royaltyuk.rec.caravanning, soc.culture.irish
From: kfuzzbox@tinet.ie (kfuzzbox@tinet.ie)
Date: 2000/09/16
Subject: Re: Living In The Love of Unki
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Noinden <slaine@orcon.net.nz> wrote:
> (1) He (Phi) is just a troll! He is looking for a rise like that ..
> (2) Keep this fool (Phil aka the Rev) off al.pagan if you please! Just
> snip the replies

No leave him be. He just makes me look all the better in the eyes of the
ladies on the other newsgroups. Have you any idea what it is like to
have sex with Unki? All a womans dreams can come true with just one
insertion of my big Irish catholic dick into any orifice of their
choosing. It's all based on nothing other than love. I love and respect
each and ever woman I bed and treat her like a princess.

Yes that's me. If anybody asks who said these words tell them it was
"Lord Unki, The Duke of Desire". I have 15 minutes left before the train
for Dodge City departs from the depot. Any of the ladies of
alt.gossip.royalty, alt.talk.royalty and uk.rec.caravanning want a
sample of the delights that the ladies of soc.culture.irish have been
receiving from me for years just come up to my room. In there you'll
find all things you spent so many years searching for in a man. Raw
sexual passion and loving gentle compassion are possible and are
available for those who wish to partake of the newly acquired
aristocratic Unkian Cornbeef Kangohammer should heed the call now or
live in sorrow and remorse.

Lord Unki is a busy man with a big dick and you can't help but love me.



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