Question: Any tips to avoid scar on deep cut injury?

The DMSO does wonders, I had some swelling yesterday and it's almost gone.

Good news, the plastic surgeon says the stitches were done will with the proper thin sutures. He advises that I don't go back to work until Thursday because my work deals with dirty conditions which could aggravate the healing process.
On Tuesday he will remove the sutures and see what he can do to minimize scarring. He seems very knowledgeable and not full of himself as I expected a plastic surgeon to be. I found his name at random, he was the first doc to have an available appointment ASAP. Turns out he studied in Lima, Peru! It's funny how people here look down on foreign trained doctors, but to me I know that they are more open minded. He didn't even criticize me for putting DMSO on the wound!

But, my company's medical department's doctor put me as back to work on Saturday, even though I'm off till Monday. Technically, to them, I can work. But, to minimize any possible issues my doctor does not agree.
I have to go to them on Monday and battle with them. We have a good plan, but bad doctors who push things based on limited thinking. How I wished we had things like France where one's own doctor has authority to recommend proper healing time. Some of my co workers who got hurt were put back to work too early, only to go back out.
Divide By Zero said:
The DMSO does wonders, I had some swelling yesterday and it's almost gone.

Good to hear! :)

Divide By Zero said:
Good news, the plastic surgeon says the stitches were done will with the proper thin sutures. He advises that I don't go back to work until Thursday because my work deals with dirty conditions which could aggravate the healing process.
On Tuesday he will remove the sutures and see what he can do to minimize scarring. He seems very knowledgeable and not full of himself as I expected a plastic surgeon to be. I found his name at random, he was the first doc to have an available appointment ASAP. Turns out he studied in Lima, Peru! It's funny how people here look down on foreign trained doctors, but to me I know that they are more open minded. He didn't even criticize me for putting DMSO on the wound!

But, my company's medical department's doctor put me as back to work on Saturday, even though I'm off till Monday. Technically, to them, I can work. But, to minimize any possible issues my doctor does not agree.
I have to go to them on Monday and battle with them. We have a good plan, but bad doctors who push things based on limited thinking. How I wished we had things like France where one's own doctor has authority to recommend proper healing time. Some of my co workers who got hurt were put back to work too early, only to go back out.

That's pretty selfish. I hope you won't need to work till Thursday.
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