
Mrs. Tigersoap said:
Belibaste said:
Notice that "SOS racisme" was created during the march for equality. This march started in Marseille with only 17 people, mostly arabs and blacks, who protested against one more racist murder committed against a 13-year kid. Along its way the march gained an unexpected momentum and when it reached Paris 100000 people were part of it. Eventually "SOS racisme" managed to infiltrate this grassroots, genuinely anti racist and threatening movement and transform it into a pro Zionist organization.

Indeed. 'La Marche' (a movie by Nabil Ben Yadir) has just been released about this event and there again, people from this true grass roots movement have been sold short: the movie does not respect what truly happened, who were these people. They have been betrayed once again. And guess who organized a projection of the movie at the Elysée? Hollande of course.

They really can't stop making harm, right? They don't have better nature.. And they are so well organized, merciless.. I had no idea of this, thanks for the explanation. (When I read these things I feel smaller than an ant)
eoste said:
Belibaste and Kniall just wrote something noticeable, thank you.
I can't argue about Faurisson, lacking sufficient knowledge about his work, and I agree basically about what you say.
Only that the FN is really an extreme right party, with a stinking background, although they try their best to give a renewed appearance.
A lot of smoke and manipulation from all sides...

Eoste, I can relate very much to your skepticism about the right-wing connection. I felt exactly the same when I read about the whole Dieudonné thing. But after watching a few videos and hearing Dieudonné and Soral talk in-depth about many things, I pretty much came to a similar conclusion as Bilibaste and Kniall.

One point I'd like to add: In one video, Dieudonné said something to the effect of "I want to talk about slavery and all that has been done to Africans. But I don't accuse the 'petit blanc' ('little white guy'), since he's a slave himself!" I found that pretty powerful. And it's exactly the "petit blanc" who is drawn to right-wingers like the FN.

The point is, we're so indoctrinated with the whole "left/right" thing that we can't see what we have in common, what an African immigrant has in common with "M. Dupont" from the next village: that we ALL have been duped by a ruthless elite that doesn't care about anybody. So in this light, I think what Dieudonné and Soral do, namely reaching out to EVERYONE without concerning themselves with taboos established by the elites, is actually quite brilliant. I think they kind of try to "get over with the sh'tstorm, once and for all", which may make them stronger.

Another related thing: Not long ago, I would have labelled right-wingers - especially in the US, but also in Europe and everywhere else - as just insane, end of discussion. After getting to know the ideologies and the underlying feelings better, I don't think it's that black and white anymore. We should look for common ground. And I came to the understanding that many of the impulses of the "ordinary right-winger" are not that wrong at all: Anger towards the government that does nothing for the people, the impression that there's a ruthless elite sucking out the "little man", the "good obyvatel" thing that honest work doesn't pay off anymore and you are forced to live a life against your most important values or go under etc. The problem is that these impulses often get diverted towards hatred of another group (immigrants, jews, communists, socialists, whatever) or they get sucked in by another shizoid ideology (like libertarianism or extreme patriotism).

I think it's great to reach out to people, sometimes I nearly cry if I see someone in a video with a "left-wing/liberal" background reaching out to a typical right-winger and vice-versa, while they have an intelligent conversation. It's just refreshing to see people tear down these artificial walls erected by psychopaths from all walks of life. I think Dieudonné and Soral are doing just that (for the moment). This is great.

Just my 2 cents.
Thank you for your comment luc.
It makes sense to look for common ground and that
many of the impulses of the "ordinary right-winger" are not that wrong at all
And it's so true that
The problem is that these impulses often get diverted towards hatred of another group (immigrants, jews, communists, socialists, whatever) or they get sucked in by another shizoid ideology (like libertarianism or extreme patriotism)

That's why it's so dangerous imo. We have numerous examples in our history !
For this very reason we need to know the background and remember how is working the Cointelpro.

Yet we may enjoy Dieudonné and learn from Soral.
But I know there is more than meets the eye (or the ear)...
In order to give some recent informative background, FWIW, Dieudonné declared together with Serge Ayoub, alias Batskin, the head of the extreme right organization JNR (« Jeunesses Nationalistes Révolutionnaires » or Nationalist Revolutionary Youth), after the death of Clément Méric, that : "We represent the 'France d’en bas' (France from the bottom) ... we have the same enemy, it's obvious".

Is that some kind of joke ? What is obvious, besides confusion ?..
Well, I think it was a good thing from Dieudonné to let Serge Ayoub speak. After the death of Clement Meric, all the press began to scream in horror to the return of the "bête immonde", a game that the socialists in power mastered to perfection over the last thirty years , see SOS Racisme. Today's real fascism is financial and it is in power, pointing small far-right groups, and accused them of being a terrible evil that France must absolutely fight , this is an illusion which helped occupy the medias for a few months, the time not to mention unemployment, poverty ... You know the drill.

Before they met, Alain Soral and Dieudonné disliked each other. I imagine that the meeting between Dieudonné Serge Ayoub allowed them to focus on what unites them (their status of designated enemies of the Republic ) rather than what separates them. And for me, I don't feel close at all from the ideas of far-right groups, I think the same goes with Dieudonné. But despite all, these groups share the idea that the governments are corrupt entities that serves the interests of a minority of psychopaths (although the concept of psychopathy is still absent from the speeches of Dieudonné and Soral ). We have seen in recent weeks that Dieudonné actually represented la France d'en bas, it seems to me that far-right factions also represent a facet of la France d'en bas (an angry and misinformed one, maybe, but still) and the common enemy of the population made itself known during the Quenelle affair.
Belibaste said:
H-kqge said:
How many people still read? And not trashy magazines or romantic novels or tabloids, but educational material for self-improvement? I imagine it to be a low number. And of that small number, how many will pick up the first glossy & most advertised book on a given subject by some award-winning author on a best-sellers list? Probably an even smaller number & if you can't see the same old divide & conquer techniques being used (it's never been more obvious than in this "age of information") then you're just going to parrot what the media/ptb wants you to.

You're right. Disinformation is a major tool that elites use to control our minds. The irony is that while the medias were bashing Dieudonné, the French senate voted against removing Serge Dassault immunity although there are damning evidence that he bought votes in Corbeil Essone (the town is mayor of). Incidently Dassault owns one of the biggest weapon manufacturer in France and also controls several mainstream medias (Figaro, Libération, etc.)
The problem is not only not to read, or read desinfo. You can read things that are almost "revelations" but without a group that has an overview of corruption, for example, it will cost much to connect the dots. That is, they can not put together "the puzzle" for themselves (and no one can individually, or almost no one). Most are asleep and follow what says the big media, big pharma and governments. Because they don't have internal development followed premises outside, any external "order". And if institutions are corrupt, people are following their own disintegration. Or following the non-being. And non-being can not last long.

Belibaste said:
Even if you read and manage to go beyond all the written propaganda that is spread in France it might not be this easy to get some relevant books. Recently Alain Soral publishing company was condemned by the court. He had to remove or censor 5 books. It was not pro paedophilia , pro drug or pro nazi writings. These 5 books are dealing with zionism amongst which Douglas Reed's "The Controversy of Zion".
I was watching some videos of Soral. I find interesting what he say, and making it even more interesting positioning himself from the right. And also it's interesting to think that this right can lead to some kind of revolution, which is "heritage" of the left. So maybe it does not really matter right or the left, but the psychology of groups and individuals and the knowledge of our reality. Capitalism, understood as certain clear rules of government and market, was never implemented because the elite always generated monopolies and oligopolies for themselves, including the state. Well, with this I mean that I find it great as I always have identified with the left. It is incredible that someone who defines himself of right-wing inform about how money is created out of nothing by the elites, and this will never do so from the left!. Maybe Soral knew that would remove the books?. Thus the apparent becomes obvious and reaffirms his denunciation.

Belibaste said:
Ms Tigersoap said:
The story behind SOS Racisme and 'Touche pas à mon Pote' is very interesting indeed. I still need to read Serge Malik's book on the subject. It was not a grass roots movement at all, it was deliberately political and opportunistic. Some have suggested that it should have been called 'Touche pas à mon pote zioniste' because zionists were the one to benefit from the action, not young people of foreign origin.

The founder of "SOS Racisme" is Julien Dray. Dray is Jewish, he's been a member of the Likoud, guest of the World Jewish Congress dinners and is a self proclaimed free mason. Dray, a notorious zionist politician was the spokesperson of the socialist party between 2003 and 2008. He was also Segolene Royal's spokeperson in 2007 and probably orchestrated her defeat against Sarkozy.

When Dray created "SOS Racisme" he nominated Harlem Désir president (Désir was the useful arab and useful idiot) while putting several members of the UEJF (Union des étudiants juifs de France - A zionist student organization) at the board. Zionism, a notoriously xenophobic ideology, was at the head of the official anti racism French association. To give you an idea of how much Dray respected the SOS racisme association and its supposed values, he has been prosecuted in 2009 for a massive embezzlement (including a 250000 euros watch) and the procedure was canceled only after intense political pressure.

Harlem Désir, the first president of "SOS Racisme", would slowly but surely sucked by the system and today he is First Secretary of the Socialist Party, the very party that destroys Mali, Syria, Centrafrica, etc.

Notice that "SOS racisme" was created during the march for equality. This march started in Marseille with only 17 people, mostly arabs and blacks, who protested against one more racist murder committed against a 13-year kid. Along its way the march gained an unexpected momentum and when it reached Paris 100000 people were part of it. Eventually "SOS racisme" managed to infiltrate this grassroots, genuinely anti racist and threatening movement and transform it into a pro Zionist organization.

Interestingly according to Dieudonné, the assault committed in 2006 against him and his two sons was masterminded by one single individual: Julien Dray.
Voilà! Ponerology in action. Thanks for sharing.
Here is an interview with Dieudonné:

Press TV-Face to Face-Dieudonné M'bala M'bala-04-07-2010(Part 1)

(Part 2)

And some videos of Alain Soral

Alain Soral on virtual money and the takeover of crooked financeers, english subtitles.

CRIF, the french AIPAC (eng subtitles)

Alain Soral: sedentaries versus nomadic-predators (eng subs)
(I think it's very interesting what he say here. Although I think he is actually describing the dynamics of the imposition of agriculture the last ten thousand years or so. The elite plundered the work of sedentary people. In nomadic societies, the psychopathic dynamics will have been different. Maybe like looters / thieves of normal nomads tribes).
l apprenti de forgeron said:
Perhaps it might be good idea create a design t-shirt with the quenelle?.
Dieudonné's wife registered "Quenelle" as a trademark :) I don't know about the details but it seems not possible. Except maybe from the US, I don't know much about international trademark and copyright stuff.
Tomek said:
l apprenti de forgeron said:
Perhaps it might be good idea create a design t-shirt with the quenelle?.
Dieudonné's wife registered "Quenelle" as a trademark :) I don't know about the details but it seems not possible. Except maybe from the US, I don't know much about international trademark and copyright stuff.

You can get quenelle related items on the Dieudosphere boutique:
An update : Nicolas Anelka the French footballer (playing in the UK) has been formally charged by the thoroughly idiotic, & spineless English Football Association. On the back of UK media "journalists" who mainly deal with sport (IOW football) writing tirelessly about how bad he is, how bad it is & how even the French are against it etc, & Anelka's club sponsors (called Zoopla, owned by a Jewish man or something) have withdrawn over it; he will now be seen as racist. Some of the more outraged media hacks have argued that the decision over charging him was delayed simply because Anelka is black, & a practicing Muslim therefore, he can't be racist. I've read the error-strewn focus pieces by an assortment of these buffoons, all forcing their opinions dressed as facts on the unsuspecting football fanatics.

I can't even say that the comments section of different newspapers in the UK have been interesting, since its a case of "the pied piper", & the usual & stereotypical outcry of "not in our country" "no place for it" & some other things about keeping it in France & "can't we all get along." It seems no one reading or listening or watching the mainstream can even pause, think, & look into it, as it's "cut-and-dried" & an "open and shut" case. Some have focused on people (supposedly, I haven't seen any pictures myself) in France doing the quenelle outside of graveyards & "Jewish sites." Ok then. "Anti-Semitism is on the rise & we must introduce new laws to combat this scourge in Europe &..." whatever follows that.
Dieudonné talks about the quennelle as following :
Extract and translation from http://www.femmesdechambre.be/dieudonne-je-veux-aller-en-prison/ /31st december 2013

There is a first evolution when I made the gesture during the campaign of anti-Zionist list in the European elections of 2009. It was not a rallying anti-Zionist sign at that time , but say that it was an extra comma in this anti-Zionist approach. And then, in my opinion , there was Romain ... I'm talking about this young 17 year old boy with cancer who left us there one year ago. I think it is him who gave the dimension needed to this gesture. Before dying , Romain was approached by the 'Make a Wish' Association, supposed to fulfill the wish of seriously ill children. Romain asked them to meet me and the association refused. Romain's mother then has made ​​the move and I met her son . The little time we communicated together and shared moments on stage remain etched in my mind. When he made this 'quenelle' in front the scanner at the hospital medical institution, for me, it was really the panache . He brought to the quenelle a heroic dimension. Face death and deal with the fear , well : quenelle !

I went to his theater 2 weeks ago, just after he changed his show to be able to continue. And I can confirm this is the dimension he wants to give to this gesture. He talked about Romain at the end of the show. He was once invited in this same theater, and came on stage by himself, surprising the whole assistance, to make the quenelle inside the butt of the fear. The whole public was really moved. And Dieudonné has a real talent to keep making people laugh.
He doesn't talk about psychopathy though he does talk about pedocriminality.


From Romain to Dieudonné
"Here's a radiotherapy quenelle , just for you, given, for free, that I made to my machine rays. Suffice to say that don't care anymore, of nothing at all.

Thank you for making me laugh Dieudo, your sketch on cancer killed me physically "

For what it's worth.
Today I was reading this interview of Joan Rivers (for those who don't know her, she has a TV show, she used to be a stand-up comedian and is known for her 'straight talking'... and her plastic surgery) by a French journalist. One of his first questions, of all things, was: 'What do you think about the situation in France with Dieudonné?'. I really fail to see what a Joan Rivers interview has to do with Dieudonné (besides trying to drum up international support for the anti-Dieudonné campaign).

Unfortunately for the journalist, Joan Rivers did not exactly answer as he had hoped (does she ever? :D) and she even added insult to injury imo. She answered that one thing she learned over the years, is that you'd better be Black to joke about Blacks, you'd better be Jewish to joke about the Jews. Then she went on to give an example of a joke she made some time ago for which she got some flak:

'Heidi Klum? The last time a German looked this hot was when they were pushing Jews into the ovens'.

Joan Rivers, always refused to apologize for this joke. She said she respects the holocaust (her husband lost family members in Auschwitz) but she likes to remind people of it through humour.
And that was the end of it...,

I found the difference of treatment of both cases really interesting....

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