"Puzzling People" by Thomas Sheridan - a puzzling person

Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

A little apart from where the conversation is going but...

I just noticed the name John Lash. I am currently reading his book "Not in His Image" which looks at the gnostics, the mystery schools, Jehovah as the Demiurge, archons, etc. It is a great read. I do not agree fully with him on points such as the historicity of Jesus, but many of his points are well made and supported. Does anyone know anything else about him or read any of his other books?

Now back to the topic. Concerning Sheridan, looking at his site, etc, I could not help but think of the earlier stages of ponerization where individuals who have mental or emotional aberrations bring changes which are then accepted as normal and they are used by the psychopaths and even take the role of spellbinders. He sure seems to fit the bill of a spellbinder. He is Irish right? What part of Ireland? It would be interesting to see if his family have suffered much from the conflict there and whether that has had any effect upon his psychological wellbeing.
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

This is just an observation when reading this thread and many others like it.
It seems to me that when people have ONE stroke of insight ( this applies
philosophers, academics of all kinds and of course New Age gurus ) then they
construct an entire system of thought based on this ONE insight.

Is this a general human tendency? I remember from my own naive past that
whenever I came across a new idea the first reaction was: that's IT!

Only to be disappointed again and again. This is puzzling and disturbing.
Any further thoughts on this tendency would be appreciated.
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

Leo40 said:
This is just an observation when reading this thread and many others like it.
It seems to me that when people have ONE stroke of insight ( this applies
philosophers, academics of all kinds and of course New Age gurus ) then they
construct an entire system of thought based on this ONE insight.

Is this a general human tendency? I remember from my own naive past that
whenever I came across a new idea the first reaction was: that's IT!

Only to be disappointed again and again. This is puzzling and disturbing.
Any further thoughts on this tendency would be appreciated.

I know what do You mean Leo40. Before taking a distance and take some time to think and question things, I was doing exactly the same thing. It make me sad, when I see how is this happening over and over again in people's life. Even the former sincere idea is over again twisted and turned on a "perception on insight" basis and experience. It's really sad. :(
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

Don Genaro said:
There was an interesting piece written by Laura about the use of profanity and how it relates to being stuck at a certain level in development. Does anyone know what I'm referring to? Sorry to be so vague- I think it might have been in the Wave and if anyone knows what I'm referring to I'd love to read it again. I think it would fit in well here too given Thomas Sheridan's fondness for foul language.

Yes, I think I remember what you're talking about. It is in the Wave (Book 8), and I'm glad you brought it up because it is such an important part of how we become programmed/pathological OSIT:

The second stage, or circuit, the famous "anal phase," is concerned with keeping or letting go of experiences in interactions with others. This second circuit determines how an individual will expand their identity to include others. The drive of the second phase is to interact with other selves. It is this drive that either brings about the congregation of groups, or results in paranoid withdrawal from anyone who is different. Trauma in the formation of this circuit (generally from 12 months to 24 months) can result in a lack of social feeling, a tendency to manipulate and exploit others for one's own gain, and cruelty to others, whether conscious or unconscious. This is generally a result of a feeling of non-acceptance, that one is missing out on something that others have, the need for approval from others and basic lack of self-esteem.

It is during this phase that the Matrix - a conditioning system of sorts - forms a semantic universe of verbal structures. Language is conceptual, as we have discussed previously, and is one of the things that distinguishes third density from second density. Our concepts are a sort of framework of perception that we learn as we learn words. As we are learning our language, things such as hot and cold, we are also learning that one thing is good or another is bad. We can either handle things freely because they are good, or we don't touch because they are bad. There is, in this phase, a tremendous drive in a child to create order. This drive is aimed at grouping, identifying, correlating and naming everything. And, as this is being done, there is a constant check with the parents and others interacting with the child as to whether this is bad or good or real or not real. What the child is doing is defining not only himself, but his entire world. It is at this stage that most of our complex belief systems are formed. Everything that surrounds him is raw material for the child. The matrix is created by the guiding actions and responses from the other minds around him. This matrix is, in reality, a gigantic conditioning system. And we insert our children into it though our own actions...

"[The infant] nevertheless shows a strong desire to participate in a world of others. Eventually his willingness for self-modification, necessary to win rapport with his world, is stronger than his desire for autonomy" (Pierce 1971)

...due to the most common imprinting of our society, which is negative, most of this reaching out is in the context of territory, which involves emotional con games, pecking order, rituals of domination or submission. It has been noted that a lot of people with negative second circuit imprinting can be found in military or hierarchical organizations where there is constant striving to please someone in order to maintain or rise in status.

This second circuit is generally most powerfully imprinted by the nearest alpha male or the earliest perceived dominant male figure in a person's life. This circuit is also very often referred to as the ego because it mistakes itself for the whole self.

Individuals who are ruled by negative second stage imprinting generally use a lot of anal expressions or language relating to excretory functions and parts of the body. They have inveterate potty mouth. Very often those with heavy imprints in the second stage are either very concerned about physical fitness and body structure as a mode of power or just simply power over others in general. They fear thinking and feel that the best response to a problem is to frighten it away.

The reality structure of the second circuit is the prevailing mode of modern society, which is why most issues end in confronations that bring out both bullying and cowardliness - hallmarks of second circuit trauma.

Hopefully this was it!
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

Just a note: I have edited my review on amazon of Sheridan's book.
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

Hesper said:
Don Genaro said:
There was an interesting piece written by Laura about the use of profanity and how it relates to being stuck at a certain level in development. Does anyone know what I'm referring to? Sorry to be so vague- I think it might have been in the Wave and if anyone knows what I'm referring to I'd love to read it again. I think it would fit in well here too given Thomas Sheridan's fondness for foul language.

Yes, I think I remember what you're talking about. It is in the Wave (Book 8), and I'm glad you brought it up because it is such an important part of how we become programmed/pathological OSIT:

The second stage, or circuit, the famous "anal phase," is concerned with keeping or letting go of experiences in interactions with others. This second circuit determines how an individual will expand their identity to include others. The drive of the second phase is to interact with other selves. It is this drive that either brings about the congregation of groups, or results in paranoid withdrawal from anyone who is different. Trauma in the formation of this circuit (generally from 12 months to 24 months) can result in a lack of social feeling, a tendency to manipulate and exploit others for one's own gain, and cruelty to others, whether conscious or unconscious. This is generally a result of a feeling of non-acceptance, that one is missing out on something that others have, the need for approval from others and basic lack of self-esteem.

It is during this phase that the Matrix - a conditioning system of sorts - forms a semantic universe of verbal structures. Language is conceptual, as we have discussed previously, and is one of the things that distinguishes third density from second density. Our concepts are a sort of framework of perception that we learn as we learn words. As we are learning our language, things such as hot and cold, we are also learning that one thing is good or another is bad. We can either handle things freely because they are good, or we don't touch because they are bad. There is, in this phase, a tremendous drive in a child to create order. This drive is aimed at grouping, identifying, correlating and naming everything. And, as this is being done, there is a constant check with the parents and others interacting with the child as to whether this is bad or good or real or not real. What the child is doing is defining not only himself, but his entire world. It is at this stage that most of our complex belief systems are formed. Everything that surrounds him is raw material for the child. The matrix is created by the guiding actions and responses from the other minds around him. This matrix is, in reality, a gigantic conditioning system. And we insert our children into it though our own actions...

"[The infant] nevertheless shows a strong desire to participate in a world of others. Eventually his willingness for self-modification, necessary to win rapport with his world, is stronger than his desire for autonomy" (Pierce 1971)

...due to the most common imprinting of our society, which is negative, most of this reaching out is in the context of territory, which involves emotional con games, pecking order, rituals of domination or submission. It has been noted that a lot of people with negative second circuit imprinting can be found in military or hierarchical organizations where there is constant striving to please someone in order to maintain or rise in status.

This second circuit is generally most powerfully imprinted by the nearest alpha male or the earliest perceived dominant male figure in a person's life. This circuit is also very often referred to as the ego because it mistakes itself for the whole self.

Individuals who are ruled by negative second stage imprinting generally use a lot of anal expressions or language relating to excretory functions and parts of the body. They have inveterate potty mouth. Very often those with heavy imprints in the second stage are either very concerned about physical fitness and body structure as a mode of power or just simply power over others in general. They fear thinking and feel that the best response to a problem is to frighten it away.

The reality structure of the second circuit is the prevailing mode of modern society, which is why most issues end in confronations that bring out both bullying and cowardliness - hallmarks of second circuit trauma.

Hopefully this was it!

Hi and thank you very much Hesper. I should have mentioned that I had found it since and was just waiting to sit down and read it in full context and pull the relevant quotes, so, once again, thanks!!!

Laura said:
Just a note: I have edited my review on amazon of Sheridan's book.

I just wrote him a little review too. Felt it was the least I could do (for humanity) :lol:
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

So..... did Thomas just delete his profile? Or maybe it was taken down? Or perhaps he just blocked anyone that was 'friends' with Laura ???

Thank you Hesper for the the quote from book 8. And thank you Laura for getting it in print! :)
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

Auranimal said:
So..... did Thomas just delete his profile? Or maybe it was taken down? Or perhaps he just blocked anyone that was 'friends' with Laura ???

Thank you Hesper for the the quote from book 8. And thank you Laura for getting it in print! :)

From what I can gather he's deactivated his account. He also seems to have deleted this blog:

I don't know if it was ever up and running but it says on the page that it's been deleted...
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

Laura said:
Just a note: I have edited my review on amazon of Sheridan's book.

Oh boy, seems like TS should have left "sleeping dogs lie". Your review went from an enthusiastic critique to the painful truth. I know, because your review and recommendation were the reasons I purchased his book. With that said, a clear signal of Truth needed to be broadcasted amongst all the defaming "noise", and when those with "ears to hear" read the updated review, perhaps they will be inclined to dig a bit deeper into a key source of TS's work. Kudos to you Laura, because I also see this as an act of Compassion ... the type of Compassion that kicks some serious butt!

As far as TS is concerned, hopefully he is seeking help and perhaps, in that, an opportunity will present itself for him to "Know Thyself". Many lessons to be learned via the events of the past week and I am pretty sure we can expect more of these types of actions as the Cosmos continues to "clean house". For me, it is more important now then ever to remain awake and watchful ... "Watch and [do not sleep] so that you will not fall into temptation. The [Divine Spark] is willing, but the [machine] is weak." (Matthew 26:41) It is also equally important to remain compassionate and composed while supporting the Truth.
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

Don Genaro said:
Auranimal said:
So..... did Thomas just delete his profile? Or maybe it was taken down? Or perhaps he just blocked anyone that was 'friends' with Laura ???

Thank you Hesper for the the quote from book 8. And thank you Laura for getting it in print! :)

From what I can gather he's deactivated his account. He also seems to have deleted this blog:

I don't know if it was ever up and running but it says on the page that it's been deleted...

Both from my facebook account and a different no-facebook browser I use, his profile appears to be deactivated.

That was fast.

"Puzzling People", indeed.
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

Foxx said:
Don Genaro said:
Auranimal said:
So..... did Thomas just delete his profile? Or maybe it was taken down? Or perhaps he just blocked anyone that was 'friends' with Laura ???

Thank you Hesper for the the quote from book 8. And thank you Laura for getting it in print! :)

From what I can gather he's deactivated his account. He also seems to have deleted this blog:

I don't know if it was ever up and running but it says on the page that it's been deleted...

Both from my facebook account and a different no-facebook browser I use, his profile appears to be deactivated.

That was fast.

"Puzzling People", indeed.

Funny thing - I use a Firefox pluggin called "Better Facebook" that Grimm introduced me too. It has a few neato features, including one that tells you when someone has unfriended you. It always tells me when someone is no longer my friend regardless of whether they actually unfriended me or deleted their profile. It may just be an error, or perhaps there's lag between when someone deactivates and when this pluggin detects it, but it didn't say anything about TS no longer being my friend, despite the fact that I can't find his profile in searches. I wonder how he managed that :huh:
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

I changed my review on Amazon too. He was disappointing. What a phony. I really thought he was the real deal at first, and I didn't want to believe he wasn't even though I heard the sirens calling. That must be the good ole emotional center wanting to see what makes it feel good! As time progressed he was making me nauseous with his behavior. Now I am just down right angry and a little saddened. Oh well, that's the nature of the beast I guess.....Next.
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

dugdeep said:
Funny thing - I use a Firefox pluggin called "Better Facebook" that Grimm introduced me too. It has a few neato features, including one that tells you when someone has unfriended you. It always tells me when someone is no longer my friend regardless of whether they actually unfriended me or deleted their profile.

Thomas still appears in my "friends" list, but i get this message when I click his profile:

"This account has been deactivated. Only you can see Thomas on your friends list. You have the option to unfriend Thomas."

So he didn't delete his account, he just "deactivated" it. Someone asked him about his missing Facebook on his own forum too, and he hasn't answered. Of course it's always possible he was hacked, or went on a drunken bender (he's spoken of doing that before) ??
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

ReBecca.S said:
I changed my review on Amazon too.

I was going to write him a nice review...but then I read his book.
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

Could it be possible to TOTALLY hide your page from people? That way he could invisibly follow. Anyone know?
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