I’d like to discuss the quenelle phenomenon in France and the anti-quenelle hysteria among the French “elites” (ie homeland minister Manuel Valls and consorts). The council of state has gathered on 9/1 to ban Dieudonné’s show, who has created the quenelle. It is an unprecedented (il)legal decision. As Dieudonné has declared 2014 year of the quenelle, maybe they wanted to prevent him from “officially” launching it.
The humorist Dieudonné, who sells more tickets than any other person/show in France, attacks the establishment and zionism in his shows. He makes fun of all the communities, including the Zionist lobby in power, so he’s presented by the media as an anti-Semitic guy.
I’ve attended his shows twice and much enjoyed them. I’m still laughing when I think about it and have bought a quenelle tshirt. I’m planning to go again, at least he’s in jail where, he says, he’ll receive a warm welcome because he has many fans there.
I’m trying to understand if there is a plan or dynamic behind all of it, this war against a humorist, and if it’s the case, then what is it ? There are some articles about it :
I’ve read the comments to grasp information. Is there a grand plan behind it ? (excerpts from the comments of this articles):
I personally agree with Joe’s analysis because it appears to me that the Zionist top management of France (I could write several names) just cannot stand criticism. There is no grand plan, just a damage control reaction to hide the truth in Dieudonné’s words (France being controlled by Zionists, be they jews or not. Banks and usury subjugating the world, and which community’s specialty is that ?). Another reason why I think that there is no grand plan is that in parallel, the social control forces are willfully demoralized and allocated too short budgets to work efficiently (and also, many soldiers are not paid because of a so-called flawed pay software). The French army, police, firemen are among the first sacrificed to pay for the current crisis, thus loosing fealty to our government. If I were in position of power and wanted to implement a police state, I would give the social control forces much money to ensure their fealty. The opposite is happening. Dieudonné even says that a general officer of the French army has joined the quenelle movement.
I also agree with Laura saying that it will have anti-Semitism to rise. The Zionist leaders are aware of it and do not care at all about the honest jews of France, just like the Netanyahu-Lieberman government would have attacked Iran if the US had backed up, thus exposing the Israeli people to great suffering. The belligerent plan would have been carried out on the blood of the Israeli people and they don’t care about it.
The very background of his success is that Dieudonné appears as a genuine resistant. His quenelle is basically an anti-system gesture, a big f… towards it. Because of the financial crisis, that now affects the real economy, there is a heavier and heavier fiscal pressure on the French people (particularly on the higher layers of the middle-class). Fiscal pressure is also a psychological pressure.
This pressure is gradually increasing. More than 80 new taxes have been created since the election of Sarkozy in 2008. Just for fun, let’s mention the “funniest” ones : tax on retrieved rain water, tax on the flood prone areas, tax on the river that passes in your field. What will the next one be ? A tax on the clouds ? The better tax must be in England, on the nice view from your window (had a lot of fun reading it _http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1202173/Secret-Labour-tax-having-patio--Millions-homes-assessed-council-charge-hammers-middle-classes.html). All of it to recapitalize zombie banks and to save the Euro, while the Euro was supposed to save us.
There will be no economic recovery. We are currently witnessing a capitalistic paradigm change. We are moving from virtuous capitalism that creates real wealth, to financial capitalism that destroys it. I used to think that financial capitalism and currencies are based on nothing ; that finance is the reign of mathematical abstractions… well, based on nothing. In fact, it is the opposite. Finance is based on everything, but subtly. In the developed countries, I do not see any goods or services not linked with it. The global goods and services trading amount is less than 100 billion dollars per day, and the financial operations amount is between 5000 and 8000 billion dollars per day. Let’s cancel the real world !
This is an aspect of the system. The quenelle of Dieudonné is a symbol of opposition to it.
To conclude, what may the year of the quenelle look like ? 3 things come to my mind:
-There will be no successful revolution because, so that a revolution succeeds, 2 components are needed : 1 from the top and 1 from the bottom. If there is only one, it has to be the one from the top, which regularly happens if Africa with putsches engineered from the outside. No risk of it in France at least the president turns anticapitalistic, which would require much guts because the one who seriously challenges the Grand Capital faces assassination (Khadafi, JFK...).
-A probable quenelle would be a massive vote for the Front National, the “extreme right” French political party that promotes leaving the European Union and the Euro, at the European elections of May 2014.
-It will indeed be a quenelle year, but not for the system, for all of us. For instance, our accounts could be robbed in a Greek/Cyprus like fashion.
Do you see another possibility ? Is there something resembling the quenelle in another country ?
Thanks for reading.
PS : Has someone a keto quenelle recipe to propose ? :P
I’d like to discuss the quenelle phenomenon in France and the anti-quenelle hysteria among the French “elites” (ie homeland minister Manuel Valls and consorts). The council of state has gathered on 9/1 to ban Dieudonné’s show, who has created the quenelle. It is an unprecedented (il)legal decision. As Dieudonné has declared 2014 year of the quenelle, maybe they wanted to prevent him from “officially” launching it.
The humorist Dieudonné, who sells more tickets than any other person/show in France, attacks the establishment and zionism in his shows. He makes fun of all the communities, including the Zionist lobby in power, so he’s presented by the media as an anti-Semitic guy.
I’ve attended his shows twice and much enjoyed them. I’m still laughing when I think about it and have bought a quenelle tshirt. I’m planning to go again, at least he’s in jail where, he says, he’ll receive a warm welcome because he has many fans there.
I’m trying to understand if there is a plan or dynamic behind all of it, this war against a humorist, and if it’s the case, then what is it ? There are some articles about it :
I’ve read the comments to grasp information. Is there a grand plan behind it ? (excerpts from the comments of this articles):
Article sez: "France has adopted laws to "punish anti-Semitism". The result is the opposite. Such measures simply tend to confirm the old notion that "the Jews run the country" and contribute to growing anti-Semitism. When French youth see a Franco-Israeli attempt to outlaw a simple gesture, when the Jewish community moves to ban their favorite humorist, anti-Semitism can only grow even more rapidly."
Maybe that is what is wanted by all the governments of the world that pass laws to favor Zionism? Surely they have access to psychological studies that demonstrate that what they are doing is designed to produce the exact opposite effect of what they say they want. Maybe they WANT their citizens to become angry at ordinary Jews? Maybe they WANT to generate and accelerate anti-Semitism?
I dunno, the whole thing just looks like a tar-baby trap to me.
I tend to think that they don't have any grand plan, that they are just reacting, as psychopaths do, in the moment and, because they tend to engaged in wishful thinking to a serious extreme, believe that they can just ban and that'll be that, no repercussions. Not being able to understand what a fact is, and therefore being severely limited in their ability to predict the rather obvious and natural results of their actions, is a bit of a problem for everyone, to say the least.
Following the matter closely, I thought about that possibility, which is discussed in 911 the Ultimate Truth- ie, antisemitism revived through the actions of the Jews themselves - well, not the Jews, but certain Jews (and non Jews) within the Zionist elite.
Yet, if there is indeed such a plan, it is so obvious and blatant that I don't think people would be duped. A lot of Dieudonné's fans read/watch Alain Soral's analyses, where he clearly makes a distinction between 'common' Jews (the people) and Zionist elites, and above all, promotes national reconciliation, the unification of all the French people whatever their religion/political views/ethnic or social background against that very elite/the Powers that Be.
It's interesting to note that there's never been any attack against Jews from Dieudo's or Soral's public. On the other hand, for 10 years, there has been numerous attacks (physical assaults) against Dieudonné, Soral, and others among their public, by the French Jewish defense league and other ultra Zionist Jews. The hatred is spreading, but not among the "goyim"…
I think the elites are scared of Dieudonné because peacefully, with humor as his only weapon, he points out the insanity and corruption of the elites, makes the people laugh at them, and is rallying around him a lot of people from all horizons.
"Pathocratic leadership believes that it can achieve a state wherein those 'other' people’s minds become dependent by means of the effects of their personality, perfidious pedagogical means, the means of mass-disinformation, and psychological terror; such faith has a basic meaning for them. In their conceptual world, pathocrats consider it virtually self-evident that the 'others' should accept their obvious, realistic, and simple way of apprehending reality.
For some mysterious reason, though, the 'others' wriggle out, slither away, and tell each other jokes about pathocrats. Someone must be responsible for this: prerevolutionary oldsters, or some radio stations abroad. It thus becomes necessary to improve the methodology of action, find better 'soul engineers' with a certain literary talent, and isolate society from improper literature and any foreign influence.
Those experiences and intuitions whispering that this is a Sisyphean labor must be repressed from the field of consciousness of the pathocrat."
~ Political Ponerology, pp.231-232"
I personally agree with Joe’s analysis because it appears to me that the Zionist top management of France (I could write several names) just cannot stand criticism. There is no grand plan, just a damage control reaction to hide the truth in Dieudonné’s words (France being controlled by Zionists, be they jews or not. Banks and usury subjugating the world, and which community’s specialty is that ?). Another reason why I think that there is no grand plan is that in parallel, the social control forces are willfully demoralized and allocated too short budgets to work efficiently (and also, many soldiers are not paid because of a so-called flawed pay software). The French army, police, firemen are among the first sacrificed to pay for the current crisis, thus loosing fealty to our government. If I were in position of power and wanted to implement a police state, I would give the social control forces much money to ensure their fealty. The opposite is happening. Dieudonné even says that a general officer of the French army has joined the quenelle movement.
I also agree with Laura saying that it will have anti-Semitism to rise. The Zionist leaders are aware of it and do not care at all about the honest jews of France, just like the Netanyahu-Lieberman government would have attacked Iran if the US had backed up, thus exposing the Israeli people to great suffering. The belligerent plan would have been carried out on the blood of the Israeli people and they don’t care about it.
The very background of his success is that Dieudonné appears as a genuine resistant. His quenelle is basically an anti-system gesture, a big f… towards it. Because of the financial crisis, that now affects the real economy, there is a heavier and heavier fiscal pressure on the French people (particularly on the higher layers of the middle-class). Fiscal pressure is also a psychological pressure.
This pressure is gradually increasing. More than 80 new taxes have been created since the election of Sarkozy in 2008. Just for fun, let’s mention the “funniest” ones : tax on retrieved rain water, tax on the flood prone areas, tax on the river that passes in your field. What will the next one be ? A tax on the clouds ? The better tax must be in England, on the nice view from your window (had a lot of fun reading it _http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1202173/Secret-Labour-tax-having-patio--Millions-homes-assessed-council-charge-hammers-middle-classes.html). All of it to recapitalize zombie banks and to save the Euro, while the Euro was supposed to save us.
There will be no economic recovery. We are currently witnessing a capitalistic paradigm change. We are moving from virtuous capitalism that creates real wealth, to financial capitalism that destroys it. I used to think that financial capitalism and currencies are based on nothing ; that finance is the reign of mathematical abstractions… well, based on nothing. In fact, it is the opposite. Finance is based on everything, but subtly. In the developed countries, I do not see any goods or services not linked with it. The global goods and services trading amount is less than 100 billion dollars per day, and the financial operations amount is between 5000 and 8000 billion dollars per day. Let’s cancel the real world !
This is an aspect of the system. The quenelle of Dieudonné is a symbol of opposition to it.
To conclude, what may the year of the quenelle look like ? 3 things come to my mind:
-There will be no successful revolution because, so that a revolution succeeds, 2 components are needed : 1 from the top and 1 from the bottom. If there is only one, it has to be the one from the top, which regularly happens if Africa with putsches engineered from the outside. No risk of it in France at least the president turns anticapitalistic, which would require much guts because the one who seriously challenges the Grand Capital faces assassination (Khadafi, JFK...).
-A probable quenelle would be a massive vote for the Front National, the “extreme right” French political party that promotes leaving the European Union and the Euro, at the European elections of May 2014.
-It will indeed be a quenelle year, but not for the system, for all of us. For instance, our accounts could be robbed in a Greek/Cyprus like fashion.
Do you see another possibility ? Is there something resembling the quenelle in another country ?
Thanks for reading.
PS : Has someone a keto quenelle recipe to propose ? :P