"Puzzling People" by Thomas Sheridan - a puzzling person

Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

abeofarrell said:
Could it be possible to TOTALLY hide your page from people? That way he could invisibly follow. Anyone know?

If you block somebody on FB, they are blocked to you, too.

I think this is taking up way too much space in your head right now. BUT, I do understand. I tell ya, when you first encounter real, live pathology such as this, it just boggles the mind. Your brain kinda goes crazy trying to understand it, to create categories for something that is just alien. But we've been through this kinda crap for years and years now. Sheridan is showing himself to be rather similar to Bridges and Weidner.

Bridges and Weidner both may be some variety of psychopath or have some other Cluster B personality disorder(s), but I'm not yet sure about Sheridan. Obviously, he's not very creative in his writing since he had to steal so much of other people's work to produce a book and what is original to him is just dumb. But he is an artist and some of that work appears to be decent, unless he is stealing that too. I don't think I've ever heard of a creative psychopath. But he sure comes across as a very twisted and/or damaged individual and thus he behaves EFFECTIVELY, like a psychopath.
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

Guardian said:
dugdeep said:
Funny thing - I use a Firefox pluggin called "Better Facebook" that Grimm introduced me too. It has a few neato features, including one that tells you when someone has unfriended you. It always tells me when someone is no longer my friend regardless of whether they actually unfriended me or deleted their profile.

Thomas still appears in my "friends" list, but i get this message when I click his profile:

"This account has been deactivated. Only you can see Thomas on your friends list. You have the option to unfriend Thomas."

So he didn't delete his account, he just "deactivated" it. Someone asked him about his missing Facebook on his own forum too, and he hasn't answered. Of course it's always possible he was hacked, or went on a drunken bender (he's spoken of doing that before) ??

I unfriended Thomas yesterday, but before I did I took a look at his profile. I glanced over a status he had made saying that he was planning on deactivating his FB account and was planning on doing something big with it like donating it to some cause or something and that he wasn't sure when he was going to do it, but it would be soon. I unfriended him then, but I didn't think he was going to get rid of his account this soon.
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

From Thomas FB page:

OK Folks, Laura Knight-Jadczyk and her 26 (lol!) followers have launched an organised bad review of one-star assults on Puzzling People on Amazon in order to push their own book on psychopaths and wreck my work.

If some of you could go on Amazon and remind her and other potential readers of Puzzling People, of her eh, sudden change of heart in the comments and by hitting the NO button on WAS THIS REVIEW HELPFUL you would be doing me a favour. If you want to mention that she gets her research by channeling space aliens and this updated review followed a disgusting personal attack on me on her message board then that is up to you

I am asking for you to do this for me as a friend and a commrade in the war against psychoipaths and not giving your orders as your leader.

and no, I am not calling her a "psychopath" as she clearly unwell and I will not make fun of the genuinely disordered.

Then they link to Jay Weidner as proof in the comments.

Ugh.. I thought Thomas was a smart and aware person.
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

Yes, and now, the so far 30 something comments from Thomas followers are about going to Amazon and vote Laura's books down, wish her "well" (you understand), and her cult and channeling aliens...
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

GRiM said:
From Thomas FB page:

OK Folks, Laura Knight-Jadczyk and her 26 (lol!) followers have launched an organised bad review of one-star assults on Puzzling People on Amazon in order to push their own book on psychopaths and wreck my work.

If some of you could go on Amazon and remind her and other potential readers of Puzzling People, of her eh, sudden change of heart in the comments and by hitting the NO button on WAS THIS REVIEW HELPFUL you would be doing me a favour. If you want to mention that she gets her research by channeling space aliens and this updated review followed a disgusting personal attack on me on her message board then that is up to you

I am asking for you to do this for me as a friend and a commrade in the war against psychoipaths and not giving your orders as your leader.

and no, I am not calling her a "psychopath" as she clearly unwell and I will not make fun of the genuinely disordered.

Then they link to Jay Weidner as proof in the comments.

Ugh.. I thought Thomas was a smart and aware person.

So he is back online. Eventually now it is possible to get a glimpse of his character and how he deals with it. And it doesn't look good.
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

Akar said:
Yes, and now, the so far 30 something comments from Thomas followers are about going to Amazon and vote Laura's books down, wish her "well" (you understand), and her cult and channeling aliens...
It starts:

Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

truth seeker said:
Akar said:
Yes, and now, the so far 30 something comments from Thomas followers are about going to Amazon and vote Laura's books down, wish her "well" (you understand), and her cult and channeling aliens...
It starts:


Wow, that was below a child's writing level :lol: and full of outrageous lies. :shock: I flagged it as not helping with the discussion.
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

truth seeker said:
It starts:


This link doesn't work for me for some reason and I also don't see Laura's review anymore after going through all 4 pages of reviews (twice).
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

Foxx said:
truth seeker said:
It starts:


This link doesn't work for me for some reason and I also don't see Laura's review anymore after going through all 4 pages of reviews (twice).

I think he must have had his minions report my review as abusive and amazon removed it. That's okay...
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

Here's the one reply I saw to Laura's comment:

B. Anna(sp?) Maria said:
]Just surprised that this women leading a cult with sour meat eaters and heavy smokers, heavily playing demonic Quia boardis having a stomack to criticize this author who is a genuin and real refresment in the subject.
Might it be she is worrying that her selling numbers will drop?
They will, perhaps because her work is a load of borrowed contents and all from other works done before her sampling exercise.
Thomas Sheridan besides his first class books leaves a lot of free work and does not scare ppl to buy his works using what Laura does..using fear of ALIENS, and all that BS: All makinga statement that Laura has the only answer and to hell with everybody else.
For that she lets people eat GMO , filled with antibiotic meat so that their stomack get sour and sick , on the top of that smoking like 50 cigaretts a day. (or you get obducted)
You can see it. Her sitting obese on the wheelchair for doing that eating unhealthy and smoking loads.
Is this a good exapmle of a jealousy perhaps? that he is bestselling not her?
In addition a good quality books Thomas gives away everyday for free materials in form of art and free audios. On Lauras page the first thing you se is a DONATE button!!!
Everyone gets a smear dirty campaign on her facebook if one utters something against Lauras "commandments" that her followers are obliged to follow to stay in the circle.
And she writes about psychopats? Or rewrites from those who were here before her.
or is she being one? Psychopat herself? hmm
The choice is yours.I have been seen done that with her. A little expierence with Laura once

Added: name of commenter
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

Laura, please help!! I'm only smoking about 40 a day. Please don't let me be oducted..please, please. (also I don't know if my meat is sour enough)
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

I did some digging, and found what Thomas Sheridan really thinks of women on Usenet. He has about a 20 year history of being a Usenet Troll, and he makes his attitude about women VERY clear.

It's my opinion that he's setting himself up as an expert on psychopathy for the same reason pedophiles become school teachers and Boy Scout Troop leaders...to be close to potential victims. I've watched as he's gathered a harem of fawning females on "Psychopath Free" and I think they need to know how he's treated women in the past. Please read the actual screenshots since the forum filters edit out the horrible words he calls women, including the "C" word.

This is just a small sampling, I have a ton of screenshots to post, but you get the picture. I have a feeling some of Sheridan's former female victims will come forward once this is all out in the open.

It should come as no surprise that he wrote extremely disturbing porn as well, I'll post a sampling of that next.

Thomas Sheridan aka "Saint Thomas" aka "shero" aka "soon@president.i.be " aka "Unki" aka "Unki Arthur" aka "Saint Unki" aka "Dub Remix"

Original link:

The first thing I think about when I see a woman is -flicking- her. I
admire a woman as much for vagina and tits as I do for her brain if not
more. I love putting my dick inside a woman liberated or not. My knob
can't tell the difference. I have decided that my -John Thomas- has more
credibility than my brain and is therefore more worthy of respect. You
often hear the expression "think with your mind and not with your dick"
Well I think that's a pile of Protestant rubbish and I am a Catholic so
to hell with that. My New Year's resolution is to only think with my
-John Thomas- and ignore my mind.




Original link:

View profile
Hide options Oct 4 2009, 7:14 am
Newsgroups: soc.culture.irish
From: Thomas <kfuzzbox@tinet.ie>
Date: Sun, 4 Oct 2009 04:14:45 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Sun, Oct 4 2009 7:14 am
Subject: I like being a violent alcoholic
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I have started drinking again.

that's all.



Original link:

View profile
Hide options Feb 2 2002, 1:25 pm
Newsgroups: soc.culture.irish
From: kfuzzbox@tinet.ie (unki)
Date: Sat, 02 Feb 2002 17:22:19 GMT
Local: Sat, Feb 2 2002 1:22 pm
Subject: Re: An Interrupted Life [unabridged]
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>Before my life was so rudely, and crudely, and brutally, and, above all, stupidly
>interrupted, I was - I confess - well unaware of much of the heartlessness
>and outright cruelty

Dear Holly,

You are a liar. You know very well that on that Friday I asked you to
make me a cup of tea and you refused. What kind of a message does this
send to me? I'll tell what kind of message it send. It's tells me that
you think I have a small dick. When let me tell you something Holly,
there was a time I would have done anything for you, Susan and Mullo
and you have to accept in you cold hearts that I have done things for
you three that no other man would do. But you have done me a great
favour. You have thought me that friendship is not all that it seems.
I may never love again now. Now that Doc has hired a hitman I only
have a few days to live and I may never see New Ross ever again. I was
looking at the painting you gave me last year and I just wept like a
baby. You have damaged me Holly. All I wanted was a cup of tea and you
refused. You are -flicking- lowlife. I lived you once but not now.

> [learned about from and through an individual self-described
>as 'deeply shallow' who repeatedly sought out someone who wanted simply to
>be left alone only because this individual who ultimately self-described
>as 'lonely and horny' and only 'screwing with (my) mind'] the human is capable
>of. Of course, like anyone else, I had seen and been through much, and knew
>much of these things theoretically [anecdotal evidence?] but never through
>experience [quantifiable evidence?]. Perhaps I had grown too used to friends
>who are intelligent and kind and honest - and I well needed a wake-up call.

Dear Mullo,

Pat Mullo, screw you and the train you rode in on. You promised me
some secret documents from Hornby and you let me down. After all the
years we have know each other. I would have done this for you in a
heartbeat, but you were 'too busy. Well up yours you miserable -kunta kintay-. I
may never see Letterfrack ever again. I loved you once but not now.

>And also as Etty said: 'Though whether I ever shall 'create' is something
>I can't really tell. But I do believe that it is possible to create, even
>without writing a word or painting a picture, by molding one's inner life.
>And that too is a deed.'

Dear Susan,

The lesbian haircut suits you. I am glad we talk about this like
adults. However, I shall never forgive you for running off with yer
man from Woolworths. I kinda thought you would saved yourself for me.
This is disgusting and selfish. It's like I never existed at all. You
told me all kinds of things about yourself and likewise did I. We
shared a wonderful moment under the snow covered Cascades. We swore
eternal love for each other and then you run off with a Mexican.
You're an evil hateful women and you'll suffer because of this,
because I won't be around to catch you after Sinore Juan moves onto
his next Sutal. I may never see your lovely face or Tallaght ever
again. I loved you once but not now.

Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

truth seeker said:
Here's the one reply I saw to Laura's comment:

Just surprised that this women leading a cult with sour meat eaters and heavy smokers, heavily playing demonic Quia boardis having a stomack to criticize this author who is a genuin and real refresment in the subject.
Might it be she is worrying that her selling numbers will drop?
They will, perhaps because her work is a load of borrowed contents and all from other works done before her sampling exercise.
Thomas Sheridan besides his first class books leaves a lot of free work and does not scare ppl to buy his works using what Laura does..using fear of ALIENS, and all that BS: All makinga statement that Laura has the only answer and to hell with everybody else.
For that she lets people eat GMO , filled with antibiotic meat so that their stomack get sour and sick , on the top of that smoking like 50 cigaretts a day. (or you get obducted)
You can see it. Her sitting obese on the wheelchair for doing that eating unhealthy and smoking loads.
Is this a good exapmle of a jealousy perhaps? that he is bestselling not her?
In addition a good quality books Thomas gives away everyday for free materials in form of art and free audios. On Lauras page the first thing you se is a DONATE button!!!
Everyone gets a smear dirty campaign on her facebook if one utters something against Lauras "commandments" that her followers are obliged to follow to stay in the circle.
And she writes about psychopats? Or rewrites from those who were here before her.
or is she being one? Psychopat herself? hmm
The choice is yours.I have been seen done that with her. A little expierence with Laura once

That comment is priceless; the atrocious spelling and childish style won't do him any great favours!
Re: Thomas Sheridan and John Lash on the con-artists/useful idiots in the alt. media

Way to go Guardian! I wonder how comfortable he'll be recommending that his supporters follow this thread now!
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