A very warm hello!
today on croatian television i watched an alternative tv-show that is emiting once a week. it ws about dr.Harry Oldfield and his work with body energy fields and chakras. you can see the chakras(type his name on google pictures). he said that some woman with crytals meditated on the top of the pyramid and when she was going down behind one side of the pyramid sky became red, and it suddenly started pouring from the skyes so hard that the oldest citizens could not remember of such tempest. later it was said that pyramids are made of quartz and of other crystals mostly so it makes the pyramid a big crystal by itself. crystals are piezoelectric materials which means that they emite energy when mechanicaly stimulated. for example they said (two men - guests at the show), if the pyramid would be stimulated from below mechanicaly (mini earthquakes for example) it would emite enormous amount of energy in all directions.
sadly there is not enough money for the excavations so they progress is very slow.