
Starshine said:
Dieudonné talks about the quennelle as following :
Extract and translation from http://www.femmesdechambre.be/dieudonne-je-veux-aller-en-prison/ /31st december 2013

There is a first evolution when I made the gesture during the campaign of anti-Zionist list in the European elections of 2009. It was not a rallying anti-Zionist sign at that time , but say that it was an extra comma in this anti-Zionist approach. And then, in my opinion , there was Romain ... I'm talking about this young 17 year old boy with cancer who left us there one year ago. I think it is him who gave the dimension needed to this gesture. Before dying , Romain was approached by the 'Make a Wish' Association, supposed to fulfill the wish of seriously ill children. Romain asked them to meet me and the association refused. Romain's mother then has made ​​the move and I met her son . The little time we communicated together and shared moments on stage remain etched in my mind. When he made this 'quenelle' in front the scanner at the hospital medical institution, for me, it was really the panache . He brought to the quenelle a heroic dimension. Face death and deal with the fear , well : quenelle !

I went to his theater 2 weeks ago, just after he changed his show to be able to continue. And I can confirm this is the dimension he wants to give to this gesture. He talked about Romain at the end of the show. He was once invited in this same theater, and came on stage by himself, surprising the whole assistance, to make the quenelle inside the butt of the fear. The whole public was really moved. And Dieudonné has a real talent to keep making people laugh.
He doesn't talk about psychopathy though he does talk about pedocriminality.


From Romain to Dieudonné
"Here's a radiotherapy quenelle , just for you, given, for free, that I made to my machine rays. Suffice to say that don't care anymore, of nothing at all.

Thank you for making me laugh Dieudo, your sketch on cancer killed me physically "

For what it's worth.

FWIW, for those of you who understand French, I found this video to be really enlightening about the whole Dieudonné phenomenon: _http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44GcXnrr5Aw

I think even if you don't understand everything, it's really worth watching. The story about Romain is part of it.
Ms Tigersoap said:
The story behind SOS Racisme and 'Touche pas à mon Pote' is very interesting indeed. I still need to read Serge Malik's book on the subject. It was not a grass roots movement at all, it was deliberately political and opportunistic. Some have suggested that it should have been called 'Touche pas à mon pote zioniste' because zionists were the one to benefit from the action, not young people of foreign origin.

Since 1983 the official political line of the left in general and the Socialist Party in particular is "antiracism". The political shift that occurred in 1983 can be easily explained. Until 1981 and the election of Mitterrand, the first leftist president for decades, the political line of the Socialist party was to implement a socialist policies: reduce inequalities, develop hospitals, roads, schools, libraries, etc. That what Mitterrand tried to do when he got elected but he faced a very strong reactions from the banking world. The French Franc experienced very strong attacks and went through 3 devaluations in 1981, 1982, 1983.

At this point Mitterrand realized he was not going to be allowed to implement a truly socialist policy. His political line was dead, so he nominated a new government, while SOS Racisme and the "antiracist" ideology was created.

That's all the more ironic that historically it's the French left that has implemented the most racist policies. It started in the XIXth Century with Jules Ferry, father of the compulsory national school system, who was a flaming eugenicist. Amongst other appalling statements, to defend the colonialist policy of France, he declared in 1885: "it is a right for the superior races, because they have a duty. They have the duty to civilize the inferior races."

It's Guy Mollet, leader of the SFIO (precursor of the Socialist Party) and founding Father of Europe who, in 1956, gave unlimited rights and total immunity to the French authorities to conduct the worst actions in Algeria (systematic torture, assassination, false flag operations, bombing of civilian areas, etc...). Actually it's in Algeria that the infamous counterinsurgency model was created. It would be later used by the US in Vietnam, Latin America, Afghanistan, etc.

It's today's socialist government that destroys Lybia, Syria, Centrafrica, Mali, etc. It's today socialist President, Hollande, who attended Mandela's funeral and condemned the apartheid, and few days later paid a visit to Israel and licked the shoes of Netanyahu, leader of the most racist state in the world that has conducted a genocide for half a century.

The paradox is stunning, the party whose main political line is allegedly "antiracism" is actually the most Zionist and racist one.
Hello all,

I read the following article a few weeks before and found it very interesting.
The author concludes that, even if Dieudonné is well "attacking" one circle of power through the quenelle gesture, this gesture also represent a sign of submission and a symbolic allegiance to the superior entities which are in higher (highest) circle(s) of power. The fact that the people does not know the real truth about what's going on on earth and by the mean of the quenelle they perform, they unconsciously swear allegiance to the "lizzards".

I just agree this person has really something against the lizzards, but this theory stands the road to my mind.

Direct link : _http://www.paulponssot.blogspot.fr/2014/01/laffaire-dieudonne-entre-censure-et.html
Auto traduction : _http://translate.google.be/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.paulponssot.blogspot.fr%2F2014%2F01%2Flaffaire-dieudonne-entre-censure-et.html&act=url
This is perhaps an obvious thought I had while reading this thread. Basically, when racism is talked about, it should be in terms of actual events and situations. Too often I think, the "anti-racists" want to attribute racist motives to people to explain actions that are not clearly discriminatory or really motivated by hate to begin with.

I think in public and political life, outright racism does not really exist to the extent it once did. In America the policy of multiculturalism has replaced segregation. nonetheless, some want to explain certain political policies by attributing them to a dangerous undercurrent of racist thought and prejudice.

I think the truth probably is that if you want to talk about feelings or thoughts, generally speaking, there is not so big a difference between say the animosity europeans have towards muslims, and the animosity muslims have toward europeans. The same could be said for Americans, and African-Americans.

Of course we see that multi-racial societies do segregate themselves by race naturally. there does exist some degree of racial tensions, but it is not one sided.

There is legitimate discussions to have about racism, but in politics it should be based on what externally is manifested, not supposed feelings certain groups of people have. That discussion is more suited to psychology or sociology, because it is a universal thing.
The first thought i had when i saw this gesture was that it was related... i wonder if you agree.

Thai military cracks down on anti-coup Hunger Games salute

"Hunger Games salute banned by Thai military
Groups opposing 22 May coup banned from displaying three fingers in the air as Thai junta clamps down on protest"

Of course the subject is different, it just struck me that sign language is becoming quite the non violent protest!


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