Hi folks,
found interesting web page related to Bosnian pyramids.
Solid Construction
The results of core drilling, test-well sinking and limited trenching in August and October 2005, with a follow-up in 2006 and 2007, revealed that the surface of the pyramids is comprised of layered sandstone and breccia blocks, which have been manually processed and cut to fit the required dimensions. The binding agent found between the sandstone blocks suggests a “clastic breccia,” a multicolored conglomerate comprised out of gravel, sandstone and shale with a connective matrix or cement composed of sandy carbon particles of quartz, feldspar and flakes of mica.
The flat sides of the blocks, the contact zone, and the binding agent are clearly visible. Further detailed cleaning of the contact line between the two sandstone blocks revealed that the blocks were manually processed beneath and that the surface was flat and smooth, with binding agent applied afterwards to the surface.
Military Might
Combined radar analysis from RADARSAT and SPOT radar system suggest that there are apparent lineaments on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun and access plateau. These could indicate buried terraces, walls, or passageways, or entrances, cavities or chambers inside of the structure.
The existence of these artificial structures is also reinforced by numerous statements of the military personnel stationed on the Pyramid itself and subjected to heavy shelling. They have reported unusual ground vibrations, echoing and ground movement whenever the mound was hit by the artillery fire during the war operations in Bosnia 1992-95. This acoustic evidence suggests that cavities/chambers indeed exist within the structure.
During winter 2006/2007, two independent teams of georadar experts from Germany (LGA Bautechnick GMBH with Dr. Andreas Hasenstab as a team leader) and Serbia (Institute for Geophysics from Belgrade with Dr. Dejan Vuckovic as a head of the research), concluded that a total of 44 anomalies were found in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids, including terraces, steps, shaped stone structures, and passageways.
Three main pyramids in the Bosnian Pyramid Valley form an equilateral triangle. The Kadastral Office from the County of Visoko performed GPS measurements of the hilltops and determined that all angles are symmetric (60 degrees). Their measurements showed that the distances among all three hilltops are the same (approx. 2,2 km) with less than 2% error, verifying the artificial structures.
......The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is completely covered by soil and vegetation, but excavations unearthed stone slabs, evidently man-made, underneath. Samples of the stone blocks were analyzed in three domestic Bosnian scientific institutions. The presence of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate in the material suggests they were made from an ancient synthetic material – the first concrete! Moderately baked clay, combined with water, made an effective binding substance, which was also the basis for ancient Roman cement.
.......Going Underground
Examples of the main pyramidal complexes worldwide show that underground passageways and chambers have often been built within the pyramids. Pyramids in Giza , Teotihuacan , Step pyramid in Saqqara , China , and Tenerife all have underground tunnels, and findings suggest that an extensive tunnel network also exists in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids. It is hypothesized that the tunnel system connects all of the colossal objects, water wells and other structures of importance. Hundreds of meters of tunnels have been secured by wooden support, and the current excavations have already revealed several shaped monoliths in the tunnels. The tunnels were definitively not the mining shafts as no tools, coal, silver, gold or any other worthy material were found and they appear much older than Middle Age or Roman times.
End Quote
More on: http://heritage-key.com/world/bosnian-valley-pyramids
But I found as well some pretty interesting web page related to the sceptic wiev on the same topic.
Quote: Deep inside Bosnia, in a small village called Visoko, just 15 miles northwest of Sarajevo, stands the world's largest and oldest ancient pyramid.
Or so it would appear, anyway. Ancient pyramids are not completely unknown in Europe. The remains of a small pyramid stand in France, two are found in Greece, and one in Italy. These aren't much larger than a house and certainly nothing like the massive structures in Egypt and Latin America. Thus, claims that a giant pyramid to dwarf them all stands in broad daylight in Bosnia are sure to raise eyebrows. End Quote
More on: http://skeptoid.com/episodes/4140
The Wiki page related to the same pyramids, explained Visočica hill as:" The term Bosnian pyramids has been used for a cluster of natural geological formations sometimes known as flatirons." Here are wiki examples of flairons: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flatirons and the stone "flatirons" from Bosnia: http://www.piramidasunca.ba/en/index.php/STONE-BLOCKS-FROM-THE-BOSNIAN-PYRAMIDS-ANALIZED-RESULT-ANCIENT-CONCRETE.html
National Geografic stated: Bosnia "Pyramid" Is Not Human-Made, U.K. Expert Says, more on: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/06/060613-pyramid.html
On other hand there is whole story going on arround the cement like material found on the Visoko plateau ans Visočica hill.
The AP story also recycles the opinions of one Aly Abd Alla Barakat, said to be a geologist from the Egyptian Mineral Resource Authority and familiar with his country's pyramids. His assessment: "My opinion is that this is a type of pyramid, probably a primitive pyramid." So, the "supercivilization" was apparently only able to come up with a "primitive pyramid." It's worth looking a bit closer at Barakat's conclusions, or at least the statements made by him. I haven't seen anything that resembles an official report, though according to a June 12 Agence France-Presse story "Barakat said that he had sent a report on the site to one of the world's leading Egyptologists, Zahi Hawass, who had recommended him to the foundation leading the excavation work." (I have not been able to confirm the claim he was recommended by Hawass.) In a Reuters report back on May 17, Barakat is said to have identified "sand layers" between the stones unearthed at Visoko as being "the same type of artificial cement used in ancient Egyptian pyramids." The AFP story quotes him as saying, "The white stuff I found between the blocks could be a glue. It is very similar to that we have found in the Giza pyramids." Glue? We seem to be operating in the fog of translation here, but surely a geologist familiar with the pyramids at Giza would know that the ancient Egyptians used gypsum mortar, sometimes gobs of it, to fill in between stone blocks. End Quote
More on: http://www.archaeology.org/online/features/osmanagic/update.html
But chief of the same Aly Alla Barakat, Dr. Zahi Hawass, secretary general of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities said this: "Mr. Barakat, the Egyptian geologist working with Mr. Osmanagic, knows nothing about Egyptian pyramids. He was not sent by the SCA, and we do not support or concur with his statements." The supposed pyramid, Dr. Hawass says, is "evidently a natural geologic formation" and that "Apart from its general outline, this hill bears absolutely no resemblance to the Egyptian pyramids." He concludes that, "Mr. Osmanic's theories are purely hallucinations on his part, with no scientific backing."
Well, I might be wrong but, lot of things is going on around of Bosnian Pyramids or Visoko region, if there is no pyramids at all, why so many Controversy press realeases. On other hand, knowing this is STS world, if there is something interesting to be found in Visoko, we could expect this kind of scenario.
Last but not the least, even if the formations in Visoko are nature like, we still have enough data to analyze, satelite thermal images, PIP energy recordings, maze like neolithic caves and tunnels under the Visoko, combination of Subtropical Mediterranean climate that simply not suppose to be present in that part of Bosnia but here it is in Viskoko (BTW Visoko means HIgh, the real climate should be sub Alpine). So it is still a puzzle, I hope future will reveal more