Question re "Etheric Orientation"


The Cosmic Force
In the following excerpt from a 1998 Cass transcript, the C's state:

"Your physiology and etheric orientation are both tied into the magnetic state of your environment."

Does anyone know what "etheric orientation" means/refers to in the above sentence? Do they mean one's Frequency Resonance Vibration (FRV)?

Session 980711 said:
Q: (A) We have been told that there is going to be a change
of the magnetic field of the earth. Does this mean that the
magnetic pole will shift?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) About this shift of the poles, is it going to be a
complete pole reversal?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) What is going to happen inside Earth that could cause
this magnetic pole reversal?
A: Is caused by disturbances in the mineral content of the
substrata rock, brought on by the interaction of Earth with
outside forces.
Q: (L) What specific outside forces?
A: Those already discussed.
Q: (A) One can also have an external magnetic field to align.
But, where is it going to come from?
A: Guess.
Q: (L) The wave?
A: All are interconnected.
(A) We have been told
that this magnetic disturbance is closely related to this realm
border crossing, and you asked us the question 'what is the
root of realm' and it is reality. Now, realm has an m at the
end. Does this have something to do with magnetic?
A: Realm border is when the reality shifts for all.
Q: (A) Yes, but why is this reality shift related to magnetic
field disturbance? What is the connection?
A: Your physiology and etheric orientation are both tied into
the magnetic state of your environment.

Q: (L) Okay, you said before that the magnetic field is going
to reverse...
A: Magnetic poles reverse.
Q: (L) Okay, what is the magnetic field going to do. It is going
to change in some way. Is it going to increase, decrease... is
this to a degree - something other than direction -
amplification? (T) Will anything change in the strength of the
A: Let us illustrate. Now: Earth. [A circle is drawn with
radiating spikes all around fairly close to the surface.] Earth
after: [A circle is drawn with double radiating spikes with
those in Polar Regions considerably longer than the others.]
Q: (T) So, it is the same, except it is larger?
A: Close.
Q: (T) Are you indicating that the magnetic field will be
A: Broader and larger...
Q: (T) Is the approach of the realm border, is the change in
the magnetic field... does the reversal of the poles and the
broadening of the magnetic field, is that going to be before the
realm border crossing?
A: Intersection.
Q: (L) So, in practical terms, it may be that, what we observe
will be a series of cataclysms, disasters, the 'cleansing' of the
A: This has already begun.
Q: (L) So, it is already happening. It will accelerate and
intensify. And what we will observe is all of these things
happening. And, as a result of the intersecting of these various
energies, this realm border, this reality change, this change in
the magnetics because of the interaction with the comet
cluster, the sun's companion, the realm border, and so forth, it
will then have an effect upon the people left on the planet who
will then change in some way as a result of this, is that
A: Your Bible says that there will be many wonders on the
Earth and in the Heavens in the last days.
Q: (L) Okay, this period of time after this realm border, is this
period a preliminary to the total end of the Earth and all life on
A: No.
Q: (L) After all of this change, those people who continue to
be on the Earth will be in a new environment, and it will be
almost like having to grow gills to live in water, and some
people will have the ability and some will not. Is that it? It will
be more gradual in terms of individual physical structures and
psychic structures?
A: No.
Q: (L) It will be a sudden, total change? Like flipping a switch
and everything is going to be different?
A: The key is awareness....
I would certainly be interested if someone did know. All I have to offer is an observation that it would explain why it's important to know, or get to know our directions better. If we are tied in to the magnetic state of our environment, we could definitely benefit from the 'living compass' aspect of the self.
I have searched for a definition and came up with a zero, when it comes to the work and what is discussed here. I do think that it has much to do with what is actually going to happen to people here on the planet, and where they are at the time of intersection. I think etheric orientation has much to do with FRV and where ones level is at when the Realm border crosses and the Wave comes.

It seems possible for this to tie in with what 4D STS is planning, trying to take advantage of at that moment of intersection. In other words, those who have a higher level of awareness and have managed to increase their FRV level, will be able to transition to 4D STO, while those who have not, will be in danger from attack from 4D STS.

This is a great question, and I want to find the answer to it also. I was surprised to see such a question from a moderator. I don't mean anything derogatory to you, PepperFritz. I am used to getting answers and/or guidance from the forum's mods (my lazy/mechanicalness showing). I now can see that I view all Mods as teachers and myself as the student. This shows that I also forgot that teachers still have questions too. I have learned more about myself, and all you did was ask a question.

Thank you for asking this question, and I hope we can all learn from it.

Learning is fun...... :D

PepperFritz said:
In the following excerpt from a 1998 Cass transcript, the C's state:

"Your physiology and etheric orientation are both tied into the magnetic state of your environment."

Does anyone know what "etheric orientation" means/refers to in the above sentence? Do they mean one's Frequency Resonance Vibration (FRV)?

I think, they meant that our vehicles both physical and etheric are linked to the rest of the physical and etheric world, there is no real separation.

Possibly ...the orientation of them will vary according to our own FRV and the changes produced by the wave. :huh:
It is a common concept among esoteric schools that a human's being exists simultaneously on more than one plane; one is labeled etheric. There are some differences as to the nature and labeling of the 'meta' physical planes within the schools, but it's generally along the lines of physical, emotional and mental bodies. The division of humanity according to the possession of higher centers is not common. Therefore "etheric orientation" could mean OP/non OP.

Just to elaborate a little further, fwiw, in estoeric schools the etheric body is considered to be the first or lowest layer in the "human energy field" or aura and said to be in immediate contact with the physical body, to sustain it and connect it with "higher" bodies (if present of course ;)).

According to wikipedia the Theosophists borrowed it from Hindu Vedic thought:

wikipedia said:
The intended reference is therefore to some extremely rarefied matter, analogous in usage to the word "spirit" (originally "breath"). In selecting it as the term for a clearly-defined concept in an Indian-derived metaphysical system, the Theosophists aligned it with ideas such as the prana-maya-kosha (sheath made of prana, subtle breath or life-force) of Vedantic thought.


Also, the concept of the etheric plane explains further:

wikipedia said:
It represents the fourth[higher] subplane of the physical plane (a hyperplane), the lower three being the states of solid, liquid, and gaseous matter. The idea was popularised in books by Alice Bailey, Rudolf Steiner, Walter John Kilner and others. The term aether (also written as "ether") was adopted from ancient Greek philosophy and science into Victorian physics (see Luminiferous aether) and utilised by Madame Blavatsky to correspond to akasha, the fifth element (quintessence) of Hindu metaphysics.

The Greek word aither derives from an Indo-European root aith- ("burn, shine"). Blavatsky also related the idea to the Hindu Prana principle[1], the vital, life-sustaining force of living beings, present in all natural processes of the universe. Prana was first expounded in the Upanishads, where it is part of the worldly, physical realm, sustaining the body and the mind. Blavatsky also tended to use the word "astral" indiscrimininately for these supposed subtle physical phenomena.


Mountain Crown said:
It is a common concept among esoteric schools that a human's being exists simultaneously on more than one plane; one is labeled etheric.

This reminds me of a quote by William James. Not sure what he means by "continuous at certain points" but I was thinking that it might have to do with points of contact between densities where certain energy exchanges occur.

Quote from The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James

The whole drift of my education goes to persuade me that the world of our present consciousness is only one out of many worlds of consciousness that exist, and that those other worlds must contain experiences which have a meaning for our life also; and that although in the main their experiences and those of this world keep discrete, yet the two become continuous at certain points, and higher energies filter in.

A short reply, cryptic as time is short for me just now. Look at Secret History pp 627-629, remembering that density means level of development, quoting from a C's transcript

Q: (A) Which part of a human extends into 4th density?
A: That which is effected by the piturity gland.
Q: (L) And what is that?
A: Psychic.
Q: (A) Are there some particular DNA sequences that facilitate transmission between densities?
A: Addition of strands.
Q: (A) Is DNA acting as a superconductor?
A: Yes!!! But variably.
Text = ... study of Nature ...
... piturity connection ... when properly "connected", the piturity may, indeed, be the gland that can initiate the process of physical transmission.

Cassiopaeans: "Stones were once utilized to provide for all needs, as the energies transmitted connected directly with the piturity gland to connect spiritual realities with the material realms of 3rd and 4th densities. ...

This may help to move you in the right direction, or not.

Or, another 'lead' maybe, I recall reading in the Wave that birds navigate magnetically - a stone in their forehead - we have a similar stone (in the front of the brain (lodestone)? - memory lapsed)

Again, this may, or may not lead you in the right direction.
I’m back and I have found the cass article – Magnetite by KAH QFS, which is in three parts, so I will deal with that first.
Part 1 – Intro: Birds said:
[…] … I opened up my encyclopedia on the paranormal to see if they had a listing for birds there.

They did. It reads:


But the mystery of birds lies in the birds, … REPTILIAN [emphasis mine], they lack mammalian cortex and mid-brain, but fly on what in humans survives as the cerebellum, or old brain, the seat of instinctive behaviour. … The cerebellar programme leads them all the way.

[This is the interesting bit.] Birds are biologically sensitive to the Earth’s weak MAGNETIC FIELD [emphasis mine]. Robins caged just before migration perch facing their destination, even in a blackout, but are disorientated by distortion of the surrounding magnetic field. BETWEEN THE EYES of the homing pigeon, able to wing 1,000 kilometers straight home even if blinded by frosted glass contact lens, lies a tissue containing over a million BAR-SHAPED lumps of MAGNETITE (lodestone), a permanently magnetised mineral of iron, anciently used as a crude compass – sufficiently sensitive fro the bird to detect variations in the magnetic field. That the magnetite works as a compass is unproven; no neural pathways have been traced. But pigeons with bar magnets strapped to their backs get lost, while those carrying an equivalent, but non-magnetic bars get home as usual.

Tests on human beings show WE TOO POSSESS THIS ‘FIELD SENSE’ as, probably, to varying degrees, does all life within Earth’s magnetic field, But given its poor sense of smell, the bird’s ‘field sense’ has to be highly developed as its cerebellar programming. The effect of both is seen in flock behaviour. A warning message flashes through the flock in an instant: all take wing AS ONE ENTITY. A flock of starlings darts and dives as one entity. Motion of one is the motion of all There is a meaning in it that escapes us. They fly naturally, we only imitate, they respond to currents we barely sense, yet we seek those currents, FEELING OURSELVES ENCAGED.

Part 2 – General Definition said:

Magnetite has many special properties. Aside from being magnetic, it is also a CRYSTAL. A power source, in other words. An electromagnetic power source. …


Note: The name comes from the ancient name Magnesia. In Asia, an ancient region bordering on Macedonia. It is now in Turkey. [Editor’s note: Magnesia is a subject of much discussion by the alchemist, Fulcanelli.]

Part 3 – Lodestones in the Brain said:
I always knew obtaining knowledge was important, and I have always enjoyed doing so. What I did not realise is what exactly happens during this process on both a physical and spiritual level and the degree of the importance was much, much, higher than what I had ever imagined it to be before. I realize that what I am doing here in going through my thought processes as I write, is that I am actually ‘fusing’ as I do this. Firing up the magnetite in my brain is definitely “electrifying”! To put this all together and come to grips with its significance is literally stunning. Learning is, indeed, fun! Fusion is fun!


Keep the bits in mind about bar-shaped lumps of magnetite in tissue between the eyes of the birds, and about humans possessing this same sensitivity towards the magnetic field, as you read this section of the C’s transcripts.

June 20, 1998
Session 980620

Q: First question: okay, this book, The Key, by Cohane, is talking about a rock drawing in the Hoggar region of the Sahara, there is a figure of this man on these rock drawings surrounded by these various other figures; the man is pictured without a face. Where his face should be THERE ARE PARALELL BROWNISH BLACK LINES [emphasis KAH] they look like two things, the slats of a bed or the grill of a barbeque. Then, it sys that “in the West indies, and throughout North America, the Indians had, as one of their most vital implements, a device that served as both bed and as a cooking utensil. It consisted of an oblong cooking frame, three feet high, with SLATS OR BARS [emphasis KAH] across the framework much like the slats of a modern bed. The Indians cooked their meat on this grill over an open fire, and then, when the fire had died down, they wrapped themselves in their blankets and slept on the grill above the embers. To nomadic people, this object was the VERY CENTER OF THEIR LIFE [from here forth all capitals are my own emphasis, KAH]. On this device, they not only cooked and slept, but they also begot children. Out of this simple invention came what we today cal a barbeque. Anyway, the thought that came to my mind as I read was the idea of the MAGNETITE IN TH EBRAIN AND THE REPRESENTATION OF THE DARKENED BARS ACROSS THE FACE OF THIS GOD FIGURE AS BEING SYMBOLIC OF IRON MAGNETITE, AND SOME KIND OF ENERGY TRANSITION GOING ON IN THE HEAD. Can you comment on this idea?
A: We need you to be more specific, if you please.
Q: Well, do the dark lines represent a) iron or b) the magnetite of the iron?
A: Seldom are answers so readily obtainable in the ‘key’ book.
Q: You got that right! It blew me away! So, in other words, the answer was very close to the description of the barbeque?
A: interesting that they should mention “barbeque”, as the lines described could very well denote the effects of the “grill” after one’s face has been pressed upon it, while the fire burned underneath!
Q: What would be the source of such fires? The nature of the fires?
A: Firewalkers could tell you that.
Q: Why would this be represented as dark lines across the face?
A: When one is shamed, one is no longer seen, ONLY SEES …
Q: Are you saying that this is a representation of hiding one’s face in shame?
Q: What figure did this god represent that had these lines drawn across the face?
A: The figure was MORE COLLECTIVE than individual.

Then there is this, also from the transcripts:

December 5, 1998
Session 981205

Q: So, when you said ’template, Templar’, you were possibly referring to the fact that what was going on here, the constructions, the name and word clues, and even the events and incidents may have been a model that we should LOOK FOR IN OTHER PLACES?
Q: What is the …
A: What is behind your TEMPLES?
Q: Behind, in a general sense? The creators, the instigators? The Church?
A: Place your fingers upon …
Q: What do you put your fingers on that has to do with a temple? Place your fingers on your temple? On your head? What is behind your temple? Your brain …
A; Which part?
Q: Well, the TEMPORAL LOBE … the part of the brain where MAGNETITE is found.
A: Yes.
Q: So, what are you getting at here?
A: We are not, you will.
Q: So, the instruction or clues in this place, may in fact, apply to some other location? Is that it?

So, we have here what seems to be an indication that we do have this magnetite in common with the birds, and that it is located in the temporal lobe – the “temple” of the human being. It is also found outside of our bodies, deposited at certain locations around the world, some of which may or may not function as “windows” or “portals” to transfer back and forth between 3rd and 4th densities. It is my thought that 3D STS oriented gangs may use, or wish to use, these locations, or “windows” […] to conduct their business with 4D STS crew, as well as use them as escape hatches to 4D in the vent of a cataclysm. Something else that occurred to me is that perhaps, also, some of these “windows” are located at certain intersections of the earth’s grid.

I think the C’s are letting us in on this little secret so that we too, may have an “escape hatch”, if and when the time comes. The big difference, however, is that “STO tends to do the process within the natural flow of things. STS seeks to alter creation processes to fit their ends. It seems that the STS groups are also aware of this inner route, and work actively to access it in artificial or ritualistic ways. Fusion of magnetic centers can take place on either “path”. Given that STS always takes the easiest way out, it is easy to understand that they would do it by turning inward and achieving a subjective magnetic center. Doing the difficult and laborious work required to fuse the magnetic center in the STO network, is joyful and excitingly challenging. Here, flocks of birds come to mind again.

Before I close this section. I want include something that I found in Noah 18 where Laura writes:

The reader will be far more aware of what it means to ‘think with a hammer, rather than with a brain’ by the time they are finished with this volume, because we are going to describe the necessary processes in detail further on. But for the moment, suffice it to say that the old master is pointing out that until a certain ‘initiation’ has occurred in terms of achieving mental mastery over the tracks of emotional thinking (and nearly all thinking is emotional, no matter how logical it may seem), there is no possibility of understanding Fulcanelli. Further, this process of ‘rewiring’ the brain by deliberate hammer blows of the will against the programmed circuits is the ‘heating of the crucible’ of the alchemical transformation – the thing that produces the ‘stone’, of a particular ‘state’ that comes to exist in the brain of the individual who has repeatedly ‘hammered’ their thinking. And indeed, iron plays a part.

Then this,

The ‘clash’ of ideas is an expression of ‘thinking with a hammer’. The cathedral, the ‘building’, is the ‘temple’, in other words, the temporal lobes of the brain – the ability to think and later see. The ‘Book’ that is accepted fact and history. Fulcanelli says that one must be ‘indifferent to theories, system and hypotheses, which are generally accepted without question on the testimony of books’. It is in the clash between that which is generally accepted, that which is published in books, which is accepted due to emotional programs of the amygdala, and the thinking processes, of the frontal cortex, that the LIGHT BURSTS FORTH IN THE MAGNETITE THAT COLLECTS IN THE TEMPORAL LOBES as a result of repeated “heating” of the crucible by thinking with a hammer. One has to chisel away the barriers to truth, one hammer blow at a time. And it is long. Arduous, and difficult work.

So, by “thinking with a hammer” (which are those little “shocks” we continually expose ourselves to in the Quantum Future School, challenging ourselves to discern between subjective knowledge/states and Objective knowledge/states, putting “sacred cows” out to pasture, we “heat the crucible”. The crucible is the brain, and the magnetite is heated by electricity that is generated by our neurons when we are challenged by a thought or series of thoughts that are the Truth/Objective Knowledge as opposed to subjective assumptions. And then, when we UTILIZE that knowledge, when we act on objective knowledge in a subjective world, it seems that we literally generate light. Indeed then, looking at it his way, knowledge IS light! Knowledge creates Light – if it is utilized […] So, if we are persistent and continually heat the crucible – our brains – with Objective knowledge/Truth until we have completely fused our magnetic centers – and do this TOGETHER as a unit, a group, one entity – all these fused magnetic centers in our brains – all aligned in one direction – towards objective truth a group can then act as a 4th density being IN 3rd density reality – a “Macro Magnetic Center”, if you will – which will then provide the “window”, the “escape hatch” to fourth density. A means by which we can “catch the Wave” – and/or “attract” it as the case may be. As the C’s once remarked:

A: Laura, my dear, if you really want to reveal “many beautiful and amazing things,” all you need to do is remember the triad, the trilogy, the trinity, and look always for the triplicate connecting clue profile. Connect the threes … do not rest until you have found three beautifully balancing meanings!! Q: So, in everything there are three aspects? A: And why? Because it is the realm of the three that you occupy. In order to possess the keys to the next level, just master the Third Man Theme, then move on with grace and anticipation.

As Laura quoted Hedsel and Ovason in The Way of the Fool:

OM: Exactly so. Creativity is the giving away of Spiritual energy. Creativity is the soul in the expenditure of a bottomless purse. One gives sulphur away – initially perhaps, through an excess of joy – that is the foolishness of the young. Later one gives away energy through commitment to an idea. Creativity is the ultimate deed of unselfishness. When a man knows that creativity is its own reward … Well, then he is ready to work with people. You think of yourself as a loner. You do not know how much you are needed. You are needed to point the way.
MH: But I know nothing!
OM: You do not believe that when you sit before a group you do so alone? You are there as a representative of the spiritual world. Fools like yourself become teachers, because we find suddenly that there is no one else. You realize how great is the gulf between you and others. There is a curtain between you. And you understand that this curtain is good for neither of you. The house out there is burning. You can see the flames, but those others cannot see the flames … Now the question is, can you leave those people in the flames? Would it not be the act of a Fool to snatch one, or perhaps two, out of the conflagration?
MH: If that is what they want.
OM: They cannot see the flames, but they do not wish to be burned. You see. You know that there are two sorts of flame. There is the soft and slow flame of the inner heat, and that terrible burning flame which consumes, and which feels no human pain … You cannot continue widening the gap between yourself and the world. What for others is light is for the teacher an old light – another word for darkness. We live in a foolish paradox, for while we have forever, we do not have much time. [Hedsel, 2000]

If one group can work this way and truly achieve 4th density understanding and action in 3rd density reality, it makes it more likely that other groups can achieve the same in a manner similar to the 100th monkey, though not precisely in the way that most people understand the story […]


Now getting back to ‘etheric orientation’,
C’s in Secret History said:
Q: (L) Okay, there are 4 physical densities …
A: No, three.
Q: (L) Okay, there are 3 physical densities and the 4th is …
A: One is variable. Three ethereal.
Q: (L) Okay, three that are physical, three ethereal, and one in between that is both.

Gurdjieff ISOTM said:
… a man in the full sense of the word, consists of four bodies. These dour bodies are composed of substances which gradually become finer and finer, mutually interpenetrate one another, and form four independent organisms, standing in a definite relationship to one another but capable of independent action.


“These four bodies are defined in different teachings in various ways.” […]

The first is the physical body, in Christian terminology the ‘carnal’ body; the second, … is the ‘natural’ body; the third is the ‘spiritual’ body; and the fourth, … is the ‘divine’ body. In theosophical terminology the first is the ‘physical’ body, the second is the ‘astral,’ the third is the ‘mental,’ and the fourth is the ‘causal.’ [That is, the body which bears the causes of its actions within itself, is independent of external causes, and is the body of will.]


“The ‘astral body‘ is not an indispensible implement for man. It is a great luxury which only a few can afford. A man can live quite well without an ‘astral body.’ His physical possesses all the functions necessary for life. A man without an ‘astral body’ may even produce the Impression of being a very intellectual or even spiritual man, and may deceive not only others but also himself.

Gurdjieff ISOTM said:
… What may be called the ‘astral body’ is obtained by means of fusion, that is, by means of terribly hard inner work and struggle. Man is not born with it.

C’s in Secret History said:
Q: (A) Which part of a human extends into 4th density?
A: That which is effected by the pituitary gland.
Q: (L) And what id=s that?
A: Psychic.
Q: (A) are there some particular DNA sequences that facilitate transmission between densities?
A: Addition of strands.
Q: (L) How do you get added strands?
A: You don’t get; you receive.
Q: (L) Where are they received from?
A: Interaction with upcoming wave, if vibration is aligned.
Q: (L) How do you know if this happening?
A: Psycho-physiological changes manifest.

Laura in Secret History said:
I suspect that The Wave is an energy source that will interact with every individual according to his or her frequency resonance. …

Nienna Eluch in Lowering our FRV said:
The Wave said:
When you put the various pieces of the puzzle together, what you find is the Predator’s Mind, the “hypnosis” that Gurdjieff talked about, the Matrix control System interface with our bio-cosmic computers, our bodies, is our DNA which is controlled and restricted by the generation of specific brain chemicals via the control of our emotions. […] Indeed, we all have ”reptilian” DNA. But we also have avian DNA. In fact, we are a veritable smorgasbord of DNA from all that exists around us. […]

Also, that these Control Programs, these chemicals of “feeding” can be and are stimulated and perpetuated through our interactions with other human beings, most especially those closest to us, is a cold, hard fact of science.

I realise that this is a bit adrift from your original question (What “etheric orientation” means/refers to in [the C’s sentence]? Do they mean one’s FRV? However, it appears that it (the above) is all related to what the C’s state in their sentence, “Your physiological and etheric orientation are both tied into the magnetic state of your environment.”

In summary, now the 4th density is both physical and ethereal, the soul has three bodies of existence, one of which is spirit, the Pituitary Gland extends into 4th density, and Gurdjieff talks of bodies other than the physical; the astral body (emotional), the mental body, and the causal body (consciousness and will; a single I).

My long-winded ponderings are that: you are right; it is about one’s FRV. As is often the case, the answer is in the question.

Edit: sorted out nested quote at end.
I find it interesting that the C's chose the word 'orientation' in that phrase, as opposed to etheric 'body' or etheric 'aspect' of the individual.

I researched the use of several terms in the transcripts - especially 'orientation'. Most all the contextual meanings seemed to point to 'direction of facing' or 'position in relation to...'. I believe the only other mention involved the soul matching itself to genetics:

[quote author=Session 951007:]
Q: (L) But isn't the nature of a person determined by their
soul and not the physical body?
A: Partially, remember, aural profile and karmic reference
merges with physical structure.
Q: (L) So you are saying that particular genetic conditions
are a physical reflection of a spiritual orientation? That the
soul must match itself to the genetics, even if only in
A: Yes, precisely.
Q: (L) So a person's potential for spiritual advancement or
unfoldment is, to a great extent, dependent upon their genes?
A: Natural process marries with systematic construct when

All in all, and in considering Trevrizent's research, it appears the answer does seem to be weighted in favor of FRV.
FRV, itself though, is not immutable:

[quote author=]
The FRV of a person may change as a result of influences. If a person is in proximity to another who has a different FRV, there can occur forced resonance where the two start resonating at the same frequency. Still, one has a constitutional predisposition to resonate at some frequencies more than at others.[/quote]

Still, the resonance factor seems to be key:

[quote author=]
Resonance occurs when a vibration in one system triggers a vibration of the same frequency in another system. Systems can have one or more 'resonant frequencies' at which frequencies they have a tendency to vibrate.[/quote]

There is also the aspect of "tied" as meaning to confine, restrict, or limit, and not just 'fastened together'.

And the C's answer was an answer to the question: "why is this reality shift related to magnetic field disturbance? What is the connection?"

The way I'm seeing it is that the etheric body is confined within the physiology of the body due to the particular frequencies involved and that part of this limiting is due to the fact that the individual is "married" to the genetics of the body and that this 'spiritual orientation' is, or can be, or, is therefore, influenced by the actions of magnetic field disturbances in the environment and the body.

Because of this "marriage" then, the effects of magnetic field disturbances on physiology will have resonance in the etheric and the effects relate or lead to new perceptions of reality...the reality shift.

Does any of this make any sense?
We should keep in mind that the context of the answer given by the Cs was about the wave's affect on the Earth's magnetic field and a reality shift:

[quote author=session 980711](A) We have been told
that this magnetic disturbance is closely related to this realm
border crossing, and you asked us the question 'what is the
root of realm' and it is reality. Now, realm has an m at the
end. Does this have something to do with magnetic?
A: Realm border is when the reality shifts for all.
Q: (A) Yes, but why is this reality shift related to magnetic
field disturbance? What is the connection?
A: Your physiology and etheric orientation are both tied into
the magnetic state of your environment.[/quote]

Since the Earth will become multi-dimensional, using the word "orientation" regarding a "reality shift" makes sense. Also, STO and STS frequencies will both be present in each density. FRV doesn't depend on an "orientation" to the shift.

The content of the entire session deals with understanding the effects of this reality shift on the earth, and how those who do shift would experience it. FRV related concepts aren't really being addressed.

Could the wording chosen by the Cs be an externally considerate answer?
Interestingly whilst researching something else, although aligned to the subject at hand, I came across the following regarding what could happen when a pole shift occurs:

[+url=http://www. said:
Pole Shift Slate Writer quoting Becker, R O, Cross Currents[/url]The other type of Pole Shift is a Magnetic Pole Shift, also known as a Geomagnetic Pole Shift. This has occurred at least 170 times in the pass over the last 80 million years. This type of Pole Shift is not a rotational pole shift that involves the axis of spin. The Magnetic regions of the Earth involve the interior of the planet's hot molten iron liquid outer core. See above.

At one time, it was thought that when a magnetic pole shift occurs, the magnetic field drops to zero. However, it is now known not to be so. If the magnetic field dropped to zero, there would be no shielding from solar and cosmic rays. The inhabitants of the earth would be largely unprotected, as well as plants, bacteria, viruses, etc. and succumb to drastic mutations, sunburn, cancers of the skin, and other effects not even considered here. All life, as we know it, would be wiped out—another type of Slate Wiper. The Scythe would leave its mark for millions to billions of years.

Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D., author of a number of books, and an ElectroMagnetic Fields Expert, points out most succinctly in his book, Cross Currents, that researchers once considered when a magnetic pole shift occured, the magnetic field of the Earth collapsed — it went to zero. Later, science studies of the magnetism of rocks (paleomagnetism), and sediments of mud cores taken from ocean depths, illustrated the opposite.

Most current studies of a magnetic pole shifts say the only problem now would be compasses now working correctly and there would would be navigational problems. Inertial gyrocompasses, it is felt, should continue to function normally. However, animal migrations would be off and they may herd into an ice sheet when they want to go to warmer climes. Other mammals may beach themselves en masse. We are beginning to see this now. The magnetic field can change slowly or quickly.

It is a fact that entire species have become extinct in the past when a magnetic shift has occurred. We'll see why shortly, and that this may happen again with the next magnetic pole shift. A number of other interesting things happen during a magnetic Pole Shift also, such as the magnetite in human brains, as well as that in other organisms, functions less effectively, not allowing the "magnetic organs" to function properly for normal health we have become acclimatized to since the last Magnetic Pole Shifts.

Here, we quote somewhat at length from Dr. Becker's book because it is so important and we want to stimulate you to get his book, Cross Currents:

"We now know that the Earth's geomagnetic field has reversed itself many times in the past with the North and South poles trading places. Humanity has never been through such a 'magnetic reversal,' but other species have, with dire results. The way in which we learned about this is a fascinating scientific detective story.

"The tiny dust particles that enter the oceans, carried by winds or rivers, are deposited on the ocean floor as a sort of 'layer cake' of time. This chronological record is studied by dropping hollow tubes into the ocean bottom and removing cores of the sediment. Many of the particles in the cores are magnetite and have tiny magnetic fields. As they are sedimenting through the water, each particle acts like a compass needle and points toward the magnetic North Pole. The alignment of these particles in the cores can be determined by measuring the direction of their magnetic fields, which will indicate the direction of the magnetic North Pole at the time the particles were falling through the water. When this is done, the startling fact emerges that the Earth's magnetic field has often reversed itself in the geologic past. Each reversal is a slow process; in each case, it has taken at least 10,000 years for the new orientation to become established.

"The same cores of sea–bottom sediment also contain vast numbers of skeletons of minute sea creatures, the radiolarians. These are single–celled animals that produced hard skeletons around their bodies. The skeletons are complicated structures, different for each species. As these animals die, their skeletons sink to the bottom and become incorporated into the sediment of that era. A chronology of the changes in the species of these animals is thereby established. Examination reveals that from time to time, these animals were subjected to massive species extinctions. These great 'die–outs' duplicated the familiar patterns of extinction of other animals, including the dinosaurs. In each such species collapse, the most advanced or evolutionarily developed forms appear to have been the most affected. After each extinction, entirely new types of radiolarians would be established and would grow and flourish, generating many related but more advanced species.

"Over the years of study of sea–bottom cores, a strange relationship was seen to emerge. Often, the species extinctions seemed to occur just after a magnetic–field reversal had taken place. Furthermore, if the reversal occurred following an exceptionally long period of a stable field, the species extinction was much more extensive. It appeared as through the life–forms of the quiescent time adapted themselves to that magnetic field; the longer it went on, the greater the impact of the next reversal.

"The problem for investigators was how a simple change in the magnetic field, particularly one that took tens of thousands of years to occur, could have any biological effect. At first researchers proposed that while the magnetic poles were changing places, the Earth's field would drop to zero, causing the magnetosphere to collapse and exposing the Earth's surface to the full force of the solar wind and ionizing radiation. The resultant exposure to the full radiation from the sun would kill all organisms. Later, it was found that the field did not actually drop to zero, but merely declined to about half–strength before building back up again. If the magnetic reversals were directly linked to species extinctions, another mechanism had to be operating.

"...the species extinctions of all animals were somehow linked to the reversals of the magnetic field.

"Although the theory that extinctions are the result of impacts on the Earth of comets or asteroids is much in favor at this time, there is clearly an intriguing relatinship between the reversals of the Earth's magnetic field and these events. It is, of course, possible that the magnetic reversal was itself the result of an impact upon the Earth.

"...I proposed that reversals could have been accompanied by major changes in the ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) frequencies of the magnetic–field micropulsations, which would have produced behavioral changes that reduced the survival efficiency of the more advanced species."

Now, here's the rub: Life has accustomed itself to and grown with 0.2 to 0.6 Gauss, the Earth's magnetic field strength. Since it is now established that the magnetic field drops to half, but not to zero, and may hold there for some time, the "magnetic organs" that are used to a stronger strength not getting it would not supply the magnetite crystals in the ethmoid sinuses with the micropulsations they have become accustomed to. And fine neural pathways extend from them to the brain and the other "magnetic organ," the Pineal Gland. Therefore, this gland is not getting the micropulsations it needs to produce chemical substances necessary to body function, health, and survival.

Some of these chemical substances function with and/or regulate other glands including the pituitary gland, according to Becker. These other glands supply dopamine, serotonin, and the pineal produces also melatonin. A number of abnormalities in one's behavior is regulated by the pineal gland secretions. If low in melatonin, sleep is impaired and one does not receive the deep, biological, restorative sleep so necessary to normal physiological and mental function.

If the biocycle is abnormal, than a chronic stress hormone is produced which reduces the immune system's competency. This can cause mutations in animals that have not biochemically adapted to life as the rest of their body knows it and dies. The "magnetic organ" is "composed of minute crystals of magnetite and is closely connected to the central nervous system, and the pineal gland, which is part of the brain," writes Becker in Cross Currents.

Dr. Elaine N. Marieb, writes in her textbook, Human Anatomy & Physiology, Sixth Edition, "...many peptides and amines have been isolated from this minute gland, its only major secretory product is melatonin." Any disruption of such can cause problems.

The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 4:14, 2007, published online, points out that Melatonin is important in regulating Growth Hormone (GH). Growth Hormone is necessary for bone mass, muscle mass, fat reduction and blood sugar control. GH is also necessary for repair of tissues. Somatostatin is a hormone released by the body through bio–feedback control to stop GH release. Melatonin inhibits this process if in excess, due to lack of sleep. Namely, if there is not enough sleep, melatonin is suppressed and not produced sufficiently. Therefore, somatostatin tends to rise and block GH release. Sleep deprivation is rampant in America, especially in cell phone/computer using teens. There is a connection here, but that is not what this document is about. Just remember it!

At Baylor University, Erika Nassar and team found that just 5 milligrams melatonin suppressed somatostatin, the hormone which blocks GH release, and increased GH production and release.

Your WebMasters feel it is best to have the body make its melatonin through proper sleep and reduction of white/blue light 2 to 3 hours before bed. See Prudent Avoidance, Part I. However, one can try melatonin time–released capsules.

As the Earth goes through The Galactic Plane, the pineal gland may experience a disruption from powerful ElectroMagnetic Fields and ElectroMagnetic Pulses causing a massive die–off and/or a species extinction of all species. We may well experience significant changes in function of the organism in all species.
The weak will not survive, we surmise.

The sleep–deprived will drop like flies when "push comes to shove." The stress will be horrendous. Melatonin will help. We feel it is best to get it from one's own body biochemically, if the body still can produce it sufficiently. During this horrendous time, supplementation would definitely be advisable.

# What we are about to write is not for the squimish! Go to the next bullet if you don't like that which is dire...very dire. What we just spoke about, "dropping like flies...," we feel people and whole cities going down—people just dropping on the streets. It won't be because of the rocks falling, etc., but the extreme stress and the EMP/EMFs that may be caused by the rocks, the Galactic Ripple(s), heavenly bodies passing near our Earth, and other things interferring with our normal Central Nervous System's Biofield. One problem will be the young. Mostly they will not make it. They are not prepared in mind, body, and spirit for what is about to befall them. First, and almost, if not simultaneously, the economy of America, then the world's, drying up. Cities, states, and whole governments bankrupt, such that they print ridiculous amounts of money, and to no avail. Remember this! That is one of the reasons you prepared.

And, the tremendous effects of The Galactic Plane not even felt yet nor witnessed. This is still to come. Those who survive this initial insult against the chemistries of the body will probably be those few in the cities that have prepared and are following various advices of the sages of time: Watching the for "Signs of The Times."

The people who survive this mainly will be those rural Americans, including those who have gotten out of the cities and joined them in a convent relationship, who by current standards, are poor. They have one land–line phone; few appliances; some cows and a Jersey or two and have real milk and real meat; real crops that produce real food native to the area and have real organic chickens with real organic eggs. These rural Americans have not been weakened.

If you are one of those trapped in the "Face–Down" cities, still waiting for a clear message from The Holy Spirit, while you are telling your preparing neighbors that God will tell you "when to prepare" and "when to leave," then while you are waiting, start on Creatine Powder now. Know well, these godly, good people will be on your doorstep as foolish virgins, reminding you of your Christian duty to take care of them, if you are still there, waiting for that sign from God.

All the cells of the body, including the brain and muscle tissue, need adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of the body, to drive the metabolic machinery and creatine phosphate (CP). You can recharge your energy of the muscle cells and others with creatine monohydrate powder. But, wait...why are we talking about this just now? It is because we just finished discussing what is going to happened to the sleep deprived. During sleep deprivation, CP levels quite often go down too, such that there is a decrease in:

* Mental functions.
* Decision–making.
* Short–term memory.
* Mood suffers.
* Coordination and balance suffers, and...
* Reaction time.

Creatine supplementation helped thwart these problems for the sleep deprived. — Physiology Behavior, 90: 21–28, 2007.

Another supplement we suggest to be on now is Glutamine powder. This and creatine powder can be mixed with plain protein powder or just water and downed. the glutamine has now been suggested from preliminary studies to reduce excess Cortisol from a chronic stress–response. With what is coming, the stress will be chronic soon, and cortisol, high.

We further suggest to eliminate polyunsaturated fats from your diet in the form of cooking oils, tablets, pills, capsules, etc. Get it naturally in the foods you eat. We suggest to strengthen the cellular health with butter and coconut oils, in moderation, and eat about a tablespoon or less of cooked fat on red meat.

In our lectures, we are continuously asked, "But, the establishment says to eat those oils?" Money and drugs...Money and drugs. We won't go deeper into that except to say when you ingest highly unsaturated oil, it—if not already rancid—goes rancid in the bloodstream quickly, almost immediately. You can't ingest enough vitamin E or C or other antioxidants to stop the process. It occurs quickly. Some to much will be peroxidated. You want saturated fat to help survive the coming chaos which will extrapolate to biochemical chaos.

Dr. Ray Peat in Ray Peat's Newsletter, May 2007, writes these extremely salient points concerning polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs):

"Eliminating polyunsaturated fats from the diet is essential if the bystander effect is eventually to be restrained ('bystander effect of radiation exposure, in which cells that haven't been irradiated undergo genetic changes or death when they are exposed to irradiated cells...').

"Aspirin and salicylic acid can block many of the carcinogenic effects of the PUFA. Saturated fats have a variety of antiinflammatory and anticancer actions. Some of those effects are direct, others are the result of blocking the toxic effects of the PUFA."

Emphasis in bold is mine, indicating what might be experienced as the poles shift/wave/realm border crossing happens. I agree with you, Mountain Crown, that keeping the context in mind is important. The above ties in to some extent, what the C's have mentioned, and which you quoted.

My reading of the comment 'Your physiology and etheric orientation' does take into account FRV, in terms of orientation, be it STS, STO, or 'collective sense of shame'. Also,
session 981205 said:
Q: Well, the TEMPORAL LOBE … the part of the brain where MAGNETITE is found.
A: Yes.
Q: So, what are you getting at here?
A: We are not, you will.
Q: So, the instruction or clues in this place, may in fact, apply to some other location? Is that it?
further covers physiological (and etheric) orientation and state of environment.
Well, there is also this that gives a clue:

Cs 4 Jan 97 said:
Tell A that "aether" is Terran
material science's attempt to address ether. The trouble
is, there is simply no way to physicalize a plane of
existence which is composed entirely of consciousness
. It
is the union of perfect balance between the two "states"
or planes, that is the foundation and essence of all
creation/reality. You cannot have one without the other!
Q: (L) When you say the two states or planes, you are saying
the physical state and the state of consciousness...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And you can't have one without the other. And the
state of consciousness and the state of material existence
are so completely connected
, that both are infinite? One
cannot exist without the other...
A: Yes, connected, intertwined, bonded... Merged.
Q: (T) A structure of the universe that holds the levels
together... everything is connected. The consciousness of
6th density is perfectly bonded and balanced with 3rd
density, and the quasi physical level of 4th density, and
the totally physical levels 3 through 1, and the total ONE
of 7th, and whatever 5th is. (L) We have four levels of
physical expression, so to speak, going from the really
solid, minimal consciousness level 1 to....
A: Yes, but the Terran scientists have been programmed to
believe that nothing can exist unless it can be measured,
estimated, calculated and represented in some way in the
physical material plane. Not true!!!!!!! For example: We
are in NO WAY physical.

And this:

Cs 4 July 98 said:
Q: (L) Does this quest I have been on, this bloodline and
grail business, does that have any connection with this
cycle business?
A: Only indirectly.
Q: (L) Is that something that I should put aside for the time
being and work on something else?
A: You may do as you wish, just keep one eye and one ear
tuned to current events. And, very important, log dreams.
Arkadiusz too!
Q: (L) Is there going to be some communication to us through
our dreams?
A: Visions.
Q: (L) Where will these visions originate from?
A: Ether.
If the state of consciousness and the state of material existence are so completely connected, it is possible that the differences between them are only levels of vibration, and sure as higher density level higher vibration level.

So, Does etheric orientation means level of vibration?

Is our level of vibration equal to the level of density we are capable to see or "inhabit"?
I would say that "etheric orientation" may have something to do with "consciousness energy directors":

Cs 31 May 1997

Q: Okay, I am not so much in a rush as I want to fit as much in as I can. First question: You say that EM is interwoven with gravity. Santilli says that EM and gravity are the same. But, then there is light. Light is EM radiation. If so, then how is it that gravity, which is interwoven with EM, travels faster than EM, that is: supercedes light speed?

A: Gravity does not "travel."

Q: Well, when you say that gravity 'supercedes' light speed, what exactly do you mean?

A: Gravity is equally located in all realms at once, in space/time.

Q: Now, the possible answer is that gravity travels as a phase, while light travels as a 'bunch' of waves. Is this the correct understanding?

A: The gravity wave is merely a "ripple" in the omnipresent fabric; the base energy facilitator.

Q: What is a fabric base facilitator?

A: Gravity is the fabric, and energy facilitator as well.

Q: If gravity is the fabric, base and facilitator, what is being facilitated?

A: You read it wrong. It is base, as in "basic" energy facilitator.

Q: How does gravity facilitate... (A) What does it facilitate?

A: We have told you before that gravity is the foundational force of absolutely everything!!! This means at all density levels, all dimensions... It is the "stuff" of all existence. Without it, nothing would exist. Your thoughts are based in gravity, too!!

Q: Okay, you said that light is the energy expression of gravity. How does light manifest at 7th density?

A: Light is seventh density.

Q: Well, so light is 7th density. And you said that light is the energy expression of gravity. And you said that gravity is God. So, does this also mean that light is gravity?

A: No.

Q: Okay, what is the distinction between gravity and light?

A: What is the distinction between concrete and cement?

Q: Well, I am not entirely sure. I think cement is a concentrated stuff and that concrete has sand and rocks and so forth mixed with it to make it work better. And it has water mixed with it. How does light manifest on 6th density? Can you give me a relationship?

A: Vague.

Q: Well, I know it's vague! You say that light is 7th density. You say that gravity is God, and God and 7th density are the same, and...

A: No. 7th density is "union with the One."

Q: What is the distinction between union with the One and God?

A: Only at 7th density is God unified.

Q: When God 'disunifies,' or 'destabilizes,' or 'disperses,' where, and I know 'where' is not the right term, what density is then manifested?

A: Wrong concept totally.

Q: What is the RIGHT concept?

A: Well, first of all, God does not destabilize or disperse, for that matter. Purge the linear inner concept.

Q: Okay, I am purging. All just simply is. At 7th density there is union with the One. At 6th density there is... what? An equal balance of dark and light, or being and non-being, is that correct?

A: Pure consciousness no need to physicalise.

Q: And, I think that there are the 3 ethereal densities, and the 3 material densities, and the middle density, the variable physical/ethereal density...

A: Close.

Q: And these densities are only distinguishable by virtue of the nearness to union with the One, is that correct?

A: Nearness?

Q: Well, you know I don't mean it in a that sense... Help me out here!

A: No, you are doing just fine.

Q: Now, I am seeing it sort of like the perpendicular reality image. The circle in the center, and the outraying perpendicular realities which go out and out and out, and eventually come back to the center, because the gravity in the center brings them back. Something happens in a concentric circle sort of way, or in the idea of the shells of an atom sort of way, that distinguishes shells, or states of being, in relation to this center and these perpendicular realities. What is the level of shells, the realm levels, what is the relationship between the perpendicular reality and its moving outward that distinguishes it at certain relational points from the center itself? I understand that it is consciousness, but we are also dealing with non-being. Being and non-being. What is the relationship of these perpendicular realities to the seven realms of existence?

A: Not essentially correct. Perpendicular reality is knowledge/awareness/being matrix. Realms are merely experiential divisions based upon consciousness energy directors.

Q: What are consciousness energy directors?

A: Compare yourself to your backyard denizen. How do each of you view calculus?

Q: Well, I don't know exactly what calculus is, but I know it is important. I never thought I was able to learn such things, so I didn't try. But, I think it is important, and someday I will know something about it. I am sure that the dog would not only think it is not useful, he would not even be aware of it. How does that relate to consciousness energy directors?

A: All in nature seeks balance. One day, so to speak, "Percy" will indeed have an opinion of calculus.

Q: Okay, so consciousness energy directors are like a horizontal reality in relation to the perpendicular ones?

A: Slots, my dear, slots.

Q: Are these slots comparable to the appearing and disappearing of electrons in the shells of an atom?

A: Not the point. You are still trying to use 3rd density awareness to measure the reality parameters of all other density levels... Talk about your square peg and your round hole! Tell Arkadiusz to trust in gravity waves to be merely his pathway to higher understanding, not the means to an end.

Q: Now you have mentioned these 'slots.' What are these slots, and how does one move from one slot to another?

A: Picture this: you have 7 sizes of marbles. You have 7 widths of slots. Where do the marbles "fit in."

Q: Do the marbles represent units of consciousness?

A: Close. Or, divisions of consciousness level energy resonance profiles.

Q: Do these divisions of consciousness grow and change?

A: Yes.

Q: And they grow and change through acquiring knowledge, is that correct?

A: Basically.

Q: And acquiring knowledge is akin to acquiring energy? Or light? Light energy?

A: Not exactly. That would be like saying that "filling up" at the gas station is akin to acquiring speed.

Q: So, knowledge and light are like the gas for the car, but speed comes from utilization?

A: Yes.

Q: And utilization means...

A: Knowledge application which generates energy, which, in turn, generates light.

Q: So, when one of these marbles is in a slot, does it fill up with gas which then enables it to move to another slot?

A: What!?!

Q: Well, I'm using your analogy!

A: No, you are mixing analogies!

Q: Let me back up then, and regroup. We have marbles in slots...

A: What causes the marbles to go into the slots? Gas?!??

Q: Okay. Where do they get the gas from?

A: That was an entirely different analogy, used only as a retort to an erroneous assumption, nothing more!

Q: Let me back up again. Marbles in slots. What are the slots?

A: An analogy to depict realms for you.

Q: Do the marbles move from one slot to another?

A: When, and only when, they have acquired the proper fit.

Q: Oh. How do they acquire the proper fit?

A: How do you?

Q: I guess you grow?

And further:

23 Feb 2002

Q: … (V) I'll ask something unless someone else was ready to go. Twice maybe in the last 3 or 4 years - once at USF and once in my apartment - I was walking along and all of the sudden the environment had totally changed and it was like I was a light person. Can you tell me what that was?

A: 4D bleed through. We mentioned before that you ought to get used to it.

Q: (V) Well, it is not a "getting used to thing." It only happened twice and it was magnificent. I mean it was an experience. I can say now that I am experienced. (laughter) (L) And not Jimmy Hendrix! (V) Is there any way to generate this myself? It was just so spontaneous?

A: STS do that.

Q: (V) Do what? (L) Seek to generate such experiences for the sake of the experience. (R) Bring it on through the matrix, through technology, rituals, drugs, whatever. (JN) What were you smoking at the time (laughter)? (V) Yeah, right. So is there a positive or negative aspect to this?

A: Not unless you are not experienced! [L's laughing hard through the letter calling.]

Q: (L) I felt that coming and it was so funny! (V) While I was in this altered state, did I look the same to other people around me?

A: Yes.

Q: (R) You see it is only a perspective from an individual perspective.

A: Perception is bonded by awareness. Others are bonded to their awareness of you and all else.

Q: (V) Well, while this was happening to me, was this also happening to others in my general area?

A: No. Not likely. You do not yet realize how rare higher awareness is.

Q: (JN) What triggered it?

A: Frequency envelope thinning due to patterning imprint repetition of Violette in her environment.

Q: (V) Alright what's a frequency envelope you brainy types. (R) Actually, frequency envelope, [asking Ark] isn't that what we were doing with the wave generating computer program? (A) Frequency envelope is something like that.

A: Your awareness maintains a frequency emanation in concert with those in your environment. When there are fluctuations in bonding frequencies both between you and your environment, and the frequency bonding of another, the fluctuations create discontinuities.

Q: (R) Okay, that makes sense. (L) It does? (V) Okay then tell me. (R) Okay. It's like resonance. If the environment has a particular frequency...hmm... (V) We were asking about the frequency envelope and what it is. (R) And it's Violet. And violet is high energy, right? The color spectrum right? [The group reviews the previous C's answer...] (R) Exactly, so it's a quantum jump. (GROUP): Yeah. (R) Because you're at one level and unless something strange happens that's where you're at. (L) In other words--you emanate energy, the other person emanates energy, and the energy exchange is between you and the environment, and between you and the person and the environment, and your environment is maintained, and the envelope of energy is maintained around you. But if there is...what? Fluctuations? (R) Ah! "Your awareness maintains a frequency emanation in concert with those in your environment." Hence, if your environment has a frequency that allows for a higher frequency, I mean, it always has the lower, but in some cases it can allow for higher. (L) They're talking about it being fluctuations in the environment. If somebody or something in you're environment is... (A) But the question is--which properties of environment that we can describe in terms of...(L) Well they're saying that the fluctuations are in Violette. (R) In concert with the environment. (L) And in concert with people who are in the environment. In other words, something is breaking up and you are no longer frequency bonded to the people in the environment in the same way; there is a fluctuation there. What is it called when you add too much energy to something? It becomes unstable. Your reality construct is unstable. That's what I would say. (R) You have a bigger marble that you can fit in a bigger hole if the hole happens to be there. (L) Right.

A: Rejoice! You are growing out of your shoes.

Q: (L) Your feet don't fit anymore! You need new shoes!

A: Basis: shoes.

Q: (V) Okay. Perspective is a word that has been coming up a lot, so I am going to go ahead and ask about this. We all live in the same world, but yet we view our environment, what is going around us differently. One time a few years ago I was with a psychic counselor, so to speak, a woman named P, and she insisted that in her world the Rainforest was not being degraded...

A: STS tend to make such statements because of denial of the very principle just described.

Q: (V) We were sitting there, and I was whining about how bad humans treat the earth, (this was when I was studying Environmental Science), and she was just insisting that, in her world, the Rainforest was just fine. And you know, I was just sitting there looking at her, and I just couldn't believe what she was saying was the truth. And I thought, "okay, is this woman traveling back and forth between realms or realities or what is the deal?"

A: She was abnegating any response... ability.

Q: (V) Well you know I stopped going and seeing those psychic people awhile ago (laughter).

A: Good plan! Hang out your own shingle and let them come to you!

Q: (V) I don't know about living the life of a psychic. (L) I think it was a joke. (V) Ah yeah, because I'm thinking "no way am I doing that!" (R) But the thing is, when that woman said, "in my world the Rainforest is okay," it means she had already made a judgment that...(V) Yeah, that she was somehow in a better place than I was. (L) Well it was also making a judgment against the wisdom of the universe. It avoids the understanding that if the Rainforests are dying maybe there is a reason for it. (R) Exactly. All there is are lessons. (V) Well you know it was funny because I was taking a Geology course at the time and we were supposed to go on a diving trip down to South Florida, and it got stopped by a hurricane. But before that, this so-called psychic told me she could see me going down there, following her healing reccommendations, and all the dead coral would come back to life.

A: When the universe is ready to revive dead coral, you can bet it will revive.

Q: (V) Well I thought that was a pretty tall order for me to be taking care of it all by myself. To get back to the perspective thing, personal perception...

A: Frequency envelopes are realms, however they are "in concert," which implies a degree of scripting at some level. Some members if the orchestra do not play well. Some do not play in tune. Some are out of synch. Others expect the one next to them to play their part.

Q: (R) Which makes even more sense that in 4D STS and STO don't like to mix because if they do they would play completely out of synch. (L) Very bad music. (V) Is it like my frequency envelope is my consciousness, the representation of my consciousness? (R) No frequency envelopes are realms. (V) Okay, so I'm a realm unto myself? (JN) You are Queen of your realm. (L) But your realm is part of an orchestra which means that it emanates a sound - you are giving off a sound - you are playing your part; and either you play it well or you do not. (R) But even if you are playing it well... (L) Those around you may not be. (R) Exactly. So that's also kind of a reason why 3D is such a low density because there is so much canceling out. I mean if you put a lot of 3D guys that are STS oriented in one place and if you put STO people in another place, physically, then there would not be as much canceling out. So you wouldn't need as much awareness individually to make use of higher frequencies because you could have an orchestra. (V) Because you would be gathered together harmoniously. (L) You can have an orchestra. Okay, quick one: Is anything going to happen in 2003 like an appearance of the planet Nibiru or Planet X or anything of any particular interest?

A: Find out!

Q: (L) They're not going to give us a clue. (R) Can I continue on the previous subject? So in relation to frequency envelopes and bonding of awareness to perception, I was wondering if that related to creating the conduit. The C's have said that you were creating conduit here? (L) Umhmm. (R) Okay, could it be the case that frequency resonance of all who are here together with you is because of the resonance makes it easier, it lowers the amount of energy needed from the environment to make...

A: The orchestra is able to produce greater volume when in concert.

Q:(R) Right. So, is this concept - in this sentence that says "the orchestra is able to produce greater volume when in concert - is that what is meant by creating a conduit?

A: Close. Frequency envelope has many applications.

Q:(R) Could you outline some of those applications? Is that too vague? (V) It sounds pretty particular to me. (R) Yeah, but it has many applications and such a conduit would have such many applications, one of which I assume we are using now.

A: For but one example: Joshua and the "Walls of Jericho."

Q:(R) Of course. So they used a conduit meaning a resonance of an orchestra of people to bring down the Walls of Jericho.

A: More or less, though it was not Jericho.

Q:(R) Okay, but the principle applies. (V) Since you are using this orchestra metaphor what kind of instrument are each of us?

A: Violette wants to be a flute. RO: French Horn. Laura: Harp. BT: Tuba. JN: Piano. MN: Glockenspiel. Ark: Violin.

Q:(V) Thank-you, that was fun. (R) I have a question. If not the walls of Jericho then the walls of what?

A: Seek Atlantean events for the roots of myths.

Q:(R) Okay, I got you. [Laura sings: Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho...] (R) Okay, let's ask about the computer program we have been working on. [Ark and RO, a java expert, had spent the previous week working on creating this program program, based on Schrödinger's equation and Ark's Event Enhanced Quantum Theory. The program simulates graphically scattering, interference, and collapse of quantum probability waves.] The graphical artifacts that we are seeing in the program are they actual or are they caused by numerical problems or errors in the program?

A: Numerical serendipity is more like it.

Q: (A): What, what? (L) I think "serendipity" is a pleasant discovery, from a story about the Land of Serendip. (R) Okay so, is it something that we should investigate or should we focus on other things?

A: Absolutely. Remember the Benzene Ring. Idea structure was seen first, then followed explication when application was realized.

Q: (R) If we can see some application of it then it will be such that we can back engineer it and figure out the cause of it. Now we are just looking at it in terms of what is it? What is it doing? What is it? But if we can see some application... (A) Well we see one application, a screen saver (laughter). (R) I think maybe we should find some more interesting application, but it is a good principle to find an application of it because that's what can lead us back to what it is. (A) Yeah, that's true. Well, can you help us with what is the application, give us some direction?

A: Think of the Benzene "Ring."

Q: (R) Is that only used in chemistry? Or is it used in math as well? (L) Do you know the story of the Benzene Ring? (R) No. I only heard about it in chemistry. (M) The story of the Benzene Ring is the guy that came up with and applied to chemistry, dreamed of a snake biting its tail and rolling along, and so he applied that to benzene molecular structure which is double bonds and a single bond sequence. (R) So that seems to mean that we are on the right track by trying to see if there is something there. (L) Maybe the key is the word ring. (A) No you see, what is mysterious, the fact that things are forming, okay it is discrete structure, numerical errors, roundings, you know all kinds of these artifacts. But, the fact that they look like three dimensional spirals - even if they are created in one dimension - I have no explanation. I don't even have an idea how to explain why would they ever create these spirals? Where are these extra dimensions coming from? I have no idea. (MN) Still, there is no application unless you can solve it.

A: Ring.

Q:(R) Yes, because its a cycle. It's what was said before. It's like a loop. (L) Well let me ask this--you've got it moving back and forth between two barriers right? Can you make the ends connect? (R) Yes. But then nothing happens because then it just moves and moves and moves, it is just the initial shape moving out and coming in another. So nothing happens the only thing... (M) The wave doesn't change. (R) Exactly. So it only happens when it has to react with a barrier. (L) Uh huh. (R) That's the only time it happens because that's what's causing... (B) Could the barrier represent a density? (R) It could, yeah, actually.

A: Double loop.

Q:(R) Double loop, yeah, exactly. (MN) Double helix? (R) Yeah, because it's looping...because if you look at the 3D part of it it's not a spiral, it's a cone. (A) Right. (R) Because it is spiraling like that, and if you increase the resolution, then it will be a perfect cone which is moving like that at the same time it is moving like that. (demonstrates with hand gestures) And it is moving like that because of balance - because it has to be from an equal amount [of energy] on either side. (V) It builds it from itself? (R) Yeah the thing is like this, if you have a packet of energy going like this and it meets a boundary, either it can fold up like that - just under its own pressure - and then spring back. Or, it can utilize the extra dimensions and coil. Like if you have a string and you just do like that, it won't be at one point. So I think it's the same thing here. But how to find out? We need to have some algorithm for the 3rd dimension for this folding. (A) Umhmm. (V) What if there is indeed something happening there that you're not seeing? Like we were talking about at the beginning of the session here: that you can't know what you can't know because you can't see it because it's veiled? What are the possibilities that there is something else happening there to be discovered or uncovered? (R) And I think that it seems like the only reason it is manifesting is because the wave is hitting an obstacle. So, the 3rd dimension - it was always there as a possibility - but it didn't manifest until the wave hit an obstacle. So the obstacle, in effect, is creating the additional dimension. It was always there but it didn't manifest until an obstacle was put into the wave's path.

A: Consciousness energy directors.

Q:(R) Exactly. Because if the wave is hitting an obstacle, if it just follows mechanics, it's going fold up because that's the law. But, if you have consciousness interacting with the energy, then it can say "hey look it is more efficient if you don't fold up, it is more efficient if you utilize this extra dimension, because there is then less pressure in the wave if you are using this extra dimension." But you need that consciousness to kind of say: "hey look there is this extra dimension that you can utilize." And it has to say how to utilize it because it has to choose a direction to start folding into. (B) If our consciousness defines the parameters of 3rd density, could the barriers on either side of the wave represent the barriers of the outside parameters of 3rd density which causes this continual looping back and forth? And it may be doing something else in a different density that doesn't have those barriers?

A: Frequency resonance envelope.

Q: (R) Exactly, it makes total sense. So frequency resonance envelopes are realms. And our program shows that the only time interesting things happen to a wave is when it hits an obstacle. And it only manifests the extra dimension if someone helps the wave to choose which way to start folding out into the extra dimension. So if densities in effect are frequency resonance envelopes, which exist as obstacles, that waves of energy can resonate within...yeah exactly...that makes kind of sense. (JN) What if the level of consciousness is the barrier? (R) Yeah exactly. Consciousness energy directors, and the more awareness you have the more possibilities you can see to direct the energy. (JN) The less obstruction. (R) Yeah, or you can choose this... (V) You say you believe something because it's the law, but... (R) Yeah, because those are the parameters that you see, but the more awareness you have, the more you see, the more you can find, then you can know dimensions that you can escape into. You have the box, you say it's closed, we can't get out of it. But if you have more awareness, you can say "well there's some other dimension out of the box that we can use." Do I make sense?

A: You are going in the right direction...

Q:(R) Which is of course, kind of humorous since they just talked about consciousness as energy directors and we are going in the right direction. So we are directing the energy in a conscious way towards the right frequency resonance envelope. (L) I'm glad you know what you're talking about. (JN) Now don't anyone lick that envelope and seal it up! (R) Okay, well this makes sense. So the basic concept to recap is that densities are frequency resonance envelopes in the same way that the barriers in our program are barriers. We have modeled densities on a computer program. Densities are envelopes. Frequency Resonance Envelopes. You have energy bouncing back and forth and without conscious directing of that energy it's not going to utilize anything more than the paths that are kind of obvious - the default. But as soon as you start to direct that energy, you can direct it in such a way that it exceeds the envelope. (J) So think outside the envelope. (R) Exactly because you are redefining the envelope. You are finding bigger and bigger slots.

A: Prime numbers show the door.

Q:(R) It's perfect. So in the simulation, the spirals seem to always be prime numbers. We have 3, 5, 7, 11, 19 - I think we have seen at some point. (A) 2 is also prime number (laughter). (V) But not a 13? (R) I think we have seen 13. It depends on what parameters you set. I think we can find pretty much any prime number depending on the values. (A) I don't believe it. (R) He doesn't believe it. (A) No. It is a hypothesis. (R) Is the number of apparent spirals always a prime number?

A: Ark is not right on the money.

Q:(A) I am. I will show you! (B) Does that mean he's close? (R) You can't be close. Either it's prime numbers or it's not. (A) What did they say that I am not right? Right? (R) Right, exactly. (A) Okay, I will show you guys. (L) How are you going to show them? (A) We will do an experiment and we will show that it's not prime numbers. And the C's will have to recant! [laughter]. But there are many other ways in which prime number can come into this game and probably they are coming into this game and it will be very nice to find this out.

A: Find out, in deed.

Q: (L) Well that's kind of a pun, find out "in deed" - by doing. (R) We are on a very, very interesting path here because we just defined what a density is. It's a frequency resonance envelope. (A) The question is frequency of what?

A: Yes, of those in the orchestra.

Q: (L) So it is by agreement. (A) What is by agreement? (L) To be in the orchestra, frequency resonance envelope. (B) Not only to be, but to play within those parameters. (L) Who gets to pick what gets played?

A: Ah! There's the rub!

Q: (B) That means it's up for grabs. Which is why they're interested in us grounding a certain frequency resonance so STS doesn't.

A: No, you don't get to pick the selection at this level. But you in the future does. The question is: How well do you play, and can you play true if the others don't?

Q: (M) That's the second time they said that. (R) Yeah, okay, so in essence, that means what we are doing now is assembling the orchestra before the concert, and tuning the instruments. (L) Have you ever sat in the concert hall when they were getting ready, warming up? (J) It's chaos. (L) It is. (R) But after awhile it starts getting tuned. But that's what this is all about - the whole Cassiopaean Communication. Were not playing yet. We're just tuning. (L) Yeah. (JN) So if our level of consciousness creates the barriers of where this wave can go and how it behaves, can we... (R) No, No. No. Excuse me for interrupting. Our level of consciousness doesn't create the barriers, it's only aware of those barriers. It can see, okay, what are the barriers: "oh these are the barriers. I can see, okay. So here's what I get to play." But if your awareness grows, then you get to see an array of barriers. "Okay I want to play with this bigger one. I can play with the smaller ones if I want to, but I have the awareness to see other barriers that are more extensive." (L) I think that the concept that we have a hard time grasping is that - going with the analogy - the musical selection is made, more or less. We at some level - us in the future - have chosen what instrument to play, what part to play. And so, the options that we really have now are: how well we play, how loud we play, how in tune we play with others; can we practice, can we stay in tune, can we do any numbers of these things? And even if we find ourselves sitting next to some jerk who can't carry a tune, and whose instrument is all screwed up, can we still continue to play true? Because even though the rest of the orchestra, being heard from a distance, may sound quite melodic, because we are sitting next to this guy who can't play, it is possible for us to be distracted - pulled off track - and then to distract the guy on the other side of us, leading to general chaos. (R) It's about focus. (L) Yeah. I'm getting tired. (A) I have still a question, because all the discussion around this computer modeling, whether it can be helpful or should be developed, or can lead to something; and all these spirals and barriers; they are all about, it's a standard, there are no events, there are no detectors yet. My idea was that it is the detectors which make events which make the wave collapse. Until now, in all our simulations, there is no collapse and no jumps. And yet we speak about consciousness, while there is this other concept that it is consciousness that makes the wave collapse. Okay. So I see a contradiction and I don't know how to get out of this contradiction. There is no collapse, and yet there was some encouragement that what we have relates to...

A: The music is on the page long before it is played.

Q: (R) So, when the orchestra starts playing you have the musical notes, the timing instructions. Right. So it's the same music. You can play over and over again. But the difference is how well the orchestra plays and how well it is tuned. Okay, so one implication can be that...

A: The FRE is the notes on the page. It is the selection. The "playing" constitutes "events." Frequency resonant envelope: FRE.

Q: (R) So when you're starting out, you have a small orchestra, you play simple notes. (L) Kinda like 1st density. (R) Exactly. As you get better at playing you get the bigger orchestra, you get more instruments, you have to be more careful about having them in tune because otherwise... (L) And you get more notes. (R) And you get more notes. But the playing constitutes events. It's one thing to have an orchestra, it's another to have it tuned. (L) Alright, let's think about this FRE idea and this application of it and then take it back to Violette's original questions about it. FRE is emanated and maintained in concert with the environment and others... (R) Well, it is also bonded to the perception through awareness, right? (L) Okay. [V reads back from the notes] "Your awareness maintains a frequency emanation in concert with your environment. When there are fluctuations in bonding of another, the fluctuations create discontinuities." (R) So a discontinuity would be a quantum jump, for example, yes or no?

A: Yes.

Q: (R) But this requires that you have an orchestra that is well tuned. Because if you don't have it well tuned, it's not resonating so it doesn't matter if the... (V) So the orchestra's not going to make the music in 4th density. (R) Exactly. So you have the concert hall, the audience is there, you have the notes, but the orchestra is not in tune, so you get bad music. If the orchestra is not in tune, which is why it is important to...

A: Sing "Goodnight Ladies," Yes?
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